" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s


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CKB Collaborative Knowledge Base (see KM, CBK and more)<br />

CKI Center for Knowledge Interchange (Siemens)<br />

CKM Certified Knowledge Manager (see KMCB)<br />

CKMI Contextualized KM Implementation (after a situational analysis)<br />

CKML Conceptual Knowledge Markup Language (see KM)<br />

CKMs Community Knowledge Managers (see CoPs)<br />

CKNs Collaborative Knowledge Networks (Deloitte discussion about <strong>the</strong> CoPs, see also KVC)<br />

CKO Chief Knowledge Officer (see KM)(see also CEO, CHCO, COO, CFO, CIO, ITO, CLO, CTO, CVO, …)<br />

CKSE Certified Knowledge System Engineer (focus on <strong>the</strong> needed techniques and tools for conducting<br />

a <strong>knowledge</strong> econometric analysis and design)(see KM and more)<br />

CKW Collective Knowledge Work (see CI, KM, OSINT)<br />

CL Computational Linguistic (see AI, TID)<br />

CLA Collaborative Leadership Archetypes (oracle.com/us/corporate/profit/opinion/021611-mbaghai-321118.html)<br />

CLC Customer Life Cycle (see DLC, ELC, KLC, PLC, SDLC, SLC, VLC, …)(metrics). Critical aspect: loyalty<br />

CLCF CLC Funnel<br />

CLCM Customer Life Cycle Management (see CLC, LC, LCM, and more)<br />

CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration (JAVA ME popular configuration type)(see CDC)<br />

CLE Collaborative Learning Environment (see ALN, CBCL, …)<br />

cleantech more efficient alternative energy with less environmental impact: power distribution, renewed electricity storage, …<br />

CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (see ILEC)<br />

CLFS Community LFS (EC)<br />

CLI Call Level Interface (see SQL)<br />

CLI Command Line Interface<br />

clickbait attractive vague article title or link name to invite <strong>the</strong> surfer to click for knowing more or <strong>the</strong> exact content (see link bait )<br />

clickjacking click destination embezzlement (see clickbait )<br />

click & mortar Enterprises that are developping <strong>the</strong>mselves on WEB-based activities (see Brick & mortar )<br />

click fraud abuse of clicks on ads to generate higher income and deplete <strong>the</strong> competitor budget<br />

click stream tracking analysis of <strong>the</strong> surfer's clicks path<br />

CLIOS Complex Large-scale Integrated Open System<br />

CLIP Calling Line Identity Presentation (service) (see ISDN)<br />

CLIPS C Language Integrated Production System<br />

CLIR Calling Line Identity Restriction (service) (see ISDN)<br />

CLIST Command LIST<br />

CLM Council of Logistic Management<br />

CLO Chief Logistic Officer (see CEO, CIO, CISO, CKO, CMO, COO, CPO, CTO, CVO, …)<br />

cloaking spamming technique (see Spam )<br />

CLOs Collateralized Loan Obligations<br />

CLOS Common Lisp Object System<br />

CLOUD Cosmics Leaving Outdoor Droplets: a CERN study ("natural clouds" origin)<br />

cloud see cloud computing and mobile clouding<br />

cloud a cloud business site … http://www.businesscloud9.com/<br />

cloud2 toward openess , nomadism and social networks .<br />

cloud computing we are all nodes in <strong>the</strong> Internet "cloud" (see GESC, social software , TCC, WEB2.0, …)<br />

clouding see cloud computing and mobile clouding<br />

cloud OS Microsoft cloud computing or Cloud Operating System<br />

CLR Common Language Runtime (relates to a Microsoft platform)(see GAC)<br />

CLRs Certificate Revocation Lists (see DCP)<br />

CLT Computational Learning Theory.<br />

Cl.to (Fr) Classe de tolérance<br />

CLT(R) Cross-Language Text (Retrieval)<br />

cluetrain Manifesto (The) "markets are conversations" (Locke)(http://www.cluetrain.com/)<br />

CluSIB (Fr) Club de la Sécurité Informatique Belge<br />

CluSIF (Fr) Club de la Sécurité Informatique Française<br />

cluster group of servers and resources utilized as a single system for higher output<br />

cluster computing coordinated parallel processing as from many computers (see grid computing )<br />

Free clustering SW : BOINC, OSCAR<br />

CM Change Management (FBWPA : www.fbc-e.com)(see CAB, ECM, OCM)<br />

CM Cash Management (SAP module w/i FI)<br />

CM Credit Management<br />

CM Community Management / Manager (see CMS, OCM, OLCM)<br />

DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Page 32 FBC>s / Dan C. Renson 11/10/2012

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