" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s

" Who controls the vocabulary , controls the knowledge " - FBC>s


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SCNP Security Certified NW Professional<br />

SCO Server Code Object (related to storing procedures)<br />

SCO Synchronous Connection Oriented<br />

SCOPE (SAP) Supply-Chain Optimization, Planning & Execution<br />

SCOR Supply-Chain Operations Reference (see SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN, ...)<br />

SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model<br />

SCOUT Secure Communicating Optical Ultra-small Transponder<br />

SCP Social Collaboration Power<br />

SCP Supply Chain Planning (with SAP APO)(see also SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN)<br />

SCPI Supply Chain Planning Interface<br />

SCPM Supply Chain Performance Management (see SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN, …)<br />

SCPT SCP Tool(s)<br />

SCQM Supply Chain Quality Management (see SC, SCEM, SCM, SCN, …)<br />

SCR Solvency Capital Requirement (see MCR)<br />

SCRAMNet Shared Common RAM Network<br />

Scrap percentage of a rejected material which does not meet quality requirements<br />

Screaming cell phone phone emitting a screaming noise when lost or stolen (see kill switch )<br />

SCRM Social CRM: convergence of social networks and CRM<br />

SCRUM process used in agile SW development (www.scrum.org/, www.scrumalliance.org/)<br />

SCSI Small Computer System Interface (see SAS, iSCSI)<br />

SCT Source Code Tree (see CVS)<br />

SCTP Stream Control Transmission Protocol (transport layer)<br />

SD Sales & Distribution (SAP R/3 Business Application Areas)<br />

SD Secure Digital (card)<br />

SD Send Data (Net)<br />

SD Super Density laserdisc from Toshiba / Time Warner (see also CD, DVD, HDCD, MMCD, SD)<br />

SDA Static Data Au<strong>the</strong>ntification (see DDA)<br />

SDA Sex Descrimination Act (1984) (see HREOC)<br />

SD-BIL Sales & Distribution - Billing / Facturation (invoicing process w/i SD)<br />

SDC Service Delivery Control / Controller<br />

SD-CAS Sales & Distribution - Computer Aided Selling<br />

SDF Standard Delay File (format)<br />

SDF Sub Distribution Frame<br />

SD-FT Sales & Distribution - Foreign Trade (R/3 Business Application Areas)<br />

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (see DWDM, ONE, SON, SONET, TDM, WDM)<br />

SD-IS Sales and Distribution - Information System (SAP R/3 Business Application Areas)<br />

SDK SW Development Kit<br />

SDLC Software Development LC (see also ELC, SLC, …)<br />

SDLC System Development LC (see also CLC, PLC, …)<br />

SD-MD Sales & Distribution - Master Data (R/3 Business Application Areas)<br />

SDMX Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange: Eurostat activities (see ESS)<br />

SDN Software Defined Networking (see OF)<br />

SDO Solar Dynamic Observatory<br />

SDR Strategy for Disaster Reduction<br />

SDRAM Synchronous DRAM<br />

SD-SHP Sales & Distribution - Shipping (SAP R/3 Business Application Areas)<br />

SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (see ADSL)<br />

SD-SLS Sales & Distribution - Sales (SAP R/3 Business Application Areas)<br />

SDU System Development Unit<br />

SDX Storage Data Acceleration<br />

SE Search Engine (see SEO, SEOP)<br />

SE Second Edition (see LE)<br />

SE SECURITY Evangelist<br />

SE Small Enterprise (see SME, SMI, TPE, TPI)<br />

S&E Science and Engineering (see R&D, S&T, …)<br />

*.sea self extracting archives (compressed files)<br />

SEA Search Engine Advertising (see PFL, SEM)<br />

SEAL SEa, Air, Land (US Navy special force)<br />

SEAL Semantics-directed Environment Adaptation Language<br />

SEAL Simulated Evolution And Learning (Singapore, November 2002)<br />

DB address res_acro_d001_e.pdf Page 135 FBC>s / Dan C. Renson 11/10/2012

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