LGCDP M&E Framework

LGCDP M&E Framework LGCDP M&E Framework



Indicators Indicator Baseline Indicator Target Means of Verification Responsibility Frequency Goal: Contribute towards poverty reduction through inclusive responsive and accountable local governance and participatory community-led development see PMAS, Nepal Human Development Report Nepal MDG reports Purpose: Improved access to locally and inclusively prioritized public goods and services a) ACCESS TO PUBLIC GOODS • Average time for rural households to reach the nearest of 15 key facilities 3 in minutes and hours ROADS • % of rural households that have access to a dirt road (vehicle passable) within 30 minutes • Mean time taken by rural households to reach nearest dirt road (vehicle passable) in hours and minutes DRINKING WATER • % of rural households with sustainable access to improved water source b) ACCESS TO PUBLIC SERVICES • % of citizens that say that the services of DDCs are more accessible than they were one year ago • % of citizens that say that the services of VDCs are more accessible than they were one year ago • % of citizens that say that the services of municipalities are more accessible that they were one year ago 1 h 59 m (2003/4) 67.6% (2003/4) 3 h 7 m (2003/4) 80.2 % (2006) TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 TBD by LGCDP BLS 2009 1 h 30 m (2012) 75% (2012) 2 h 30 m (2012) To be determined (TBD) TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS TBD after LGCDP BLS NLSS (cross section) CBS 7 years NLSS (cross section) / LGCDP Sample Surveys NLSS (cross section) / LGCDP Sample Surveys Nepal Demographic and Health Surveys LGCDP Sample Surveys LGCDP Sample Surveys LGCDP Sample Surveys CBS / MLD M&E Section CBS / MLD M&E Section MHP MLD M&E Section MLD M&E Section MLD M&E Section 7 years / 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) 7 years / 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) not known 2 years (2009, 2013, 2011) 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) 2 years (2009, 2011, 2013) 3 The 15 key facilities tracked by the Nepal Living Standard Survey are: primary school, health post, bus stop, paved road, dirt road (vehicle passable), dirt road (vehicle impassable), local shop, haat bazaar, market centre, Krishi Kendra, Sajha, commercial bank, source of drinking water, post office, telephone boot 29



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