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Glass Fiber Quantum Optics - ifraf

Glass Fiber Quantum Optics - ifraf


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Trapping and Interfacing Cold Neutral Atoms<br />

Using Optical Nanofibers<br />

Wokshop on Cold Atoms and <strong>Quantum</strong> Engineering,<br />

Paris, France,<br />

May 30–31, 2013<br />

Arno Rauschenbeutel<br />

Vienna Center for <strong>Quantum</strong> Science and Technology,<br />

Atominstitut, TU Wien, Austria

Introduction: <strong>Glass</strong> <strong>Fiber</strong>s: “Backbone” of<br />

the Modern Communication Society<br />

Image: PTB

Introduction: Tapered <strong>Fiber</strong>s<br />

• Problem: Light field in standard optical fibers<br />

cannot be accessed from outside.<br />

• Trick: Narrow down optical fiber until light field<br />

gets to the surface.

Overview<br />

• Optical nanofibers<br />

– Properties and fabrication<br />

• Nanofiber-based atom trap<br />

– Trapping potential<br />

– Experimental realization<br />

– Coherence properties of fiber-trapped atoms<br />

• Summary / Outlook

Optical Nanofibers<br />

• Significant part of the optical power propagates outside of<br />

optical nanofiber in form of evanescent wave:

Tapered Optical <strong>Fiber</strong>s<br />

• Tapered optical fibers allow one to couple light in and out<br />

of nanofiber waist:<br />

125 µm<br />

taper 500 nm<br />

transition<br />

taper<br />

transition<br />

• Adiabatic mode transformation up to 99% transmission!

Tapered <strong>Fiber</strong>s of Predetermined Shape<br />

A. Stiebeiner et al., Opt. Express, 18, 22677 (2010)

Single Atom Absorption<br />

Single atom should have significant effect on transmission!

Overview<br />

• Optical nanofibers<br />

– Properties and fabrication<br />

• Nanofiber-based atom trap<br />

– Trapping potential<br />

– Experimental realization<br />

– Coherence properties of fiber-trapped atoms<br />

• Summary / Outlook

Radial Trapping Potential<br />

Evanescent field around fiber exerts dipole force on atoms.<br />

Blue light is more tightly bound to nanofiber than red light.<br />

Fam Le Kien, V. I. Balykin, and K. Hakuta, PRA 70, 063403 (2004)

Axial Trapping Potential<br />

Two counterpropagating red beams create standing wave<br />

axial confinement:

Azimuthal Trapping Potential<br />

• HE 11 mode, quasi linearly polarized along x.<br />

• Parameters: a = 250 nm, n 1 = 1.46 (silica), n 2 = 1<br />

(vacuum / air), and λ = 852 nm.

Azimuthal Trapping Potential<br />

Linear polarization breaks cylindrical symmetry<br />

azimuthal confinement:

1d Optical Lattice<br />

Resulting potential:<br />

Array of trapping sites on both sides of the fiber!

Overview<br />

• Optical nanofibers<br />

– Properties and fabrication<br />

• Nanofiber-based atom trap<br />

– Trapping potential<br />

– Experimental realization<br />

– Coherence properties of fiber-trapped atoms<br />

• Summary / Outlook

Experimental Setup<br />

1064 nm<br />

852 nm<br />

780 nm<br />

APD<br />

IF<br />

DM<br />

Cs atoms<br />

DM<br />

• Trapping lasers:<br />

- Nd:YAG 1064 nm, 2 x 2.2 mW, standing wave<br />

- Diode laser 780 nm, 25 mW, running wave<br />

• <strong>Fiber</strong> diameter: 500 nm trap depth ~ 0.4 mK

Experimental Setup<br />

1064 nm<br />

852 nm<br />

780 nm<br />

APD<br />

IF<br />

DM<br />

Cs atoms<br />

DM<br />

• Trapping lasers:<br />

- Nd:YAG 1064 nm, 2 x 2.2 mW, standing wave<br />

- Diode laser 780 nm, 25 mW, running wave<br />

• <strong>Fiber</strong> diameter: 500 nm trap depth ~ 0.4 mK

Experimental Setup<br />

1064 nm<br />

852 nm<br />

780 nm<br />

APD<br />

IF<br />

DM<br />

Cs atoms<br />

DM<br />

• Trapping lasers:<br />

- Nd:YAG 1064 nm, 2 x 2.2 mW, standing wave<br />

- Diode laser 780 nm, 25 mW, running wave<br />

• <strong>Fiber</strong> diameter: 500 nm trap depth ~ 0.4 mK

Experimental Setup<br />

1064 nm<br />

852 nm<br />

780 nm<br />

APD<br />

IF<br />

DM<br />

Cs atoms<br />

DM<br />

Fluorescence of ~ 2000 atoms trapped 200 nm above fiber!<br />

• Trapping lasers:<br />

At most 1 atom per potential well (collisional blockade)!<br />

- Nd:YAG 1064 nm, 2 x 2.2 mW, standing wave<br />

- Diode laser 780 nm, 25 mW, running wave<br />

• <strong>Fiber</strong> diameter: 500 nm trap depth ~ 0.4 mK

Spectroscopy of Trapped Atoms<br />

• Inhomogeneous line width ↔ state dependent light shifts.<br />

• Optically dense (OD 32) ensemble of fiber coupled atoms!<br />

• 1.6 % absorption per atom!<br />

E. Vetsch et al., PRL 104, 203603 (2010)

Overview<br />

• Optical nanofibers<br />

– Properties and fabrication<br />

• Nanofiber-based atom trap<br />

– Trapping potential<br />

– Experimental realization<br />

– Coherence properties of fiber-trapped atoms<br />

• Summary / Outlook

<strong>Fiber</strong>-Coupled <strong>Quantum</strong> Memory<br />

Major experimental advantages:<br />

• No thermal motion and collisions (atoms are trapped in<br />

optical lattice with at most one atom per lattice site).<br />

• <strong>Quantum</strong> fields are intrinsically mode matched and<br />

coupled into single mode optical fiber.

<strong>Fiber</strong>-Coupled <strong>Quantum</strong> Memory<br />

Central open question:<br />

Spin wave (ground state) coherence properties<br />

• two hundred nanometers from a dielectric surface?<br />

• in optical near fields with complex polarization?

Coherence Properties?

HE 11 Mode: Field Components<br />

• HE 11 mode, quasi linearly polarized along x.<br />

• Parameters: a = 250 nm, n 1 = 1.46 (silica), n 2 = 1 (vacuum /<br />

air), and λ = 852 nm.<br />

along (x, y = 0)<br />

along (x = 0, y)

Fictitious B-Field<br />

Fam Le Kien, P. Schneeweiß & A.R., in preparation (2013)

trap potential (mK)<br />

State-Dependent Azimuthal Potential<br />

groud<br />

state<br />

wave<br />

function<br />

spread<br />

azimuthal position φ

Experimental Setup<br />

Typical experimental parameters<br />

• microwave frequency: cesium clock transition @ 9.2 GHz<br />

• Rabi frequency: Ω/2π ≈ 18 kHz @ 1 W<br />

• Initial temperature of ensemble: ≈ 30 μK<br />

D. Reitz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. in press (2013).

Simplified Experimental Sequence<br />

• Atoms are initially in F=3, m F =0<br />

• Drive the clock transition via microwave pulses<br />

• Probe F=4 on the Cesium D2 line, F=4 => F’=5<br />

Cesium<br />

level scheme<br />


Rabi Oscillations<br />

• Rabi frequency: Ω/2π ≈ 17 kHz<br />

• Exponential decay time: τ Rabi = (3.2 ± 0.2) μs limited by<br />

power fluctuations of MW<br />

D. Reitz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. in press (2013).

Ramsey & Spin-Echo Signals<br />

• Reversible dephasing time: T 2 ∗ ≈ 0.6 ms<br />

• Current limit: temperature ⇒ spread of differential light shift

Ramsey & Spin-Echo Signals<br />

• Irreversible dephasing time: T 2 ′ ≈ 3.7 ms<br />

• Current limit: heating rate of ≈ 3 mK/s ⇒ change of<br />

differential light shift<br />

D. Reitz et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. in press (2013).

Summary<br />

• Nanofiber-based atom trap:<br />

– Trapping of cold atoms in the evanescent field around<br />

nanofibers.<br />

– Realization of optically dense 1d arrays of individual<br />

fiber-coupled atoms (collisional blockade).<br />

– Coherence properties encouraging for realization of<br />

coherent operations.

<strong>Fiber</strong> Coupled Atoms!

Outlook: Nanofiber-Based F.-P. Resonator<br />

Write two fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) into unprocessed part<br />

of tapered optical fiber.<br />

C. Wuttke et al., Opt. Lett. 37, 1949 (2012)

Outlook: Nanofiber-Based F.-P. Resonator<br />

Write two fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) into unprocessed part<br />

of tapered optical fiber.<br />

C. Wuttke et al., Opt. Lett. 37, 1949 (2012)<br />

• Exp. finesse: F = 86 (T TOF = 98.3%)<br />

• Single atom coop.: C = g 2 /2κγ = 30<br />

• Cs, F = 4, m F = 0 → F ′ = 5, m F<br />

′ = 0<br />

g, κ, γ /2π = (33, 8.6, 2.6) MHz<br />

Coherent strong coupling !<br />

Combination with atom trapping scheme possible:<br />

⇒ OD eff ≈ 1000 @ 2000 atoms !

Outlook: Double Helix Potential<br />

s + -s - -polarized red-detuned standing wave combined with<br />

s + -polarized blue-detuned running wave

Outlook: Double Helix Potential<br />

D. Reitz & A.R., Opt. Commun. 285, 4705 (2012)

People<br />

Students: Bernhard Albrecht, Christian Junge, Rudolf Mitsch,<br />

David Papencordt, Jan Petersen, Daniel Reitz, Michael<br />

Scheucher, Danny O‘Shea, Ariane Stiebeiner, Christian Wuttke<br />

Group Technician: Thomas Hoinkes<br />

Postdocs & Senior Scientist: Pham Le Kien, Clément Sayrin,<br />

Philipp Schneeweiß, Jürgen Volz

Funding<br />

: Lichtenberg Professorship<br />

: European Young Investigator Award

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