N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks

N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks

N E W YQR] DIVISION - O'Ryan's Roughnecks


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GAS ATTACK 13<br />

ARMY<br />


When the Allies' ax eventually finds its<br />

proper place in the neck of Mister Hohenzollern;<br />

when the boys of the Empire Division<br />

return from over yonder and Broadway's<br />

lights perk up again—when this war<br />

is all over, Billy Muldoon is going to feel<br />

the pinch of competition.<br />

Some enterprising birds in this division<br />

will, by way of feathering their nests, acquire<br />

some pyramidal tents, some Sibley<br />

stoves and then set in at training dyspeptic<br />

gentlemen of means for the retrieving of appetites<br />

lost.<br />

Billy Muldoon's methods are effective, 'tis<br />

true; but when this new school of bodybuilders<br />

sets up shop some of our wellknown<br />

pill peddlers are due for a season of<br />

mourning. And where the heart is willing<br />

and the purse prepared, acidity of the stomach<br />

and anemia will vanish.<br />

Our friends, Muldoon's prospective rivals,<br />

merely will have to imitate their old drill<br />

masters. They'll take their podgy, puffing<br />

patients and give 'em daily doses of a* panacea<br />

consisting of six parts close-order drill,<br />

one part trench-digging, one part wood- chopping,<br />

one part kitchen police and one part<br />

setting-up exercises. At the expiration of<br />

thirty days of this treatment (satisfaction<br />

guaranteed or money refunded) the erstwhile<br />

sour-bellies will be storming the cookshack<br />

for seconds of burnt snappers. They'll<br />

be able to eat anything from slum to roasthorse<br />

with harness—aye, more than able—•<br />

eager is the word.<br />

Proof of the Pudding.<br />

Plenteous proof of all this is to be had<br />

on every side here in Wads worth. Indeed,<br />

you need go no farther than your own<br />

trench mirror for conviction. Honestly, now,<br />

aren't you a bit better at storing grub than<br />

you used to be when you looked under the<br />

dresser every morning for your collar button?<br />

I'll lay odds on it!<br />

I know platoons of fellows here—and I<br />

guess I'm no different—who were wont to<br />

nibble in a half-bored, indifferent way some<br />

of the daintest titbits Jules or Andre or<br />

Henri could produce. Everything they ate<br />

had to have a couple of layers of seasoning.<br />

Even then the chances are they'd something<br />

iced to agitate the palate. They would have<br />

•sniffed contemptuously at prosaic ham-andeggs<br />

or the like.<br />

Then they joined the army.<br />

Ho!<br />

For Ham and Eggs!<br />

Down here you see these same men<br />

fussing<br />

with the cooks for another spoonful of<br />

cornmeal, or something equally plebian.<br />

Ham-and-eggs is (or are) the epitome of<br />

toothsome morsels; and even the lowly griddle-cake<br />

becomes a bite of which to dream.<br />

To see the sundry thousands of doughboys<br />

and leathernecks that streak into Spartanburg<br />

on the off-days as fast as legs or<br />

wheels could carry 'em, one might think<br />

that sundry thousands of "best girls" had<br />

arrived in town. But only a favored few go<br />

to meet friends of the charming sex; the<br />

rest are simply participants in the usual<br />

ham-and-egg rush.<br />

Like the toper who counts his nickels as<br />

so many mugs of lager, so we Wadsworthians<br />

figure our monthly pay as so many<br />

decks of fags and so many stacks of wheats<br />

and orders of ham-and—•. Consequently,<br />

when we send a snapshot to mother or to<br />

Theodosia, our "intended," we are mistaken<br />

for Roscoe Arbuckle.<br />

Eating as many eggs as we do it seems<br />

only natural that we should be expert in<br />

judging the average egg's age. I thought<br />

we were, too, until I learned better up at<br />

the rifle range. Eggs are like mules—you<br />

can't tell much about 'em unless they are<br />

very bad, and then you keep away from 'em.<br />

The Hunt in the Mountains.<br />

When we got to the range, the boys in<br />

our company combed every mountain and<br />

hillock of the country adjacent camp, looking<br />

for—ham-and-eggs. They found a place<br />

in short order, and thenceforth walked the<br />

two miles to it to feast.<br />

"Wait till I looks in the coop and sees if<br />

them thar chickens has laid enough aigs to<br />

go around," said the white-whiskered mountaineer<br />

cook to every group that came his<br />

way.<br />

Then the boys would eat their fill, smacking<br />

their lips and telling each other what<br />

a joy it was to get real fresh-laid eggs.<br />

Mmmm! There was all ' the difference<br />

imaginable between the coop and the storage<br />

varieties!<br />

Came a day, however, when someone, in<br />

snooping around to determine the cleanliness<br />

of the old man's kitchen, spotted three<br />

or four cases of eggs labeled, "Swift & Co."<br />

The egg-hunters looked somewhat sheepish<br />

when they heard the truth, but nary a<br />

one as I could see permitted the disclosure<br />

to ruin his appetite for ham-and—%<br />

Cheer up and chirrup, boys—Easter is<br />

near!<br />


Co. L, 107th Inf.<br />

PI KAPPA<br />

ALPHA.<br />

'Will all the Brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha<br />

Fraternity communicate with, the undersigned<br />

for our mutual benefit and better acquaintance<br />

?<br />

Are you a Pi Kap? If so, I want to know<br />

you.<br />

GEO. B. LILLY (Alpha Psi),<br />

Corporal, Company C, 107th Inf.<br />


"Well, old Crimson Gulch seems very quiet<br />

and orderly," said the traveling salesman.<br />

"Yes," replied Bronco Bob. "When so many<br />

of the boys is away handling machine guns<br />

it doesn't seem worth while foolfrr with 9 a<br />

little toy like a six-shooter."—Washington<br />


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