Printable Test Catalog - OU Medicine

Printable Test Catalog - OU Medicine

Printable Test Catalog - OU Medicine


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METHODOLOGY: Fluorescent antibody (FA)<br />

CLINICAL USE: Rapid identification of Influenza virus<br />

CPT: 87275; 87252<br />



Nasopharyngeal wash+NP instructions:<br />

1. Draw up 1-2 mL of sterile saline into a 3-5 mL syringe.<br />

2. Remove the needle from the syringe and put on a butterfly<br />

with a large tubing. Cut the tubing to a length of 2-3".<br />

3. Place the tubing in the nasopharyngeal passage. Inject the<br />

saline rapidly and draw back rapidly.<br />

4. Inject saline and nasal material into the viral transport<br />

medium. (If viral transport medium is not available, the NP<br />

wash may be added to 1.O mL of trypticase soy broth or<br />

sterile saline.)<br />

5. After or before doing the wash, use a Dacron NP swab to do a<br />

good epithelial cell scraping of the nasopharyngeal area.<br />

Place and cut or break the swab into the same vial as the<br />

wash. (Immunofluorescent testing is done on the epithelial<br />

cells. The combination of both the wash and nasopharyngeal<br />

scraping are essential to obtain enough cells to perform<br />

the test.)<br />

Alternate NP collection instructions:<br />

1. Insert a type 1 (NP) dacron tipped, aluminum-shafted swab<br />

into nasopharyngeal passage for 1 minute.<br />

2. Immediately following the removal of the swab roll the<br />

swab onto the center of a glass slide. Keep the area<br />

confined to the size of a dime. Do not leave any large<br />

clumps of mucous; spread the specimen out evenly over the<br />

dime size area. (This will make a maximum of 2 slides).<br />

Send to the lab immediately in glass slide holders<br />

3. Repeat step 1 and cut or break the swab into viral transport<br />

medium or have the patient gargle 3 mL of sterile saline for<br />

10 seconds; expell the gargle into a sterile container.<br />

This is for a viral culture if the slide collection is poor<br />

or if the FA is negative. The culture is not performed if<br />

the FA or EIA is positive.<br />

The aspirate can be put in viral transport medium and used for<br />

culture backup. Culture backup for adults requires a throat swab<br />

or gargle placed in viral transport medium. If FA is positive<br />

the culture is not performed. Select any 2 viruses to be tested<br />

for, RSV, Parainfluenza virus, Influenza A/B, Adenovirus.<br />

Influenza A and B can be tested for separately or pooled.<br />

Draw up 1-2 mL sterile saline into a 3-5 mL syringe. Atatch 2<br />

inches of 18-20 gauge tubing to syringe tip. Insert tube end<br />

into nostril. Quickly instill saline into nostril. Aspirate<br />

the recoverable nasal specimen. Inject nasal specimen from<br />

syringe into viral transport media tube. Refrigerate following<br />

collection and during transport.<br />

NP swab: Collect with rayon or Dacron wire swab; place swab into

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