Vegetation Plan - Ontario Parks

Vegetation Plan - Ontario Parks

Vegetation Plan - Ontario Parks


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The objective of management prescriptions in vegetation management unit D is to promote the continued use of<br />

campgrounds and day use facilities for park users, while at the same time minimizing the impacts on the<br />

surrounding communities. The targets of this vegetation management unit are to:<br />

• Maintain campground and day use facilities and implement vegetation management prescriptions on a<br />

case-by-case basis as required;<br />

• Restore natural areas between campsites using native plants derived from park or local seed sources;<br />

• Allow for the expansion of campground facilities (i.e., group camping) (OMNR 2000).<br />

<strong>Vegetation</strong> management prescriptions within this unit are generally covered by the General Management<br />

Prescriptions outlined in section 4.1.<br />

4.2.5 <strong>Vegetation</strong> Management Unit E: Exclusion Zone<br />

<strong>Vegetation</strong> management unit E is represented by the <strong>Ontario</strong> Power Generation’s exclusion zone in the northwest<br />

corner of the park (Figure 4). It includes the entire Nature Reserve Zone and the portion of the Natural<br />

Environment Zone between the Nature Reserve Zone and the shoreline.<br />

This vegetation management unit is maintained by <strong>Ontario</strong> Power Generation (OPG), and no use of the area will<br />

be made without written permission of the Atomic Energy Control Board (OMNR 2000). If access or<br />

management of this area is required, it will be done in full consultation with and with permission of, the above<br />

agencies.<br />


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