Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG

Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG

Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG


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technologies; and integrated planning and improved management of<br />

urban centres.<br />

Key legislations for management of hazardous chemicals and or wastes<br />

include: - The Environmental Management Act of 2004; The Industrial and<br />

Consumer chemicals (management & control) Act 2003; The occupational<br />

health and safety Act, 2002; The Plant Protection Act 1997 and<br />

regulations of 1999; The pharmaceuticals and poisons Act of 1978 and the<br />

Petroleum exploration and production Act 1980; the Public Health<br />

Ordinance (1954); Water Act of 1974 and its amendments of 1981, 1987<br />

and 2000; the TPRI Act 1979 and its regulations of 1984; The National<br />

Industrial Licensing and Registration Act (1967), and its amendment of<br />

1982; the Mining Act (1979) and its regulation of 1988 and 1999; and the<br />

Local Government Act (1982) and its amendments of 2000. Some of these<br />

regulation and Acts have weaknesses such as narrowness in scope, low<br />

penalties and inadequate coordination. Some legislation, despite their<br />

adequacy are not adequately implemented due to inadequate institutional<br />

capacity in terms of facilities, equipment and human and financial<br />

resources. The review on some of these legislations has started.<br />

Other implemented activities are as follows:-<br />

(i) Inventory of industrial waste in Dar es Salaam<br />

In 1993 the University College of Lands and Architectural Studies<br />

(UCLAS) conducted an inventory on Industrial waste generation in<br />

Dar es Salaam city. The result of this study shows that there are<br />

about 122 industries in the city, which produce hazardous waste.<br />

These industries were estimated to produce about 4,634.1 tons per<br />

year of hazardous waste.<br />

(ii)<br />

Cleaner Production Initiatives<br />

Four initiatives have been undertaken since 1994 to promote<br />

adoption of cleaner production technologies and techniques in<br />

industries countrywide. The main activities are information<br />

dissemination, training, demonstration and assessments in various<br />

enterprises in the country. These initiatives are:-project on cleaner<br />

production (1994) by the then Ministry of Natural Resources,<br />

Tourism and Environment; the establishment of the Cleaner<br />

Production Centre of <strong>Tanzania</strong> (CPCT) in 1996 - the Centres’<br />

major role is to promote the concept of cleaner production; The<br />

Lake Victoria Environment Management Programme – cleaner<br />

production project (2000/2001) for industries in Mwanza, Mara and<br />

Kagera; and The project on Ecologically Sustainable Industrial<br />

Development by CPCT that began in 1999. To-date, about 69<br />

industries throughout the country have been sensitised regarding<br />

the cleaner production technologies and techniques.<br />


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