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yon et al., 1982; Lanyon, 1987; Thomason, 1995; and references<br />

therein). Once again, the transduction mechanism by<br />

which functional strains are converted into adaptive remodeling<br />

is enigmatic, but the phenomenon is real.<br />

The final corollary <strong>of</strong> the epithelial hypothesis is that there<br />

is a "struggle" between the conflicting tendencies <strong>of</strong> pneumatization<br />

and bone deposition. Five quite different examples will<br />

be presented here to support this claim. (1) The mere fact that<br />

pneumatic cavities are usually supported by bony struts and<br />

buttresses tends to support this notion <strong>of</strong> a compromise between<br />

pneumatization and biomechanical demands. Furthermore, the<br />

position <strong>of</strong> the struts are non-random and <strong>of</strong>ten correspond to<br />

the locations <strong>of</strong> high stress. For example, in Alligator mississippiensis,<br />

the caviconchal and postvestibular sinuses pneumatize<br />

most <strong>of</strong> the snout (see Witmer, 1995b), but the two sinuses<br />

usually remain separated by a bony strut (Fig. 15B) that is situated<br />

directly opposite the largest maxillary tooth, which is<br />

presumably a site <strong>of</strong> high bite loads. (2) An interesting example<br />

<strong>of</strong> these conflicting tendencies may be seen in cases where an<br />

epithelial air sac is closed <strong>of</strong>f from the main air-filled chamber.<br />

For example, chronic otitis media in humans leading to obstruction<br />

<strong>of</strong> the auditory tube results in the paratympanic air sacs<br />

losing communication with the pharynx; in the absence <strong>of</strong> a<br />

patent sinus ostium, new bone formation increases and fills the<br />

cavity (Tos et al., 1984). The same findings (i.e., new bone<br />

filling in a pneumatic cavity upon closure <strong>of</strong> its ostium) result<br />

from experimental studies <strong>of</strong> auditory tuba1 occlusion in rats<br />

(Kuijpers et al, 1979) and pneumatic foramen closure in chicken<br />

humeri (Ojala, 1957). Likewise, clinical studies <strong>of</strong> humans<br />

(e.g., Proctor and Naclerio, 1996; Batsakis and El-Naggar,<br />

1996) have repeatedly shown that a normally functioning mucosa<br />

and patent sinus ostium are necessary for normal sinus<br />

growth. Although these situations represent pathological cases,<br />

they show that nonpathological epithelial air sacs are competent<br />

to maintain the cavity and keep new bone formation at bay. (3)<br />

As discussed above, the skull ro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> most birds are pneumatized<br />

by paratympanic diverticula and produced into a multistoried<br />

lattice. Chapin (1949:691) noted, however, that the<br />

skull ro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> woodpeckers (Picidae) "is composed <strong>of</strong> a single<br />

layer <strong>of</strong> bone, thicker and stiffer than that" <strong>of</strong> most other birds.<br />

He attributed this (p. 691) to "direct adaptation to their hammering<br />

and the use <strong>of</strong> the beak as a chisel." This reasoning<br />

seems sound. In a sense, the mechanical rigors <strong>of</strong> repeated axial<br />

loading <strong>of</strong> the skull have apomorphically tipped the balance<br />

toward bone deposition and away from pneumatization (nonpicid<br />

piciforms retain the pneumatic skull ro<strong>of</strong>s). (4) In another<br />

avian example, Strasser (1877), Miiller (1908), and subsequent<br />

authors noted that the position <strong>of</strong> the pneumatic foramina on<br />

avian postcranial long bones is non-random, and the pulmonary<br />

diverticula pneumatize the bones only at locations under relatively<br />

little biomechanical stress. (5) Finally, Sicher (1952) and<br />

DuBrul (1988) noted that in elderly humans that have lost their<br />

teeth, the paranasal sinuses greatly expand, crossing sutural<br />

boundaries into adjacent bones, and reducing the facial bones<br />

to thin shells. Having lost their teeth, the skulls <strong>of</strong> these individuals<br />

are no longer subjected to the repetitive masticatory<br />

stresses that require substantial cross-sectional area <strong>of</strong> bone. As<br />

a result, the sinuses expand in a relatively unconstrained manner.<br />

In summary, the epithelial hypothesis for pneumatic function<br />

is supported by a considerable amount <strong>of</strong> data, and can explain<br />

quite disparate findings. It is a testable hypothesis, as are all <strong>of</strong><br />

its corollary hypotheses. Questions remain about the details <strong>of</strong><br />

the mechanisms <strong>of</strong> pneumatization and bone strain transduction,<br />

but these do not compromise the applicability <strong>of</strong> the hypothesis<br />

or falsify it.<br />

Trends in the Evolution <strong>of</strong> the Facial Skeleton<br />

What does this "new perspective" on the function <strong>of</strong> pneumaticity<br />

tell us about archosaurs? Can it provide any insight<br />

into the observed patterns <strong>of</strong> morphological evolution? What<br />

role, if any, does this antorbital air sac play in the evolution <strong>of</strong><br />

the facial skeleton in various clades <strong>of</strong> archosaurs? This section<br />

will briefly examine trends in three groups <strong>of</strong> archosaurs+rocodylomorphs,<br />

ornithopod ornithischian dinosaurs, and theropod<br />

saurischian dinosaurs. These three clades were selected because<br />

they each show fairly clear evolutionary trends in the<br />

anatomy <strong>of</strong> the antorbital cavity: namely, a reduction in the size<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cavity and a tendency for closure <strong>of</strong> the external antorbital<br />

fenestra in crocodylomorphs and ornithopods; and expansion<br />

<strong>of</strong> the cavity with the development <strong>of</strong> pneumatic accessory<br />

cavities in theropods (Witmer, 1992b). In some cases, there are<br />

concurrent trends in other anatomical systems that impact on<br />

the interpretation <strong>of</strong> the antorbital cavity. The intent is to document<br />

the broad phylogenetic changes in the antorbital cavity<br />

in each clade, compare these changes with modifications in other<br />

anatomical systems, and evaluate these data in light <strong>of</strong> the<br />

epithelial hypothesis for pneumatic function. Thus, examination<br />

<strong>of</strong> these trends is a sort <strong>of</strong> test <strong>of</strong> the epithelial hypothesis, albeit<br />

one <strong>of</strong> plausibility and consistency.<br />

It is understood that "evolutionary trend" is a term and concept<br />

loaded with considerable (and formidable) intellectual baggage<br />

(Nitecki, 1988; Gould, 1988, 1990). Actually, the causal<br />

basis <strong>of</strong> the trends is not the focus here (although it is occasionally<br />

too difficult to resist the temptation <strong>of</strong> causal explanation).<br />

Rather, the patterns themselves are <strong>of</strong> interest for these<br />

allow an evaluation <strong>of</strong> the functional question with fewer assumptions<br />

about the action (or non-action) <strong>of</strong> natural selection.<br />

Strictly speaking, the trends examined here are not <strong>of</strong> the conventional<br />

"change-through-time" variety that dominate the literature<br />

(e.g., papers in McNamara, 1990). They are phylogenetic<br />

trends. The goal simply is have a sense <strong>of</strong> the historical<br />

pattern <strong>of</strong> acquisition <strong>of</strong> the features <strong>of</strong> interest. Detailed resolution<br />

is not sought here, and only a handful <strong>of</strong> taxa will serve<br />

to illustrate each trend. The broad outlines <strong>of</strong> the trends will be<br />

sufficient to examine the role <strong>of</strong> the antorbital cavity and air<br />

sinus in facial evolution.<br />

Crocodylomorpha-The primitive archosaurian condition<br />

for the antorbital cavity, as described earlier, is to have a relatively<br />

large cavity excavating an antorbital fossa on the maxilla<br />

and lacrimal, no pneumatic accessory cavities, and large internal<br />

and external antorbital fenestrae. Extant crocodilians, <strong>of</strong><br />

course, have closed their external antorbital fenestrae, and thus<br />

have markedly diverged from the primitive condition. At the<br />

risk <strong>of</strong> constructing an arbitrary "anagenetic highway" (Gould,<br />

1990:7), the basic outline <strong>of</strong> the trend is as follows (Fig. 37).<br />

Basal crocodylomorphs such as the basal sphenosuchians Terrestrisuchus<br />

gracilis, Saltoposuchus connectens, and Pseudhesperosuchus<br />

jachaleri can be scored as having essentially the<br />

primitive condition. In derived sphenosuchians such as Dibothrosuchus<br />

elaphros, Sphenosuchus acutus, and the Kayenta<br />

sphenosuchian, the antorbital cavity is smaller, the fossa occupies<br />

less <strong>of</strong> the maxilla, and the internal fenestra is more caudally<br />

placed. Protosuchians (basal crocodyliforms) show a similar<br />

reduction in the antorbital cavity and the external antorbital<br />

fenestra. Ignoring thalattosuchians for the moment, basal metasuchians<br />

such as Uruguaysuchus aznarezi and Araripesuchus<br />

gomesii continue the reduction and enclosure <strong>of</strong> the cavity, but<br />

to a relatively minor extent. At the level <strong>of</strong> Neosuchia (e.g.,<br />

Theriosuchus pusillus and Alligator mississippiensis), the external<br />

antorbital fenestra is closed or extremely small and the<br />

antorbital cavity is completely internalized. Thus, the trend is<br />

for the antorbital cavity to become reduced and restricted to the<br />

caudal portion <strong>of</strong> the snout and the external antorbital fenestra

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