Paper Conservation: Decisions & Compromises

Paper Conservation: Decisions & Compromises Paper Conservation: Decisions & Compromises


Fig. 1: Germanium ATR FTIR spectra of carbon black inks on modern printer paper. Fig. 2: Results of the subtraction of the paper spectrum from the spectra presented in Fig.1. nium ATR crystal are presented (Figs. 1-2); note that only the results for the samples on modern printer paper are given, but those for the other three types of substrate were similar. The results obtained using the diamond ATR crystal were also broadly similar, but the results of the spectral subtraction were less well defined. If the subtraction spectra are considered, it can be seen that certain characteristic features may be observed, related to the origin of the ink: For the modern carbon black ink, a largely featureless background curve is observed, indicating that the ink spectrum consists almost entirely of a simple carbon black absorption. The two cellulose based inks (coconut and bamboo) yield spectra containing an indication of residual polysaccharide material (highlighted by the typical cluster of peaks in the region 1100 - 900 cm -1 ); this is poorly defined, as the cellulosic substrate complicates the spectral subtraction, but is sufficiently good for the purposes of identification. For these inks, the results were more clear when the samples using the parchment (proteinaceous) substrate were considered. As may be expected, it was not possible to differentiate the carbon sources for different types of cellulosic material. Ivory black ink gives a characteristic sharp peak centred on 1050 cm -1 . Lamp black contains residual oils, indicated by the pair of sharp C-H stretch bands in the region 2800 - 2900 cm -1 . It is apparent that the results obtained using the germanium ATR crystal are generally superior to those achieved with a diamond crystal. This may be explained if the difference in ATR sampling depth for the diamond and germanium crystals is considered (Fig. 3), based on the following formula (Coates and Sanders 2000; Coombs 1998; Spectra-Tech 2000): Where: = Depth of sampling penetration = Wavelength of incident radiation = Refractive index of ATR crystal = Refractive index of sample = Angle of incidence The ATR accessory employs an angle of incidence, , of 45°; over the range that the spectra were recorded, the refractive index of the crystal, n c , is approximately 2.4 for diamond and 4.0 for germanium; the refractive index for the sample, n s , is taken to be 1.6 for a nominal organic material. This allows the way that the ATR sampling depth varies with incident wavelength and, importantly for this experiment, at any given wavelength is approximately four times great for diamond than for germanium. This means that if a germanium crystal is used, a greater proportion of any material at the surface (e.g. ink) will be observed in comparison to the bulk substrate, than if a diamond crystal is employed. When the spectra of the unknown historic ink ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working Group Interim Meeting | Vienna 17 – 19 April 2013 146

Fig. 3: Sampling depth for ATR spectroscopy, demonstrating the difference between diamond and germanium crystals. Fig. 4: Subtraction spectra for four unknown carbon black inks. samples were considered using this information (Fig. 4), it is possible to propose the likely source of the carbon black: for samples X1, X2 and X4 it appears that the ink is derived from cellulosic sources, whilst for X3 it comes from ivory. Conclusion It can be seen that with care, it is possible to identify the general source of carbon used for carbon black inks, providing this source contains residual material. Modern ink of this kind, for which the carbon black has been produced using techniques which effectively ensure the combustion of the original material and thus contain a minimum of other residues, are not amenable to identification in this manner. However, traditional and historic methods of manufacturing carbon black typically allow a small proportion of the material to escape complete combustion, and this residue may then allow the source to be identified. This technique, therefore, has the potential to reveal important information about the origin of carbon black inks (and provide a method of differentiating different carbon ink found in the same document), thereby providing an insight into the provenance, composition and history of the document. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank PerkinElmer UK, and particularly Kelly Palmer, for invaluable advice, help and use of equipment whilst carrying out this research; they would like to thank their colleagues at the British Library and the International Islamic University for their help and support, including Barry Knight (Head of Conservation Research, BL), Deborah Novotny (Head of Collection Care, BL). References Eastaugh, N., Walsh, V., Chaplin, T., Siddall, R. 2008. Pigment Compendium. Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann. Coates, J., Sanders, A. 2000. ‘A Universal Sample Handling System for FT-IR Spectroscopy’. Infrared Spectroscopy; 12(5): 12-22. Coombs, D. 1998. ‘The Use of Diamond as an ATR Material’. Internet Journal of Vibrational Spectroscopy. 2(2). Spectra-Tech. 2000. Introduction to Attenuated Total Internal Reflectance (Technical Note T1). Spectra-Tech. Authors Paul Garside (corresponding author): British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB, UK; Rajabi Razak: Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University, Malaysia. ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working Group Interim Meeting | Vienna 17 – 19 April 2013 147

Fig. 1: Germanium ATR FTIR spectra of carbon black inks on<br />

modern printer paper.<br />

Fig. 2: Results of the subtraction of the paper spectrum from the<br />

spectra presented in Fig.1.<br />

nium ATR crystal are presented (Figs. 1-2); note<br />

that only the results for the samples on modern<br />

printer paper are given, but those for the other<br />

three types of substrate were similar. The results<br />

obtained using the diamond ATR crystal were<br />

also broadly similar, but the results of the spectral<br />

subtraction were less well defined.<br />

If the subtraction spectra are considered, it<br />

can be seen that certain characteristic features<br />

may be observed, related to the origin of the<br />

ink: For the modern carbon black ink, a largely<br />

featureless background curve is observed, indicating<br />

that the ink spectrum consists almost<br />

entirely of a simple carbon black absorption. The<br />

two cellulose based inks (coconut and bamboo)<br />

yield spectra containing an indication of residual<br />

polysaccharide material (highlighted by the typical<br />

cluster of peaks in the region 1100 - 900 cm -1 );<br />

this is poorly defined, as the cellulosic substrate<br />

complicates the spectral subtraction, but is sufficiently<br />

good for the purposes of identification.<br />

For these inks, the results were more clear when<br />

the samples using the parchment (proteinaceous)<br />

substrate were considered. As may be expected,<br />

it was not possible to differentiate the carbon<br />

sources for different types of cellulosic material.<br />

Ivory black ink gives a characteristic sharp<br />

peak centred on 1050 cm -1 . Lamp black contains<br />

residual oils, indicated by the pair of sharp C-H<br />

stretch bands in the region 2800 - 2900 cm -1 .<br />

It is apparent that the results obtained using<br />

the germanium ATR crystal are generally superior<br />

to those achieved with a diamond crystal.<br />

This may be explained if the difference in ATR<br />

sampling depth for the diamond and germanium<br />

crystals is considered (Fig. 3), based on the following<br />

formula (Coates and Sanders 2000; Coombs<br />

1998; Spectra-Tech 2000):<br />

Where:<br />

= Depth of sampling penetration<br />

= Wavelength of incident radiation<br />

= Refractive index of ATR crystal<br />

= Refractive index of sample<br />

= Angle of incidence<br />

The ATR accessory employs an angle of incidence,<br />

, of 45°; over the range that the spectra<br />

were recorded, the refractive index of the crystal,<br />

n c<br />

, is approximately 2.4 for diamond and 4.0 for<br />

germanium; the refractive index for the sample,<br />

n s<br />

, is taken to be 1.6 for a nominal organic material.<br />

This allows the way that the ATR sampling<br />

depth varies with incident wavelength and,<br />

importantly for this experiment, at any given<br />

wavelength is approximately four times great for<br />

diamond than for germanium. This means that<br />

if a germanium crystal is used, a greater proportion<br />

of any material at the surface (e.g. ink) will<br />

be observed in comparison to the bulk substrate,<br />

than if a diamond crystal is employed.<br />

When the spectra of the unknown historic ink<br />

ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Working Group Interim Meeting | Vienna 17 – 19 April 2013<br />


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