ReSeaRch centRe foR aPPlied PSychology (RecaP) - Health ...

ReSeaRch centRe foR aPPlied PSychology (RecaP) - Health ...

ReSeaRch centRe foR aPPlied PSychology (RecaP) - Health ...


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School of Psychology and Speech Pathology ReCAP ANNUAL REPORT 2011<br />

19<br />

Teaching<br />

Introduction to Psychology 100; Abnormal Psychology;<br />

Psychological Assessment.<br />

Research Interests<br />

Psychology and teaching and learning; Psychological testing<br />

and measurement.<br />

Publications<br />

Heaps, N., Davis, M.C., Straker, L., & Smith, A. (2011).<br />

Adolescent drug use, psychosocial functioning, and spinal<br />

pain. Journal of <strong>Health</strong> Psychology. 16, 688-698. doi:<br />

10.1177/1359105310386822.<br />

Davis, M.C. & Wosinski, N.L. (2011). Cognitive errors as<br />

predictors of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism<br />

in children. Journal of Rational Emotive and Cognitive<br />

Behavioural Therapy. doi: 10.1007/s10942-011-0129-1.<br />

Davis, M.C. (2011). End-of-chapter questions. In E. Rieger<br />

(Ed.), Abnormal Psychology (2nd edition). Sydney:<br />

McGraw Hill.<br />


Senior Lecturer<br />

BA (Hons), MPsych (Clinical),<br />

PhD<br />

Brief Summary<br />

Dr Egan is the director of Clinical Psychology and involved<br />

in teaching, research, clinical supervision and research<br />

supervision in clinical psychology. Her primary research<br />

interest is the treatment of clinical perfectionism.<br />

Memberships, Awards and Training<br />

Honorary lifetime member, Australian Association<br />

for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy; Member, British<br />

Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy;<br />

Member, American Association for Cognitive and Behavior<br />

Therapy; Member, Australian Psychological Society -<br />

Clinical College.<br />

Research Interests<br />

Perfectionism; Eating disorders; Obsessive Compulsive<br />

Disorder; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in older adults.<br />

Specialty Areas<br />

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for clinical perfectionism.<br />

Publications<br />

D’Souza, F., Egan, S.J., & Rees, C.S. (2011). The relationship<br />

between perfectionism, stress and b burnout in clinical<br />

psychologists. Behaviour Change, 28(1), 17-27.<br />

Egan, S.J., Piek, J.P., Dyck, M.J., & Kane, R.T. (2011).<br />

The reliability and validity of the positive and negative<br />

perfectionism scale. Clinical Psychologist, 15(2). (Accepted<br />

3.8.2011), doi:10.1111/j.1742-9552.2011.0029.<br />

Egan, S.J., Wade, T.D., & Shafran, R. (2011). Perfectionism<br />

as a transdiagnostic process: A clinical review. Clinical<br />

Psychology Review, 31, 203-212.<br />

Hoiles, K., Egan, S.J., & Kane, R.T. (in press). The validity of<br />

the transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural model of eating<br />

disorders in predicting dietary restraint. Eating Behaviours.<br />

Accepted 07.11.2011, doi:10.1016/j.eatbeh.2011.11.007.<br />

Lazzari, C., Egan, S.J., & Rees, C.S. (2011). Behavioural<br />

activation treatment for depression in older adults<br />

delivered via videoconferencing: A pilot study. Cognitive<br />

and Behavioral Practice, 18, 555-565. doi:10.1016/j.<br />

cbpra.2010.11.009.<br />

Lethbridge, J., Watson, H., Egan, S.J., Street, H., & Nathan,<br />

P. (2011). The role of perfectionism, dichotomous thinking,<br />

shape and weight overvaluation, and conditional goal<br />

setting in eating disorders. Eating Behaviors, 12, 200-206.<br />

doi:10.1016/J.EATBEH.2011.04.003.<br />

Philp, M., Egan, S.J., & Kane, R.T. (in press). Perfectionism,<br />

over commitment to work and burnout in the workforce.<br />

Australian Journal of Psychology. Accepted 1/2/2011.<br />

doi:10.1111/J.1742-9536.2011.0028.X.<br />


Associate Professor,<br />

Senior Research Fellow<br />

Doctorate (University of<br />

Oxford)<br />

Brief Summary<br />

Dr Foster is associate professor and senior research fellow<br />

in Neuropsychology and Specialist Neuropsychologist<br />

(Australian <strong>Health</strong> Practitioner Regulation Agency).<br />

Overview<br />

The focus of his interests is neuropsychology (especially<br />

related to changes occurring in neurocognitive function and<br />

behaviour during the earlier and later years of life, and the<br />

insight these changes provide into necessary, sufficient and<br />

exclusive mechanisms underlying human cognition and<br />

behaviour).<br />

He is also interested in related areas of cognitive<br />

psychology, psychopharmacology and clinical psychology,<br />

in particular concerning memory and regulatory capacities<br />

(e.g. executive functioning).<br />

Teaching<br />

Neuropsychology; Cognitive Psychology;<br />


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