LGCDP M&E Framework

LGCDP M&E Framework LGCDP M&E Framework


Indicators Indicator Baseline Indicator Target Means of Verification Responsibility Frequency Outcome 1: Citizens and communities engaged actively with local governments and hold them accountable (15.7m USD) a) ENGAGEMENT WITH LOCAL GOVERNMENTS • % of citizens that think that they are now more involved in the decision-making process of DDCs than one year ago • % of citizens that think that they are now more involved in the decision-making process of VDCs than one year ago • % of citizens that think that they are now more involved in the decision-making process of municipalities than one year ago PLANNING • % of all ward committees of VDCs and municipalities which hold at least one planning meeting per year • Total number of citizens who participate in planning meeting at ward level per year in Nepal • % of participants at all ward level planning meetings in Nepal per year who are Dalits (as proxy for all DAGs) • % of participants at all ward level planning meetings in Nepal per year who are women • % of project proposals submitted by women’s groups in VDC annual plans IMPLEMENTATION • % of VDCs and municipality block grants spent on projects requested by women’s or disadvantaged groups through the ward committee (as defined in the Interim Constitution) REPRESENTATION • Number of poor households (based on 8 indicators used in MLD DAG mapping) where no member was previously engaged in any organization in the last 3 years, but now is engaged in either school management committee, health management committee or VDC • % of women in all Integrated Planning Committees at VDC level • % of members of disadvantaged groups in all Integrated Planning Committees at VDC level TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 1) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 1) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 1) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 1) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 1) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 1) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 2) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 3) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 3) TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS 90% (12/2012) 900,000 (12/2012) TBD after the LGCDP Sample Survey TBD after the LGCDP Sample Survey TBD after the LGCDP Sample Survey MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) Sample Surveys / MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, administrative data 4 2013) / annually Sample Surveys / administrative data Sample Surveys / administrative data Sample Surveys / administrative data Sample Surveys / administrative data 30% (12/2012) Sample Surveys / administrative data TBD after the LGCDP Sample Survey TBD after the LGCDP Sample Survey TBD after the LGCDP Sample Survey Performance system of LGCDP social mobilizers Sample survey/ administrative records Sample survey/ administrative records MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) / annually MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) / annually MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) / annually MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) / annually MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) / annually MLD M&E Section through social mobilizers MLD M&E Section MLD M&E Section annually Annually Annually 4 The data will first be collected exclusively through sample surveys. When MLD has established a system to collect administrative data, the means of verification will bet he administrative data by the M&E Section in the MLD. However, sample surveys will continue to be conducted a) as a quality control to administrative data and b) for triangulation. 30

INCLUSION • % total budget of DDCs which explicitly targets women (as defined in the Gender Budget Audit guidelines) • % total budget of DDCs which explicitly targets members of disadvantaged groups (as defined in the DAG Budget Audits) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 4) TBD by LGCDP Sample Survey (See Note 4) Note 1: This will be determined only after Ward Committees are set up Note 2: This number will be “0” initially Note 3: This will be determined after Integrated Planning Committees at VDC, DDC and municipality level have been set up Note 4: This will be determined after first Gender Budget Audits and DAG Budget Audits are conducted 15% (12/2012) Gender Budget Audits GESI Section of MLD Annually 15% (12/2012) Sample DAG Budget Audits GESI Section of MLD Annually b) ACCOUNTABILITY MUNICIPALITY • % of citizens who can identify at least three concrete, completed activities of the municipality in the past 12 months • % of citizens who can approximately identify current year total annual budget of the municipality (+/- 20%) VDCs • % of citizens who can identify at least three concrete, completed activities of the VDC in the past 12 months • % of citizens who can approximately identify current year total annual budget of the VDC (+/- 20%) DDCs • % of citizens who can identify at least three concrete, completed activities of the DDC in the past 12 months TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) to be finalized: one or two indicators on the level of activities and effectiveness of evaluation societies 31


• % total budget of DDCs which explicitly targets women (as<br />

defined in the Gender Budget Audit guidelines)<br />

• % total budget of DDCs which explicitly targets members of<br />

disadvantaged groups (as defined in the DAG Budget<br />

Audits)<br />

TBD by <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

Sample Survey<br />

(See Note 4)<br />

TBD by <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

Sample Survey<br />

(See Note 4)<br />

Note 1: This will be determined only after Ward Committees are set up<br />

Note 2: This number will be “0” initially<br />

Note 3: This will be determined after Integrated Planning Committees at VDC, DDC and municipality level have been set up<br />

Note 4: This will be determined after first Gender Budget Audits and DAG Budget Audits are conducted<br />

15% (12/2012) Gender Budget Audits GESI Section of MLD Annually<br />

15% (12/2012) Sample DAG Budget Audits GESI Section of MLD Annually<br />



• % of citizens who can identify at least three concrete, completed<br />

activities of the municipality in the past 12 months<br />

• % of citizens who can approximately identify current year total<br />

annual budget of the municipality (+/- 20%)<br />

VDCs<br />

• % of citizens who can identify at least three concrete, completed<br />

activities of the VDC in the past 12 months<br />

• % of citizens who can approximately identify current year total<br />

annual budget of the VDC (+/- 20%)<br />

DDCs<br />

• % of citizens who can identify at least three concrete, completed<br />

activities of the DDC in the past 12 months<br />

TBD by <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS 2009<br />

TBD by <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS 2009<br />

TBD by <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS 2009<br />

TBD by <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS 2009<br />

TBD by <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS 2009<br />

TBD after <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS<br />

TBD after <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS<br />

TBD after <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS<br />

TBD after <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS<br />

TBD after <strong>LGCDP</strong><br />

BLS<br />

MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011,<br />

2013)<br />

MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011,<br />

2013)<br />

MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011,<br />

2013)<br />

MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011,<br />

2013)<br />

MLD Sample Surveys MLD M&E Section 2 years (2009, 2011,<br />

2013)<br />

to be finalized: one or two indicators on the level of activities and effectiveness of evaluation societies<br />


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