Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG

Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG

Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG


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It was highlighted that the challenges are Irregular meetings for the constituted<br />

committees, non-involvement of all stakeholders in decision making, low<br />

knowledge and awareness to important stakeholders, inadequate coordination<br />

among ministries, DNAs and other stakeholders, lack of feedback mechanism<br />

from international meetings, inadequate dissemination of information to<br />

stakeholders, inadequate human and financial resources, lack of networking and<br />

collaboration at the regional level and lack of experience in preparing and<br />

submitting import responses. In order to overcoming these challenges there is a<br />

need to publicising the convention in a simplified language, sensitization and<br />

awareness raising at all levels, create a forum for dissemination of information,<br />

identify a proper and sustainable funding mechanism, build capacity of<br />

stakeholders and enhance regional cooperation by sharing available resources.<br />

The presenter elaborated on the link between the Convention, Poverty Reduction<br />

strategy. For example an early warning system will save resources, promote<br />

sustainable agriculture and industrial production. Increase production will combat<br />

hunger, disease and poverty. He concluded that Government has a responsibility<br />

of implementing the provisions of the Convention by involving other key and<br />

proper players (well trained, informed and committed).<br />

3.2.3 Basel Convention /Bamako Conventions: Implementation Status in<br />

<strong>Tanzania</strong><br />

Mr. Issaria Mangalili – Vice President Office –Division of Environment<br />

Basel Convention is a Global Environmental Treaty and has 165 States and EU-<br />

Signatories. It was adopted (22 March 1989) and came into force (5 May 1992).<br />

<strong>Tanzania</strong> is a Party to the Convention since 1993. Several technical guidelines<br />

on management of various streams of Hazardous Waste (HZW) have been<br />

developed to assist Parties on management of HZW. Objective of the Basel<br />

Convention are to reduce trans-boundary movement of HZW, prohibit HZW<br />

shipments to countries without capacity, treat HZW at source, minimize HZW<br />

generation and assist Developing / Countries with Economies in Transition. Key<br />

issues of the Basel Convention are notification, prior consent, and duty for reimport<br />

and legal responsibility of states. General obligations are to take<br />

appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to implement the<br />

Convention, ensure management of wastes in an environmentally sound manner,<br />

meet the requirements of the notification procedure before any transboundary<br />

movement and transmit information regarding quantities of hazardous wastes<br />

produced and measures taken to implement provisions of the Convention.<br />

The presenter informed participants on the amendments of the Basel<br />

Convention, which were done in September 1995, where Parties adopted a<br />


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