Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG

Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG

Tanzania Multi Stakeholder Map - WebNG


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(i) Ban amendment (1995)<br />

During its third meeting of the Conference of the Parties held in<br />

Geneva, September 1995, Parties adopted Decision III/I, which<br />

prohibit transboundary movements of hazardous wastes destined<br />

for disposal from members of OECD countries, European<br />

Communities and Liechtenstein referred as Annex VII countries to<br />

non-OECD countries. It was further decided that each Party listed<br />

under Annex VII countries shall phase out by 31 December 1997<br />

and prohibit as of that date all transboundary movements of<br />

hazardous wastes destined for operations that may lead to<br />

resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or<br />

alternative uses to non-OECD countries.<br />

(ii) Amendment of Annex I (1998)<br />

At its fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties held in<br />

Kuching-Malaysia, in February 1998 Parties adopted Decision IV/9<br />

concerning the amendment, Annex I of the Convention. Four<br />

paragraphs describing characteristics of two new adopted Annexes<br />

were added at the end of Annex I of the Convention. In addition,<br />

two new annexes were added to the Convention as its Annex VIII<br />

(list A - hazardous wastes) and Annex IX (list B - non-hazardous<br />

wastes).<br />

6.0 Basel Convention - Institutional Framework<br />

(i)<br />

Conference of the Parties (COP)<br />

The Conference of the Parties is responsible for continuous review<br />

and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the<br />

Convention.<br />

The meeting of the Conference of the Parties is held annually or<br />

every two years depending on the availability of funds to assist<br />

participation costs of developing country Parties.<br />

(ii)<br />

Subsidiary Bodies<br />

The first meeting of the Conference of the Parties established an<br />

Open Ended Ad Hoc Committee of Legal and Technical Experts to<br />

provide advice on the effective mechanisms for the implementation<br />

of the Basel Convention. Meetings of the subsidiary bodies are<br />

held twice every year.<br />

7.0 Regional Training and Technology Centre<br />


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