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Inhibition of mouse uPA activity by monoclonal<br />

antibodies against mouse uPA<br />

Ida K. Lund, Niels Behrendt, Michael Ploug, Henrik Gårdsvoll, John Rømer,<br />

Keld Danø, Gunilla Høyer-Hansen<br />

Finsen Laboratory, Strandboulevarden 49, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø<br />

The potential of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) as anti-cancer therapeutics has lately<br />

been demonstrated for a number of antigens. As the clinical relevant mAbs are<br />

directed against human antigens, the initial in vivo studies in mice have been limited<br />

to xenotransplanted tumors, which are in many respects poor models for human<br />

cancers. To enable in vivo therapeutic experiments of mAbs in murine cancer models,<br />

we have utilized immunization of mice deficient for the target protein in question,<br />

thus developing murine antibodies directed against the murine antigen. In the<br />

present study, we have generated murine mAbs to murine urokinase plasminogen<br />

activator (muPA) by immunization of uPA deficient mice with recombinant muPA.<br />

We have selected 5 mAbs (i.e. mU1-mU5) that react with muPA in ELISA, in Surface<br />

Plasmon Resonance (SPR) analysis, and in Western blotting. None of these antimuPA<br />

mAbs recognized reduced and alkylated muPA in Western blotting. Therefore,<br />

the reactivity of the mAbs was further analyzed using recombinant amino-terminal<br />

fragment of muPA (mATF) in Western blotting. The results revealed that all but one,<br />

namely mU1, recognized epitopes in mATF. Since mU1 reacted with intact muPA and<br />

not with mATF, its epitope is located in the B-chain, which encompass the catalytic<br />

site of muPA. No cross-reactivity with human uPA was observed with any of the<br />

five mAbs. The ability of the mAbs to bind to receptor (muPAR)-bound muPA was<br />

tested by SPR analysis. One mAb, mU2, was incapable of binding to receptor-bound<br />

muPA, indicating overlapping binding sites on the growth factor domain (GFD) in<br />

the muPA A-chain. The 3 residual mATF-reacting mAbs bound muPA independently<br />

of the presence of muPAR.<br />

The influence of these different mAbs on the uPA activity was studied by an enzyme<br />

kinetic assay measuring the uPA-dependent activation of plasminogen. One mAb,<br />

mU5, stimulated the muPA activity while the other 4 mAbs inhibited the reaction<br />

to various extend. Furthermore, all 4 mAbs induced a dose-dependent reduction of<br />

the muPA activity with mU1 having the most pronounced inhibitory effect. Thus,<br />

despite the different epitope locations on muPA, i.e. various sites on either the A- or<br />

B-chain, the mAbs inhibited the muPA activity. These mAbs will now be tested in<br />

vivo for their effect on tumor growth and metastasis in murine cancer models.<br />


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