Download Report - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Download Report - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Download Report - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences


photometric curves, they serve to show the comparative intensities of the various wave-lengths present. In Fig.5 the spectrogram at A is that {or acetylene and at B for noon sunlight. These are given as a basis of comparison in terms of which to judge the distribution of radiation in the spectra o{ flame arcs shown at C, D, E and F; C being that for a white flame arc, D the blue flame arc, E the yellow flame and F the red flame. It will be noted that the spectrum of the white flame arc resembles that of sunlight except that there is an appreciable enhancement of the radiation in the blue between 400 and 520 mp. It is difficult to compare the spectrum of the yellow and red flame arcs with that of sunlight, but it is evident that there is a general predominance o{ intense lines in the long wave-length region between 540 and 700 mp. Fig. 6 shows the distribution o{ energy in the radiation emitted by the Cooper-Hewitt mercury vapor lamp. This is a source of the line type, energy being emitted at the wave-length indicated by the heavy vertical lines, the relative intensity emitted at each wave-length being indicated by the height of the line. Now, having dealt with the characteristics of the radiation emitted by various light sources, we shall pass on to a consideration of the human eye as a sense organ responding to a stimulation by the ac- t40 120 rXSO d Huo 1 s I WAVE'LENGTH. rN mt FIGUR,E Diagram showing the relative amount of energy radiated at diferent wave-lengths by the Cooper-Hewitt mercurv vapor lamp. tion of radiant energy. The sensation produced when radiation falls upon the retina is re{erred to in general as light. This sensation has three distinct attributes: brilliance, hue, and saturation. Brilliance is that attribute oI any color in respect to which it may be classed as equivalent to some member of the series of grays ranging between black and white. Hue is that attribute of certain colors in respect to which they difier characteristically from a gray of the same brilliance and which permits them to be classed as reddish, yellowish, greenish, or bluish, etc. Saturation is that attribute of all colors possessing a hue which determines the degree of diflerence {rom a gray of the same brilliance. VI An object in the visual field is visible by virtue of the contrast between it and its immediate surroundings or background. This contrast may be due to a difierence in hue (hue contrast), to a difierence in saturation (saturation contrast), or to a difierence in brilliance (brilliance contrast). In the case ! I q E FIGURE VII Visibility cutve for high brightness levels. of a photographic reproduction such as a print or image projected on to a screen, since all hue contrast, and consequently all saturation contrast, is absent, visibility of object detail depends entirely upon the existence of a brilliance contrast. It follows, therefore, that the reproduction of detail by the photographic processes must be accomplished by reproducing as a brilliance contrast that contrast which in the object may be due to either a contrast of hue, saturation, or brilliance. This being the case, the visual function giving the relation between wave-length of radiation and the brilliance factor of the resulting sensation is of prime itnportance. This relationship is known as the visibility function and its form is obiained by measuring the magnitude of the brilliance attribute of the sensation produced when the same radiation intensity o{ various wave-lengths acts upon the retina. In Fig' 7 this visibility curve is shown. It is obtained by plotting as ordinates the magnitude o{ the brilliance sensation produced by constant energy o{ the various wave-lengths as indicated along the bottom of the figure. Thus we see that for a fixed amount of energy the maximum sensation is produced by wavelength 554 mp. From this point the curve falls rapidly for both shorter and longer wave-lengths, approaching zero at about 400 m/, on the one hand and 700 mp on the other. Thus it is evident that the visible spectrum is limited {or all practical purposes by wave-length 400 mpr, at the blue end of the spectrum, and by wave-length 700 mp at the red end. A knowledge of this relationship is essential for the computation of the visual effect produced by radiation of any specified spectral composition, and is of fundamental importance in all problems dealing with the reproduction o{ visual tone values by the photographic processes. Used in conjunction L32l

Lttt sJ pu" runrlJads slqlsr^ ? slu3saJdal uoruod Jaddn eqJ 'uorldrosqe a^r]leles uodn spuedap trefqo ue Jo rolor eq] qf,Iq.t\ ur de^t aqt sel?rtsnllr qf,rr{.r\ ruBr8 -srP e u.{l.orls sI 6 '01tr uI 'paluurlunllr sr tr rlf,rr{.{\ qllr^ lqFrl eq] Jo uorlrsodruoo lzrlcads ei{t pu? sl}sr -Jaltrur"qf, Furq:osqe s1r 's-roloz; o,&\l uo spuadep aurrl tlue le eleq o] s.readde ]cafqo ue qJrii.t rolol aq] (arola-raq] lBrI] 'luapr-a.a sr lI 'rolotr ]ua -reJJrp ? 1o rc [et? req]re r?add? ,,iuur rq8rl parolol ,{q paleururnllr lcafqo peroloJ ? elrq^\'perolof, eq o} sreadde IqEII parolol ,r(q paleurunllr lraiqo fefi y 'uorldrosqe aar]f,ales o1 'a-ro;areql 'anp sr slcafqo snoururnl-uou ur .to1o3 'lcafqo perolof, ? tr IIsl e.{t af,ueq 'uorle;nles r{1}uanbasuoc puz anq sassassod }ralqo u" ,{es aar 'aro;araqa 'anq 8ur,,lzq uorl?suas e salrtxr lr ^\ou leql uorldrosqe elrtlalas fq p;yrpour sr prlragar sl ler{} '(de-rF sr }zq}) uor}Esuas ssalenq ? eJrrxe ol se .{}rlenb qlns Jo sr lcafqo uB uo }ueprrur uo]l -?rPer eq] JI 'uosraq] luePnul sr r{f,Itl^\ tsri} urorJ uorlrsoduroc Isrlreds ur sreg:rp slrafqo qrns dq patrag -er uaaq s€q qrrq.&r uorwrPuu 'sreqrosq€ e^rlJalas se o] paJJajet ?te srai{lo uer{} lualxa.ralear8 e o] sq]3ual-e^s,/r eruos qrosqu qoq.u srcafg6 'stoaf -qo qlns Jo slrlsrrelf,?rzqr Surq.rosqe ;o Surlcagar aql o] SurrJeJer ur pesn,(lluenbarl eJe f)rtnau Jo aa, -|r?las-uou sure] aql 'uorwrPEr luoPrf,ur oqt qrosq? ro lf,ager ,(aql qcrqat o] luetxe eq] uo Furpuadap 'oltq.rt .ro ':pe1q 'der8 eq o] pr?s are slcafqo qrng 'lcafqo eql saleurtunlll qo5idt Wq] s? aures aql .dlasrc -ard st ;r dq parregar si rlf,rqlrr. uorwlpsJ eq] Jo uorlrs -oduroc lu.rlcads aql (suorlrodord lznba ur uorlerp?J elqrsr^ Jo srl]3ual-e^e.&\ IIE strager -ro slnusue-r1 lcafqo up es?J uI 'ltrager ro Jrursuer] daqf qrrqlt uorwrpuJ aql Jo anlrr,r dq elqrsr^ aru slcafqo snourtllnl-uo.NJ 'slcafqo paJolof, Jo sJrlsrrolf,Erprlc (uorssnusue-rg ro) uorlreger er{} o} Furlzlar leqt ft}ep ;o dno;8 lxau 3ql Io uorlBJaPrsuoJ ol //|{\ou eruol 3A\ 'elqelrns a.roru dlqeqo;d " sr uorglas lxeu eq] ur pauorlurur poqlaw errlauroloqdo.rlcads aq1 '.uara yo lurod aarlcafqo eq] tuorJ 'sur-re1 esrca;d ur .ro1oc Eurugap ;o esod-rnd aq] rod 'ldccuor rolor arres aq] sl?nprlrpur oA4.] o] sJSBJ fue ur ,r{o,ruor tou op asn uI pus elqclrel? spJo.{\ eq:} pul? 'srolor luaray -;rp ,{lqrfdacard erour ro pu"snoql parpunq euo eq} sqrrJsaP ol suual JoloJ tuJrJsns z{;ulnquro^ Jno ur e^?q tou op ,{1uru-trac a^\ 'roloJ Suruyep lo; serusu roloJ Jo asn 3q] u?r{l susaur a}ruyaP aroru eLuos o} Suruosa; lnoiilr^\ uorsrlerd yo aa;5ap due :o1oo yo srualqord ssnf,srp o] tdruollu ol ssaladoq tsourlz sr lr pue 'uor3rpuol trlo?qJ E ur sr aurl luasa;d aq1 ]e r{8o1ourur-rat roloJ 'per su o} perraJeJ aq plnor qlrq.{\ srolol lueraFrP Perpunq lera^es eq lsntu alaq] leq] snot^qo st tI 'setuBu loloJ Jo asn Fq uorl -EruJolur esrce;d da,ruoc o] Surlduralle yo ,{lllqrssod -wI aq] ,(18uo;ls d:aa sezrsegdura SuroFa.roJ aqJ .allqd\ pue ll?lg uae.{\leg Surpualxa alecs fe.rF B uo 'sr (saf,ueragrp l"q] ssaulqErrq Jo srurel ur pala.rd-re1ur eq lsntu uol]?Jnl?s Pu" ani{ o} alq?lnqrr}]? saf,uale} -Jrp rolotr alqrssod II" pue rolot Jo selnqrrDe eq] Jo euo dluo repuer uer ssaro.rd crqdzr8oloqd aql .t{oN '000'09I dlawulxordde sI srolor lueraglP ,r{1qr1dar.rad lsnf ;o regurnu lelo] aq] erueH 'TlEIq pue etrq.{ uae^\leq sdals ecuerllrrg tuarogrp dlgrldao;ed lsnI perpunq auo ls?ol l? ere erarl] pue 'eruerlpq .{laureu 'roloc Jo etnqrrl]? prrq] eq] [,tet o] reqgnJ alqrs -sod st lI '00SI sa.r,tE stqa '(dlarzurrxordde) 7 [q sdats uorlu-rnles pus anq alqrtdac-rad lsnf Jo laqrunu Islol eql 1o tcnpo,td eql aPI^IP o1 .{,tzssarau sr 1r 'uorlelnles pue anq Jo suorlpurqwoe alqrssod gz ,{q paurzlqo eg uer r{rnl.rt srolor }uereJJrp trlqrldac.rad Io raqwnu l?]ol aq] Surlnduroc ur os ,sas?a;Jap osl? senq ]ueraJJrp dlqrfdarrad jo requrnu aqt (lele^roq 'paseenap sr uorwln]Es orl] sV .uorl?lnlzs ur sdals lueralJrp,{lqrldao,rad lsn [ .d]ua,n] ;{latzurrxo-rdde ere eleql alEls uorle-rnl?s srq] uo l€qt punoJ ueaq seq lI 'elll{^\ tuorJ alqeqstn8utlstp -ra8uol ou sr rolof, er{} eJeq.,!r peqf,?et sr lurod z ssaco:d srq} Surnurl -uor .{g 'patnpo-rd sr rolotr lueraJJrp € pue peta.&ol sr uorlernles eql 'elrqn ql]rl\ paxru sr ,urn.rlcads aq1 1o uorlrod .{\orr?u [.nt e 8ur1z1ost ,,{q paurelqo sr sr? qlns 'uorJernles urnrurxeur Jo roloJ e Jr .ttoN 'saldrnd ;o dnor8 1e.r1rads-uou aq] 'sang lerlrads eq] o] uorlrppe ur 'sapnllur raqwnu srql .senq luoraJJrp .{lqrldacted ]snf dtJy pue perpunq auo dlaleurrxordde ;o 1e1o1 3 sr eraq] ]3q1 u^roqs e^"q slueuJalnsseur InJ3l33 'suorl.rodord snorJel ur anlq pue peJ Jo eJnlxrw -pe ue tuolJ llnser sanq eser.{J .saldrnd sz le.raua8 ur paleuFrsap sanq p4ta(s-uou pelle)-os ;o dnor8 E sr araq] g '31.f ur palzrrpur se sanq 1e:lcads aql l .uorl"rper Jo rll8uol-a^€a puts Joloa uoaalaq drqsuorlBlar aleurxordde SuIAoqs u€J8€rC *-,",:tf,1"^3;" 3tgtslANl NOT.LVtCVH =t€rstA 3tglstANl '1H9t-l 6 E of,t " lT + t 3torA td € o] uorlrpps uI 'u.r\oqs se srolol aq] ot Sulpuodser -.rol suor8ar qlSuel-elz.r\ eiil flal"utrxorddz elerrpur sraqunu aq] wz:8zrp aq] Io dol eq] lV 'paler] -snllr se repJo ur .{\olloJ per pu? ''aFuz-ro ',tro11a.{'uaar3-.,no11aii'uaarE'uaa;F-anlq sJolor eq} sessanur ql8ual-e^?.{ aq} s" 'uaqJ 'si{}3uel-al?.tt snorlel Jo uorlle aqf ,{q parnpord uorlusuas eql puu alngrrll" anq aq] uaa.r\laq uorlelar (de,4a oql 1z;auaE e ur 'salellsnlll 8 'FI.{ 'uo1}rpuoc ua-tr8 ,{ua ;apun patcadxe eq o} uorlr? crqde;Foloqd aql ;o apnltu5eur aql Surlerurlse ur eJuelJodurr ;o sr ';ala -rnoq 'ql3ua1-a^?^r pue enq uea.t\]eq uor]eler aql Jo aFpela,roul V 'uorlern]?s pue enq yo uorlcnporda-r aql Io uollereprsuotr e ur palsarelur d1,re1ncr1rzd 1ou aJB e.t\ leq] snorlqo sr 1r '.r(ur8 Jo euo] euros sli sroloJ 11e arnpordar lsnw ssaco-rd orqderFoloqd aq]-elurs 'sltralqo Parolol AlsnorJel| 1o ssaulq3lrq alrlslar aql Eurlerurlse Jo Surlnd -wof, Jo sueaur e seprao-td 1r 'slcafqo ruotj pelf,ageJ lq8]l Io uollnqrrlsrp le.rtcads aql Fur^\oqs sollnf, pu? sef,rnos lq8rl snouel ulorJ uor]erp"J erl] ur .{Fraua Jo uortnqr-rlsrp lerlcads eq] ot Furwlal elup eq] qlr^{

Lttt<br />

sJ pu" runrlJads slqlsr^ ? slu3saJdal uoruod Jaddn<br />

eqJ 'uorldrosqe a^r]leles uodn spuedap trefqo ue Jo<br />

rolor eq] qf,Iq.t\ ur de^t aqt sel?rtsnllr qf,rr{.r\ ruBr8<br />

-srP e u.{l.orls sI 6<br />

'01tr uI 'paluurlunllr sr tr rlf,rr{.{\<br />

qllr^ lqFrl eq] Jo uorlrsodruoo lzrlcads ei{t pu? sl}sr<br />

-Jaltrur"qf, Furq:osqe s1r 's-roloz; o,&\l uo spuadep aurrl<br />

tlue le eleq o] s.readde ]cafqo ue qJrii.t rolol<br />

aq]<br />

(arola-raq]<br />

lBrI]<br />

'luapr-a.a sr lI 'rolotr ]ua<br />

-reJJrp ? 1o rc [et? req]re r?add? ,,iuur rq8rl parolol<br />

,{q paleururnllr lcafqo peroloJ ? elrq^\'perol<strong>of</strong>, eq o}<br />

sreadde IqEII parolol ,r(q paleurunllr lraiqo fefi y<br />

'uorldrosqe<br />

aar]f,ales o1 'a-ro;areql 'anp sr slcafqo snoururnl-uou ur<br />

.to1o3 'lcafqo perol<strong>of</strong>, ? tr IIsl e.{t af,ueq 'uorle;nles<br />

r{1}uanbasuoc puz anq sassassod }ralqo u" ,{es aar<br />

'aro;araqa 'anq 8ur,,lzq uorl?suas e salrtxr lr ^\ou<br />

leql uorldrosqe elrtlalas fq p;yrpour sr prlragar sl<br /> ler{} '(de-rF sr }zq}) uor}Esuas ssalenq ? eJrrxe<br />

ol se .{}rlenb qlns Jo sr lcafqo uB uo }ueprrur uo]l<br />

-?rPer eq] JI<br />

'uosraq] luePnul sr r{f,Itl^\ tsri} urorJ<br />

uorlrsoduroc Isrlreds ur sreg:rp slrafqo qrns dq patrag<br />

-er uaaq s€q qrrq.&r uorwrPuu 'sreqrosq€ e^rlJalas<br />

se o] paJJajet ?te srai{lo uer{} lualxa.ralear8 e<br />

o] sq]3ual-e^s,/r eruos qrosqu qoq.u srcafg6 'stoaf<br />

-qo qlns Jo slrlsrrelf,?rzqr Surq.rosqe ;o Surlcagar<br />

aql o] SurrJeJer ur pesn,(lluenbarl eJe f)rtnau Jo aa,<br />

-|r?las-uou sure] aql 'uorwrPEr luoPrf,ur oqt qrosq?<br />

ro lf,ager ,(aql qcrqat o] luetxe eq] uo Furpuadap<br />

'oltq.rt .ro ':pe1q 'der8 eq o] pr?s are slcafqo qrng<br />

'lcafqo eql saleurtunlll qo5idt Wq] s? aures aql .dlasrc<br />

-ard st ;r dq parregar si rlf,rqlrr. uorwlpsJ eq] Jo uorlrs<br />

-oduroc lu.rlcads aql (suorlrodord lznba ur uorlerp?J<br />

elqrsr^ Jo srl]3ual-e^e.&\ IIE strager -ro slnusue-r1 lcafqo<br />

up es?J uI 'ltrager ro Jrursuer] daqf qrrqlt uorwrpuJ<br />

aql Jo anlrr,r dq elqrsr^ aru slcafqo snourtllnl-uo.NJ<br />

'slcafqo paJol<strong>of</strong>, Jo sJrlsrrolf,Erprlc (uorssnusue-rg<br />

ro) uorlreger er{} o} Furlzlar leqt ft}ep ;o dno;8<br />

lxau 3ql Io uorlBJaPrsuoJ ol //|{\ou eruol 3A\<br />

'elqelrns a.roru dlqeqo;d "<br />

sr uorglas lxeu eq]<br />

ur pauorlurur poqlaw errlauroloqdo.rlcads aq1 '.uara<br />

yo lurod aarlcafqo eq] tuorJ 'sur-re1 esrca;d ur .ro1oc<br />

Eurugap ;o esod-rnd aq] rod 'ldccuor rolor arres<br />

aq] sl?nprlrpur oA4.] o] sJSBJ fue ur ,r{o,ruor tou op<br />

asn uI pus elqclrel? spJo.{\ eq:} pul? 'srolor luaray<br />

-;rp ,{lqrfdacard erour ro pu"snoql parpunq euo eq}<br />

sqrrJsaP ol suual JoloJ tuJrJsns z{;ulnquro^ Jno ur<br />

e^?q tou op ,{1uru-trac a^\ 'roloJ Suruyep lo; serusu<br />

roloJ Jo asn 3q] u?r{l susaur a}ruyaP aroru eLuos o}<br />

Suruosa; lnoiilr^\ uorsrlerd yo aa;5ap due :o1oo<br />

yo srualqord ssnf,srp o] tdruollu ol ssaladoq tsourlz<br />

sr lr pue 'uor3rpuol trlo?qJ E ur sr aurl luasa;d aq1<br />

]e r{8o1ourur-rat roloJ 'per su o} perraJeJ aq plnor<br />

qlrq.{\ srolol lueraFrP Perpunq lera^es eq lsntu<br />

alaq] leq] snot^qo st tI 'setuBu loloJ Jo asn Fq uorl<br />

-EruJolur esrce;d da,ruoc o] Surlduralle yo ,{lllqrssod<br />

-wI aq] ,(18uo;ls d:aa sezrsegdura SuroFa.roJ aqJ<br />

.allqd\<br />

pue ll?lg uae.{\leg Surpualxa alecs fe.rF B uo 'sr<br />

(saf,ueragrp<br />

l"q]<br />

ssaulqErrq Jo srurel ur pala.rd-re1ur<br />

eq lsntu uol]?Jnl?s Pu" ani{ o} alq?lnqrr}]? saf,uale}<br />

-Jrp rolotr alqrssod II" pue rolot Jo selnqrrDe eq] Jo<br />

euo dluo repuer uer ssaro.rd crqdzr8oloqd aql .t{oN<br />

'000'09I dlawulxordde sI srolor lueraglP ,r{1qr1dar.rad<br />

lsnf ;o regurnu lelo] aq] erueH 'TlEIq pue etrq.{<br />

uae^\leq sdals ecuerllrrg tuarogrp dlgrldao;ed lsnI<br />

perpunq auo ls?ol l? ere erarl] pue 'eruerlpq .{laureu<br />

'roloc Jo etnqrrl]? prrq] eq] [,tet o] reqgnJ alqrs<br />

-sod st lI '00SI sa.r,tE stqa '(dlarzurrxordde)<br />

7 [q<br />

sdats uorlu-rnles pus anq alqrtdac-rad lsnf Jo laqrunu<br />

Islol eql 1o tcnpo,td eql aPI^IP o1 .{,tzssarau sr 1r<br />

'uorlelnles pue anq Jo suorlpurqwoe alqrssod gz ,{q<br />

paurzlqo eg uer r{rnl.rt srolor }uereJJrp trlqrldac.rad<br />

Io raqwnu l?]ol aq] Surlnduroc ur os ,sas?a;Jap osl?<br />

senq ]ueraJJrp dlqrfdarrad jo requrnu aqt (lele^roq<br />

'paseenap sr uorwln]Es orl] sV .uorl?lnlzs ur sdals<br />

lueralJrp,{lqrldao,rad lsn [ .d]ua,n] ;{latzurrxo-rdde ere<br />

eleql alEls uorle-rnl?s srq] uo l€qt punoJ ueaq seq<br />

lI 'elll{^\ tuorJ alqeqstn8utlstp -ra8uol ou sr rol<strong>of</strong>,<br />

er{} eJeq.,!r peqf,?et sr lurod z ssaco:d srq} Surnurl<br />

-uor .{g 'patnpo-rd sr rolotr lueraJJrp € pue peta.&ol<br />

sr uorlernles eql 'elrqn ql]rl\ paxru sr ,urn.rlcads aq1<br />

1o uorlrod .{\orr?u [.nt e 8ur1z1ost ,,{q paurelqo sr<br />

sr? qlns 'uorJernles urnrurxeur Jo roloJ e Jr .ttoN<br />

'saldrnd ;o<br />

dnor8 1e.r1rads-uou aq] 'sang lerlrads eq] o] uorlrppe<br />

ur 'sapnllur raqwnu srql .senq luoraJJrp .{lqrldacted<br />

]snf dtJy pue perpunq auo dlaleurrxordde ;o 1e1o1<br />

3 sr eraq] ]3q1 u^roqs e^"q slueuJalnsseur InJ3l33<br />

'suorl.rodord snorJel ur anlq pue peJ Jo eJnlxrw<br />

-pe ue tuolJ llnser sanq eser.{J .saldrnd sz le.raua8<br />

ur paleuFrsap sanq p4ta(s-uou pelle)-os ;o dnor8<br />

E sr araq] g '31.f ur palzrrpur se sanq 1e:lcads aql<br />

l<br />

.uorl"rper<br />

Jo rll8uol-a^€a<br />

puts Joloa uoaalaq drqsuorlBlar aleurxordde SuIAoqs u€J8€rC<br />

*-,",:tf,1"^3;"<br />

3tgtslANl NOT.LVtCVH =t€rstA<br />

3tglstANl<br />

'1H9t-l<br />

6 E<br />

<strong>of</strong>,t<br />

" lT +<br />

t 3torA<br />

td €<br />

o] uorlrpps uI 'u.r\oqs se srolol aq] ot Sulpuodser<br />

-.rol suor8ar qlSuel-elz.r\ eiil flal"utrxorddz elerrpur<br />

sraqunu aq] wz:8zrp aq] Io dol eq] lV 'paler]<br />

-snllr se repJo ur .{\olloJ per pu? ''aFuz-ro<br />

',tro11a.{'uaar3-.,no11aii'uaarE'uaa;F-anlq sJolor eq}<br />

sessanur ql8ual-e^?.{ aq} s" 'uaqJ 'si{}3uel-al?.tt<br />

snorlel Jo uorlle aqf ,{q parnpord uorlusuas eql<br />

puu alngrrll" anq aq] uaa.r\laq uorlelar<br />

(de,4a<br />

oql<br />

1z;auaE e ur 'salellsnlll 8 'FI.{ 'uo1}rpuoc ua-tr8<br />

,{ua ;apun patcadxe eq o} uorlr? crqde;Foloqd aql ;o<br />

apnltu5eur aql Surlerurlse ur eJuelJodurr ;o sr ';ala<br />

-rnoq 'ql3ua1-a^?^r pue enq uea.t\]eq uor]eler aql Jo<br />

aFpela,roul V<br />

'uorlern]?s pue enq yo uorlcnporda-r<br />

aql Io uollereprsuotr e ur palsarelur d1,re1ncr1rzd 1ou<br />

aJB e.t\ leq] snorlqo sr 1r '.r(ur8 Jo euo] euros sli sroloJ<br />

11e arnpordar lsnw ssaco-rd orqderFoloqd aq]-elurs<br />

'sltralqo Parolol AlsnorJel|<br />

1o ssaulq3lrq alrlslar aql Eurlerurlse Jo Surlnd<br />

-w<strong>of</strong>, Jo sueaur e seprao-td 1r 'slcafqo ruotj pelf,ageJ<br />

lq8]l Io uollnqrrlsrp le.rtcads aql Fur^\oqs sollnf, pu?<br />

sef,rnos lq8rl snouel ulorJ uor]erp"J erl] ur .{Fraua<br />

Jo uortnqr-rlsrp lerlcads eq] ot Furwlal elup eq] qlr^{

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