" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s


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911 USA emergency phone number<br />

1st first<br />

2nd second Feel free to copy and distribute this "computer-babble<br />

3d third translator" provided that it is distributed only in its<br />

4th fourth original and unmodified state with our name, address,<br />

5th fifth phone, fax and email. No charge for doing it. Anyone<br />

6th sixth willing to charge a fee for <strong>the</strong> distribution of our<br />

7th seventh "translator" must have our written permission. Without<br />

8th eighth which <strong>the</strong> distributor is guilty of a copyright violation.<br />

9th ninth<br />

10th tenth<br />

0G public mobile phone start (Finland, 1971)<br />

1G automatic hand over between cells<br />

2G 2nd Generation (see GSM)<br />

2,5G 2,5nd Generation (see GPRS) Don't publish it on ano<strong>the</strong>r site as it won't be updated !<br />

2,75G 2,75nd Generation (see EDGE) Simply use <strong>the</strong> Internet link !<br />

3G 3d Generation (see IMT2000, UMTS)<br />

3G+ 3d Generation+ (see 3,5G)<br />

3G++ 3d Generation++ (see 3,75G)<br />

3,5G 3,5nd Generation (see HSDPA)<br />

3,75G 3,75nd Generation (see HSUPA)<br />

3G.IP 3G Internet Provider (mobility)<br />

3G3P 3G Patents Platform Partnership<br />

3GPP 3d Generation Partnership Projet for mobile (see PM, PMI, PMO)<br />

3,9G 3,9 Generation (see LTE: not fully complying with <strong>the</strong> IMT Advanced 4G requirements)<br />

4G 4th Generation (LTE Advanced)<br />

1GL 1st Generation Language (machine instructions)<br />

2GL 2nd Generation (see GSM)<br />

3GL 3d Generation Language (C/C++, Fortran, Cobol)<br />

4GL 4th Generation Language (Ex / i.e.: ABAP, SQL)<br />

5GL 5th Generation Language<br />

6GL 6th Generation Language<br />

10BaseT E<strong>the</strong>rnet spec handling up to 10Mo/sec<br />

100BaseT E<strong>the</strong>rnet spec handling up to 100Mo/sec<br />

2DEG Two-Dimensional Electron Gas<br />

2K display resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels<br />

4K display resolution of 4096 x 2160 pixels<br />

2D+Z 2 Dimensions + Z format : SVC format utilized for 3D displays<br />

2,5D 2 Dimensions + added perspective thanks to an oblique projection or rendering (see axonometric , GVIS)<br />

3D 3 Dimensions (see D3D, 4D, 5D, Game (s), Gaming )<br />

3D AR 3 Dimensions AR<br />

4D 4 Dimensions (3D + Time : JIT, Real-Time, Change / CM, Ba , STU, TTx… see also 5D)<br />

4D movie 3D + sensorial effects: audio environment, odors, perfumes, smokes, vibrations …<br />

5D 5 Dimensions (see FBC solutions for more concern about activities & business cases, STF, STU)<br />

5th battle ground <strong>the</strong> Internet (after <strong>the</strong> earth, sea, air and space)(see security related acronyms and terms)<br />

3Dfx 3D special effects<br />

3D GA 3D Geometric Algebra (see 3D LA, 4 and 5D GA and LA do exist)<br />

3D isometric Zaxxon of Sega, 1982<br />

3DO 3-Dimensional Optics (T. Hawkins)(see TOF, TriDiCam , …)<br />

3D LA 3D Linear Algebra (see 3D GA)<br />

3DLC 3D Load Configuration: consideration of <strong>the</strong> shipment splitting, temperature, o<strong>the</strong>r handling requirements<br />

3DLCP 3DLC Planning (see c-SCM, SCM, SCEM, SVC, value , …)<br />

3DLE 3D Learning Environment. Contextualization is critical.<br />

3IMP3DS intelligent interactive immersive multi-platform 3D solutions: FBC solution for more communication & ROI<br />

3DPA 3D Positional Audio<br />

3D printing process of joining materials (i.e. polymer or metal) toge<strong>the</strong>r, layer by layer, to produce 3D objects<br />

3DS 3D Studio (format), Nintendo portable game console<br />

3DSN 3D Social Network (see social network )<br />

3D-TV seeing TV in Three Dimensions (sometimes spelled 3-D TV)(see TOF, TriDiCam , …)<br />

3D-VA 3D Viewing Angle<br />

DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Page 2 FBC>s / Dan C. Renson 11/10/2012

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