N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks

N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks

N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks


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Easter Sunday, March 31st, and Flowers<br />


We are now using horses instead of mules,<br />

which have been turned into the corrals.<br />

The two old soldiers—Frank Lovella and<br />

Forage Doudy—were after each other's scalp<br />

for the supremacy of the Remount, and are<br />

the talk of all our boxing critics.<br />

Scene: Wagon Train stables.<br />

Time: Right after feeding time (horses).<br />

Referee:<br />

"Count" Raimer.<br />

ROUND ONE.<br />

They shook hands with a smile on their face,<br />

And went to it, at a terrific pace,<br />

Each of them, swinging like a gate,<br />

Hitting too soon, or too late.<br />

ROUND TWO.<br />

As the battle was coming to a heat,<br />

Doudy's face, and Frank's fist did<br />

Telegraph your order direct to Dard's and your flowers j<br />

will be delivered any place in the world within a few hours |<br />

Telegraph and Cable Address Dardsflor, New York i<br />

_ . . _ . . ;<br />

meet.<br />

And the way he did him up was a crime,<br />

But the referee had to butt in, and call time!<br />

ROUND<br />

THREE—Finis.<br />

'Mid the cries of the crowd on the fence,<br />

The way they mixed it up was<br />

immense.<br />

But as the dust finally cleared away,<br />

At Frank's feet, poor Doudy lay.<br />

Joe Moran is now in the canteen, and<br />

"Shack" is driving the Rocky Mountain<br />

wagon.<br />

Furloughs are being held up, for the present.<br />

Naughty things are being said of our Indiana<br />

"Slim," who is growing bigger every<br />

day.<br />

Johnnie Kilohe has a new job—looking<br />

after the two mares. If there is any doubt<br />

as to where he was, why, he was down to the<br />

mares.<br />

Charlie Deith is going on a furlough—<br />

soon.<br />

"Mame" Nash is getting ambitious of late.<br />

Keep it up, "Maine."<br />


T. E. N.<br />

Lieutenant J. W. Bunkley of the U. S.<br />

Navy has brought out a book "The<br />

Military<br />

and Naval Recognition Book," which in picture<br />

and text shows how to recognize at a<br />

glance the rank, etc., of any allied officer,<br />

and any officer of our enemy. Military customs<br />

and courtesies are also explained. It<br />

is a valuable hand-book and should be in the<br />

library of every company. It is published<br />

by D. Van Nostrand, 25 Park Place, New<br />

York.<br />

LOST—High School Ring, with<br />

monogram<br />

L. H. S. '13, in camp. Please return to Private<br />

C. Schwartz, Co. C, 108th Infantry. Reward.<br />


Dear Editor: - {<br />

"Don't salute, I'm only Frank Shetterhalf." |<br />

But you see I am back from another fur- f<br />

lough spent in New York. |<br />

That word "spent" Is a good joke, for it !<br />

has a double meaning, hey, Ed? But I just j<br />

wanted to tell you all that the town Is still<br />

considerable city and the people as fine as ;<br />

ever—though they all miss some one who is<br />

I<br />

in service. ]<br />

The ad writers are the boys that were ;<br />

bitten by foxes as infants—according to the }<br />

old Neapolitan version—and their line now<br />

j<br />

carries an up-to-the-minute patriotic strain J<br />

such as: j.<br />

"Eat O'Sullivan's rubber breakfast food j<br />

and win the war," or<br />

"Buy W. S. S., sell them when you have<br />

j<br />

enough to get a two-tone piano, and help your<br />

government win the war." :<br />

You know what I mean, don't you, Ed? j<br />

Mildly capitalizing patriotism, n 'est-er pas ? ]<br />

They sure are quick, though.<br />

j<br />

Yours for more furloughs, FRANK. f<br />



Real sure-enough gas attacks are being<br />

tried on the infantry men during their 72<br />

hours tours in the camp trenches. The<br />

men have to indulge in watchful waking all<br />

the time, or the gas will make their eyes<br />

smart and remind them unpleasantly of a<br />

goat eating garlic in a glue factory.<br />


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