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<strong>Parents</strong><br />

Your Child Could Be On Our Cover! P.71<br />

Autism:<br />

The Story<br />

behind<br />

raising an<br />

autistic<br />

child<br />

Toddler<br />

discipline<br />

that<br />

works<br />

(really!)<br />



no nagging, no<br />

bribing, no kidding<br />

Easy ways to<br />

Go Green<br />

and save $$

The story of a mother raising an autistic child<br />

By:Sofia Alejo<br />

M yrna sat in the<br />

doctor's office next to her husband,<br />

waiting for the doctor to<br />

come in with some type of explanation<br />

as to what was going on<br />

with her youngest child, Jose. She<br />

breathed heavily while counting<br />

every individual stitch on the maroon<br />

chair that supported her<br />

heavy soul. She sat there thinking<br />

about all of the other mothers<br />

who sat in that chair, wondering<br />

if they felt as ill as she did at that<br />

very moment. She wondered if all<br />

the other mothers felt their chest<br />

slowly tighten, being compressed<br />

by worry and fear. Her only son,<br />

her little baby, her newest joy--<br />

there was something wrong with<br />

him and she knew it. Myrna, who<br />

also happens to be my mother,<br />

has never been the type of person<br />

to give up easily. My mom is<br />

a warrior. Time and again she's<br />

had to deal with many difficult<br />

battles, specifically raising my<br />

brother, but she’s made it. She’s

come out wounded, but alive.It<br />

was in 2004 when Myrna received<br />

the news that her two<br />

year old son was autistic (Alejo).<br />

Autism is a developmental disorder<br />

that is characterized by social<br />

interaction and communication<br />

deficiencies, and restricted<br />

and repetitive behavior patterns<br />

(Ekas and Whitman 1). It is considered<br />

by many to be the most<br />

severe childhood behavioral disorder<br />

with the most complex developmental<br />

pattern (Altiere and<br />

Von Kluge 1). Doctors, along<br />

with internet findings, bombarded<br />

her with devastating predicaments<br />

of what her future as a<br />

mother raising an autistic child<br />

would hold. She was told that<br />

her and her husband’s relationships<br />

with friends and family<br />

would suffer due to the nature of<br />

their child’s disorder. Their social<br />

life would be restricted in order<br />

to cater their child’s needs. They<br />

even told her that in some cases<br />

parents could eventually be<br />

stuck in a vicious cycle, as the<br />

more severe the symptoms of a<br />

child’s autism, the more stress is<br />

placed on a parent (Glazzard<br />

and Overall 3). Myrna was completely<br />

taken aback with all of<br />

this newly discovered information.<br />

She tried lying to herself<br />

saying that everything would be<br />

okay, but she knew it wouldn’t.<br />

Her son’s life would not be okay<br />

and neither would hers. She felt<br />

like her world was crumbling at<br />

her feet. And all she could think<br />

about out was the hell that her<br />

baby boy would have to go<br />

through (Alejo).

Over the course of the next<br />

few years I saw my family hang<br />

on by a thread. My brother’s diagnosis<br />

did not only change his<br />

life, but changed the lives of the<br />

ones who loved him as well. Every<br />

day was a challenge for my family<br />

that we surely did not embrace.<br />

Going out with my brother<br />

was a dreaded nightmare accompanied<br />

by the intense judgment<br />

of strangers. Whether it<br />

would be to go out to eat or<br />

simply go grocery shopping, we<br />

knew it would be a struggle. Extreme<br />

meltdowns in the middle of<br />

the aisles or loud screams and<br />

sobs at the restaurants along with<br />

dirty looks from others were all we<br />

could ever expect. I could see<br />

my dad’s genuine smile slowly<br />

deteriorate day by day. There<br />

were countless nights where I<br />

heard my mom’s almost silent<br />

sobs through her cracked bedroom<br />

door. My mom, the one<br />

person that always held her head<br />

up high letting nothing stand in<br />

her way, was slowly being consumed.<br />

All the strength I had ever<br />

seen in her was fading away. At<br />

first it seemed like we had lost my<br />

brother, like he would be stuck in<br />

his own little world forever. But<br />

soon I realized that it was my par-

ents who were the ones that<br />

were no longer with me. I had lost<br />

them, my brother and any ounce<br />

of joy that used to fill our home.<br />

Even if Jose was given the best<br />

treatments by experts every single<br />

hour of the day, it would still be difficult.<br />

It would always be difficult<br />

because here was a boy who<br />

would have to depend 100% on<br />

someone else for the rest of his life<br />

(Alejo).<br />

The functioning of a family<br />

with a special needs child is subject<br />

to the biggest change social<br />

and somatic areas (Ślifirczyk et al.<br />

8). Myrna’s life along with the lives<br />

of her husband and children had<br />

changed drastically. But once she<br />

was thoroughly aware of everything<br />

having to do with her son’s<br />

condition she decided to get her<br />

family back to normal and started<br />

getting in action (Alejo). Positive<br />

emotions can act as a buffer to<br />

psychological stress and can help<br />

individuals find positive meaning in<br />

stressful situations (Kayfitz et al. 1).<br />

Myrna took that into consideration<br />

and started seeing her son’s disorder<br />

not as a bad thing, but as<br />

something that would strengthen<br />

and motivate her to become a<br />

better mother. Along with her newly<br />

found positive attitude, Myrna<br />

like many mothers in her position<br />

went to go seek help from professionals.<br />

Every person that she met<br />

along the way was kind and bighearted.<br />

Every single doctor,<br />

speech therapist and teacher<br />

helped Jose ultimately better his<br />

life (Alejo). Not only was professional<br />

help important in coping with Jose’s<br />

disorder, but family support<br />

was a key element as well.<br />

“Support is key, especially family<br />

support. That is number<br />

one” (Alejo).

“Despite the hardships that may<br />

be experienced raising a child<br />

with autism, families survive”<br />

(Altiere and Von Kluge 1).<br />

And indeed my family survived.<br />

Once again I finally saw the<br />

strongest woman I have ever<br />

known turn back into a warrior. “It<br />

may seem overwhelming and<br />

many times it will be, but you cannot<br />

get scared. Yes it is an emotionally<br />

bombarding diagnosis,<br />

but you cannot let it scare<br />

you” (Alejo). The first thing a mother<br />

does when receiving her child’s<br />

diagnosis is look up autism on the<br />

internet. The videos, articles and<br />

images that first appear are of<br />

quite possibly the strongest most<br />

severe cases out there. But in reality<br />

every child with autism, every<br />

single one, is different (Alejo).<br />

There are many parents with autistic<br />

children, but all of their expe-

iences raising their children are<br />

very different from<br />

one another (Glazzard and Overall<br />

1). Every autistic child might<br />

have similar characteristics but<br />

they are all different so there are<br />

many different methods, in which<br />

they can learn, from a very common<br />

method to a very specific<br />

one. With long hours of work every<br />

day, it is very much possible to<br />

give an autistic child the opportunity<br />

to move forward in their<br />

lives (Alejo). With the support of<br />

health professionals, family members<br />

and most importantly a positive<br />

attitude, raising a child with<br />

autism and providing them a<br />

better future is something that<br />

can surely be attained. My family<br />

is living proof that no disease or<br />

disorder is strong enough to<br />

break a family apart. A disorder<br />

like this can pull and tug but will<br />

never be able to destroy something<br />

as strong as a family bond.<br />

It has not been an easy journey<br />

and I highly doubt that my brother<br />

will ever be 100% cured, but<br />

we are fighting through it. We<br />

are fighting for a better life for<br />

him and we are getting there.

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