LATEX and WinEdt for MA4053

LATEX and WinEdt for MA4053

LATEX and WinEdt for MA4053


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Table 1: Non-Mathematical Symbols.<br />

These symbols can also be used in text mode.<br />

† \dag § \S c○ \copyright e \euro<br />

‡ \ddag \P £ \pounds<br />

Table 2: Math Mode Accents.<br />

â \hat{a} ǎ \check{a} ã \tilde{a} á \acute{a}<br />

à \grave{a} ȧ \dot{a} ä \ddot{a} ă \breve{a}<br />

ā \bar{a} ⃗a \vec{a} Â \widehat{A} Ã \widetilde{A}<br />

Table 3: Log-like functions.<br />

arccos \arccos deg \deg lg \lg proj lim \projlim<br />

arcsin \arcsin det \det lim \lim sec \sec<br />

arctan \arctan dim \dim lim inf \liminf sin \sin<br />

arg \arg exp \exp lim sup \limsup sinh \sinh<br />

cos \cos gcd \gcd ln \ln sup \sup<br />

cosh \cosh hom \hom log \log tan \tan<br />

cot \cot inf \inf max \max tanh \tanh<br />

coth \coth inj lim \injlim min \min lim \varliminf<br />

csc \csc ker \ker Pr \Pr lim \varlimsup<br />

Table 4: Delimiters.<br />

( ( ) ) ↑ \uparrow ⇑ \Uparrow<br />

[ [ or \lbrack ] ] or \rbrack ↓ \downarrow ⇓ \Downarrow<br />

{ \{ or \lbrace } \} or \rbrace ↕ \updownarrow ⇕ \Updownarrow<br />

〈 \langle 〉 \rangle | | or \vert ‖ \| or \Vert<br />

⌊ \lfloor ⌋ \rfloor ⌈ \lceil ⌉ \rceil<br />

/ / \ \backslash . (dual. empty)<br />


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