Pantera SA 2M30 - Frame Grabbers

Pantera SA 2M30 - Frame Grabbers Pantera SA 2M30 - Frame Grabbers


Pantera SA DS -21-02M30 and DS-22-02M30 User’s Manual 56 Item (when programmable configuration the options are separated with a | ) Color Definition (Column, Row, Color) Where color is R,G,B Pantera SA 2M30 DS-21-02M30 T1=(1,1,M) T2=(1,1,M) DS-22-02M30 When svm=0 T1= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G) T2= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G) When svm=4 T1= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B) T2= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G) When svm=8 T1= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G) T2= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B) When svm=12 T1= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B) T2= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B) Row Color Offset 0 Column Color Offset 0 Row Binning Factor 1|2|4 Note: Row and Column binning values must be identical Column Binning Factor 1|2|4 Note: Row and Column binning values must be identical Pretrigger Pixels 0..15 (programmable) Pretrigger Lines 0 Line/Frame Time Minimum 33,333,333 Line/Frame Time Maximum 1000000000 Internal Line/Frame Time Resolution 0 if not applicable Pixel Reset Pulse Minimum Width 0 if not applicable Internal Pixel Reset Time Resolution 0 if not applicable 26 µs Pixel Reset to Exsync Hold time N/A BAUD Rate 9600, 19200, 57600, 115200 CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 DVAL out FVAL out Spare out 0 0 Exsync Spare Spare Spare Strobe Valid Frame Valid Spare DALSA 03-32-10150-01

Pantera SA DS -21-02M30 and DS-22-02M30 User’s Manual 57 Appendix B Communications Protocol B1 Protocol Overview This protocol defines the method used to control the camera via a serial interface. The communication protocol defines the command format used and error messages provided. Note: As per customer needs, additional commands and functionality will continue to be implemented. Backward compatibility is planned for future cameras. B2 Protocol Features ASCII-based Camera Serial Port Defaults • 8 data bits • 1 stop bit • No parity • No flow control • 9.6Kbps • Camera does not echo characters B3 Command Format When entering commands, remember that: • Carriage return (CR) ends each command. The linefeed character is ignored. • Values in square brackets are optional. • The camera will answer each command with either "OK >" or "Error x: Error Message >". The ">" is always the last character sent by the camera. B4 Networking Mode The camera's network feature provides the capability to connect and control multiple cameras over a multi-drop RS485 link. The network feature consists of three commands and a set of definitions describing the behavior of the camera when the commands are sent in network mode. DALSA 03-32-10150-01

<strong>Pantera</strong> <strong>SA</strong> DS -21-0<strong>2M30</strong> and DS-22-0<strong>2M30</strong> User’s Manual 56<br />

Item (when programmable configuration the<br />

options are separated with a | )<br />

Color Definition<br />

(Column, Row, Color)<br />

Where color is R,G,B<br />

<strong>Pantera</strong> <strong>SA</strong> <strong>2M30</strong><br />

DS-21-0<strong>2M30</strong><br />

T1=(1,1,M)<br />

T2=(1,1,M)<br />

DS-22-0<strong>2M30</strong><br />

When svm=0<br />

T1= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G)<br />

T2= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G)<br />

When svm=4<br />

T1= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B)<br />

T2= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G)<br />

When svm=8<br />

T1= (1,1,G) (2,1,R) (1,2,B) (2,2,G)<br />

T2= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B)<br />

When svm=12<br />

T1= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B)<br />

T2= (1,1,R) (2,1,G) (1,2,G) (2,2,B)<br />

Row Color Offset 0<br />

Column Color Offset 0<br />

Row Binning Factor 1|2|4<br />

Note: Row and Column binning<br />

values must be identical<br />

Column Binning Factor 1|2|4<br />

Note: Row and Column binning<br />

values must be identical<br />

Pretrigger Pixels 0..15 (programmable)<br />

Pretrigger Lines 0<br />

Line/<strong>Frame</strong> Time Minimum 33,333,333<br />

Line/<strong>Frame</strong> Time Maximum 1000000000<br />

Internal Line/<strong>Frame</strong> Time Resolution<br />

0 if not applicable<br />

Pixel Reset Pulse Minimum Width<br />

0 if not applicable<br />

Internal Pixel Reset Time Resolution<br />

0 if not applicable<br />

26 µs<br />

Pixel Reset to Exsync Hold time N/A<br />

BAUD Rate 9600, 19200, 57600, 115200<br />

CC1 <br />

CC2 <br />

CC3 <br />

CC4 <br />

DVAL out <br />

FVAL out <br />

Spare out <br />

0<br />

0<br />

Exsync<br />

Spare<br />

Spare<br />

Spare<br />

Strobe Valid<br />

<strong>Frame</strong> Valid<br />

Spare<br />

DAL<strong>SA</strong> 03-32-10150-01

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