Dr. Almut Gerhardt: Publications (Aug 2009) - Oekotoxzentrum

Dr. Almut Gerhardt: Publications (Aug 2009) - Oekotoxzentrum

Dr. Almut Gerhardt: Publications (Aug 2009) - Oekotoxzentrum


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<strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Almut</strong> <strong>Gerhardt</strong>: <strong>Publications</strong> (<strong>Aug</strong> <strong>2009</strong>)<br />

International publications in scientific journals (peer-review)<br />

1. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1990): Effects of subacute doses of Cd on pH-stressed Leptophlebia marginata (L.)<br />

and Baetis rhodani Pict., Environmental Pollution 67, 29-43.<br />

2. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1992): Qualitative and quantitative investigations on the detritus content of the<br />

Breitenbach (Eastern Hessen, FRG), Archiv für Hydrobiologie 124 (1), 35-51.<br />

3. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1992): Subacute effects of iron (Fe) on Leptophlebia marginata (L.) (Insecta:<br />

Ephemeroptera). Freshwater Biology 27, 79-84.<br />

4. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1992): Acute toxicity of Cd in stream invertebrates in relation to pH and test design.<br />

Hydrobiologia 239, 93-100.<br />

5. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1993): Impact of heavy metals on stream invertebrates with special emphasis on acid<br />

conditions. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 66, 289-314.<br />

6. Herrmann, J., Degermann, E., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Johansson, C., Lingdell, P. E. & I. P. Muniz<br />

(1993): Acid stress effects in streams. Ambio 22 5, 298-307.<br />

7. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Clostermann, M., Fridlund, B. & E. Svensson (1994): Monitoring of behavioral<br />

patterns of aquatic organisms with an impedance conversion technique. Environment International 20<br />

(2), 209-219.<br />

8. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1994): Short term toxicity of iron (Fe) and lead (Pb) to the mayfly Leptophlebia<br />

marginata (L.) (Insecta) in relation to freshwater acidification. Hydrobiologia 284, 157-168.<br />

9. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1995): Joint and single toxicity of Cd and Fe related to uptake to the mayfly<br />

Leptophlebia marginata (L.) (Insecta). Hydrobiologia 306, 229-240.<br />

10. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & F. Westermann (1995): Chronic toxicity of Fe-hydroxide precipitations on<br />

mayflies- a field study. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 133 (1), 81-93.<br />

11. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1995): Monitoring behavioural responses to and effects of metals in Gammarus<br />

pulex (Crustacea ) with impedance conversion. Environm. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2 (1), 15-23.<br />

12. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & L. Janssens de Bisthoven (1995): Behavioural, developmental and<br />

morphological responses of Chironomus gr. thummi larvae (Diptera) to aquatic pollution. Journal of<br />

Aquatic Ecosystem Health 4, 205-214.<br />

13. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1996): Behavioural early warning responses to polluted surface water: Performance<br />

of G. pulex L. (Crustacea) and H. angustipennis Curtis (Insecta) to a complex industrial effluent.<br />

Envirnm. Sci. Pollut. Res. 3 (2), 63-70.<br />

14. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Carlsson, A., Ressemann, C. & K. P. Stich (1998): A new online biomonitoring<br />

system for Gammarus pulex (L.) (Crustacea): in situ test below a copper effluent in South Sweden.<br />

Environmental Science & Technology 32 (1), 150-156.<br />

15. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & C. Palmer (1998): Copper tolerances of Adenophlebia auriculata (Insecta) and<br />

Burnupia stenochorias (Mollusca) in indoor artificial streams. The Science of the Total Environment<br />

215, 217-229.<br />


16. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1998): Whole effluent toxicity testing with Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum 1792):<br />

Survival and behavioural responses to a dilution series of a mining effluent in South Africa. Arch.<br />

Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 35, 309-316.<br />

17. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & M. Clostermann (1998): A new biomonitor system based on magnetic<br />

inductance for freshwater and marine environments. Environment International 24 (7), 699-701.<br />

18. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Janssens de Bisthoven, L., Mo, Z., Wang, C. & Z. Wang (2002): Short-term<br />

responses of Oryzias latipes (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) (Pisces) and Macrobrachium nipponense<br />

(De Haan, 1849) (Crustacea) to municipal and pharmaceutical waste water in Beijing, China: survival,<br />

behaviour, biochemical biomarkers. Chemosphere 47 (1), 35 - 47.<br />

19. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Schmidt, S. & S. Höss (2002): Measurement of movement patterns of<br />

Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematoda) with the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor- a<br />

potential new method to study a behavioural toxicity parameter of nematodes in<br />

sediment. Environmental Pollution 120 (3), 19-22.<br />

20. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & S. Schmidt (2002): The Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor as tool for sediment<br />

biotests and biomonitoring. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2(2): 67-70.<br />

21. Janssens de Bisthoven, L. & <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2003): Chironomidae fauna in three small<br />

streams of Skania, Sweden. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 83, 89-102.<br />

22. Fidalgo, M. & A. <strong>Gerhardt</strong> (2003): Distribution of the freshwater shrimp Atyaephyra<br />

desmaresti (Millet, 1831) in Portugal (Decapoda, Natantia). Crustaceana 75 (11),<br />

1375-1385.<br />

23. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Janssens de Bisthoven, L. & E. Penders (2003): Quality control of drinking water<br />

from the River Rhine (Netherlands) with the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor. Aquatic Ecosystem<br />

Health Management Society 6 (2), 159-166.<br />

24. Janssens der Bisthoven, L. & A. <strong>Gerhardt</strong> (2004): Use of Adenophlebia auriculata<br />

Eaton 1881 and Leptophlebia marginata (L. 1767) nymphs (Leptophlebiidae,<br />

Ephemeroptera) in aquatic ecotoxicology. Zoologica Baetica 13-14, 57-69.<br />

25. Janssens de Bisthoven, L., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & M. Maldonado (2004): Behavioural responses and<br />

survival to short-term Chrom pollution in Chironomus sp. and tadpoles from Rio Rocha, Bolivia.<br />

Bulletin of Environm. Contam. Tox. 72, 422-428.<br />

26. Janssens de Bisthoven, L., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & A.M.V.M. Soares (2004): Effects of<br />

Acid Mine <strong>Dr</strong>ainage on Chironomus spp. (Diptera) in laboratory and in situ bioassays<br />

with the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor.Special Series of Environmental<br />

Toxicology & Chemistry, 23 (5), 1123-1128.<br />

27. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Janssens de Bisthoven, L. & A.M.V.M. Soares (2004):<br />

Macroinvertebrate response to acid mine drainage: community metrics and on-line<br />

behavioural toxicity bioassay. Environmental Pollution 130, 263-274.<br />

28. Janssens de Bisthoven, L., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & A.M.V.M. Soares (2005): Chironomidae<br />

as bioindicators of Acid Mine <strong>Dr</strong>ainage stress. Hydrobiologia 532, 181-191.<br />

29. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. Janssens de Bisthoven, L. & A.M.V.M. Soares (2005):Evidence for the<br />

Stepwise Stress Model: Gambusia holbrooki and Daphnia magna under AMD and<br />

ACID stress. Environmental Science & Technology 39/11, 4150-4158.<br />

30. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Janssens de Bisthoven, L. & A.M.V.M. Soares (2005): Effects of<br />


Acid Mine <strong>Dr</strong>ainage and acidity on the activity of Choroterpes picteti(Ephemeroptera)<br />

Arch. Environm. Contam. Tox. 48 (4) 450-459.<br />

31. Janssens de Bisthoven, L., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2005): A critical appraisal of morphological<br />

deformities in midge larvae (Insecta, Nematocera: Chironomidae): clues for biomonitoring the<br />

sediment quality of freshwater ecosystems. Research trends in comparative and physiology, 11: 28-36.<br />

32. Kirkpatrick, A.J., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Dick, J.T.A., McKenna, M., Laming, P. and J.A.<br />

Berges (2006): Use of the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor to assess behavioural<br />

changes in Corophium volutator (Pallas, 1766) (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in response to<br />

toxicant exposure in sediment. Ecotoxicology, Environmental Safety, 64 (3), 298-303.<br />

33. Kirkpatrick, A.J., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Dick, J.T.A., Laming, P. and J.A. Berges (2006):<br />

Suitability of Crangonyx pseudogracilis(Crustacea: Amphipoda) as an Early Warning<br />

Indicator in the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor. Environ Sci Pollut Res 13 (4) 242-250.<br />

34. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Janssens de Bisthoven, L. , Schmidt, S. (2006):Automated recording of vertical<br />

negative phototactic behaviour in Daphnia magna (Crustacea). Hydrobiologia, 559, 433-441.<br />

35. Janssens de Bisthoven, L., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & A.M.V.M. Soares (2006): Behavioural changes and<br />

acute toxicity of the freshwater shrimp Atyaephyra desmaresti Millet (Decapoda: Natantia) from<br />

exposure to Acid Mine <strong>Dr</strong>ainage. Ecotoxicology, 15, 215-227.<br />

36. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Ingram, M-K., Kang, J., Ultizur, S. (2006): In situ on-line toxicity biomonitoring<br />

in water: recent developments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25 (9), 2263-2272.<br />

37. Karsten Liber, Bill Goodfellow, Andrew Green, Will Clements, Pieter den Besten, Tamara<br />

Galloway, <strong>Almut</strong> <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, Stuart Simpson (2007): In-Situ-Based Effects Measures:<br />

Considerations for Improving Methods and Approaches. IEAM 3 (2), 246-258.<br />

38. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2007): Behavioural ecotoxicology- prospects and limitations. HERA 13<br />

(3), 481-492.<br />

39. Sardo, A.M., Soares, A.M.V.M, <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2007). “Behavior, growth and<br />

reproduction of Lumbriculus variegatus (Oligochaetae) in different sediment types.” Human<br />

and Ecological Risk Assessment, HERA 13 (3), 519-527.<br />

40. <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A (2007): Importance of Exposure Route for Behavioural Responses in<br />

Lumbriculus variegatus Müller (Oligochaeta: Lumbriculida) in Short-Term Exposures to Pb.<br />

Env Sci Pollut Res, OnlineFirst (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.12.371), 14 (6):<br />

430-434.<br />

41. Macedo-Sousa J. A., Pestana J. L.T., <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A., Nogueira A. J.A., Soares A.<br />

M.V.M., 2007, Behavioural and feeding reponses of Echinogammarus meridionalis<br />

(Crustacea, Amphipoda) to acid mine drainage, Chemosphere, 67, 1663-1670.<br />

42. <strong>Almut</strong> <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, Cornelia Kienle, Ian J. Allan, Richard Greenwood, Nathalie<br />

Guigues, Anne-Marie Fouillac, Graham A. Mills and Catherine Gonzalez, 2007.<br />

Biomonitoring with Gammarus pulex at the Meuse (NL), Aller (GER) and Rhine (F) rivers<br />

with the online Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor®. Journal of Environmental Monitoring<br />

(JEM): DOI.10.1039/b706619h (17. Juli 2007), Vol. 9: 979-985.<br />


43. Ren Z, Zha J, Ma, M, Wang Z, <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A. (2007): The early warning of aquatic<br />

organophosphorous pesticide contamination by on-line monitoring behavioral changes of<br />

Daphnia magna. Environm. Monitoring & Assessment 134, (1-3): 373-383.<br />

44. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Janssens de Bisthoven, L., Guhr, K., Soares, AMVM, Pereira, M.J. (2008):<br />

Phytoassessment of Acid Mine <strong>Dr</strong>ainage: Combining Lemna gibba bioassay and Diatom community<br />

structure. Ecotoxicology 17/1: 47-58.<br />

45. Kienle, C., Köhler, HR., Filser, J., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A (2008): Effects of nickel chloride and<br />

oxygen depletion on behaviour and vitality of zebrafish Danio rerio(Hamilton, 1822) (Pisces,<br />

Cypriniformes) larvae. Environmental Pollution 152: 612-620.<br />

46. Kienle, C., <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A. (2008). Behaviour of Corophium volutator (Crustacea,<br />

Amphipoda) exposed to the water accommodated fraction (WAF) of oil in water and<br />

sediment. ET & C., Vol. 3, 599-604.<br />

47. Macedo-Sousa, J.A., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Brett, C.M.A., Nogueira, A.J.A., Soares,<br />

A.M.V.M. (2008): Behavioural responses of indigenous benthic invertebrates<br />

(Echinogammarus meridionalis, Hydropsyche pellucidula and Choroterpes picteti) to a pulse<br />

of Acid Mine <strong>Dr</strong>ainage: a laboratory study. Environmental Pollution 156: 966-973.<br />

48. Chandra S. & A. <strong>Gerhardt</strong> (2008): Invasive species in aquatic ecosystems: Issue of<br />

global concern. Aquatic Invasions, March 2008, p 1-2.<br />

49. Scheil, V., Kienle, C., Osterauer, R., <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Köhler, H.R. (<strong>2009</strong>): Effects of<br />

3.4-DCA and Diazinon on different biological organisation levels of zebrafish embryos and<br />

larvae. Ecotoxicology, 18, 355-363.<br />

50. Peeters, ETHM, <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. and C. Amiard-Triquet (<strong>2009</strong>): Behavioural<br />

Ecotoxicology: Mechanisms, Effects, Applications and Biomonitoring. HERA 15 (January<br />

<strong>2009</strong>).<br />

51.<strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A (<strong>2009</strong>): Screening the toxicity of Ni, Cd, Cu, Ivermectin and Imidacloprid in a<br />

short-term automated behavioural toxicity test with Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaeta)<br />

(HERA 15, January <strong>2009</strong>).<br />

52. Kase R., Kunz P., <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A. (<strong>2009</strong>): Identifikation geeigneter biologischer<br />

Nachweismethoden hormonaktiver Substanzen in aquatischen Ökosystemen.<br />

Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoffforschung 21 (4).<br />

53. Kunz P, Kienle C., <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A. (<strong>2009</strong>): Gammarus spp in aquatic ecotoxicology:<br />

towards an integrated multilevel testing. RECT (in press).<br />

54. Kunz P, Kase R., <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A. (<strong>2009</strong>): A modular test platform to assess endocrine disruptors in<br />

the aquatic environment. ESPR (in press).<br />

55. Martin Holmstrup a *, Anne-Mette Bindesbøl a , Geja Oostingh b , Albert Duschl b , Volker<br />

Scheil c , Heinz Köhler c , Susana Loureiro d , Amadeu Soares d , Abel Ferreira d , Cornelia Kienle e ,<br />

<strong>Almut</strong> <strong>Gerhardt</strong> e , Ryszard Laskowski f , Paulina Kramarz f , Mark Bayley g , Claus Svendsen h ,<br />

Dave Spurgeon (<strong>2009</strong>): Interactions between effects of environmental chemicals and natural<br />

stressors: a review. STOTEN (in press).<br />


56. Jonker M.J., <strong>Gerhardt</strong> A., Backhaus T., van Gestel C.A.M. (<strong>2009</strong>): Test design, mixture<br />

characterization and data evaluation (Chapter 4 in):<br />

van Gestel C.A.M., Jonker M.J., Kammenga J.E., Laskowski R., Svendsen C. (eds.): Mixture toxicity:<br />

Linking approaches from ecotoxicology and human toxicology. Proc. SETAC/NoMiracle Intern.<br />

Workshop on Mixture Toxicity, April 2-6, 2006, Krakow, Poland. SETAC (in press)<br />

Books, book-chapters, series<br />

57. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (ed.) (1999): Biomonitoring of Polluted Water. Reviews on Actual Topics.<br />

Environmental Research Forum 9, TransTech Publ., Zürich, Switzerland. (1999/2000),<br />

305 pp.<br />

58. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1999): Recent trends in online biomonitoring for water quality control. In:<br />

<strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (ed): Biomonitoring of Polluted Water. Revies on Actual Topics., Environmental<br />

Research Forum Vol 9, 95-118., TTP Switzerland, 301 pp.<br />

59. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1999): Biomonitoring for the 21 st Century. In: <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (ed):<br />

Biomonitoring of Polluted Water. Reviews on Actual Topics. Environmental Research Forum Vol 9, 1-<br />

13, TTP Switzerland, 301 pp..<br />

60. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2000/1): A new Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor for ecologically relevant<br />

surveillance of surface waters. In: Butterworth, F. et al. (eds.) Biomonitors and biomarkers as<br />

indicators of environmental change: Vol. II, Kluywer-Plenum Press, 508 pp, 301-317.<br />

61. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2002): Indicator species in biomonitoring. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support systems<br />

(ed.: UNESCO), EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK. (http://www.eolss.net).<br />

62. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., (ed.) (2004):<br />

Metal Pollution: From Exposure to Ecological Effects. Proceedings Setac Europe<br />

2002, Vienna, Austria, Special Series of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry;<br />

Vol. 23 (5).<br />

Articles in national journals<br />

63. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1981): Zustand rheinhessischer Fliessgewässer. Ergebnisse der<br />

Molluskenkartierung der GNOR. Gesellschaft für Naturschutz und Ornithologie, Rheinland-Pfalz,<br />

Band 2(2), 230-298.<br />

64. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (1990):Vattnet är surt: Liv star pa spel!, Skanes Natur Arsbok, 36-42.<br />

65. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & T. Gabriel (1991): Die Ringelnatter (Natrix natrix L) in Kinzelbach, R. & M.<br />

Niehuis (ed.): Wirbeltiere-Beiträge zur Fauna von Rheinland-Pfalz. Mainzer Naturwissenschaftl.<br />

Archiv, Beiheft 13, 103-115.<br />

66. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & K. Quindt (2000): Abwassertoxizität und -überwachung mit den<br />

Bachflohkrebsen Gammarus pulex (L.) und Gammarus tigrinus (Sexton) (Crustacea).<br />

Wasser und Boden, 52/10, 19-26.<br />

67. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A., Orendt C., Dettinger-Klemm, P.-M. A., Janssens de Bisthoven, L., Michiels, S.,<br />

Otto, C.-J., Vogt, C. (DGL-AK "Chironomiden als Bioindikatoren") (2006). Chironomiden:<br />

Potential und Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Biomonitoring von Gewässern – ein Überblick. Mitteilungen<br />

der Deutschen Limnologen Gesellschaft 1/2006, 49-56.<br />


Conference-proceedings<br />

68. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2002): The Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor® (MFB) and its<br />

in aquatic toxicology and biomonitoring. Conference Proceedings, AutMoNet 2002,<br />

Vienna, Austria, 4 pp.<br />

69. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2000): Der Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor (MFB) und seine<br />

Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Forschung und Monitoring von Wasserqualität.<br />

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Konferenzbericht, Rostock, Okt. 1999, Bd 2:<br />

972-977, DGL Tutzing.<br />

70. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. & L. Janssens de Bisthoven (2000): Behavioural reactions of Procladius<br />

choreus (Meigen) to a light stimulus. In: Late 20 th Century Research on Chironomidae: an Anthology<br />

from the 13 th Intern. Symposium on Chironomidae, editor Ottwin Hoffrichter, Shaker Verlag, Aachen,<br />

443-447.<br />

71. <strong>Gerhardt</strong>, A. (2001): The Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor and its application in aquatic<br />

research and biomonitoring. Proc. Intern. Conf. Env. Concerns and Emerging Abatement<br />

Technologies, Bejing, China, October 2001, Vol.2, 5 pp.<br />


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