Paper Conservation: Decisions & Compromises

Paper Conservation: Decisions & Compromises Paper Conservation: Decisions & Compromises


Fig. 2 Atlas, the Crown papers are in very good condition, exhibiting quite white color and expert sheet formation. These watermarks appear identical to those that make up the separate sheets of LC’s prized sixteenth century Map of the World printed by Martin Waldseemüller. The Lily papers are in fair to good condition, but the pulp is less evenly processed and dispersed, and the sheet is generally not as white in color. On the other hand, a large portion of the papers without watermarks are in markedly poor condition and show deterioration of the green pigment. Compared to the Crown or Lily papers, this pulp is clearly less well-processed, the formation of the sheet is rather uneven, and the paper is light brown to tan. Non-invasive, quantitative X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) analysis of the papers used in the Rosenwald volume and other LC copies of Ptolemy’s Geographia strongly suggests a correlation between condition and elemental composition in the paper. The Crown papers have a calcium (Ca) to iron (Fe) ratio of about 16:1. In contrast, Lily and unwatermarked papers in poor condition contain Ca:Fe ratios of about 6:1. This evidence suggests that the presence of a relatively large quantity of Ca and low proportion of Fe, combined with high quality processing, has helped protect maps and colorants from degradation, even in the presence of the copper-based green pigment, which was confirmed by polarizing light microscopy to be verdigris (2). The other colorants appear to be organic-based and remain unidentified. The difference in inherent paper quality is further supported by our observation that in four different copies of the Atlas, the same maps appear brown, even in uncolored versions. Records show that in 1938, Philadelphia dealer A.S.W. Rosenbach sold the book to Rosenwald, who subsequently donated it to LC. Cover board pastedowns and repairs on the maps provide us with good evidence that the Atlas had undergone several rebindings including one in the mid-20th century. These conclusions are pertinent to the analytical finding of a heavy brush application of potash alum/gelatin solution on the seven maps in poor condition. This agent was most likely applied during the last rebinding in an attempt to strengthen papers that had become weakened during natural aging. What is remarkable is that this “strengthening” treatment coincides with poor condition of both verdigris and the paper support. This lies in sharp contrast to maps still in good condition, which show the presence of relatively minor amounts of potassium (K) and sulfur, from original preparation for handcoloring, that remains benign in its influence on aging. In addition, close examination of the restored maps shows that while the verdigris has turned brown in most of these maps, it remains bright in the gutter regions, where a guard paper with a high Ca:Fe ratio plus significant amounts of zinc (Zn), was adhered. These guards were in place before the alum agent was brushed onto select maps, protecting the paper and verdigris pigment in the centerfold from further discoloration both physically and through the beneficial action of Ca- and Zn-containing compounds. With many of the questions regarding the Atlas’ condition and history answered, the current project goals address the conservation treatment approach and methodology. This paper describes the use of quantitative XRF, along with spectral examination, as decision-making tools during treatment. Based on the initial technical examination and analysis, the following treatment plan was established: 1) remove the non-original binding; 2) remove guards from deteriorated maps that need stabilization or that prevent complete opening of folios; 3) remove the potash alum-gelatin strengthening agent from the seven restored maps; 4) reduce discoloration from verdigris offset; 5) restore a better Ca:Fe balance in the conserved maps; 6) treat the altered verdigris ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working Group Interim Meeting | Vienna 17 – 19 April 2013 30

locally to prevent its continued deterioration; and 7) rebind the Atlas in a historically sympathetic binding. Method XRF was conducted using a Bruker Tracer TurboSD spectrometer with a rhodium anode and silicon drift detector. The instrument was operated with vacuum pumping, a titanium filter, and either 15 kV and 55 μA or 40 kV and 20 μA for 180 seconds. Results were analyzed quantitatively with Bruker Calprocess software and linear calibration from metal-doped samples of Whatman paper developed at LC; due to imperfect calibration standards, quantitative results have up to about 20% uncertainty depending on the element and variation in the paper (4). Initial UV fluorescence examination was done with a hand held UVL-56 Blak-Ray lamp at 366nm. More extensive spectral imaging was conducted on select maps before and during treatment using a Mega Vision Monochrome E6 39 Megapixel camera system and light emitting diodes (LED) illumination at 13 narrow spectral bands from the UV through the infrared range. Results and Discussion Following disbinding and guard removal, conservators tested alum removal in guards taken from the deteriorated maps by blotter washing on a suction table with either a 50% ethanol-modified aqueous solution or a pH 7.5 aqueous solution. XRF measurements before and after treatment showed that the ethanol-modified blotter washing only removed about 40% of the alum, while pH 7.5 water easily removed the agent, as measured by K concentration. After testing the guards, the Nona Asiae Tabula (Fig. 2) was chosen for initial map treatment because it had significant, white alum surface deposits, was the least fragile of the maps in poor condition, and was the easiest to handle. The conservation treatment involved four separate steps of blotter and suction table washing using various solutions. The first treatment used 50% ethanol and 50% water adjusted to pH 8.0 with Ca(OH) 2 . XRF measurements indicated that only about 25-30% of the alum agent was removed by this method; however color sensitivity to water led us to try this protocol first. Nevertheless, this solution caused minor color transfer. The second step focused on local treatment of offset staining from verdigris. Here ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and NaBH 4 were successful at removing excess copper from the paper and reducing the staining. However, EDTA left a residue in the paper that is visible with UV fluorescence. In the third step, blotters used for washing were wet with aqueous solution brought to pH 8.5 using calcium hydroxide. This was effective for removing the excess alum in the paper overall. By not spraying the recto, we were able to minimize movement of color. The fourth treatment used calcium bicarbonate-saturated blotters in an attempt to increase the amount of calcium left in the paper. Table I describes the succession of steps, the solutions used, and the results obtained; Table II shows XRF results for paper areas, excluding the offset stains. After treatment, the Nona Asia Tabula map appears significantly brighter, treated staining from verdigris offset is considerably reduced, and the paper feels stronger and more flexible. XRF analysis of the map and blotters before, during and after treatment shows the effective removal of potash alum in the paper as well as copper in areas of verdigris offset. Copper content in areas treated near verdigris does not appear increased, within the margin of error. EDTA residues remain in treated areas, as detected by UV fluorescence, and are the subject of further study. Conclusion The value of combined XRF and spectral analysis as treatment monitoring and decision-making tools is demonstrated as an integral part of the conservation of a 16 th century atlas with verdigris and old restoration damage. The treatment of one map has been a step-by -step process of trial and review, involving analytical monitoring and compromises. This process has lead to formulation of detailed procedures for six other maps in the volume in poor condition, as will be discussed. Current conservation measures include removal of a potash alum-based “strengthening” agent by blotter-washing with pH-adjusted aqueous solutions on a suction table. Development of methodology for reduction of copper staining and possibly also conversion of browned verdigris is in process with the aid of these tools and Raman spectroscopy. ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working Group Interim Meeting | Vienna 17 – 19 April 2013 31

locally to prevent its continued deterioration;<br />

and 7) rebind the Atlas in a historically sympathetic<br />

binding.<br />

Method<br />

XRF was conducted using a Bruker Tracer TurboSD<br />

spectrometer with a rhodium anode and<br />

silicon drift detector. The instrument was operated<br />

with vacuum pumping, a titanium filter,<br />

and either 15 kV and 55 μA or 40 kV and 20 μA<br />

for 180 seconds. Results were analyzed quantitatively<br />

with Bruker Calprocess software and linear<br />

calibration from metal-doped samples of Whatman<br />

paper developed at LC; due to imperfect<br />

calibration standards, quantitative results have<br />

up to about 20% uncertainty depending on the<br />

element and variation in the paper (4). Initial UV<br />

fluorescence examination was done with a hand<br />

held UVL-56 Blak-Ray lamp at 366nm. More extensive<br />

spectral imaging was conducted on select<br />

maps before and during treatment using a Mega<br />

Vision Monochrome E6 39 Megapixel camera system<br />

and light emitting diodes (LED) illumination<br />

at 13 narrow spectral bands from the UV through<br />

the infrared range.<br />

Results and Discussion<br />

Following disbinding and guard removal, conservators<br />

tested alum removal in guards taken from<br />

the deteriorated maps by blotter washing on a<br />

suction table with either a 50% ethanol-modified<br />

aqueous solution or a pH 7.5 aqueous solution.<br />

XRF measurements before and after treatment<br />

showed that the ethanol-modified blotter<br />

washing only removed about 40% of the alum,<br />

while pH 7.5 water easily removed the agent, as<br />

measured by K concentration. After testing the<br />

guards, the Nona Asiae Tabula (Fig. 2) was chosen<br />

for initial map treatment because it had significant,<br />

white alum surface deposits, was the least<br />

fragile of the maps in poor condition, and was<br />

the easiest to handle.<br />

The conservation treatment involved four<br />

separate steps of blotter and suction table washing<br />

using various solutions. The first treatment<br />

used 50% ethanol and 50% water adjusted to pH<br />

8.0 with Ca(OH) 2<br />

. XRF measurements indicated<br />

that only about 25-30% of the alum agent was removed<br />

by this method; however color sensitivity<br />

to water led us to try this protocol first. Nevertheless,<br />

this solution caused minor color transfer.<br />

The second step focused on local treatment of<br />

offset staining from verdigris. Here ethylenediamine<br />

tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and NaBH 4<br />

were<br />

successful at removing excess copper from the<br />

paper and reducing the staining. However, EDTA<br />

left a residue in the paper that is visible with<br />

UV fluorescence. In the third step, blotters used<br />

for washing were wet with aqueous solution<br />

brought to pH 8.5 using calcium hydroxide. This<br />

was effective for removing the excess alum in the<br />

paper overall. By not spraying the recto, we were<br />

able to minimize movement of color. The fourth<br />

treatment used calcium bicarbonate-saturated<br />

blotters in an attempt to increase the amount of<br />

calcium left in the paper. Table I describes the<br />

succession of steps, the solutions used, and the<br />

results obtained; Table II shows XRF results for<br />

paper areas, excluding the offset stains.<br />

After treatment, the Nona Asia Tabula map appears<br />

significantly brighter, treated staining<br />

from verdigris offset is considerably reduced,<br />

and the paper feels stronger and more flexible.<br />

XRF analysis of the map and blotters before,<br />

during and after treatment shows the effective<br />

removal of potash alum in the paper as well as<br />

copper in areas of verdigris offset. Copper content<br />

in areas treated near verdigris does not appear<br />

increased, within the margin of error. EDTA<br />

residues remain in treated areas, as detected by<br />

UV fluorescence, and are the subject of further<br />

study.<br />

Conclusion<br />

The value of combined XRF and spectral analysis<br />

as treatment monitoring and decision-making<br />

tools is demonstrated as an integral part of the<br />

conservation of a 16 th century atlas with verdigris<br />

and old restoration damage. The treatment<br />

of one map has been a step-by -step process of<br />

trial and review, involving analytical monitoring<br />

and compromises. This process has lead to<br />

formulation of detailed procedures for six other<br />

maps in the volume in poor condition, as will be<br />

discussed. Current conservation measures include<br />

removal of a potash alum-based “strengthening”<br />

agent by blotter-washing with pH-adjusted<br />

aqueous solutions on a suction table. Development<br />

of methodology for reduction of copper<br />

staining and possibly also conversion of browned<br />

verdigris is in process with the aid of these tools<br />

and Raman spectroscopy.<br />

ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working Group Interim Meeting | Vienna 17 – 19 April 2013<br />


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