Teodor Huzij DO FACN

Teodor Huzij DO FACN

Teodor Huzij DO FACN


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Mood Disorders<br />

and OMM<br />

<strong>Teodor</strong> <strong>Huzij</strong> <strong>DO</strong> <strong>FACN</strong><br />

Medical Director, Trinity Institute<br />


Objectives<br />

1. Review literature for manual medicine<br />

and mood disorders<br />

2. Review Anatomy and Physiology related<br />

to current evidence for mood disorders<br />

3. Discuss proposed osteopathic<br />

manipulative medicine (OMM) interventions<br />

based on objectives 1 and 2.<br />


Outline<br />

Literature Review: Manual medicine & Mood<br />

Anatomy/Physiology Review: Mood related<br />

Proposed OMM for Mood Disorders<br />


Literature Review:<br />

Manual Medicine<br />


Overall<br />

Search terms included: “depression”, “major<br />

depressive disorder”, “dysthymic disorder”,<br />

“dysthymia”, “bipolar”, “manic depression”,<br />

“mood disorder”, “manual medicine”,<br />

“osteopathic”, “osteopathy”, “osteopathic<br />

manipulative treatment”, “osteopathic<br />

manipulative medicine”, “OMT”, “OMM”,<br />

“manual medicine”, “chiropractic”,<br />

“massage”, “manipulation” and “spinal<br />

manipulation”<br />


Citations Found<br />

Massage and Depression: 13<br />

OMT and Depression: 2<br />

Spinal manipulation and Depression: 1<br />

Massage and Bipolar: 1<br />


Massage - Depression<br />

4 studies: Patient’s with co-morbid condition<br />

(OA, CA, HIV, ESRD)- Decreased Depression<br />

2 studies: Pregnant women - Mixed results<br />

1992 Pilot Study: Inpt Psych C&A- Decreased<br />

Depression<br />

Choi 2006, Wilkinson 2007, Fulk 2004, McDougall 2005, Field 2004,<br />

Dimidjian 2009, Field 1992<br />


Massage - Depression<br />

Critical Reviews<br />

2002 - Immediate +, Long term No evidence<br />

2004 - Improvement = to psychotherapy<br />

2008 - RCTs did not support efficacy<br />

Manber 2002, Moyer 2004, Coelho 2008<br />


OMT - Depression<br />

Pilot Study: Adjunctive OMT with Paxil for<br />

Depressed Women<br />

20-50 y.o. Women, 8wks (weekly sessions)<br />

Control (9): Cognitive therapy,<br />

Neurolinguistic programming, Paxil, OSE<br />

Treatment (8): Same as control + OMT<br />

OMS administered, Physician supervised<br />

No specific OMT protocol (20 min limit)<br />

Plotkin. JAOA. Sep 2001<br />

OMT provided: low-impact tech-niques, such as soft tissue and facial release techniques<br />

performed on a find- and-fix basis.<br />


OMT - Depression<br />

Pilot Study: Adjunctive OMT with Paxil for<br />

Depressed Women<br />

Zung Depression Scale<br />

Both groups significantly better<br />

Control: 30% reached normal range<br />

OMT: 100% reached normal range<br />

Plotkin. JAOA. Sep 2001<br />


OMT - Depression<br />

Quality of life for OMT referrals<br />

SF-36 only admistered<br />

Lower quality of life vs controls<br />

Undetermined impact of OMT on QOL<br />

Licciardone. JAOA. Mar 2002<br />


Spinal Manipulation -<br />

Depression<br />

Systematic review of RCT for spinal<br />

manipulation and psychological outcomes<br />

Included osteopathic (2) and others<br />

Small significant benefit in first 5 mo<br />

Williams. Comp Therapies in Med. 2007<br />


Spinal Manipulation -<br />

Depression<br />

N.H. Willi<br />

Comparilon:<br />

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yslotherapist. 4O<br />

One triaL from the USA for subacute low back<br />

n did not find a statistically Significant differ-<br />

Spinal Manipulation -<br />

Depression<br />

a cervicaL collar. 39 ALthough no baselin<br />

were reported and it was not possible to<br />

change scores, it was assumed that both g<br />

Cotnp,8rison:<br />

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Spinal manipulation<br />

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Giebel 1997{oorviClicoHar) 4" 1.24!1tO.7S) SO 1.09(6.75; 11.2;: (-0.17, O.1!i;1j<br />

D....td1996(ac:t.Ip\inCture) ).,.5(1;,00) >.<br />

).6:2{6.001 -0.06 1-0.'59,. Q.4"<br />

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4' S.40{9'.601 1},0'1 [-o.n, 0.48)<br />

6) ).BP(lB.40J "6S l,S4{l8.40) I}.U 0.47)<br />

UK BEAM 2004 (m:ltfeiM) .lSi 4.H(lO.l{t\ 191 1.84(10.)0) 0,2) [0.05, 0.42]<br />

Oziedzic2005Cexerdse) 10' 0.ao(10.0()1 100 1.;;tO(lu.OO) 0,;;:1'<br />

(95.,. CI) , 5" 0,13 {O.U. 0 • .:.!'1<br />

Toatlot hoIerogeneitj: ""3,87. df. T (P -0.19). I' 21 0%<br />

Test for ovet':8!ll 6ffttet: Z. 2.15(P" 0,(3)<br />

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-0,11 1-0.68, Q.4i$J<br />

Huriey2004(lfIwmrontkil) !SZ 4.'1"'(1,,40) 55 ,>.84 (.16,40) 0,21 1-0.17_ 0.591<br />

!JK8EAM2004 (.DtClH) 2!S'" 2,69(10,)0) ,.. L 37(10.).0) Q,n '''0.06, 0.121<br />

109 0.'101l0.0CJI 112 0,)0(10.001 0.04 1-0.22. O.${lj<br />

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CcmJ:Xned (95%. Cf) fE,<br />

Tettfothdtrogeneity. Ch* -1.12'. « .. 4 (p .. 0.19). P ",Q%.<br />

T..t r... o_,.1fec;I; l = 0.09)<br />

1.67 (P =<br />

-,<br />

11.11 0.25)<br />

Figure 3 Meta-analysis of trials of spinal manipulation compared with other physical treatments<br />

Williams. Comp Therapies in Med. 2007<br />


Massage - Bipolar<br />

Review of complimentary and alternative<br />

treatment for Bipolar<br />

Aromatherapy massage & Massage Therapy<br />

“almost entirely lacking” evidence<br />

Andreescu. Jrnl Aff Dis. 2008.<br />


Literature Summary<br />

Most Evidence: Massage Therapy for<br />

Depression but mixed<br />

OMT: Depression Pilot study is the best<br />

evidence<br />


Literature Review:<br />

Neuro - A&P<br />


MDD: Findings Vary<br />

Reduced Frontal Lobe<br />

volume<br />

Reduced Caudate<br />

Reduced Putamen<br />

Reduced CBF Anterior<br />

Cingulate Gyrus<br />

Increased CBF Medial<br />

Orbital Cortex<br />

Increased CBF Left<br />

Amygdala & Medial<br />

Thalamus<br />

Increased CBF<br />

Cerebellar Vermis<br />

Amygdala-Medial-<br />

Thalamus-Ventral-<br />

Prefrontal Cortex<br />

Limbic-Striatal-<br />

Pallidal-Thalamic<br />

Ebert 1996, Soares 1997, Drevets 1998, Daroff 2012<br />


MDD: Most Evidence<br />

Hypoperfusion Dorsolateral/Dorsomedial<br />

Prefrontal Cortex<br />

Increased CBF Medial Thalamus<br />

Hypoperfusion of Anterior Cingulate Gyrus<br />

Reduced Frontal Lobe volume<br />

Coffey 1993, Ito 1996, Ebert 1996, Soares 1997, Drevets 1998, Daroff 2012<br />


Bipolar: Findings Vary<br />

Bilateral anterior<br />

frontal<br />

Anterior cingulate<br />

gyrus<br />

Left superior<br />

temporal<br />

Bilateral anterior<br />

insular<br />

Cerebellar vermis<br />

Inferior prefrontal<br />

Amygdala<br />

Striatum<br />

Hippocampus<br />

Third ventricle<br />

Ito 1996, Soares 1997, Strakowski 2004, DelBello 2004, Lyoo 2006,<br />

William 2007, Ellison-Wright 2010<br />


Bipolar: Most Evidence<br />

Reduced Cerebellar Vermis Volume<br />

Right Anterior Cingulate Gyrus<br />

Left Superior Temporal Cortex<br />

Bilateral Insular Cortex<br />

Increased Striatum Volume<br />

Ito 1996, Soares 1997, Strakowski 2004, DelBello 2004, Lyoo 2006,<br />

William 2007, Ellison-Wright 2010<br />

Caudate and putamen make up the striatum and are a sub part of the basal ganglia<br />


Proposed OMM<br />


Not The Goal<br />


Osteopathic Philosophy<br />

1. Body is a Unit - Body, Mind, Spirit<br />

2. Structure and Function are Interrelated<br />

3. Self-healing Self-regulating Systems<br />

4. Rationale treatment includes prior 3<br />

Glossary of Osteopathic Terminology 2009, p33<br />

Interpersonal conflict is a manifestation of inflammation occurring between 2 structures<br />

(people) and their dyfunctional operation (conflict)<br />


Osteopathic Approach<br />

An osteopath reasons from his knowledge<br />

of anatomy - Still<br />

Principles of osteopathy follow the logic<br />

of an applied knowledge of anatomy-the<br />

science of structure, physiology-the<br />

science of function, and pathology-the<br />

science of disease - Webster<br />

Life is not a composite of the functions of<br />

the viscera - Korr<br />

Still-Research & Practice, Webster-Sage Sayings, Korr-Physiological basis<br />


General<br />

Biomechanical Goals<br />

Optimize Structure and Function<br />

Whole Body Assessment<br />

Sympathetic Nervous System<br />

Vascular System<br />

Lymphatic System<br />

Primary & Secondary Respiration<br />

Parasympathetic has no direct innervation of the brain.<br />

Cerebral arteries lose their peripheral nerve supply upon entry into the brain parenchyma.<br />

From then on they are under control of the “intrinsic innervation” as they receive neural input<br />

from neurons located within the brain itself.<br />


Common Treatments<br />

Sympathetic Nervous<br />

System<br />

T1-6<br />

Any modality<br />


Common Treatments<br />

Vascular<br />

Arterial<br />

Vertebrobasilar system, Post Comm<br />

Anterior Cerebral<br />

Middle Cerebral<br />

Venous<br />

Dural Sinuses and Jugular Vein<br />

Avoid treatment if a recent vascular event<br />


Vertebrobasilar system: C1-C2, OA, Suboccipital triangle, Foramen magnum<br />


Vertebrobasilar system: C1-C2, OA, Suboccipital triangle, Foramen magnum<br />


Vertebrobasilar system: C1-C2, OA, Suboccipital triangle, Foramen magnum<br />


Vertebrobasilar system: C1-C2, OA, Suboccipital triangle, Foramen magnum<br />


Vertebrobasilar system: C1-C2, OA, Suboccipital triangle, Foramen magnum<br />


Vertebrobasilar system: C1-C2, OA, Suboccipital triangle, Foramen magnum<br />


Vertebrobasilar system: C1-C2, OA, Suboccipital triangle, Foramen magnum<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Anterior cerebral artery: Metopic suture to coronal suture<br />


Anterior cerebral artery: Metopic suture to coronal suture<br />


Anterior cerebral artery: Metopic suture to coronal suture<br />


Anterior cerebral artery: Metopic suture to coronal suture<br />


Middle cerebral artery: From Circle of Willis along superior temporal lobe<br />


Middle cerebral artery: From Circle of Willis along superior temporal lobe<br />


Middle cerebral artery: From Circle of Willis along superior temporal lobe<br />


Middle cerebral artery: From Circle of Willis along superior temporal lobe<br />


Middle cerebral artery: From Circle of Willis along superior temporal lobe<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Internal carotid to circle of willis: Temporal bone (cervical, petrous parts), Sphenoid<br />

(cavernous part), Circle of Willis (Located approximately at the juncture of lateral frontomaxillary<br />

and maxillo-zygomatic suture lines)<br />


Common Treatments<br />

Lymphatic System<br />

Open Thoracic Inlet<br />


Common Treatments<br />

Secondary Respiration<br />

Re-dome Abdominal Diaphragm<br />


Treating Cortical<br />

Tissue<br />

Avoid if recent vascular event<br />

Balanced Membranous Tension<br />

Assess<br />

Tension, Restriction<br />

Laxity, void<br />

Seek balance<br />

39<br />

Biomechanical anatomic connections: Scalp, cranial bones, dura, arachnoid, pia, extracellular<br />

matrix, neuronal cell wall, intracellular contents

Major Depressive D/O<br />

Hypoperfusion Dorsolateral/Dorsomedial<br />

Prefrontal Cortex<br />

Vascular: Anterior & Middle Cerebral<br />

Arteries<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: DMPFC- Fingers along metopic suture from nasion to coronal suture (bregma). DLPFC-<br />

Structures: DMPFC-Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture:<br />

ethmoid, frontals, anterior dural girdle). DLPFC- Ipsilateral frontal bone.<br />


Hold: DMPFC- Fingers along metopic suture from nasion to coronal suture (bregma). DLPFC-<br />

Structures: DMPFC-Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture:<br />

ethmoid, frontals, anterior dural girdle). DLPFC- Ipsilateral frontal bone.<br />


Hold: DMPFC- Fingers along metopic suture from nasion to coronal suture (bregma). DLPFC-<br />

Structures: DMPFC-Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture:<br />

ethmoid, frontals, anterior dural girdle). DLPFC- Ipsilateral frontal bone.<br />


Hold: DMPFC- Fingers along metopic suture from nasion to coronal suture (bregma). DLPFC-<br />

Structures: DMPFC-Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture:<br />

ethmoid, frontals, anterior dural girdle). DLPFC- Ipsilateral frontal bone.<br />


Hold: DMPFC- Fingers along metopic suture from nasion to coronal suture (bregma). DLPFC-<br />

Structures: DMPFC-Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture:<br />

ethmoid, frontals, anterior dural girdle). DLPFC- Ipsilateral frontal bone.<br />


Hold: DMPFC- Fingers along metopic suture from nasion to coronal suture (bregma). DLPFC-<br />

Structures: DMPFC-Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture:<br />

ethmoid, frontals, anterior dural girdle). DLPFC- Ipsilateral frontal bone.<br />


Major Depressive D/O<br />

Increased CBF Medial Thalamus<br />

Vascular: Vertebrobasilar, Post Comm Art<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: Glabella to Lambda make ring with finger contacts and hand (modified fronto-occipital<br />

Structures: Tour of the minnow- 3rd ventricle lateral walls made up by the thalamus.<br />

Attending to fluid dynamics can be the most approximate handle on the thalamus.<br />


Hold: Glabella to Lambda make ring with finger contacts and hand (modified fronto-occipital<br />

Structures: Tour of the minnow- 3rd ventricle lateral walls made up by the thalamus.<br />

Attending to fluid dynamics can be the most approximate handle on the thalamus.<br />


Hold: Glabella to Lambda make ring with finger contacts and hand (modified fronto-occipital<br />

Structures: Tour of the minnow- 3rd ventricle lateral walls made up by the thalamus.<br />

Attending to fluid dynamics can be the most approximate handle on the thalamus.<br />


Hold: Glabella to Lambda make ring with finger contacts and hand (modified fronto-occipital<br />

Structures: Tour of the minnow- 3rd ventricle lateral walls made up by the thalamus.<br />

Attending to fluid dynamics can be the most approximate handle on the thalamus.<br />


Major Depressive D/O<br />

Hypoperfusion of Anterior Cingulate Gyrus<br />

Vascular: Anterior Cerebral Artery<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: Bilateral: fingers of both hands on both sides of metopic suture to coronal suture with<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Hold: Bilateral: fingers of both hands on both sides of metopic suture to coronal suture with<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Hold: Bilateral: fingers of both hands on both sides of metopic suture to coronal suture with<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Hold: Bilateral: fingers of both hands on both sides of metopic suture to coronal suture with<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Hold: Bilateral: fingers of both hands on both sides of metopic suture to coronal suture with<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Major Depressive D/O<br />

Reduced Frontal Lobe volume<br />

Vascular: Anterior Cerebral Artery<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Structures: Sphenoid. Frontal bones.<br />

47<br />

Hold: Fingers lay on full frontal bone area bilaterally.

Structures: Sphenoid. Frontal bones.<br />

47<br />

Hold: Fingers lay on full frontal bone area bilaterally.

Structures: Sphenoid. Frontal bones.<br />

47<br />

Hold: Fingers lay on full frontal bone area bilaterally.

Bipolar D/O<br />

Reduced Cerebellar Vermis Volume<br />

Vascular: Vertebral and Basilar arteries<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingertips at inferior nuchal line toward the foramen magnum with PIP/MCP<br />

joints at the superior nuchal line/inion<br />

Structures: Tentorium cerebelli, occiput.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingertips at inferior nuchal line toward the foramen magnum with PIP/MCP<br />

joints at the superior nuchal line/inion<br />

Structures: Tentorium cerebelli, occiput.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingertips at inferior nuchal line toward the foramen magnum with PIP/MCP<br />

joints at the superior nuchal line/inion<br />

Structures: Tentorium cerebelli, occiput.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingertips at inferior nuchal line toward the foramen magnum with PIP/MCP<br />

joints at the superior nuchal line/inion<br />

Structures: Tentorium cerebelli, occiput.<br />


Bipolar D/O<br />

Right Anterior Cingulate Gyrus<br />

Vascular: Anterior Cerebral Artery<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: Unilateral: Right hand fingers along metopic suture and thumb at mid lateral edge of<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Hold: Unilateral: Right hand fingers along metopic suture and thumb at mid lateral edge of<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Hold: Unilateral: Right hand fingers along metopic suture and thumb at mid lateral edge of<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Hold: Unilateral: Right hand fingers along metopic suture and thumb at mid lateral edge of<br />

Structures: Anterior falx cerebri (crista gali, metopic suture to coronal suture: ethmoid,<br />

frontals, anterior dural girdle).<br />


Bipolar D/O<br />

Left Superior Temporal Cortex<br />

Vascular: Middle Cerebral Artery<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: Medial hand- Fingers along line from greater wing of sphenoid to above the mastoid<br />

process on the parietal. Lateral hand ipsilateral temporal hold<br />

Structures: sphenoid, temporal and parietal<br />


Hold: Medial hand- Fingers along line from greater wing of sphenoid to above the mastoid<br />

process on the parietal. Lateral hand ipsilateral temporal hold<br />

Structures: sphenoid, temporal and parietal<br />


Hold: Medial hand- Fingers along line from greater wing of sphenoid to above the mastoid<br />

process on the parietal. Lateral hand ipsilateral temporal hold<br />

Structures: sphenoid, temporal and parietal<br />


Hold: Medial hand- Fingers along line from greater wing of sphenoid to above the mastoid<br />

process on the parietal. Lateral hand ipsilateral temporal hold<br />

Structures: sphenoid, temporal and parietal<br />


Hold: Medial hand- Fingers along line from greater wing of sphenoid to above the mastoid<br />

process on the parietal. Lateral hand ipsilateral temporal hold<br />

Structures: sphenoid, temporal and parietal<br />


Hold: Medial hand- Fingers along line from greater wing of sphenoid to above the mastoid<br />

process on the parietal. Lateral hand ipsilateral temporal hold<br />

Structures: sphenoid, temporal and parietal<br />


Hold: Medial hand- Fingers along line from greater wing of sphenoid to above the mastoid<br />

process on the parietal. Lateral hand ipsilateral temporal hold<br />

Structures: sphenoid, temporal and parietal<br />


Bipolar D/O<br />

Bilateral Insular Cortex<br />

Vascular: Middle Cerebral Artery<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral- medial hand along line from zygomatic<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Bipolar D/O<br />

Increased Striatum Volume<br />

Vascular: Vertebral and Basilar<br />

1° Respiration:<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Hold: Bilateral fingers along straight line from zygomatic process of frontal to apex of<br />

squamous temporal juncture with parietal. Unilateral: Lateral hand along straight line from<br />

Structures: Frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal bones.<br />


Other Options?<br />

Cranial Vertebrae<br />

Charlotte Weaver <strong>DO</strong><br />

Biodynamics<br />

James Jealous <strong>DO</strong><br />

Brain Curriculum<br />

Bruno Chikly MD <strong>DO</strong><br />



Limited Evidence for OMM in Mood d/o<br />

Limited Evidence of anatomical/<br />

physiological correlates in Mood d/o<br />

Rationale Approach utilizing OMM in Mood<br />

d/o<br />




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