LATEX and WinEdt for MA4053

LATEX and WinEdt for MA4053

LATEX and WinEdt for MA4053


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Table 11: Miscellaneous Symbols.<br />

. . . \dots · · · \cdots . \vdots<br />

. . . \ddots<br />

\hbar ı \imath j \jmath l \ell<br />

R \Re I \Im ℵ \aleph ℘ \wp<br />

∀ \<strong>for</strong>all ∃ \exists \mho ∂ \partial<br />

′<br />

’ ′ \prime ∅ \emptyset ∞ \infty<br />

∇ \nabla △ \triangle ✷ \Box ✸ \Diamond<br />

√<br />

⊥ \bot ⊤ \top ∠ \angle<br />

\surd<br />

♦ \diamondsuit ♥ \heartsuit ♣ \clubsuit ♠ \spadesuit<br />

¬ \neg or \lnot ♭ \flat ♮ \natural ♯ \sharp<br />

Table 12: AMS Miscellaneous.<br />

\hbar ħ \hslash k \Bbbk<br />

□ \square \blacksquare S \circledS<br />

△ \vartriangle \blacktriangle ∁ \complement<br />

▽ \triangledown \blacktriangledown \Game<br />

♦ \lozenge \blacklozenge ⋆ \bigstar<br />

∠ \angle ∡ \measuredangle ∢ \sphericalangle<br />

\diagup \diagdown \backprime<br />

∄ \nexists Ⅎ \Finv ∅ \varnothing<br />

ð \eth \mho<br />

You will find that within a short time of using L A TEX/<strong>WinEdt</strong> that you<br />

begin to remember the names of the symbols that you use most commonly.<br />

Moreover, rather than have to keep looking at this document or some other<br />

source <strong>for</strong> less frequently used symbols you can make use of tool bars that list<br />

a lot of these. If these bars are not visible then click on the Options folders,<br />

then Appearance, <strong>and</strong> check the Show GUI Page Control.<br />

5 Cross-referencing; bibliographies<br />

All scientific documents place themselves in context by citing related work<br />

<strong>and</strong> source materials, <strong>and</strong> also aid their readers by the use of (internal) crossreferencing.<br />

Both of these tasks are easily accomplished using L A TEX, in a<br />

manner that is also painless when it comes to editing.<br />


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