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Optimization of electric pulse parameters for efficient<br />

electrically-assisted gene delivery into canine skeletal<br />

muscle<br />

Darja Pavlin 1 , Nata{a Tozon 1 , Gregor Ser{a 2 , Azra Poga~nik 1 ,<br />

Maja ^ema`ar 2<br />

1<br />

Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Gerbi~eva 60, SI-Ljubljana; 2 Department of<br />

Experimental Oncology, Institute of Oncology, Zalo{ka 2, SI-Ljubljana<br />

Skeletal muscle is an attractive target tissue for delivery of therapeutic genes,<br />

since it is usually large mass of well vascularized and easily accessible tissue with<br />

high capacity for synthesis of proteins, which can be secreted either locally or<br />

systemically. Electrically-assisted gene delivery into skeletal muscle of a number<br />

of experimental animals has already been achieved using two different types of<br />

electroporation (EP) protocols. The first one utilized only low voltage electric pulses<br />

with long duration (e.g. 100-200 V/cm, 20-50 ms). Lately it has been shown, that<br />

better transfection efficiency can be achieved using combination of high voltage<br />

(HV) electric pulses (600-800 V/cm, 100 µs), which cause permeabilization of cell<br />

membrane, followed by low voltage (LV) electric pulses to enable electrophoresis<br />

of DNA across destabilized cell membrane.<br />

The aim of this study was to determine optimal EP protocol for delivery of plasmid<br />

DNA into canine skeletal muscle. For this purpose we injected 150 µg/150 µl of<br />

plasmid, encoding green fluorescence protein (GFP), intramusculary into m.<br />

semitendinosus of 6 beagle dogs. Electric pulses were delivered 20 minutes after<br />

plasmid injection, with electric pulses generator Cliniporator (IGEA, Carpi, Italy),<br />

using needle electrodes. Altogether 5 different EP protocols were utilized, each<br />

applied to two muscles. Three of these protocols utilized combination of one<br />

HV pulse (600 V/cm, 100 µs), followed by different number of LV pulses. Two<br />

protocols were performed by application of LV pulses only. The control group<br />

received only injection of plasmid without application of electric pulses. Incisional<br />

biopsies of transfected muscles were performed 2 and 7 days after the procedure<br />

and transfection efficiency was determined using fluorescence microscope on frozen<br />

muscle samples.<br />

100p28<br />

The highest level of GFP fluorescence in the muscle was observed in EP protocol,<br />

using either 1 HV pulse, followed by 4 LV pulses (80 V/cm, ms, 1Hz) or with 8<br />

LV pulses (200 V/cm, 20 ms, 1Hz). In both protocols significant GFP fluorescence<br />

was detectable both at 2 and 7 days after transfection. Markedly lower degree of<br />

transfection was achieved using EP protocol, utilizing 1 HV, followed by 8 LV (80<br />

V/cm, 400 ms, 1Hz). GFP fluorescence was less pronounced compared to the first<br />

two protocols. Furthermore, it was detectable only on muscle samples, taken at day<br />

2 after electrotransfection. No GFP fluorescence was detectable either at 2 or 7 days<br />

after electrotransfection on muscle samples, taken from control group and from<br />

groups, where 1 HV, followed by 1 LV (80 V/cm, 400 ms) or 6 LV pulses (100 V/cm,<br />

60 ms, 1Hz) were used.

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