Download Entire Index In PDF Format - Omega Engineering

Download Entire Index In PDF Format - Omega Engineering Download Entire Index In PDF Format - Omega Engineering


Subject Index Magnetic Bi-Metal Thermometer ………………See Bi-Metal Thermometers Contactor …………………See Contactors Flow Meter ………………See Flow Meters Flow Meter, Information …See Information Flow Meter, Pulsed dc Wafer Style …………………………H-11 (F), 52 (G) Pickup Amplifier for Low Level Flow ……………………………See Amplifiers Pump …………………………See Pumps Thermocouple Probe …See Thermocouples Magnifiers for Glass Thermometers …………………See Glass Thermometers Male Branch Fitting …………………See Fittings Fitting…………………………See Fittings Luer Fitting ……………………See Fittings Run Fitting ……………………See Fittings Management of Environmental Protection and Safety, Book …………………Y-9 (H) Manganese Test Kit ……………See Test Kits Manometer Handheld …………………D-69...D-76 (P) Handheld, Economical……………D-69 (P) Handheld, High Performance ……D-69 (P) Handheld, Portable Test Kit ………D-66 (P) Pressure Transducer Voltage Output …………………………B-264, B-265 (P) Mantle, Heating ………See Heating Mantles Manual Control Chemical Metering Pump ………………………………See Pumps Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement, Book, OP Series …………Y-3 (F), Y-3 (T) Manual On/Off Valve ……………See Valves Manual Valve ……………………See Valves Manufacturing Engineering Processes, Book, Process Engineering ……………………………Y-5 (H), Y-4 (T Mass Flow Accessory Cable with Connector …D-7 (F) Accessory Power Supply …………D-7 (F) Controller …………………See Controllers Flow/BTU Computer ……………M-29 (F) Information ………………See Information Meter ……………………See Flow Meters Meter Information ………See Information Mass, Force, Strain, Torque and Pressure Measurement, Video, MIT Series ………………Y-3 (F),Y-8 (H),(T), Y-9 (P) Measurement and Control Basics, Book, Process Engineering ………………Y-6 (H) Measurement Information …See Information Measuring Dynamic Variables, Video, MIT Series …………………Y-3 (F),Y-8 (P),(T) Mechanical Engineering Books …See Books Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook, Book, Mechanical Engineering……………Y-4 (P) Mechanical Level Control Switch …………………………K-67 (F), 117 (G) Mechanical Relays Meter Option ……………………………………57 (G) Media Compatibility, Bourdon Tube Gages …………………………………G-40 (P) Medium Capacity, Load Cell Platform …………………………F-77 (P) Single Point ………………………F-73 (P) Medium Oil Flanged Immersion Heater ……………………See Heater, Immersion Immersion Heater …See Heater, Immersion Medium Temperature Cable …………………………See Cables Duct Heater………………See Heater, Duct Heater…………………See Heater, Flexible Medium Temperature Heating Tape, Silicon Rubber …………………M-11 (H) Medium Viscosity Drum Pump ……L-13 (F) Melt Pressure Transducer Accessories ………B-258 (P) Extruder ………………………B-255 (P) Heavy Duty ……………………B-255 (P) Melting Point Standards ……………F-19 (T) Melting Pot, Soft Metal ……………N-22 (H) Mercury-Filled Glass, Precision, Red Magnified ………………………N-47 (H), E-21 (T) Glass, Red Magnified ………………………N-43 (H), E-17 (T) Glass Thermometer …………………See Glass Thermometers Glass, Yellow Back ……………………… N-45 (H), E-19 (T) Precision Thermometer ………………………N-45 (H), E-19 (T) Thermometer……See Glass Thermometers Mercury Slip Ring, Thermocouple …………………C-60 (P), G-61, G-62 (T) Mercury Spill Kit ………………………N-51 (H), E-25 (T) Metal Flow Sensor, Paddlewheel Design ……………………………F-47, F-48 (F) Meter Case ……………………See Meters Metal Armor, Heater Hook-up Wire Accessories ………………………S-12 (H), H-58 (T) Metal Overbraiding 304SS ……………………………H-36 (T) Inconel 600 ………………………H-36 (T) Tinned Copper……………………H-36 (T) Metal Pipe Straps …………See Heating, Cable Accessories Metal Protection Tube ……………A-113 (T) Metal Sheath Wire, Metric Diameter ……………H-45 (T) Wire, Standard Diameters ………H-43 (T) Wire Stripper ……………………H-51 (T) Meter Demand ………………Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T) Kilowatt Hour …………Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T) Kilowatt Hour/Demand ………………………Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T) Meter, 1/32 DIN Process Current ………………M-2, 43 (T) Process Voltage ………………M-2, 43 (T) RTD …………………………M-2, 43 (T) Meter, 3/64 DIN dc Millivolt, Economical ………………M-6 (F), 175 (G), D-60 (P) dc Millivolt, Miniature ………………M-6 (F), 175 (G), D-60 (P) Process Current, Economical ………………M-6 (F), 175 (G), D-60 (P) Process Current, Miniature ………………M-6 (F), 175 (G), D-60 (P) Process Voltage, Economical ………………M-6 (F), 175 (G), D-60 (P) Process Voltage, Miniature ………………M-6 (F), 175 (G), D-60 (P) Process, Economical ………………M-6 (F), 175 (G), D-60 (P) RTD ………M-28 (D), R-42 (H), M-33 (T) Thermocouple ……………M-28 (D), R-42 (H), M-33 (T) Meter, 1/16 DIN RTD ……………………………M-47 (T) Thermocouple …………………M-47 (T) Meter, 1/8 DIN ac AVG Current ………Q-30 (H), D-29 (P), ……………………………M-61, Q-67 (T) ac AVG Voltage ………Q-30 (H), D-29 (P), ………………………… M-38, M-43 (T) ac Current ………………………Q-30 (H), …………………D-29 (P), M-61, Q-65 (T) ac RMS Current ………Q-30 (H), D-29 (P), ……………………………M-61, Q-65 (T) ac RMS Voltage ………Q-30 (H), D-29 (P), ……………………………M-61, Q-65 (T) ac Voltage ……………Q-30 (H), D-29 (P), ……………………………M-61, Q-65 (T) Analog Input, Economical …………………………D-17 (F), 57 (G) Analog Input, High Performance …………………………D-17 (F), 33 (G) Back Lit LCD Display …………………………………M-101 (T) Bridge, High Performance………M-13 (D), ………………………R-41 (H), D-15 (P) Current, Differential ……………M-61 (T) Current, Scalable ………M-14 (F), D-29 (P) dc Current ………Q-30 (H), D-29 (P), M-61, Q-65 (T) dc Milliamp …………M-13 (D), M-61 (T) dc Millivolt …… M-13 (D), 177 (G), D-15, ………………… D-29, D-37, D-52 (P), ……………M-11,M-17, M-57, M-61 (T) dc Millivolt, Economical …………D-29 (P) dc Millivolt, High Performance …………………………………M-13 (D) dc Voltage …………M-57, M-61, Q-65 (T) Differential Process Current ……M-61 (T) Differential RTD ………179 (G), M-16 (T) Differential Temperature 179 (G), M-16 (T) Differential Thermocouple …………………………179 (G), M-16 (T) Dual Input ………………M-94, M-97 (T) Flow, Analog Input ………D-17 (F), 57 (G) Frequency Input……………………57 (G), ……M-13, D-17 (F), D-29, D-63, D-65 (P) Frequency Input, Economical …………………………D-17 (F), 57 (G) Frequency Input, High Performance ……D-17 (F), 57 (G), D-15, D-63, D-67 (P) Frequency Ratemeter …M-25 (F), Q-65 (T) Frequency Ratio …………………M-25 (F) Frequency Scalable ……M-13 (F), D-29 (P) High Performance………………M-13 (D), ……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T) Loop-Powered……C-29 (P), M-42, N-7 (T) Metal Case ………………M-79, M-104 (T) Multi-Channel ……M-39, M-55, M-104 (T) Ohms ……………………………M-61 (T) Process Current ………………M-16 (D), ………………………177 (G), R-41 (H), ………D-15, D-29, D-37, D-51, D-52 (P), …M-11, M-17, M-22, M-39, M-42, M-45, ……………………M-57, M-61, Q-65 (T) Process Current, Economical …………………………………M-61 (T) Process Current, High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), D-15 (P) Process Voltage ………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ………………R-41 (H), D-15, D-29, D-37, ……………………D-52 (P), M-11, M-17, ………M-22, M-39, M-57, M-61, Q-65 (T) Process Voltage, Economical …………… ………M-5 (F), D-29, D-30 (P), M-16 (T) Process Voltage, High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ………………………R-41 (H), D-15 (P) Pulse Input …………………………57 (G) Ratemeter ……………M-21 (F), D-66 (P) Ratemeter, Square Root ………………………M-21 (F), D-66 (P), RTD ……………………M-16, M-127 (D), ………177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11, …………M-17, M-20, M-39, M-55, M-57, …………………………M-101, Q-65 (T) RTD, Differential …………………………179 (G), M-16 (T) RTD, Economical………………M-127 (D), …………………………M-16, M-20 (T) RTD, High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), M-11 (T) Strain …………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15, D-17, D-23, D-29, E-29 (P) ……………M-11, M-22, M-61, Q-65 (T) Strain, Economical …………………170 (G), D-23, E-29 (P) Strain, High Performance …………………M-16 (D), D-17, E-29 (P) Thermistor, 400 Series …………M-17 (T) Thermistor, 700 Series …………M-17 (T) Thermocouple …………M-127, M-16 (D), ………………177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), …M-11, M-17, M-20, M-21, M-39, M-55, ……M-57, M-61, M-101, M-45, Q-65 (T) Thermocouple, Economical ………………M-127 (D), M-16, M-20 (T), Thermocouple, Differential …………………………179 (G), M-16 (T) Thermocouple, High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), M-11 (T) Totalizer …………………D-17, M-22 (F), …………………122 (G), D-63, D-65 (P) Totalizer, High Performance ………………D-17 (F), 122 (G), D-63 (P) True RMS Current ………Q-24, Q-30 (H), Q-64 (T), K-16 (P) True RMS Voltage ………Q-24, Q-30 (H), Q-64 (T), K-16 (P) True RMS Voltage, High Performance …………………………………K-16 (P) True RMS, ac Milliamp …………K-16 (P) True RMS, ac Millivolt ……………K-16 (P) True RMS, High Accuracy …………K-16 (P) Universal Input ………………………M-16 (D),177 (G), ……………R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-16 (T) Up-Down Totalizer, Batch Controller …………………………………M-25 (F) Voltage, Scalable ………M-14 (F), D-29 (P) Weigh Scale, Legal For Trade ……………………………D-21, F-8 (P) With Communications, High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ………………………R-41 (H), D-15 (P) Meter, 1/4 DIN Alarm, RTD ……………………P-115 (H) …………………………P-137, M-89 (T) Alarm, Thermocouple …………………………………P-115 (H) …………………………P-137, M-89 (T) Multi-Channel……………………M-55 (T) Process, High Accuracy ……………57 (G) Rate/Totalizer, Analog Input ………F-65 (F) Rate/Totalizer, Frequency Input……F-65 (F) Meter, ac Current 1/8 DIN ……………………………50 (G) Handheld, Clamp-on……………………… ……………………Q-6, Q-10 (H), Q-3 (T) Meter, Accessories Bench Stand …………D-67 (P), M-15 (T) BUMPER BAND ® ………………………D-67 (P), M-15 (T) Serial Connector, 9-Pin ……………………D-17, M-3 (F), 177 (G) Serial Connector, 25-Pin ……………………D-17, M-3 (F), 177 (G) 28 Index T = TEMPERATURE • H = HEATERS • P = PRESSURE • F = FLOW • D = DATA ACQUISITION G = GREENBOOK/ENVIRONMENTAL

Splash Cover ………………118, 175 (G) ………………………D-67 (P), M-15 (T) Meter, Adaptor pH Electrode…………149 (G) Meter, Alarm 1/4 DIN RTD …………………P-115 (H), M-88 (T) Thermocouple ………P-115 (H), M-88 (T) Meter, Analog Bench Stand Accessories ………M-125 (T) Thermocouple …………………M-125 (T) Meter, Bar Graph dc Millivolt ………………………M-84 (T) dc Voltage ………………………M-84 (T) Process Current …………………M-84 (T) Process Voltage …………………M-84 (T) Meter, Batch Controller Current Input …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P) Frequency Input, High Performance ……………………………M-3 (F), 57 (G) Voltage Input …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P) Meter, Batch Frequency Input, 6-Digit ……………………D-17, M-7 (F), 57 (G) Meter, Benchtop ………See Benchtop Meters Meter, Conductivity Analog Resistivity …………………24 (G) Economical Pocket …………………14 (G) Four Range Portable ………………15 (G) Handheld Resistivity ………………16 (G) Meter, Corrosive Media Rate/Totalizer, High Performance …………F-23...F-26 (F) Meter, Counter Quadrature……………………… M-17 (F) Quadrature, Totalizer, Miniature …M-17 (F) Ratemeter, Miniature ……………M-17 (F) Totalizer, Miniature ………………M-17 (F) Up-Down ………………………M-17 (F) Up/Down, Miniature ……………M-17 (F) Meter Cover, Splashproof, Accessory ………………………D-13 (P), M-22 (T) Meter, Cryogenic ……………………T-9 (T) Meter, Demand, Kilowatt Hour ………………………Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T) Meter, Differential Current, 1/8 DIN ………………M-61 (T) Handheld, Thermometer …………123 (G), ……L-13, L-26, L-31, L-35, L-37, Q-13 (T) Load/Strain Voltmeter ……………D-53 (P) Process Current …………………M-61 (T) RTD 1/8 DIN …………179 (G), M-16 (T) Temperature 1/8 DIN …179 (G), M-16 (T) Thermocouple 1/8 DIN …179 (G), M-16 (T) Meter, Dissolved Oxygen Current Output Waterproof …………47 (G) Waterproof Panel Mount……………47 (G) Meter, Economical Process Current……M-17, M-22, M-42 (T) Process Voltage …………………D-29 (P), M-17, M-22 (T) RTD ………………M-17, M-20, M-33 (T) Strain ……………………………M-22 (T) Thermistor ………………………M-17 (T) Thermocouple ………M-17, M-20, M-21, M-22, M-33 (T) Meter, Flow Analog Input, 1/8 DIN ……D-17 (F), 57 (G) Frequency Input, 1/8 DIN…D-17 (F), 57 (G) Meter, High Performance Process Current …………………………………M-16 (D), ……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T) Process Voltage ………………M-16 (D), ……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T) RTD ……………………M-16 (D),177 (G), ……………R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T) Strain …………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ……………R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T) Thermocouple …………………M-16 (D), ……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T) Meter, Industrial Housing, Loop Powered …………………D-42 (P), M-10, N-7 (T) Meter, Kilowatt Hour/Demand ………………………Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T) Meter, Kilowatt Hour ……Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T) Meter, Large Display dc Millivolt ……………………………… …………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T) Frequency………………………………… ………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T) Frequency/Rate ………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T) Process Current …M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73, M-79 (T) Process Input, Metal Case ………M-9 (F) Process Voltage ………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T) RTD………D-38, D-41 (P), M-73, M-79 (T) RTD Input, Metal Case ……………M-9 (F) Strain …M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T) Strain Gage Input, Metal Case ……M-9 (F) Thermocouple …M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73, M-79 (T) Thermocouple Input, Metal Case …M-9 (F) Meter, LCD Display RTD ……………………………M-101 (T) Thermocouple …………………M-101 (T) Meter, Loop Powered 1/8 DIN …………D-42 (P), M-10, N-7 (T) Current Input, Economical ………M-19 (F) Industrial Head Style ……N-7 (T), D-42 (P) Process Current …………M-42, M-68 (T) Meter, LVDT ac Powered ………………………J-36 (P) Displacement ……………………J-36 (P) Transducer ………………………J-36 (P) Meter, Metal Case …………………………M-79, M-104 (T) dc Milliamp ……………………M-104 (T) dc Millivolt ……………………M-104 (T) Gold Atomic Iron T/C …………M-104 (T) Multi-Channel …………………M-104 (T) Process Current ………M-79, M-104 (T) Process Voltage ………………M-104 (T) RTD ……………………M-79, M-104 (T) Thermistor, 400 Series ………M-104 (T) Thermistor, 700 Series ………M-104 (T) Thermocouple …………M-79, M-104 (T) Meter, Microstrain 1-Channel ………………………E-31 (P) 10-Channel…………………E-31, E-32 (P) Meter, Miniature Process Current …………………M-42 (T) Process Voltage …………………M-42 (T) Pulse Counter, OEM Style ………M-16 (F) RTD ……………………………M-33 (T) Thermocouple …………………M-33 (T) Meter, Multi-Channel 1/4 DIN …………………………M-55 (T) 1/8 DIN …………M-39, M-55, M-104 (T) Benchtop …………………M-99, M-101, …………………………M-104, K-119 (T) Meter, OEM Style Process Current …………………M-67 (T) Process Voltage …………………M-67 (T) RTD ……………………………M-67 (T) Thermocouple …………………M-67 (T) Meter, Option Alarm Relay …………R-41 (H), M-11 (T) Analog Output ……………………57 (G) BCD Isolated………………………170 (G) BCD Output ……57 (G), R-41 (H), M-11 (T) Mechanical Relay ……………57, 170 (G) RS-232 Output …………57, 170 (G), R-41 (H), M-11 (T) RS-485 Output …………57, 170 (G), R-41 (H), M-11 (T) Meter, Panel ……………………………See Meters (T) ac Current …………………………50 (G) NEMA-4X Industrial ………F-31 (F), 50 (G) Non-Isolated Industrial……F-31 (F), 50 (G) pH, Heavy Duty……………………123 (G) pH, Waterproof……………………123 (G) pH/mV, with Alarm ………………123 (G) Transmitter, Isolated Industrial ……………………………………156 (G) True RMS Current………………………… …………………Q-24, Q-30 (H), Q-64 (T) True RMS Voltage………………………… …………………Q-24, Q-30 (H), Q-64 (T) Meter, pH ……………………………………118 (G) Benchtop …………………See Benchtops Handheld …………………See Handhelds Laboratory…………………See Benchtops with Control Functions ……See Controllers Meter, Process 1/32 DIN…………………………M-43 (T) 3/64 DIN, Economical ……………………………M-6 (F), 57 (G) 1/4 DIN, High Accuracy ……………57 (G) Current Input Economical ………M-11 (F) Economical ………………………170 (G) High Performance …………………………………M-16 (D), ……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T) Millivolt Input, Economical ………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T) Process Current ………………M-16 (D), ………………………177 (G), R-41 (H), ………D-17, D-29, D-37, D-51, D-52 (P), ……M-11, M-18, M-21, M-24, M-31, M-38 ……………………M-42, M-43, M-45 (T) Process Current, Economical ……………… M-5 (F), 170 (G). D-29 (P) Process Current, High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T) Process Current, High Speed ……D-53 (P) Process Voltage …………………M-16 (D), 170, 177 (G), ………R-41 (H), D-17, D-29, D-37, D-51, …………D-52 (P), M-45, M-94, M-97 (T) Process Voltage, Economical ……………………………D-29, D-30 (P) Process Voltage, High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T) RTD……………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), ……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T) Strain …………………M-16 (D), 177 (G), R-41 (H), D-17, D-54, D-55 (P), M-11 (T) Thermocouple …………………M-16 (D), ………177 (G), R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11, ……………………M-43, M-94, M-97 (T) Universal Input …………………M-16 (D), ……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T) Voltage Input, Economical ………M-5 (F) Meter, Rate ……………………………See Frequency Amplified, Frequency Inputs ………………………M-22 (F), D-65 (P) Battery-Powered…………………M-23 (F) Current Input …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P) Frequency Input ………………M-3, M-7, M-11 (F), 57 (G) Frequency Input, High Performance ……………………………M-3 (F), 57 (G) Frequency Input, with Alarm ……M-11 (F) Loop-Powered …………………M-23 (F) Pulse Counter, OEM Style ………M-16 (F) Voltage Input …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P) Meter, Rate/Batch, Two-Stage, with Communication …………………M-29 (F) Meter, Relative Humidity, Handheld ……………………………Section Hu (T) Meter, RTD 3/64 DIN ……………M-28 (D), R-42 (H), M-33 (T) 1/8 DIN …………M-27, M-16 (D), 177 (G), ……R-41 (H), D-17 (P) M-11, M-17, M-20, M-39, M-55, M-57, M-61, M-101,Q-65 (T) 1/8 DIN Economical ……………M-27 (D) 1/8 DIN High Performance ………M-16 (D) 1/4 DIN …………………………M-55 (T) Meter, Solar-Powered ……………M-123 (T) Meter, Strain 1/8 DIN ……M-16 (D), 177 (G), R-41 (H), ………………D-17, D-29, D-25, E-30 (P), ……………M-11, M-22, M-61, Q-65 (T) 1/8 DIN Economical …D-29, D-30, E-30 (P) 1/8 DIN High Performance ………………………M-16 (D), E-29 (P) dc Millivolt, High Speed …………D-36 (P) High Performance ………………D-26 (P) Microstrain…………………E-31, E-32 (P) Meter, Thermocouple …………Section M (T) Meter, Totalizer Battery-Powered…………………M-23 (F) Current Input …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P) Frequency Input, High Performance ………………………M-3, M-7 (F), 57 (G) Loop-Powered …………………M-23 (F) Voltage Input …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P) Meter, Turbine Water, Rate/Totalizer …F-28 (F) Meter, UL Listed Batch Control ……………………D-17, M-3 (F), 57 (G) Ratemeter …………………… D-17, M-3 (F), 57 (G) Totalizer ……………………D-17, M-3 (F), 57 (G) Meter, Vortex Corrosive Media, All Plastic ………G-3 (F) Low Viscosity, All Plastic …………G-3 (F) Ultra-Pure Media, All Plastic ………G-3 (F) Meter, Wall Mount ………………M-121 (T) Meter, Water Long-Life, Economical ……………F-20 (F) Rate, Totalizer………………F-21...F-26 (F) Rate/Totalizer, High Performance ……………………………F-23...F-26 (F) Rate/Totalizer, Long-Life……F-23...F-26 (F) Remote Indication, Economical …F-20 (F) Totalizer, Rate………………F-21...F-26 (F) Meter, Weigh Scale, Legal for Trade ………………………………D-21, F-8 (P) Metering Chemical Pump, Dosing…L-50 (F), 196 (G) Chemical Pump, Heavy Duty ……………L-49, L-52, L-53 (F), 196 (G) Pump …………………………See Pumps Pump Accessories ……………See Pumps Pump Controller ………………See Pumps System, Pump and Tank …………………………L-33 (F), 182 (G) Metric Diameter Tubing ………………See Tubing OMEGACLAD ® Wire ………………H-45 (T) Pressure Gage, Dial………………G-23 (P) Pressure Gage, Range ………………………See Pressure Gages Thermowell Element ………B-14, B-30 (T) Thermowell Thread ………B-14, B-30 (T) Tubing Diameter ………………See Tubing Wire Stripper ……………………H-51 (T) MgO Insulated Thermocouple …………A-45 (T) Wire, Metric Diameter ……………H-46 (T) Wire, Standard Diameter …………H-43 (T) Mica-Glass Insulated Heater Hook-up Wire …………………………S-6 (H), H-53 (T) …………………See Heater, Hook-up Wire Micro-Dot Series Labels, Non-reversible …………………………………F-10 (T) Micro-Ohmmeter, High Precision …………………………K-113, M-115 (T) Microprocessor-Based Chemical Metering Pump ……See Pumps Controller …………………See Controllers Recorder …………………See Recorders Recorder, Circular …………See Recorders Recorder, Temperature/Humidity ……………………………See Recorders Mild Corrosive Solution Flanged Immersion Heater …See Heater, Immersion Milliamp Recorder ……………See Recorders T = TEMPERATURE • H = HEATERS • P = PRESSURE • F = FLOW • D = DATA ACQUISITION G = GREENBOOK/ENVIRONMENTAL Index 29

Splash Cover ………………118, 175 (G)<br />

………………………D-67 (P), M-15 (T)<br />

Meter, Adaptor pH Electrode…………149 (G)<br />

Meter, Alarm 1/4 DIN<br />

RTD …………………P-115 (H), M-88 (T)<br />

Thermocouple ………P-115 (H), M-88 (T)<br />

Meter, Analog<br />

Bench Stand Accessories ………M-125 (T)<br />

Thermocouple …………………M-125 (T)<br />

Meter, Bar Graph<br />

dc Millivolt ………………………M-84 (T)<br />

dc Voltage ………………………M-84 (T)<br />

Process Current …………………M-84 (T)<br />

Process Voltage …………………M-84 (T)<br />

Meter, Batch Controller<br />

Current <strong>In</strong>put …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P)<br />

Frequency <strong>In</strong>put, High Performance<br />

……………………………M-3 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Voltage <strong>In</strong>put …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P)<br />

Meter, Batch Frequency <strong>In</strong>put, 6-Digit<br />

……………………D-17, M-7 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Meter, Benchtop ………See Benchtop Meters<br />

Meter, Conductivity<br />

Analog Resistivity …………………24 (G)<br />

Economical Pocket …………………14 (G)<br />

Four Range Portable ………………15 (G)<br />

Handheld Resistivity ………………16 (G)<br />

Meter, Corrosive Media Rate/Totalizer,<br />

High Performance …………F-23...F-26 (F)<br />

Meter, Counter<br />

Quadrature……………………… M-17 (F)<br />

Quadrature, Totalizer, Miniature …M-17 (F)<br />

Ratemeter, Miniature ……………M-17 (F)<br />

Totalizer, Miniature ………………M-17 (F)<br />

Up-Down ………………………M-17 (F)<br />

Up/Down, Miniature ……………M-17 (F)<br />

Meter Cover, Splashproof, Accessory<br />

………………………D-13 (P), M-22 (T)<br />

Meter, Cryogenic ……………………T-9 (T)<br />

Meter, Demand, Kilowatt Hour<br />

………………………Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T)<br />

Meter, Differential<br />

Current, 1/8 DIN ………………M-61 (T)<br />

Handheld, Thermometer …………123 (G),<br />

……L-13, L-26, L-31, L-35, L-37, Q-13 (T)<br />

Load/Strain Voltmeter ……………D-53 (P)<br />

Process Current …………………M-61 (T)<br />

RTD 1/8 DIN …………179 (G), M-16 (T)<br />

Temperature 1/8 DIN …179 (G), M-16 (T)<br />

Thermocouple 1/8 DIN …179 (G), M-16 (T)<br />

Meter, Dissolved Oxygen<br />

Current Output Waterproof …………47 (G)<br />

Waterproof Panel Mount……………47 (G)<br />

Meter, Economical<br />

Process Current……M-17, M-22, M-42 (T)<br />

Process Voltage<br />

…………………D-29 (P), M-17, M-22 (T)<br />

RTD ………………M-17, M-20, M-33 (T)<br />

Strain ……………………………M-22 (T)<br />

Thermistor ………………………M-17 (T)<br />

Thermocouple<br />

………M-17, M-20, M-21, M-22, M-33 (T)<br />

Meter, Flow<br />

Analog <strong>In</strong>put, 1/8 DIN ……D-17 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Frequency <strong>In</strong>put, 1/8 DIN…D-17 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Meter, High Performance<br />

Process Current<br />

…………………………………M-16 (D),<br />

……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Process Voltage ………………M-16 (D),<br />

……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

RTD ……………………M-16 (D),177 (G),<br />

……………R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Strain …………………M-16 (D), 177 (G),<br />

……………R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Thermocouple …………………M-16 (D),<br />

……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-15 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Meter, <strong>In</strong>dustrial Housing, Loop Powered<br />

…………………D-42 (P), M-10, N-7 (T)<br />

Meter, Kilowatt Hour/Demand<br />

………………………Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T)<br />

Meter, Kilowatt Hour ……Q-25 (H), Q-54 (T)<br />

Meter, Large Display<br />

dc Millivolt ………………………………<br />

…………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T)<br />

Frequency…………………………………<br />

………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T)<br />

Frequency/Rate<br />

………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T)<br />

Process Current<br />

…M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73, M-79 (T)<br />

Process <strong>In</strong>put, Metal Case ………M-9 (F)<br />

Process Voltage<br />

………M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T)<br />

RTD………D-38, D-41 (P), M-73, M-79 (T)<br />

RTD <strong>In</strong>put, Metal Case ……………M-9 (F)<br />

Strain …M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73 (T)<br />

Strain Gage <strong>In</strong>put, Metal Case ……M-9 (F)<br />

Thermocouple<br />

…M-9 (F), D-38, D-41 (P), M-73, M-79 (T)<br />

Thermocouple <strong>In</strong>put, Metal Case …M-9 (F)<br />

Meter, LCD Display<br />

RTD ……………………………M-101 (T)<br />

Thermocouple …………………M-101 (T)<br />

Meter, Loop Powered<br />

1/8 DIN …………D-42 (P), M-10, N-7 (T)<br />

Current <strong>In</strong>put, Economical ………M-19 (F)<br />

<strong>In</strong>dustrial Head Style ……N-7 (T), D-42 (P)<br />

Process Current …………M-42, M-68 (T)<br />

Meter, LVDT<br />

ac Powered ………………………J-36 (P)<br />

Displacement ……………………J-36 (P)<br />

Transducer ………………………J-36 (P)<br />

Meter, Metal Case<br />

…………………………M-79, M-104 (T)<br />

dc Milliamp ……………………M-104 (T)<br />

dc Millivolt ……………………M-104 (T)<br />

Gold Atomic Iron T/C …………M-104 (T)<br />

Multi-Channel …………………M-104 (T)<br />

Process Current ………M-79, M-104 (T)<br />

Process Voltage ………………M-104 (T)<br />

RTD ……………………M-79, M-104 (T)<br />

Thermistor, 400 Series ………M-104 (T)<br />

Thermistor, 700 Series ………M-104 (T)<br />

Thermocouple …………M-79, M-104 (T)<br />

Meter, Microstrain<br />

1-Channel ………………………E-31 (P)<br />

10-Channel…………………E-31, E-32 (P)<br />

Meter, Miniature<br />

Process Current …………………M-42 (T)<br />

Process Voltage …………………M-42 (T)<br />

Pulse Counter, OEM Style ………M-16 (F)<br />

RTD ……………………………M-33 (T)<br />

Thermocouple …………………M-33 (T)<br />

Meter, Multi-Channel<br />

1/4 DIN …………………………M-55 (T)<br />

1/8 DIN …………M-39, M-55, M-104 (T)<br />

Benchtop …………………M-99, M-101,<br />

…………………………M-104, K-119 (T)<br />

Meter, OEM Style<br />

Process Current …………………M-67 (T)<br />

Process Voltage …………………M-67 (T)<br />

RTD ……………………………M-67 (T)<br />

Thermocouple …………………M-67 (T)<br />

Meter, Option<br />

Alarm Relay …………R-41 (H), M-11 (T)<br />

Analog Output ……………………57 (G)<br />

BCD Isolated………………………170 (G)<br />

BCD Output ……57 (G), R-41 (H), M-11 (T)<br />

Mechanical Relay ……………57, 170 (G)<br />

RS-232 Output<br />

…………57, 170 (G), R-41 (H), M-11 (T)<br />

RS-485 Output<br />

…………57, 170 (G), R-41 (H), M-11 (T)<br />

Meter, Panel<br />

……………………………See Meters (T)<br />

ac Current …………………………50 (G)<br />

NEMA-4X <strong>In</strong>dustrial ………F-31 (F), 50 (G)<br />

Non-Isolated <strong>In</strong>dustrial……F-31 (F), 50 (G)<br />

pH, Heavy Duty……………………123 (G)<br />

pH, Waterproof……………………123 (G)<br />

pH/mV, with Alarm ………………123 (G)<br />

Transmitter, Isolated <strong>In</strong>dustrial<br />

……………………………………156 (G)<br />

True RMS Current…………………………<br />

…………………Q-24, Q-30 (H), Q-64 (T)<br />

True RMS Voltage…………………………<br />

…………………Q-24, Q-30 (H), Q-64 (T)<br />

Meter, pH<br />

……………………………………118 (G)<br />

Benchtop …………………See Benchtops<br />

Handheld …………………See Handhelds<br />

Laboratory…………………See Benchtops<br />

with Control Functions ……See Controllers<br />

Meter, Process<br />

1/32 DIN…………………………M-43 (T)<br />

3/64 DIN, Economical<br />

……………………………M-6 (F), 57 (G)<br />

1/4 DIN, High Accuracy ……………57 (G)<br />

Current <strong>In</strong>put Economical ………M-11 (F)<br />

Economical ………………………170 (G)<br />

High Performance<br />

…………………………………M-16 (D),<br />

……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Millivolt <strong>In</strong>put, Economical<br />

………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G),<br />

……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Process Current ………………M-16 (D),<br />

………………………177 (G), R-41 (H),<br />

………D-17, D-29, D-37, D-51, D-52 (P),<br />

……M-11, M-18, M-21, M-24, M-31, M-38<br />

……………………M-42, M-43, M-45 (T)<br />

Process Current, Economical<br />

……………… M-5 (F), 170 (G). D-29 (P)<br />

Process Current, High Performance<br />

………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G),<br />

……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Process Current, High Speed ……D-53 (P)<br />

Process Voltage<br />

…………………M-16 (D), 170, 177 (G),<br />

………R-41 (H), D-17, D-29, D-37, D-51,<br />

…………D-52 (P), M-45, M-94, M-97 (T)<br />

Process Voltage, Economical<br />

……………………………D-29, D-30 (P)<br />

Process Voltage, High Performance<br />

………………………M-16 (D), 177 (G),<br />

……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

RTD……………………M-16 (D), 177 (G),<br />

……………R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Strain …………………M-16 (D), 177 (G),<br />

R-41 (H), D-17, D-54, D-55 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Thermocouple …………………M-16 (D),<br />

………177 (G), R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11,<br />

……………………M-43, M-94, M-97 (T)<br />

Universal <strong>In</strong>put …………………M-16 (D),<br />

……177 (G), R-41 (H), D-17 (P), M-11 (T)<br />

Voltage <strong>In</strong>put, Economical ………M-5 (F)<br />

Meter, Rate<br />

……………………………See Frequency<br />

Amplified, Frequency <strong>In</strong>puts<br />

………………………M-22 (F), D-65 (P)<br />

Battery-Powered…………………M-23 (F)<br />

Current <strong>In</strong>put …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P)<br />

Frequency <strong>In</strong>put<br />

………………M-3, M-7, M-11 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Frequency <strong>In</strong>put, High Performance<br />

……………………………M-3 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Frequency <strong>In</strong>put, with Alarm ……M-11 (F)<br />

Loop-Powered …………………M-23 (F)<br />

Pulse Counter, OEM Style ………M-16 (F)<br />

Voltage <strong>In</strong>put …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P)<br />

Meter, Rate/Batch, Two-Stage, with<br />

Communication …………………M-29 (F)<br />

Meter, Relative Humidity, Handheld<br />

……………………………Section Hu (T)<br />

Meter, RTD<br />

3/64 DIN<br />

……………M-28 (D), R-42 (H), M-33 (T)<br />

1/8 DIN …………M-27, M-16 (D), 177 (G),<br />

……R-41 (H), D-17 (P) M-11, M-17, M-20,<br />

M-39, M-55, M-57, M-61, M-101,Q-65 (T)<br />

1/8 DIN Economical ……………M-27 (D)<br />

1/8 DIN High Performance ………M-16 (D)<br />

1/4 DIN …………………………M-55 (T)<br />

Meter, Solar-Powered ……………M-123 (T)<br />

Meter, Strain<br />

1/8 DIN ……M-16 (D), 177 (G), R-41 (H),<br />

………………D-17, D-29, D-25, E-30 (P),<br />

……………M-11, M-22, M-61, Q-65 (T)<br />

1/8 DIN Economical …D-29, D-30, E-30 (P)<br />

1/8 DIN High Performance<br />

………………………M-16 (D), E-29 (P)<br />

dc Millivolt, High Speed …………D-36 (P)<br />

High Performance ………………D-26 (P)<br />

Microstrain…………………E-31, E-32 (P)<br />

Meter, Thermocouple …………Section M (T)<br />

Meter, Totalizer<br />

Battery-Powered…………………M-23 (F)<br />

Current <strong>In</strong>put …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P)<br />

Frequency <strong>In</strong>put, High Performance<br />

………………………M-3, M-7 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Loop-Powered …………………M-23 (F)<br />

Voltage <strong>In</strong>put …………M-21 (F), D-66 (P)<br />

Meter, Turbine Water, Rate/Totalizer …F-28 (F)<br />

Meter, UL Listed<br />

Batch Control<br />

……………………D-17, M-3 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Ratemeter<br />

…………………… D-17, M-3 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Totalizer<br />

……………………D-17, M-3 (F), 57 (G)<br />

Meter, Vortex<br />

Corrosive Media, All Plastic ………G-3 (F)<br />

Low Viscosity, All Plastic …………G-3 (F)<br />

Ultra-Pure Media, All Plastic ………G-3 (F)<br />

Meter, Wall Mount ………………M-121 (T)<br />

Meter, Water<br />

Long-Life, Economical ……………F-20 (F)<br />

Rate, Totalizer………………F-21...F-26 (F)<br />

Rate/Totalizer, High Performance<br />

……………………………F-23...F-26 (F)<br />

Rate/Totalizer, Long-Life……F-23...F-26 (F)<br />

Remote <strong>In</strong>dication, Economical …F-20 (F)<br />

Totalizer, Rate………………F-21...F-26 (F)<br />

Meter, Weigh Scale, Legal for Trade<br />

………………………………D-21, F-8 (P)<br />

Metering<br />

Chemical Pump, Dosing…L-50 (F), 196 (G)<br />

Chemical Pump, Heavy Duty<br />

……………L-49, L-52, L-53 (F), 196 (G)<br />

Pump …………………………See Pumps<br />

Pump Accessories ……………See Pumps<br />

Pump Controller ………………See Pumps<br />

System, Pump and Tank<br />

…………………………L-33 (F), 182 (G)<br />

Metric<br />

Diameter Tubing ………………See Tubing<br />

OMEGACLAD ® Wire ………………H-45 (T)<br />

Pressure Gage, Dial………………G-23 (P)<br />

Pressure Gage, Range<br />

………………………See Pressure Gages<br />

Thermowell Element ………B-14, B-30 (T)<br />

Thermowell Thread ………B-14, B-30 (T)<br />

Tubing Diameter ………………See Tubing<br />

Wire Stripper ……………………H-51 (T)<br />

MgO<br />

<strong>In</strong>sulated Thermocouple …………A-45 (T)<br />

Wire, Metric Diameter ……………H-46 (T)<br />

Wire, Standard Diameter …………H-43 (T)<br />

Mica-Glass <strong>In</strong>sulated Heater Hook-up Wire<br />

…………………………S-6 (H), H-53 (T)<br />

…………………See Heater, Hook-up Wire<br />

Micro-Dot Series Labels, Non-reversible<br />

…………………………………F-10 (T)<br />

Micro-Ohmmeter, High Precision<br />

…………………………K-113, M-115 (T)<br />

Microprocessor-Based<br />

Chemical Metering Pump ……See Pumps<br />

Controller …………………See Controllers<br />

Recorder …………………See Recorders<br />

Recorder, Circular …………See Recorders<br />

Recorder, Temperature/Humidity<br />

……………………………See Recorders<br />

Mild Corrosive Solution Flanged<br />

Immersion Heater …See Heater, Immersion<br />

Milliamp Recorder ……………See Recorders<br />



<strong><strong>In</strong>dex</strong> 29

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