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DEGRADATION MECHANISMS IN SOLID OXIDE ELECTROLYSIS ANODES: Cr POISONING AND CATION INTERDIFFUSION Introduction Nuclear fission energy is one of the promising sources for clean energy at a large scale. In addition to electricity production, nuclear plants can also be used for the production of alternate transportation fuels such as hydrogen gas. High temperature steam electrolysis is one of the most efficient electrochemical processes for hydrogen generation from water with no CO 2 emissions using electricity and heat from nuclear plants (Yildiz, 2006, 2006a). It is carried out in devices called Solid Oxide Electrolytic Cells (SOEC) at high temperatures. An electrolytic cell consists of the hydrogen electrode (cathode) and the oxygen electrode (anode), with an oxygen ion-conducting electrolyte sandwiched between them. The electrodes are electrically coupled to an electricity source by external lines outside the cell. Figure 1 shows a schematic of one such SOEC. Oxygen passes over the anode, and hydrogen and steam over the cathode. At the cathode, two water molecules accept four electrons to form hydrogen gas and oxide ions. The oxide ions then move through the electrolyte and go to the positive electrode (anode) where they lose electrons and form oxygen gas. Cells are stacked together, and metallic interconnects are used between cells. Cell interconnects provide cell-to-cell electrical connection and separate fuel and oxidant gas atmospheres in a stack. Figure 1: Representation of a SOEC The electrodes for SOEC have to possess certain properties important for their proper functioning, including high electronic conductivity, high catalytic activity and compatibility with other cell components. The doped ABO 3 perovskite family of compounds (A = lanthanide group, B = transition metal group) is the most common set of materials that is used as oxygen electrodes in SOEC inspired from SOFC. Sr-doped lanthanum manganites (LSM) are conventionally put to use as oxygen electrodes. Like the oxygen electrode, the hydrogen electrode must combine catalytic activity with electrical and ionic conductivity. Ionic conductivity allows the cathode to spread the oxide ions across a broader region of electrode/electrolyte interface and electronic conductivity ensures the transport of electrons required for the electrode reaction from the external circuit. The hydrogen electrode generally consists of a nickel-zirconia cermet electrode. Besides, a perovskite bond layer is used to provide better contact between the oxygen electrode and the metallic interconnects. Zirconia-based electrolytes, possessing the fluorite structure, have been the most popular choice for the electrolyte material. SOEC operate on the same basic principle as that of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), though the current flow is in the opposite direction. Though SOFC have been a subject of detailed study for a long time, a keen interest in SOEC has only been generated in the past few years. Hence SOEC are not yet as well understood as SOFC, though the main challenges are expected to be similar for both since they are based on similar mechanisms. It has been observed that over a long period of operation, the SOFC show a loss in performance (Virkar, 2007). This loss is attributed to degradation of the cells. This degradation is principally due to the chemical interaction between the electrolyte and the electrodes at the electrolyte/electrode interface at the high temperatures of operation, which leads to the formation 140 NUCLEAR PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN – © OECD/NEA 2010

DEGRADATION MECHANISMS IN SOLID OXIDE ELECTROLYSIS ANODES: Cr POISONING AND CATION INTERDIFFUSION of secondary phases that block the active sites where electro-catalysis occurs. At higher temperatures of operation, interaction between the components of the cells becomes stronger (Adler, 2004), leading to higher rates of degradation. The diffusion of Cr-containing species from the steel interconnects used in the cells into the electrode microstructure (either through vapour phase or solid state diffusion) and their reaction with the electrodes to form secondary phases has been identified as a major cause for degradation when the cells are operated in the fuel cell mode (Matsuzaki, 2000, 2001; Fergus, 2007; Stanislowski, 2007). Also, the segregation of cations in the electrodes of SOFCs is well documented. It has been seen that certain electrodes such as LSCF, though offering higher power densities than LSM electrode, do not possess long-term stability (Simner, 2006). This segregation can alter the properties of the cell constituents and cannot only increase the ohmic resistance but such phenomena can greatly affect the oxygen reduction reactions and the charge transfer mechanisms. As a result of this degradation, the efficiency of the cells goes down with time. Similar degradation issues are relevant in SOEC. A better understanding of the mechanisms of degradation can help us identify ways and compositions that can counter the loss in cell performance. In this report, we summarise our results obtained from the post-mortem analysis of the SOEC and identify a mechanism of degradation of the oxygen cell of the cells. The oxygen electrode of the cells under analyses in our project is a perovskite material A 0.8 Sr 0.2 MnO 3 (element A is not disclosed because it is proprietary information). Scandia-stabilised zirconia (SSZ) is used as the electrolyte. The cathode consists of a Ni-SSZ cermet. Also, a lanthanum strontium cobaltite (La 0.8 Sr 0.2 CoO 3 , also known as LSC) is used as the bond layer. Approach and techniques The aim of our methodology is to employ a variety of spectroscopic techniques in an integrated manner. Table 1 summarises the approach employed. Table 1: Summary of our approach and the techniques used with their respective goals Technique Raman Spectroscopy Nanoprobe Auger Electron Spectroscopy (NAES) Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX)/ Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Objective Preliminary identification of secondary phases formed on the surface of the bond layer Electrode surface chemistry and microstructure and its variation across the cross-section at a small scale (μm-nm) Selective choice of the interface of interest to prepare TEM samples from High resolution identification of the chemical composition and secondary structures formed Results and discussion Raman Spectroscopy was performed on the used cells. Data found in the literature (Chen, 2006; Hoang, 2003; Iliev, 2006; Li, 2003; Orlovskaya, 2005; Scheithauer, 1998) were used as references for Raman peaks of the phases of interest found in our data. Figure 2 shows the air side of the one of the cells after disassembly. We see dark and light lines that appear on the surface. This distinction occurs due to the design of the corrugated flow channels to enable air flow. The LSC regions in contact with the flow channels were comparatively lighter. We carried out Raman Spectroscopy on the dark and light coloured regions on the air electrode side of this cell. The Raman results obtained clearly show that the perovskite structure of the LSC has in fact decomposed and formed other phases. Also, the presence of chromium is clearly manifest in the form of different Cr-containing compounds. This chromium comes from the stainless steel interconnects. Figure 3 makes it clear that there is hardly any structural difference between the light and dark regions. Both have the bond layer intact, even though decomposed, and have not exposed the lower layers of the electrode. The colour contrast is not distinguishable in terms of the phases present in these regions. As marked in Figure 3, the LSC perovskite structure has decomposed into the cobalt oxide, chromium oxide and lanthanum chromate phases, which have electronic conductivity that is an order or two lower than that of the intial LSC phase. NUCLEAR PRODUCTION OF HYDROGEN – © OECD/NEA 2010 141


Introduction<br />

<strong>Nuclear</strong> fission energy is one <strong>of</strong> the promising sources for clean energy at a large scale. In addition to<br />

electricity production, nuclear plants can also be used for the production <strong>of</strong> alternate transportation<br />

fuels such as hydrogen gas. High temperature steam electrolysis is one <strong>of</strong> the most efficient<br />

electrochemical processes for hydrogen generation from water with no CO 2 emissions using electricity<br />

and heat from nuclear plants (Yildiz, 2006, 2006a). It is carried out in devices called Solid Oxide<br />

Electrolytic Cells (SOEC) at high temperatures.<br />

An electrolytic cell consists <strong>of</strong> the hydrogen electrode (cathode) and the oxygen electrode (anode),<br />

with an oxygen ion-conducting electrolyte sandwiched between them. The electrodes are electrically<br />

coupled to an electricity source by external lines outside the cell. Figure 1 shows a schematic <strong>of</strong> one<br />

such SOEC. Oxygen passes over the anode, and hydrogen and steam over the cathode. At the cathode,<br />

two water molecules accept four electrons to form hydrogen gas and oxide ions. The oxide ions then<br />

move through the electrolyte and go to the positive electrode (anode) where they lose electrons and<br />

form oxygen gas. Cells are stacked together, and metallic interconnects are used between cells. Cell<br />

interconnects provide cell-to-cell electrical connection and separate fuel and oxidant gas atmospheres<br />

in a stack.<br />

Figure 1: Representation <strong>of</strong> a SOEC<br />

The electrodes for SOEC have to possess certain properties important for their proper functioning,<br />

including high electronic conductivity, high catalytic activity and compatibility with other cell<br />

components. The doped ABO 3 perovskite family <strong>of</strong> compounds (A = lanthanide group, B = transition<br />

metal group) is the most common set <strong>of</strong> materials that is used as oxygen electrodes in SOEC inspired<br />

from SOFC. Sr-doped lanthanum manganites (LSM) are conventionally put to use as oxygen electrodes.<br />

Like the oxygen electrode, the hydrogen electrode must combine catalytic activity with electrical and<br />

ionic conductivity. Ionic conductivity allows the cathode to spread the oxide ions across a broader<br />

region <strong>of</strong> electrode/electrolyte interface and electronic conductivity ensures the transport <strong>of</strong> electrons<br />

required for the electrode reaction from the external circuit. The hydrogen electrode generally consists<br />

<strong>of</strong> a nickel-zirconia cermet electrode. Besides, a perovskite bond layer is used to provide better contact<br />

between the oxygen electrode and the metallic interconnects. Zirconia-based electrolytes, possessing<br />

the fluorite structure, have been the most popular choice for the electrolyte material.<br />

SOEC operate on the same basic principle as that <strong>of</strong> solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), though the<br />

current flow is in the opposite direction. Though SOFC have been a subject <strong>of</strong> detailed study for a long<br />

time, a keen interest in SOEC has only been generated in the past few years. Hence SOEC are not yet<br />

as well understood as SOFC, though the main challenges are expected to be similar for both since they<br />

are based on similar mechanisms. It has been observed that over a long period <strong>of</strong> operation, the SOFC<br />

show a loss in performance (Virkar, 2007). This loss is attributed to degradation <strong>of</strong> the cells. This<br />

degradation is principally due to the chemical interaction between the electrolyte and the electrodes at<br />

the electrolyte/electrode interface at the high temperatures <strong>of</strong> operation, which leads to the formation<br />


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