" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s


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VBI Vertical Blanking Interval<br />

VBM Value Based Management (see VCM)<br />

VBP Visual Basic Project<br />

VBR Variable Bit Rate (see ABR, CBR)<br />

VBR Vouch By Reference (see DKIM)<br />

VC Value Chain : value is made in <strong>the</strong> supply chain (see c-SCM, SCEM, SCM, VCI and KVC)<br />

VC Venture Capital (see seed money )<br />

VC Virtual Camera<br />

VC Virtual Circuit<br />

VC Virtual Community (see VO)<br />

VC Volunteer Computing (see Grid Computing )<br />

vCard or Versitcard, electronic biz card file format. Sometimes called virtual Card (see hCard, Versit)<br />

VCC Virtual Customer Card<br />

VCC Voice Call Continuity: IMS 3GPP for mobility<br />

VCE Versatile Calendar Extension<br />

*.vce Versatile Calendar Extension (file)<br />

VCI Value Chain Innovation (WEB/WEB2.0 is changing SCM, SCEM and c-SCM)<br />

VCI Venture Capital Investment (see VC)<br />

VCI Virtual Channel Identifier<br />

VCL Visual Library Component<br />

VCM Value Chain Management (see KVC, ROV, SCM, VCI, VCS, VBM)<br />

VCS Value Chain System (see ROV, SCEM, SCM, VCM)<br />

VD Virtual Desktop<br />

VDC Virtual Desktop Computing (see VDI)<br />

VDE Virtual Desktop Environment<br />

VDD Virtual Disk Drive (see DD)<br />

VDEX Vocabulary Definition Exchange. Exchange grammar for lists of terms, values to understand <strong>the</strong>ir meaning & applicability<br />

VDI Virtual Device Interface (see EDV)<br />

VDM Virtual Device Metafile<br />

VDP Voluntary Disclosure Program: a WB program to fight fraud and corruption in Bank operations<br />

VDSL Very high bit-rate DSL<br />

VDSL2 Speed up to 100 Mb/s (full-duplex), distance up to 3500 m in between <strong>the</strong> user and <strong>the</strong> DSLAM<br />

VDT Video Display Terminal<br />

VDT Visual Display Terminal<br />

VDU Visual Display Unit<br />

*.vdx Visio XML files (see *.vsd)<br />

VE Virtual(ized) Environment (see HDE, VR)<br />

VE Virtual Extension<br />

vector phenomenon having 2 independent properties: magnitude and direction<br />

Veep VIP (US familiar way of saying)<br />

veiled Web designates sophisticated attacks exploiting files vulnerabilities to incorporate hidden contents<br />

vendor lock-in depending on only one vendor<br />

VEP Virtual European Parliament<br />

VER VERsion (DOS command)<br />

VERA Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (http://sunsite.ualberta.ca)<br />

Versit multivendor consortium (Apple Computer, AT&T, IBM, Siemens in 1990s) for PDI technology (see vCard)<br />

VESA Video Electronics Standards Association<br />

VESDA Very Early Smoke Detection Alarm (security)<br />

VET Vocational Education and Training<br />

vexillology <strong>the</strong> study of flags (see FOTW)<br />

VF Virtual Field<br />

V(F)D Virtual (Field) Device (see EDV)<br />

*.vfd virtual floppy disk (file)<br />

*.vhd virtual hard disk (file)<br />

VFM Value For <strong>the</strong> Money<br />

VGA Video Graphics Array (screen specs)<br />

VHDL VHSIC Hardware Description Language<br />

VHDs Virtual Hard Disks<br />

VHF Very High Frequency (see VLF)<br />

VHMI Vocal Human Machine Interface (see HMI, UI, GUI, ...)<br />

DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Page 155 FBC>s / Dan C. Renson 11/10/2012

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