N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks

N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks

N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks


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36 GAS ATTACK<br />

1 K. of C.News i<br />



All the big improvements at the K. of C.<br />

are now completed. The sleeping porch is<br />

built, wired and even bedded, and on moonshiny<br />

nights the secretaries may be seen<br />

stretched out in the canvas hollows of an<br />

army cot.<br />

The Open Air Theater on the south is a<br />

thing of beauty. It is planned to have a bigopen<br />

air mass on Easter Sunday. Three<br />

new rooms are now in use and General Secretary<br />

Sexton is rejoicing in the privacy of<br />

his new office which he tells his friends, is<br />

on the Mezzanine floor. The big stage on<br />

which there are to be boxing bouts, and all<br />

manner of shows, is in place.<br />


The Patronal Feast of Ireland was<br />

appropriately<br />

observed here at the Hall. Private<br />

James Morey of the 107th Ambulance<br />

Company arranged for a vaudeville entertainment<br />

with performers chosen from the<br />

medical departments of the 27th Division.<br />

During the evening the music was furnished<br />

by the Orchestra of the 53rd Pioneers, led<br />

by Corporal Jack Tresize, assisted by Sergeant<br />

Eugene Droesch, Corporal William<br />

Kesselbach, _ Sergeant Major Fred Davenport,<br />

Sergeant Henry Schandt, Corporals<br />

Chas. Sinning, Victor Wher and Nick<br />

Firiati. One of the musical features was<br />

the playing of the Hot Time in the Old<br />

Town Tonight in various times, fox trot,<br />

one step, waltz, funeral march and wedding<br />

march.<br />

The vaudeville program was as follows:<br />

Gaston Turrian, 107th Ambulance, "The<br />

Little Frenchman with the Violin."<br />

Fred Banker, 106th Field Hospital, classical<br />

singer.<br />

Leroy and Company, 107th Ambulance,<br />

"The Hunter," a parody on the Fauna! Naturalist.<br />

H. L. Gomon, 105th Ambulance, ventriloquist.<br />

Nick Firiati, 53rd Pioneers, cornet<br />

solo.<br />

Holton and Melville, 106th Ambulance,<br />

songs and stories.<br />

Stuart Brown, 106 Ambulance, imitation of<br />

Lew Dockstader.<br />

Layton and Moss, 105th Ambulance,<br />

Rube and the Actor."<br />

"The<br />

Babe Rogers of the old 6th Massachusetts,<br />

songs and stories.<br />


Harry Rouhan, senior secretary in length<br />

of service, who came down to Wadsworth<br />

from the wilds of Brooklyn last October, has<br />

been assigned to one of the K. of C. Buildings<br />

at Camp Upton.<br />


WORTH.<br />

The new secretary has arrived. He is<br />

Mr. James J. Carter of Boston. Mr. Carter<br />

has been doing recreational work in several<br />

of the cities of the North and has recently<br />

been connected with the recreation centers<br />

and playgrounds in Albany. For several<br />

seasons he has been coach for a number of<br />

school athletic teams in and around New<br />

York. He is a graduate of the Normal<br />

School for Physical education of Battle<br />

Creek, Michigan, and under his direction<br />

a tremendous increase in the athletic activities<br />

is looked forward to with interest.<br />


His many friends, made during his term<br />

of service as General Secretary at this<br />

Camp, will learn with regret of the death<br />

of Mr. Cummings. When the building was<br />

opened here he took charge. It was through<br />

his inspiration that the K. of C. activities<br />

started on their course so auspiciously. He<br />

was of draft age and, leaving here, went to<br />

Camp Upton where he entered the officers'<br />

training school, at which he would have received<br />

his commission in April.<br />


Down on Blackstock road, near the Artillery<br />

Camp and the Hostess House, the<br />

new K. of C. building is rapidly approaching<br />

completion. New secretaries are expected<br />

to arrive in the next few days.<br />


Rev. Edward P. Dalton, recently K. of C.<br />

Chaplain at Wadsworth, has received his<br />

commission as first lieutenant in the United<br />

States Army, and has left Spartanburg for<br />

his new post. He will be assigned to one of<br />

the regiments at Camp Gordon, in the 82nd<br />

Division, and will soon leave for France.<br />

Our best wishes go with him. His successor<br />

has not, as yet, been designated.<br />


A field communion service will be held<br />

Easter Sunday morning at 9 o'clock by<br />

Chaplain E. F. Keever of the 102d Trains<br />

and Military Police and Rev. E. E. Ryden,<br />

Lutheran camp pastor. The service will<br />

take place on the grounds just east of Y. M.<br />

C. A. Unit 96, near the 108th Infantry. All<br />

Lutherans in Camp Wadsworth are urged to<br />

attend, and all others are cordially invited.<br />

The Easter communion service will be<br />

the last to be held for some time by Camp<br />

Pastor Ryden. He returns to his parish<br />

in Jamestown, N. Y., April 1, to arrange for<br />

a permanent leave of absence from his congregation.<br />

He hopes to return to Camp<br />

Wadsworth to resume his work here by June<br />

1. During his absence it is probable that<br />

Rev. Arthur Huffman of Charleston, S. C,<br />

will be sent here by the National Lutheran<br />

Commission as Lutheran camp pastor.<br />

FROM THE <strong>DIVISION</strong><br />

PRISON.<br />

Captain Alson Shantz has been relieved<br />

at the prison by Captain Riffe of the 108th<br />

Infantry. Every one connected with the<br />

prison is loath to see Captain Shantz leave.<br />

His successor has been associated with prison<br />

work for many years as an executive.<br />

First Lieutenant Carl Loebs, of the 106th<br />

Machine Gun Battalion, has been promoted<br />

and assigned to a supply train in this division.<br />

His many friends rejoice with him<br />

and wish him success in his new unit. Lieutenant<br />

Walter L. Glass, also of the 106th<br />

Machine Gun Battalion, has been detailed<br />

to the Division Stockade Guard to succeed<br />

Captain Loebs.<br />

Sergeant Carroll Moulton, of Company D,<br />

107th Infantry, is able to be around on his<br />

crutches, after an injury to his right foot received<br />

in a baseball game. "Hick" is said<br />

never to miss a mess call and his increasing<br />

weight and unfailing good nature bear out<br />

the rumor.<br />

Acting Sergeant Brown is in the bosom of<br />

his family in the wilds of Brooklyn.<br />

Sergeant Arthur Petersen, the big blonde<br />

Coney Island giant, thought Sergeant Baack<br />

was a bugler. After Charley blew a call,<br />

"Pete" concluded he was mistaken.<br />

Boxing at the stockade these days is.<br />

worth seeing. Equipment has been provided<br />

by the M. C. A. Young Mariow has left us,<br />

but others like Zuzio, Prichys and many others<br />

and always on hand to provide as good<br />

bouts as are seen anywhere in camp.<br />

Private "Apple Knocker" Smith is taking;<br />

lessons on the 45 automatic pistol. Everybody<br />

hides during his lesson period.<br />

Acting First Sergeant A. P. Bramer's idea<br />

of a day off is to make out a guard detail<br />

some day, have men left over, and no kicks.<br />

He lives in hopes.<br />

Clerk O'Donnell took a trip to Atlanta the<br />

other day on official business. He had the<br />

time and money to combine pleasure with<br />

business, and enjoyed a well-earned vacation.<br />

SERGEANT E. S. S.<br />


Hello, Gas Attack:<br />

May I suggest something? Why not have<br />

a "want" column? Where the soldiers can<br />

state their wants. Huh! I have six pairs of<br />

wristlets that I want to give away.<br />

Anyway, I'm sending you a pome. Please<br />

print it if you can, it's a matter of great seriousity.<br />

Remember, dear, when you went away,<br />

All the things you promised me,<br />

That you wouldn't smoke, or swear or<br />

squeal,<br />

While fighting for democracy.<br />

Now, listen, dear, one thing I forgot.<br />

Write me quick, and promise me, Earle,.<br />

That in the cast of "You Know Me, Al,"<br />

You WON'T be a chorus girl!<br />

—Japonette.<br />

Very truly,<br />


315 W. 113th St., New York City.

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