Spyder 3 Camera User's Manual GigE Dual Line - Frame Grabbers

Spyder 3 Camera User's Manual GigE Dual Line - Frame Grabbers Spyder 3 Camera User's Manual GigE Dual Line - Frame Grabbers


118 Spyder 3 GigE User Manual H halogen light sources, 39 help, 54 High Performance Driver, 22 Hirose connector, 25 hot mirror, 39 I illumination, 39 incorrect line rate, 50 input/output, 23 interface electrical, 8 mechanical, 7 optical, 7, 39 L LED, 27 lens modeling, 39 light calibration. See flat field correction light sources, 39 line dropout, 50 line rate, 8 setting, 62 line statistics, 85 M magnification, 40 mechanical drawing, 38 mechanical specs, 7 mode performance, 22 standard, 22 Universal IP Filter Driver Mode, 23 models, 7 modes default, 60 N network adapter, 20 noisy output, 50 O offset analog, 68 calibrating, 69 digital, 74 online help, 54 operating modes, 57 optical interface, 39 optical specs, 7 outputs TTL, 26, 65 P performance mode, 22 performance specifications, 10– 12 pixel statistics, 85 power connectors, 25 guidelines, 25 supply, 25 PRNU coefficient, 77 correction, 76 product support, 52 R readout mode auto, 105 default, 104 gate dark current clear, 104 immediate, 104 setting, 61, 110 rebooting, 84 requirements Ethernet switch, 21 fiber-optic interface, 21 network adapter, 20 resolution, 7 restoring coefficients, 83 factory settings, 82 roi. See Region of Interest S saving coefficients, 83 sensor, 9 cleaning, 44 serial interface defaults, 53 settings factory, 35 restoring, 82 returning, 88, 91 saving, 82 shielded cables compliance, 40 standard mode, 22 statistics, 85 subtracting background, 77 03-032-10158-06 DALSA

Spyder 3 GigE User’s Manual 119 sync frequency, 87 T Technical Sales Support, 52 temperature measurement, 87 test patterns, 84 threshold lower, 81 upper, 81 timing mode 7, 60 troubleshooting, 47 TTL outputs, 26, 65 U Universal IP Filter Driver Mode, 23 V video data, 86 voltage measurement, 87 W warning messages, 101 DALSA 03-032-10158-06

118<br />

<strong>Spyder</strong> 3 <strong>GigE</strong> User <strong>Manual</strong><br />

H<br />

halogen light sources, 39<br />

help, 54<br />

High Performance Driver, 22<br />

Hirose connector, 25<br />

hot mirror, 39<br />

I<br />

illumination, 39<br />

incorrect line rate, 50<br />

input/output, 23<br />

interface<br />

electrical, 8<br />

mechanical, 7<br />

optical, 7, 39<br />

L<br />

LED, 27<br />

lens<br />

modeling, 39<br />

light calibration. See flat field<br />

correction<br />

light sources, 39<br />

line dropout, 50<br />

line rate, 8<br />

setting, 62<br />

line statistics, 85<br />

M<br />

magnification, 40<br />

mechanical<br />

drawing, 38<br />

mechanical specs, 7<br />

mode<br />

performance, 22<br />

standard, 22<br />

Universal IP Filter Driver Mode,<br />

23<br />

models, 7<br />

modes<br />

default, 60<br />

N<br />

network adapter, 20<br />

noisy output, 50<br />

O<br />

offset<br />

analog, 68<br />

calibrating, 69<br />

digital, 74<br />

online help, 54<br />

operating<br />

modes, 57<br />

optical interface, 39<br />

optical specs, 7<br />

outputs<br />

TTL, 26, 65<br />

P<br />

performance mode, 22<br />

performance specifications, 10–<br />

12<br />

pixel statistics, 85<br />

power<br />

connectors, 25<br />

guidelines, 25<br />

supply, 25<br />

PRNU<br />

coefficient, 77<br />

correction, 76<br />

product support, 52<br />

R<br />

readout mode<br />

auto, 105<br />

default, 104<br />

gate dark current clear, 104<br />

immediate, 104<br />

setting, 61, 110<br />

rebooting, 84<br />

requirements<br />

Ethernet switch, 21<br />

fiber-optic interface, 21<br />

network adapter, 20<br />

resolution, 7<br />

restoring<br />

coefficients, 83<br />

factory settings, 82<br />

roi. See Region of Interest<br />

S<br />

saving<br />

coefficients, 83<br />

sensor, 9<br />

cleaning, 44<br />

serial interface<br />

defaults, 53<br />

settings<br />

factory, 35<br />

restoring, 82<br />

returning, 88, 91<br />

saving, 82<br />

shielded cables<br />

compliance, 40<br />

standard mode, 22<br />

statistics, 85<br />

subtracting background, 77<br />

03-032-10158-06 DALSA

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