ASIPP Practice Guidelines - Pain Physician

ASIPP Practice Guidelines - Pain Physician

ASIPP Practice Guidelines - Pain Physician


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Manchikanti et al • <strong>ASIPP</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> <strong>Guidelines</strong><br />

73<br />

ness of percutaneous nonendoscopic adhesiolysis and hypertonic<br />

saline neurolysis was demonstrated to be $5,564,<br />

for improvement of one year of quality of life for patients<br />

with chronic low back pain nonresponsive to numerous<br />

other modalities of treatment (647). Similarly, the costeffectiveness<br />

with nonendoscopic adhesiolysis was shown<br />

to be $2,028 per year, whereas it was $7,020 with endoscopic<br />

adhesiolysis in postlumbar laminectomy patients<br />

(649).<br />

Evaluation of cost-effectiveness of lumbar facet joint nerve<br />

blocks, with or without steroids, by Manchikanti et al (481)<br />

showed that one year improvement of quality of life was<br />

achieved at $3,461. This is similar to various investigations<br />

in the past with neural blockade but also significantly<br />

better than the cost-effectiveness, either with intrathecal<br />

morphine delivery, lumbar laminectomy, or lumbar laminectomy,<br />

with or without instrumented fusion. In addition,<br />

the interpretation of the current results should be<br />

placed in the context of other surgical interventions and<br />

other modalities of treatments also. Lave et al (811) demonstrated<br />

the cost-effectiveness of medical treatment of<br />

depression management as $11,766 per year of quality<br />

adjusted life. It was also shown that a simple reduction of<br />

diastolic pressure from 110 to 90 mm of hg was achieved<br />

at a cost of $16,330 for a 60-year old man in 1974 (793).<br />

Total hip arthroplasty for osteoarthritis of the hip costs<br />

$61,000 per quality adjusted year of life gained (812).<br />

Lumbar diskectomy for the treatment of herniated intervertebral<br />

discs cost $39,500 per quality adjusted year of<br />

life gained (807, 809); coronary artery bypass grafting for<br />

patients with triple-vessel coronary disease and severe left<br />

ventricular function cost $41,800 per year quality-adjusted<br />

year of life gained (813). Hence, it appears that precision<br />

percutaneous injection therapy and other interventional<br />

techniques are cost effective if performed properly, as<br />

Table 16. Effectiveness of various commonly used interventional techniques in managing chronic pain<br />

Intervention<br />

Intra-articular facet joint<br />

injections<br />

Randomized<br />

Trials<br />

Observational<br />

Studies<br />

Effectiveness<br />

/Evidence<br />

Strength<br />

Complications<br />

/Risks<br />

Six Multiple Moderate/Limited Minimal NA<br />

Facet joint nerve blocks Four Two Moderate Minimal $3461<br />

Medical branch<br />

neurotomy<br />

Four Multiple Strong Minimal NA<br />

Caudal epidural steroids Six Multiple Strong Minimal $3635<br />

Interlaminar epidural<br />

steroids<br />

Transforaminal epidural<br />

steroids<br />

Epidural lysis of<br />

adhesions<br />

Thirteen Multiple Moderate/Limited Minimal $6024<br />

Five Multiple Strong/Moderate Minimal $2927<br />

Cost per<br />

One Year of<br />

Qualityof Life<br />

One Three Moderate Minimal $2080 TO<br />

$5564<br />

Spinal endoscopy None Three Limited Minimal $7020 TO<br />

$8127<br />

Intradiscal electrothermal<br />

annuloplasty<br />

One Multiple Moderate Minimal NA<br />

Spinal cord stimulation Three Multiple Moderate Significant NA<br />

Intrathecal pumps None Multiple Moderate Minimal $16,579<br />

Sympathetic blocks None Multiple Limited Minimal NA<br />

Trigger point injections Seven Multiple Moderate/Limited Minimal NA<br />

NA= not available<br />

<strong>Pain</strong> <strong>Physician</strong> Vol. 4, No. 1, 2001

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