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<strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>EMPLOYEE</strong> <strong>QUARTERLY</strong> Volume 67, No. 2 • SPRING 2011

Repeal – Here we come!<br />

S.B 5 will have its day at voting booth<br />

On March 30, history<br />

was made in Ohio!<br />

Unfortunately, it<br />

wasn’t the good kind. Instead,<br />

the majority of the members<br />

of the Ohio General Assembly<br />

voted for the most punishing<br />

and regressive anti-union, antimiddle<br />

class, anti-public worker<br />

bill this state has every seen.<br />

“Senate Bill 5 literally sends<br />

us back 30 years,” said <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

President Eddie L. Parks.<br />

But history will be made<br />

again this November on Election<br />

Day, as working-class Ohioans<br />

rise up and stand up for what’s<br />

right, according to President<br />

Parks.<br />

A coalition of labor unions,<br />

called We Are Ohio and led by<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> and other supporters,<br />

is in the midst of one of the<br />

biggest union rights fights in<br />

Ohio history. The union plans<br />

on repealing SB 5 by putting a<br />

referendum on the Nov. 2011<br />

ballot. The bill severely limits<br />

Ohio’s public employees from<br />

bargaining collectively and<br />

much more.<br />

“The fight is far from over.<br />

We are in this game for the long<br />

haul and the name of the game<br />

is repeal,” said Parks.<br />

The referendum process<br />

The deadline to gather<br />

231,149 registered Ohio voter<br />

signatures to get the referendum<br />

on the ballot is June 30.<br />

Repeal SB 5 Timeline<br />

April 1 – Gov. John Kasich files<br />

signed SB 5 with SOS. Public<br />

employee unions have 90 days to<br />

certify and gather 231,149 signatures<br />

needed to get the referendum<br />

on 2011 ballot.<br />

Citizen’s Veto defined<br />

Referendum {ref-uh-ren-duh m}<br />

A citizen’s veto, also called a referendum,<br />

delays the effective date of a law or proposal<br />

until the electors approve the language of a<br />

law. In the case of SB 5, the citizens of Ohio<br />

will be asked at the voting booth whether SB 5<br />

should be approved or not. The answer: NO!<br />

When sufficient signatures<br />

are gathered and the referendum<br />

is placed on the ballot,<br />

Ohio voters will be given the<br />

option to use their citizen’s veto<br />

powers and repeal the bill.<br />

The We Are Ohio coalition<br />

filed the initial referendum<br />

certification request with the<br />

Secretary of State and Attorney<br />

General on April 4, just days<br />

after Kasich signed the bill. The<br />

government officials had 10 days<br />

to either certify or reject the<br />

request. The request was certified<br />

on April 15, allowing the<br />

petition circulation process to<br />

begin.<br />

While only 1,000 signatures<br />

were needed to certify the<br />

request for referendum, there<br />

were a total of 2,835 signatures<br />

gathered. Of those, all but<br />

300 were considered valid, an<br />

unprecedented approval rate for<br />

Ohio, said <strong>OCSEA</strong> attorney Kelly<br />

Phillips. “The validity of the signatures<br />

just shows you how serious<br />

Ohioans are about getting<br />

their chance to vote down SB 5<br />

once and for all.”<br />

April 4 – More than 3,000<br />

signatures and ballot<br />

language for SB 5<br />

are submitted to Ohio<br />

Secretary of State for<br />

certification.<br />

Members of BWC Chap. 2535 spend the day at the<br />

Statehouse to oppose SB 5.<br />

It’s anticipated that the<br />

petitions will be ready for circulation<br />

in late April. Training<br />

on petition circulation has<br />

already begun statewide. To<br />

find a training near you, go to<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>Votes.org.<br />

The circulation of petitions<br />

has come to be known as<br />

the “People’s Petition Drive,”<br />

because it’s being spearheaded<br />

by average citizens all over the<br />

state. “Voters want to veto this<br />

unfair attack on employee rights<br />

and worker safety,” said Phillips.<br />

“This includes Republicans,<br />

Democrats and Independents<br />

who see how unfair this bill is<br />

and how imbalanced the legislative<br />

process was, despite major<br />

opposition.”<br />

April 9 – Referendum<br />

campaign officially kicks<br />

off at Statehouse rally.<br />

Over 11,000 public<br />

employees and supporters<br />

attend.<br />

In a recent press release, the<br />

We Are Ohio coalition says it<br />

expects to have thousands of<br />

volunteer circulators, which is<br />

unprecedented in Ohio history.<br />

Ohioans are not only asking We<br />

Are Ohio, “Where do I sign the<br />

petition?” but “How do I circulate<br />

a petition?” the coalition<br />

said in the release.<br />

“So far, the entire process<br />

has been a smooth one. We<br />

hope this is the case all the<br />

way through November,” said<br />

Phillips. “We just want the<br />

people of Ohio to be able to<br />

have a say one way or another<br />

in regard to this legislation that<br />

will impact so many.”<br />

April 4-15 – Ohio Secretary of<br />

State and Attorney General<br />

Offices review request and<br />

determine whether or not to<br />

certify request.<br />

2 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

Waking the sleeping giant<br />


President<br />

I have never been prouder<br />

to be “union” in my life.<br />

There is a strong feeling<br />

of solidarity in the air that<br />

I’ve not felt in decades. The<br />

very principles of unionism<br />

are being re-thought and retaught<br />

in Ohio and around the<br />

country. Attacks on workers<br />

and the erosion of the middle<br />

class, under the guise of economic<br />

distress, have awoken<br />

an angry sleeping giant.<br />

Anti-worker politicians and<br />

talking heads tried to convince<br />

this nation that the giant (aka,<br />

labor) was dead. But the union<br />

movement is not dead. <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

activists are living proof of<br />

that.<br />

We have seen a revival in<br />

activism in this union reminiscent<br />

of 30 years ago when we<br />

first fought for collective bargaining.<br />

The passing of Senate<br />

Bill 5, massive budget cuts<br />

to public service and dangerous<br />

pension proposals have<br />

provoked us – but <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

members are fighting back like<br />

their lives depend on it.<br />

You can hear the pride in<br />

public work as you listen to<br />

chapter-paid radio ads about<br />

the importance of public service.<br />

You can see the outrage<br />

at anti-worker politicians on<br />

subordinate-body sponsored<br />

billboards and in newspaper<br />

ads.<br />

You can feel the fire in the<br />

bellies of activists at rallies in<br />

Columbus, Mount Vernon,<br />

Canton and all across this<br />

great state.<br />

You can believe that we<br />

are not alone as City Councils<br />

pass resolutions against SB 5<br />

in Athens, Lima, Mansfield and<br />

cities everywhere in between.<br />

But the fight has just begun,<br />

brothers and sisters. SB 5<br />

may have passed the Ohio<br />

Legislature, but our work is<br />

really just beginning, and we<br />

have a long road ahead.<br />

The opposition will spend<br />

millions of dollars trying to<br />

defeat us. They will play dirty<br />

pool and they will play politics.<br />

They will have unlimited<br />

war chests. They will come to<br />

Ohio from all over the country<br />

to defeat us. But we will have<br />

something they don’t have.<br />

We will have YOU!<br />

I have never been<br />

prouder to be ‘union’<br />

in my life.<br />

~ <strong>OCSEA</strong> Pres.<br />

Eddie L. Parks<br />

We are going to win this<br />

battle where all great battles<br />

are won: on the front lines.<br />

We’re not going win this war<br />

in the media or even at the<br />

Statehouse. We don’t have<br />

the kind of resources the<br />

Koch brothers have or other<br />

wealthy campaign contributors<br />

have.<br />

We are going to win this<br />

battle in the street, going doorto-door,<br />

person-to-person,<br />

where the rubber meets the<br />

road.<br />

With the support of private<br />

sector unions, coalitions,<br />

worker-friendly politicians and<br />

businesses, we are leading the<br />

way for a citizen’s veto. We<br />

will let anti-union politicians<br />

know once and for all that<br />

working-class Ohioans are a<br />

force to be reckoned with.<br />

There’s a lot you can do<br />

to get involved in the referendum<br />

campaign between<br />

now and November, and we<br />

need you! Volunteer petition<br />

circulators are currently being<br />

trained to take on the greatest<br />

task of gathering signatures.<br />

Activists are also encouraged<br />

to register other members<br />

to vote, attend referendum<br />

events and show support for<br />

the referendum in their communities<br />

by holding events,<br />

putting out yard signs, writing<br />

local newspapers and more.<br />

We must band together<br />

as we continue to fight this<br />

historic and unfair attack on<br />

working people. We cannot<br />

let our resolve weaken no<br />

matter what obstacles they<br />

throw at us. The sleeping<br />

giant has truly been awakened.<br />

How do I get involved?<br />

Beginning in mid April and into the spring, <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

and AFSCME staff will train <strong>OCSEA</strong> member volunteers<br />

around the state on how to effectively circulate<br />

referendum petitions.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> chapters will play a key role in the circulation<br />

of petitions and the mobilization of members as<br />

we head toward November.<br />

To learn more about the referendum process and<br />

how to get involved, visit <strong>OCSEA</strong>Votes.org.<br />

April 15 – Referendum is<br />

officially certified and full<br />

petition circulation is allowed to<br />

begin.<br />

Mid to late April – <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

staff and activists receive<br />

initial training on petition<br />

circulation. Circulation<br />

training begins statewide.<br />

Late April-June 30 –<br />

Petition circulators to<br />

gather 231,149 signatures<br />

to put referendum on<br />

ballot.<br />

June 30 – Deadline for<br />

gathering signatures and filing<br />

referendum petition with Ohio<br />

SOS. Marks 90 days since bill<br />

signed into law.<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 3

Referendum<br />

How many signatures<br />

do we need?<br />

The minimum signatures<br />

required by law to get the<br />

repeal of SB 5 on the ballot<br />

is 231,149 registered Ohio<br />

voters. However, our goal<br />

is to get 500,000 signatures<br />

to prevent the possibility of<br />

invalid signatures.<br />

How long do we have<br />

to get signatures?<br />

We have 90 days from the<br />

signing of the bill. That<br />

deadline is June 30, 2011.<br />

Who can sign<br />

petitions?<br />

Any Ohio registered voter.<br />

If an individual is not registered,<br />

they may fill out a<br />

voter registration form at the<br />

time of signing a petition.<br />

Can I circulate petitions<br />

at work?<br />

Yes, as long as you are not<br />

on the clock and are on your<br />

own time (i.e., shift changes,<br />

lunches) and are doing so in<br />

non-work areas (i.e., lunch<br />

rooms, union offices, outside).This<br />

should be done<br />

pursuant to your agency’s<br />

solicitation policy.<br />

Do you have to sign<br />

the petition in your registered<br />

county or can<br />

you sign any petition?<br />

You have to sign a petition<br />

from the county in which<br />

you are registered to vote.<br />

Not doing so will invalidate<br />

your signature.<br />

If I wish to repeal<br />

Senate Bill 5, how<br />

should I vote?<br />

When asked, “Shall Senate<br />

Bill 5 be approved?” you<br />

VOTE NO!<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Chapters:<br />

The key to ballot box success<br />

At a special membership meeting on April 2 in Columbus,<br />

chapter leaders got their first glimpse of the role they will play<br />

as <strong>OCSEA</strong> moves toward a referendum to repeal Senate Bill 5.<br />

All chapters will play crucial roles throughout the process<br />

in all 88 counties. Chapter leaders will work directly with their<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Staff Representative and Sector Captains to recruit and<br />

train petition circulators, register members to vote and collect<br />

signatures. The Sector Captains assigned to targeted counties<br />

will report directly to one of three Regional Coordinators, who<br />

report directly to <strong>OCSEA</strong>.<br />

Each chapter is tasked with getting their chapter membership<br />

to sign a petition. Chapters are also charged with working<br />

directly in their communities to gather additional signatures,<br />

including those of spouses, neighbors, church members, and so<br />

on.<br />

Chapters<br />

Chapters<br />

Sector Captains<br />

Chapters<br />

Activists are committed to<br />

“Killing the bill” and plan to<br />

take it all the way to the voting<br />

booth.<br />

Regional Coordinators<br />

Repeal SB 5 Timeline Con’t.<br />

July 20 – Last day SOS has to<br />

determine if there are sufficient valid<br />

signatures to put repeal referendum<br />

on ballot. If enough signatures,<br />

Ohio Ballot Board drafts referendum<br />

language.<br />

End of Aug.- beginning of Sept.<br />

– The final deadline for SOS to<br />

determine whether referendum<br />

will be on ballot IF AND ONLY IF<br />

the required signatures were not<br />

met and supplemental signatures<br />

are needed.<br />

July-Nov. – <strong>OCSEA</strong> activists will educate members,<br />

families and communities to increase referendum<br />

awareness, hold voter registration drives, man phone<br />

banks and more to repeal the bill!<br />

4 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

What’s IN<br />

Senate Bill 5?<br />

How will SB 5 affect you?<br />

SB 5: From collective bargaining<br />

to collective begging<br />

As passed, Senate Bill 5 went from bad to awful as it<br />

made its way from the Senate to the House.<br />

The bill as passed and signed into law still makes<br />

public employees criminals if they strike, eliminates steps and<br />

longevity and keeps public employees away from the bargaining<br />

table on health care. On top of that, it now allows fair share<br />

“free loaders” to get the benefits of the union without paying<br />

dues and makes it hard for public employees to participate in<br />

the political process.<br />

SB 5 gives managers no incentive at all to bargain in good<br />

faith and gives the final resolution of impasse to the Controlling<br />

Board or the State Legislature.<br />

“We knew this was never about ‘budgets’ or ‘flexibility.’ It’s<br />

about political payback and silencing unions and the voices<br />

of the people who participate in them,” said <strong>OCSEA</strong> President<br />

Eddie L. Parks.<br />

Charles Berry (ODJFS)<br />

“SB 5 will make it harder for<br />

me to serve my customers.”<br />

Jeana Campolo (DD)<br />

“SB 5 will make it more<br />

difficult to bargain the<br />

issues that are important<br />

to my members.”<br />

Marlena Locke-Lowe<br />

(OHFA)<br />

“SB 5 will make it harder for<br />

me to provide for my family.”<br />

Darin Burkhart (ODOT)<br />

“SB 5 will take away the right<br />

to bargain safety in my<br />

workplace.”<br />

What’s in the bill:<br />

In SB 5, <strong>OCSEA</strong> members can’t<br />

bargain over:<br />

• Health care plans<br />

• Pension pick ups<br />

• Privatization or contracting out<br />

• Staffing levels<br />

SB 5 also:<br />

• Eliminates step increases and<br />

pay schedules<br />

• Requires the DAS Director to<br />

create a performance pay system<br />

• Requires wage increases/<br />

decreases be based on<br />

performance<br />

• Eliminates longevity pay<br />

• Limits overtime<br />

• Requires employees to pay at<br />

least 15 percent of their health<br />

care premiums<br />

• Caps vacation<br />

• Limits sick leave accrual and payouts<br />

at retirement<br />

• Caps personal leave<br />

SB 5 lets management decide<br />

whether or not to bargain over:<br />

• Hiring, firing, transfers, discipline<br />

and more<br />

• Work hours and assignments<br />

• Equipment<br />

• Work standards<br />

• Work locations<br />

• Consolidations and mergers<br />

• Termination of work<br />

More…<br />

• SB 5 does not impact the current<br />

contract but includes a Fiscal<br />

Emergency clause, which could<br />

invalidate contract agreements during<br />

a fiscal crisis.<br />

• While removing direct reference to<br />

jail time for striking, jail time is still<br />

the penalty for violating a “no strike”<br />

injunction by the court.<br />

• SB 5 eliminates the union “fair share”<br />

provision, which allows “free loaders”<br />

to get the benefits of the union without<br />

having to pay their fair share.<br />

• SB 5 allows employers, employees or<br />

other unions to bring a petition to<br />

decertify from the union with only a<br />

small minority (30%) having to agree.<br />

Oct. 4 – Early Voting begins.<br />

Ohioans can begin requesting<br />

absentee ballots and<br />

vote NO! to repeal SB 5!<br />

Oct. 11 – Last day to<br />

register to vote for Nov. 8<br />

election.<br />

Nov. 5 – Last day to submit<br />

Early Voting request. All<br />

absentee ballot requests<br />

must be submitted to county<br />

board of elections by noon.<br />

Nov. 8 –<br />

Election Day!<br />

Vote NO! to<br />

Repeal the Bill!<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 5

Privatizing prisons<br />

How Ohio communities<br />

lose with prison<br />

“fire sale”<br />

Recent headlines from<br />

Arizona to Louisiana<br />

have painted a<br />

graphic picture of private prison<br />

contracts gone bad. Stories<br />

abound about escaped private<br />

prison inmates, mass manhunts<br />

for fugitives and escapees terrorizing<br />

communities and keeping<br />

neighborhoods on edge.<br />

In Arizona, a recent escape<br />

led to a six-state manhunt and<br />

the brutal death of an innocent<br />

couple. Turns out, the<br />

three fugitives who escaped<br />

from the private prison run<br />

by Management Training<br />

Corporation were convicted<br />

murderers being housed in<br />

minimum security facilities.<br />

Numerous other security problems<br />

were uncovered after<br />

the escape, too, including an<br />

80 percent staff turnover rate,<br />

faulty fencing and alarm systems<br />

and an unmanned perimeter.<br />

Not only are safety and security<br />

issues on the rise, but savings<br />

to taxpayers are overblown<br />

or nonexistent when states<br />

enter into these private prison<br />

deals, according to recent<br />

accounts. Besides that, the lack<br />

of transparency means states are<br />

having less and less control over<br />

the security levels of inmates,<br />

where they’re housed, how<br />

they’re being treated or even<br />

what state they’re from.<br />

And thanks to a national<br />

decrease in inmate populations,<br />

a new trend has private prison<br />

corporations leaving cities on<br />

the hook for millions of dollars<br />

when they abandon prisons that<br />

aren’t turning a profit.<br />

So why would Ohio want to<br />

jump in to what many feel has<br />

Grafton DRC Chap. 4710 Pres. Bobbie Peters speaks to a local<br />

reporter about alternatives to privatizing her prison.<br />

become a “private prison quagmire?”<br />

Budgets or bankrolls?<br />

Instead of heeding the warnings<br />

of states like Arizona,<br />

Ohio has decided to expand<br />

its private prison experiment<br />

and sell five entire prisons lock,<br />

stock and barrel to shore up its<br />

budget, or so the administration<br />

says. But is the price worth the<br />

pain?<br />

“The sale of five prisons<br />

to corrections contractors,<br />

like Corrections Corporation<br />

of America or Wackenhut,<br />

does next to nothing to solve<br />

the state’s budget crisis,” said<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Corrections Assembly<br />

President Charlie Williamson.<br />

The administration recently<br />

admitted that only $50 million<br />

of the $200 million dollar price<br />

tag for the purchase of five<br />

Ohio prisons, including North<br />

Central Correctional Institution<br />

and Grafton Correctional<br />

Institutions, actually comes back<br />

to the budget. The rest will be<br />

used to pay off bonds still outstanding<br />

on those facilities.<br />

“That means the drastic sale<br />

of five prisons that will kill jobs<br />

and put communities at risk will<br />

shave off only .6 percent of the<br />

total budget deficit. That’s why<br />

we’re calling it a “fire sale,”’ said<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> State Board of Directors<br />

member Tracy Cutright.<br />

President<br />

LOCAL<br />

Ohio Civil Service<br />

Employees Association<br />

Vice President<br />

Secretary-Treasurer<br />

Board of Directors:<br />

Eddie L. Parks<br />

Christopher Mabe<br />

Kathleen M. Stewart<br />

District 1: Kate Callahan (ODOT),<br />

Shawn Gruber (DR&C), Jerry Lugo (ODJFS)<br />

District 2: Carrie Johnson (MH),<br />

Michelle Hunter (ODMR/DD)<br />

District 3: Doug Mosier (DR&C), Bob Valentine (ODOT)<br />

District 4: Bruce Thompson (DYS),<br />

Sharon Lipps (BWC)<br />

District 5: Cindy Bobbitt (ODJFS),<br />

Tracy Cutright (DR&C)<br />

District 6: John Anthony (Taxation),<br />

Debra Honore (RSC), Shirley Hubbert (BWC),<br />

Louella Jeter (ODPS), Kelvin Jones, (EPA), Debra King<br />

(ODJFS), Laura Morris (Health), Annie Person (DYS),<br />

Tim Roberts (DR&C), Joe Wing (ODOT)<br />

District 7: Quida Higbee (ODJFS),<br />

Lawrence McKissic (BWC)<br />

District 8: A.J. Frame (DR&C), Beth Sheets (ODMR/DD)<br />

District 9: Charles Williamson (DR&C),<br />

Jeremy Grooms (ODOT)<br />

AFL-CIO<br />

Retiree Representative: Loneste Blackwell<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Headquarters:<br />

390 Worthington Road, Ste. A, Westerville, Oh 43082<br />

Live Operator: 614-865-4700 or 800-969-4702<br />

Automated Dial: 614-865-2678 or 800-266-5615<br />

Fax: 614-865-4777<br />

Web site: www.ocsea.org<br />

Customer Service: 888-<strong>OCSEA</strong>-11 (888-627-3211)<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Public Employee Quarterly (USPS 010-112)<br />

is published quarterly for $6 by the Ohio Civil Service<br />

Employees Association, 390 Worthington Road,<br />

Suite A, Westerville, OH 43082. Periodicals postage<br />

paid at Westerville, OH and additional mailing offices.<br />

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Ohio Civil<br />

Service Employees Association, 390 Worthington Road,<br />

Suite A, Westerville, OH 43082.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Public Employee Quarterly is produced by the<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Communications Department: Sally Meckling,<br />

Director; Deirdre O’Neill-Wedig, Pattie Boy, Stacey<br />

Laugel, Associates.<br />

To update email and other contact information go to:<br />

www.ocsea.org/update or call 800-969-4702.<br />

LAKE<br />



<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

OTTAWA<br />

DISTRICT 7<br />

GEAUGA<br />

WOOD<br />





LORAIN<br />


<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />


MEDINA<br />

DISTRICT 1<br />

HURON<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

SENECA<br />


<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

PUTNAM<br />


DISTRICT 3<br />


ASH-<br />

VAN WERT<br />


LAND<br />

WAYNE<br />

STARK<br />

ALLEN<br />



HARDIN<br />


MARION<br />

HOLMES<br />


MORROW<br />

JEFFER-<br />

LOGAN<br />

KNOX<br />


SON<br />

SHELBY<br />

UNION<br />




DARKE<br />

CHAMPAIGN <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

DISTRICT 6<br />

DISTRICT 5<br />


MIAMI<br />




CLARK<br />


MONT-<br />



NOBLE<br />

PERRY<br />

MONROE<br />

GREENE<br />


MORGAN<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />


DISTRICT 2<br />



BUTLER<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />


DISTRICT 8<br />

ROSS<br />




MEIGS<br />

PIKE<br />



<strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

DISTRICT 9<br />

BROWN<br />

GALLIA<br />

ADAMS<br />

SCIOTO<br />

6 Public Employee Quarterly<br />


6 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

It’s clear by these figures<br />

that the sale is more politically<br />

and philosophically motivated<br />

than budget-motivated. “If the<br />

bottom line number they were<br />

looking to save is $50 million<br />

or even $200 million, they<br />

could have sat down with the<br />

union to talk about savings,<br />

but they chose not to,” said<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Corrections Assembly<br />

Vice President Tim Roberts.<br />

“Instead, they are choosing to<br />

sell the state’s assets to their<br />

cronies for pennies on the<br />

dollar. Hell, we saved $250 million<br />

in just one year of our contract<br />

concessions and we didn’t<br />

have to sell off the farm to do<br />

it,” said Roberts.<br />

Taxes, jobs and broken<br />

promises<br />

The Kasich administration<br />

is pulling out all the stops to<br />

entice community leaders in<br />

Grafton and Marion that the<br />

sale will mean renewed taxes<br />

and more jobs. But are local<br />

officials just being hoodwinked?<br />

“By our analysis, those<br />

promises are overstated at best,<br />

and outright lies at worst,” said<br />

Cutright.<br />

The Marion Star reported<br />

the Kasich administration even<br />

admitted private companies use<br />

fewer staff and that they plan<br />

on using only 1.7 COs to fill a<br />

position, instead of the 2 COs<br />

the state uses (March 27, 2011).<br />

The upshot: even fewer jobs<br />

for Marion and Grafton, and at<br />

lower pay.<br />

While wage information for<br />

private prison companies is a<br />

closely guarded secret, <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

Corrections leaders were able<br />

to ascertain from paperwork<br />

filed by Management Training<br />

Corporation that the company<br />

pays its staff about a third less<br />

than the State of Ohio. “How<br />

would you like to do this job<br />

where you are in danger of<br />

being assaulted on a daily basis<br />

for $12 an hour? Because that’s<br />

what they get paid,” Cutright<br />

recently told a newspaper<br />

reporter.<br />

Not only will the number of<br />

jobs and salaries be curtailed,<br />

but in new budget language,<br />

companies that buy state assets<br />

wholesale like the prisons or<br />

Turnpike will not be subject to<br />

the same taxes as other government<br />

vendors. According to the<br />

Kasich budget language, any<br />

project, like the sale of prisons,<br />

the Turnpike or the Lottery…<br />

“shall remain exempt from<br />

taxation and assessments<br />

levied by the state and its<br />

subdivisions to the same<br />

extent as if not subject to<br />

that contract….” (Sub. H.B.<br />

No. 153, p. 266, line 8312)<br />

In other words, renewed<br />

taxes from the sale of the prisons<br />

will likely not be forthcoming<br />

to the communities either.<br />

Cutting bait<br />

Not only will these prison<br />

sweetheart deals damage the<br />

current jobs recovery in Ohio,<br />

it will mortgage the future of<br />

towns that buy into the plan.<br />

According to recent reports,<br />

once lucrative private prison<br />

deals throughout the country<br />

are going sour and leaving<br />

communities holding the bag.<br />

National Public Radio recently<br />

exposed how a decrease in<br />

inmate populations nationally<br />

has private prison companies<br />

closing up shop when the<br />

inmate “well” runs dry and letting<br />

towns flounder in their<br />

debt (March 28, 2011).<br />

In Littlefield, Texas, for example,<br />

a company bowed out of a<br />

private prison contract when it<br />

wasn’t making enough money.<br />

The company left a community<br />

high and dry to the tune of a<br />

hundred prison jobs as well as<br />

a substantial debt on the oncenew<br />

facility that the city now<br />

must pay.<br />

Could the same happen in<br />

Marion or Grafton? You bet.<br />

With sentencing reform looming<br />

on Ohio’s horizon, the<br />

NCCI Chap. 5788 Vice Pres. Adam Ruth talks to a Columbus news<br />

station about how privatizing NCCI will impact his community<br />

of Marion.<br />

number of inmates is sure to<br />

decline in the future. According<br />

to testimony by <strong>OCSEA</strong> members<br />

in DR&C a “reversion”<br />

clause in the private prison<br />

contracts will leave taxpayers<br />

opening their wallets to “buy<br />

back the land, buildings and<br />

Private prison Q and A<br />

Aren’t private prison companies<br />

Q :<br />

cheaper to operate?<br />

No. Private companies keep their costs artificially<br />

A :<br />

low by cherry picking inmates without health<br />

care needs, behavioral problems or gang<br />

affiliation. Contract caps on health care also mean<br />

if inmates do get sick they get shipped back to<br />

the state prisons. DR&C officials have already<br />

admitted they’ll “cream” inmates and said they will<br />

only take ones with a minimum to medium security<br />

rank. By moving the more violent and more medically<br />

involved inmates to the state system, public<br />

prisons only appear like they cost more, but the<br />

comparison is apples to oranges.<br />

Q :<br />

A :<br />

beds if contractors pack up and<br />

move out.”<br />

Cutright told legislators at a<br />

recent legislator hearing that<br />

these private prison deals are<br />

like finding “free cheese in a<br />

mousetrap.” Communities like<br />

Marion and Grafton should<br />

seriously heed the warning.<br />

Won’t this give communities like<br />

Marion and Grafton an economic<br />

boost?<br />

No. It’s estimated private prisons pay about a third<br />

less in salaries and little or no health care for their<br />

employees. That means less money being spent<br />

in those communities, including on medical services.<br />

Private prisons also cut costs by not awarding<br />

time off and keeping staffing ratios low. Not only<br />

does that have an effect on prison security, but it<br />

also means fewer jobs and fewer dollars to local<br />

businesses.<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 77

Taxation activists<br />

Office closing hurts most in need<br />

fight back<br />

Kasich’s first “jobs”<br />

proposal after<br />

unveiling his “jobs<br />

budget” appeared to be the<br />

elimination of 171 jobs in the<br />

Dept. of Taxation, including 99<br />

from Ohio’s Regional Taxation<br />

offices that are now slated to<br />

close. Taxation employees in<br />

seven regional offices around<br />

Ohio were puzzled when a day<br />

after the Governor said there<br />

wouldn’t be mass layoffs, there<br />

was the announcement by<br />

Tax Commissioner Joe Testa<br />

that indeed there would be.<br />

Regional taxation offices in<br />

Youngstown, Toledo, Cleveland<br />

Akron, Zanesville, Cincinnati<br />

and Dayton are all on the chopping<br />

block.<br />

Tens of thousands of walk-in<br />

customers are served a year in<br />

these vital centers that serve a<br />

large number of seniors, lowincome<br />

families and small business<br />

owners, the loss of which<br />

will ripple through those communities,<br />

according to Taxation<br />

Assembly President Chandra<br />

Greever.<br />

In an article appearing in the<br />

Columbus Dispatch, Greever<br />

said, “Where are they going to<br />

go? People that are culturally<br />

different, that are starting new<br />

businesses, that are behind in<br />

their taxes and need some help,<br />

that are senior citizens, they all<br />

go there.”<br />

“This isn’t creating any jobs,”<br />

Greever said. “It’s going to<br />

create nothing.”<br />

Pat Schulte-Singleton, an<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> steward and vice president<br />

of the Taxation Assembly,<br />

held a press conference outside<br />

of the Lausche Building in<br />

Cleveland along with former<br />

Ohio House speaker Rep.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Taxation activists submitted photos like these to legislators<br />

during a hearing to put a face on the people that would be laid off<br />

if the Regional Taxation offices were to close.<br />

Cleveland Taxation<br />

Employees<br />

“This isn’t creating<br />

any jobs. It’s going<br />

to create nothing.”<br />

~ Chandra Greever<br />

Taxation Assembly President<br />

Armond Budish and business<br />

owner Larry Morrow, both of<br />

whom oppose closing the office<br />

in Cleveland.<br />

“If the service centers are<br />

closed, the only options to taxpayers<br />

for resolution or clarification<br />

would be through letter<br />

writing, telephone or a trip<br />

down to the only service center<br />

open in Columbus,”<br />

Schulte-<br />

Singleton<br />

Siham Shibley Cara Yoder Carmelona Grossi Cynthia James Donna Rozier Douglas McMillian Felipe Agrelot<br />

Frank Rapisarda Jennifer Davidson Joshua Ault Katheryne Pickering Kimberly Scribner Leticia Sales-Wilson Loraine Snowden<br />

Michael Picus Natalie Morales Pat Schulte- Singleton<br />

Who will be<br />

NEXT?<br />

said in a press<br />

statement.<br />

Those like the<br />

elderly or startup<br />

business<br />

owners who<br />

have the most<br />

need, will have<br />

the least access,<br />

she said.<br />

In addition to<br />

the foot traffic,<br />

the centers are<br />

also part of the<br />

larger call center<br />

network and<br />

take hundreds<br />

of thousands of<br />

calls requesting<br />

tax help per<br />

year.<br />

Plus, the regional offices<br />

bring in millions of dollars<br />

with numerous tax compliance<br />

programs, which in turn fund<br />

county and transit districts,<br />

according to Schulte-Singleton.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Taxation activists<br />

also testified before a finance<br />

subcommittee that closing the<br />

tax offices was ill-advised from<br />

a service perspective. Michelle<br />

Castleman and Jay Wander<br />

from the Cincinnati Service<br />

Center also offered testimony<br />

as well as Cara Yoder from the<br />

Cleveland center. <strong>OCSEA</strong> State<br />

Board of Directors member<br />

John Anthony and Taxation<br />

employee summed it up in<br />

his testimony, “The taxpayer<br />

service centers are a return<br />

on investment that is not only<br />

actual income received but an<br />

invaluable asset to the citizens<br />

of Ohio that assist, educate<br />

and facilitate in compliance<br />

with Ohio’s tax laws. To close<br />

these centers, which daily bring<br />

funds into the state coffers and<br />

provide valuable services to the<br />

citizens of Ohio, would be an<br />

atrocity to this state.”<br />

8 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

“No jobs” budget<br />

Ohio River Valley gains<br />

major community support<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> activists in<br />

DYS rallied their<br />

community with a<br />

standing-room-only event after<br />

it was announced that the youth<br />

facility called Ohio River Valley<br />

(ORV) in Franklin Furnace was<br />

being targeted for closure. Signs<br />

and banners reading, “368 jobs<br />

lost,” decked out the gymnasium<br />

at Green High School<br />

where 600 community leaders,<br />

business people, union activists<br />

and local elected officials<br />

gathered to protest the closure<br />

of the state’s newest youth correctional<br />

facility.<br />

Dozens of community leaders<br />

and business owners have<br />

joined union leaders in opposition<br />

to the closure because of<br />

the effect of losing hundreds<br />

of jobs in already-depressed<br />

southern Ohio. Portsmouth<br />

City Council signed a resolution<br />

opposing it and the Scioto<br />

County Commissioners are<br />

against it, too.<br />

“We have one of the highest<br />

unemployment rates in the<br />

state,” said ORV Chap. 7341<br />

President Carla Brunty, a 14-year<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> ORV Chap. 7341 Pres. Carla Brunty poses with<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Pres. Eddie L. Parks at a large rally against the<br />

closure of ORV.<br />

employee with DYS. “There’s<br />

no place else to go. I think it<br />

will be devastating to the rest<br />

of the town. I’ll have to sell my<br />

home and I’ve put every dime<br />

I have into it. There are people<br />

who have had farms who have<br />

been in families for generations.<br />

They’re losing it all. There are<br />

no other jobs to raise a family<br />

on. This is a critical piece to this<br />

county.”<br />

“The announcement of this<br />

closure comes as a complete<br />

shock to me,” said State Rep.<br />

Terry Johnson (R-McDermott)<br />

to the Ironton Tribune on<br />

March 20, 2011. “We in southern<br />

Ohio cannot afford to lose<br />

a single job, much less 333 of<br />

them. Whether it is a government<br />

job or a private sector job,<br />

we need to keep them all.”<br />

With this unexpected<br />

announcement, in just three<br />

years, four DYS facilities will<br />

have closed, including ones in<br />

Mohican, Marion, Delaware and<br />

now Franklin Furnace. DYS officials<br />

say the closure is necessary<br />

because of the reduced youth<br />

inmate population, with juvenile<br />

courts sending more and<br />

more youth to community<br />

facilities instead of the state<br />

youth centers.<br />

But <strong>OCSEA</strong> leaders who work<br />

in adult Corrections and DYS<br />

believe a problem is brewing<br />

with the elimination of half the<br />

state’s youth facilities.<br />

“The problem we’re seeing<br />

is we’re now getting more of<br />

these juvenile offenders in our<br />

prisons than we’ve ever had.<br />

They are extremely violent and<br />

often affiliated with gangs,” said<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Corrections Assembly<br />

Vice President Tim Roberts. “So<br />

this notion that there are fewer<br />

juvenile offenders is baloney.<br />

They’re just moving them to<br />

the adult facilities now,” said<br />

Roberts.<br />

“Closing facilities like ORV<br />

is not the answer,” said <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

DYS Assembly President Annie<br />

Person. “The closing of an institution<br />

causes DYS to release<br />

juveniles earlier and that causes<br />

problems in their community;<br />

it causes them to come back to<br />

DYS or it could cause them to<br />

even go to adult prison.”<br />

DYS <strong>OCSEA</strong> activists have<br />

drummed up support far and<br />

wide against the closure of the<br />

facility that houses the most<br />

aggressive and violent youth in<br />

the system. In a letter to Scioto<br />

County Commissioners, Daryl<br />

Wynn, an executive board<br />

member of the ORV chapter<br />

and Youth Leader at the center,<br />

said the closure is “not about<br />

the budget.” Winn sited the millions<br />

of dollars spent on facility<br />

upgrades and infrastructure at<br />

ORV that the state will have<br />

to shell out again if the facility<br />

closes:<br />

“In 2009 extensive remodeling<br />

was done on the unit<br />

doors due to youth being<br />

able to pick the door lock<br />

from inside their room and<br />

exit. Cuff ports were also<br />

installed... Heavy duty door<br />

hinges were installed to<br />

prevent youth from kicking<br />

doors open. In 2009 &<br />

2010 1.5 million dollars was<br />

spent on security cameras<br />

for our facility thus equipping<br />

ORVJCF with a state of<br />

the art security monitoring<br />

system.”<br />

DYS Youth Leader Daryl Wynn<br />

recently testified in front of a<br />

legislative committee to keep<br />

ORV open.<br />

Now taxpayers will be made<br />

to fork over additional funds to<br />

retrofit other DYS facilities, so<br />

they can safely house the violent<br />

youth offenders that ORV<br />

does, said Wynn.<br />

In addition, Wynn recently<br />

testified to a legislative committee<br />

that ORV is a good bang<br />

for the taxpayer buck and has<br />

the most cost effective day rate<br />

when it comes to “close security”<br />

of any DYS facility.<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 9

Hometown Heroes<br />

Activists take fight to communities<br />

When times are tough, <strong>OCSEA</strong> leaders get activated.<br />

With attacks to collective bargaining, massive budget<br />

cuts, the announcement of facility closures and pension<br />

overhaul, chapter, assembly and district leaders are taking it<br />

to the streets of their hometowns. They are holding rallies, pickets,<br />

phone banks, town halls and more. They are talking to their<br />

local newspapers and news stations, writing letters to the editor<br />

and speaking out at City<br />

Council meetings.<br />

Activities are happening<br />

all over the state every day<br />

as activists in their communities<br />

join the fight for<br />

working people.<br />

Mount Vernon DC holds vigils<br />

The members of Dixie Mount Vernon DC Chap. 4220 are<br />

a force to be reckoned with. Not only have activists traveled<br />

to Columbus to attend rallies and hearings, but they<br />

have also taken their<br />

opposition to Senate<br />

Bill 5 to the Mount<br />

Vernon town square.<br />

The Dixie chapter<br />

recently held a vigil in<br />

the center of town to<br />

educate town members<br />

on how the legislation<br />

could impact<br />

their community.<br />

“An injury to one is<br />

an injury to all,” said<br />

Retiree Nancy Schaeffer talks about life<br />

in the Developmental Centers before<br />

collective bargaining.<br />

An injury to one is<br />

an injury to all”<br />

~ Mary Hayes,<br />

Mount Vernon<br />

Developmental Center<br />

chapter president<br />

Mary Hayes.<br />

Members of<br />

Chap. 4220<br />

show their<br />

support<br />

for MVDC<br />

leaders as<br />

they speak<br />

out against<br />

SB 5.<br />

FACT vs. FICTION:<br />

DCI keeps members<br />

informed<br />

DCI Chap. 5725 leaders leaflet about SB 5.<br />

Dayton Correctional Chap. 5725 President<br />

Jerry Brown says the most important thing<br />

his chapter leaders can do is keep the membership<br />

informed and help them decipher what is fact<br />

and what is fiction when it comes to SB 5 and budget cuts that<br />

will impact prisons.<br />

At a recent shift-change leafletting outside the Dayton prison,<br />

Brown and members of his executive board handed out fliers and<br />

talked with members about how SB 5 will impact their rights in the<br />

workplace, including health and safety.<br />

Billboard drives home<br />

Chap. 3700 message<br />

When the leaders of Hocking Chap. 3700 heard about<br />

attacks on collective bargaining, they knew they<br />

couldn’t sit back and do nothing. They wanted to do<br />

something big in their community, something that got a lot of attention<br />

and showed the value of public employees.<br />

That’s why President Miki Mercer and her chapter leaders chose<br />

to purchase a billboard opposing SB 5 on a major highway in southern<br />

Ohio. The billboard encouraged the community to stand up<br />

against the bill, with the overlying message: “State Workers Keep<br />

Ohio Working.”<br />

10 Public Employee Quarterly<br />

Spring 2011

SE Ohio chapter<br />

hits airwaves<br />

Marietta is a small, quiet southeastern Ohio town<br />

nestled on the Ohio River. But the members of<br />

Washington/Noble Chap. 8400 have been anything<br />

but quiet lately about their opposition to SB 5 and what they fear<br />

it will do to their small town.<br />

“We see people down here turning out like never before,” said<br />

Chapter Vice President Matt Arnold.<br />

In addition to multiple rallies and protests, Chap. 8400 has<br />

been vocal in its opposition through placing anti-SB 5 ads on<br />

radio stations throughout the Mid-Ohio Valley.<br />

Proposed prison<br />

closures hit home<br />

Members who work at North Central and Grafton<br />

Correctional Institutions are angry about budget proposals<br />

to sell off their prisons and are afraid of the<br />

impact it will have on their families and communities. But they’ve<br />

not been afraid to show their opposition to the closures by speaking<br />

out to local media outlets, at City Council meetings and informational<br />

meetings held by the Dept.of Rehabilitation<br />

and Corrections in their hometowns. Members<br />

have spoken freely to the press and the agency<br />

about how prison closures will impact their ability to<br />

provide for their families, protect their neighbors<br />

and give back to their communities.<br />

Members of Chap. 8400 join Marietta community members<br />

against SB 5 at a downtown rally.<br />

Grafton employee Craig Cassidy talks about how the selling of that<br />

prison will impact his union brothers and sisters.<br />

Members who work at the Ohio River Valley Juvenile<br />

Correctional Facility, which has also been targeted<br />

for closure, recently packed a high school auditorium.<br />

Surrounded by concerned members of their community,<br />

members of Chap. 7341 spoke out about how the<br />

proposed closure will impact their already-hurting community<br />

of Franklin Furnace and surrounding Scioto County.<br />

Chapter President Carla Brunty is pleased<br />

with the solidarity that she sees in her membership<br />

and the community. “With the help of our<br />

community, we will fight this closure until<br />

we can’t fight it anymore,”<br />

said Brunty.<br />

Members of Chap. 7341 pack a high<br />

school auditorium to protest the<br />

proposed closure of the Ohio River<br />

Valley Juvenile Correctional Facility.<br />

Tell your<br />

chapter story<br />

Chapters all over the state are<br />

doing a lot to combat attacks<br />

against workers. Tell us your<br />

story and send us pictures at<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>Votes.org<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 11<br />

Version 1 pt 1

<strong>OCSEA</strong> members<br />

tell their story<br />

From attacks on collective bargaining, proposed institution closures,<br />

massive budget cuts and privatization, <strong>OCSEA</strong> members are feeling the<br />

pain and stress of an extreme anti-worker agenda. Hard-working <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

members share how radical changes to state government and public services<br />

could impact them, their families, their co-workers and their communities.<br />

Mary Coburn<br />

Job and Family Services<br />

Mary Coburn isn’t a public speaker. She’d never spoken to the<br />

press or thought her story was something Ohioans wanted to hear.<br />

But when this ODJFS Customer Service Representative and single<br />

mom heard about SB 5 and the impacts it would have on families<br />

like hers, she knew she had to speak out.<br />

Before a crowd of over 11,000 supporters against SB 5 at a<br />

Statehouse rally, Coburn told her story. She talked about working<br />

paycheck-to-paycheck; how she was a victim of the foreclosure<br />

crisis; and how she is fighting to make ends meet to take care of<br />

her three children.<br />

“I just feel so honored to be able to tell my story and make a difference<br />

in this fight,” said Coburn. “My family and I will do whatever<br />

we have to do to fight this fight to the end.”<br />

Brandy Marshall<br />

Taxation<br />

“I attended the rally because I think it’s important to show my<br />

support to a cause I believe in. I want my own voice to be heard.<br />

I brought my kids because I want to teach them that they should<br />

stand up for what they believe in and to fight for what’s right”<br />

Vince Goliday<br />

Dept. of Rehabilitation and<br />

Correction<br />

“Not only will it impact us,<br />

it will impact future generations<br />

of public employees for<br />

years to come – our sons<br />

and daughters and grandkids.<br />

I tell them every day<br />

that this is an attack on the middle class, the<br />

working poor and organized labor.”<br />

Mark Marino<br />

Ohio Housing Finance Agency<br />

“I took about ten hours of leave over<br />

three separate days to participate in protests<br />

about the possible loss of our Ohio<br />

public sector collective bargaining rights.<br />

While there, I never felt so proud to be a<br />

union member in all of my life; and I have<br />

been a union member since 1986! This<br />

has definitely aroused the union movement here in<br />

Ohio, and across the nation – both private sector<br />

and public sector! ”<br />

Version 1 pt 1<br />

12 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

Kelly Blackstone<br />

Cambridge Developmental Center<br />

Kelly Blackstone works with individuals with developmental<br />

disabilities at the Cambridge Developmental Center and<br />

worries that a workplace without or with severely limited<br />

collective bargaining will open the door to privatization and<br />

leave her patients without proper care.<br />

Blackstone fears that, without the ability to sit down and<br />

discuss client care in good faith, the individuals under her<br />

care could be moved at anytime or placed in group homes<br />

with staff that are not “properly trained to understand their<br />

disabilities and who are most likely not paid enough to even<br />

care.”<br />

To Blackstone, her job is more than just a paycheck, it’s<br />

about taking care of others. “I work with individuals who<br />

require many appointments with specialized physicians and<br />

require constant medical oversight with medications and<br />

medical programs,” said Blackstone. “I fear privatization and<br />

cutting back at the DC will not only impact my family, but it<br />

will mean life or death for the individuals I serve.”<br />

Mike Tenney and Adam Ruth<br />

DR&C – North Central Correctional Institution<br />

As the President and Vice President of North Central<br />

Correctional Institution Chap. 5188, Correction Officers Mike<br />

Tenney and Adam Ruth have a lot on their minds. Both worry how<br />

budget cuts and privatization will impact their co-workers as NCCI<br />

braces to be privatized.<br />

The announcement that NCCI will be sold and turned into a private<br />

prison later this year has been devastating to the morale of the<br />

Institution, said Tenney. “Countless resignations, along with everyone<br />

being on edge from the unknown, has been hard on everyone,”<br />

he said.<br />

Ruth said he is very concerned about the safety of his community<br />

of Marion and questions how the private sector will be able to<br />

combat these issues: “Will the private sector be able to secure the<br />

facility the way we as state employees do? That’s unlikely,” said<br />

Ruth. “And, for those who end up being laid off, will they have no<br />

choice but to apply for one of the low-paying private-sector prison<br />

jobs? I fear for their lives and livelihood,” said Ruth.<br />

Suzanne Meade<br />

DR&C- Central Office<br />

“After 25 plus years of service,<br />

I make $21.52 an hour, including<br />

longevity. I raised two sons as a<br />

single parent and worked as a Unit<br />

Secretary in the bowels of a prison<br />

to do so. I shop at thrift stores for<br />

my clothing, drive an 8-year-old<br />

truck and live paycheck to paycheck.<br />

I am not in public service to get rich.”<br />

Version 1 pt 1<br />

Jay Reel<br />

Bureau of Workers’ Compensation<br />

“I am the main source of<br />

income and, as that shrinks, so<br />

declines my family’s ability to<br />

shop at area stores. This in turn<br />

will cause other working people<br />

to lose jobs. The taxes I pay,<br />

and that other citizens pay, will<br />

shrink, which in turn will reduce the money my city<br />

has to keep services going.”<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 13

<strong>OCSEA</strong> held a recent question and answer session at<br />

the special meeting to beat back Senate Bill 5 held in<br />

downtown Columbus. Questions about the referendum<br />

process as well as the state budget were fast and furious. Below is a<br />

list of some of the most frequently asked questions and the answers<br />

by <strong>OCSEA</strong> staff.<br />

Longevity<br />

Question: Does the elimination of longevity<br />

mean it will be taken away completely, leaving only our<br />

base pay? If we currently have longevity pay, will it be<br />

capped at that amount?<br />

Answer: The longevity supplement is removed<br />

from the Ohio Revised Code. Our current collective bargaining<br />

agreement will govern through February 29, 2012. We<br />

will negotiate wages with the State of Ohio and will propose<br />

to keep the longevity supplement. It will be a difficult negotiations<br />

process. It is unclear how OCB will implement the<br />

words “removal of longevity pay supplement.” It is possible<br />

that they will remove the supplement altogether and only<br />

base salary would remain. <strong>OCSEA</strong> will continue to fight to<br />

maintain the gains your union has won over the years.<br />

Recall<br />

Question: How can we recall or impeach<br />

Governor Kasich?<br />

Answer: Ohio does not have a current recall<br />

process. However, House Bill 203 was introduced by<br />

Representative Bob Hagan and Representative Mike Foley<br />

that details the process for recall of state-wide elected<br />

officials.<br />

Pension<br />

Question: When the pension reform bill is<br />

signed, how long do I have until I must retire to be eligible<br />

for the current COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment)?<br />

Answer: According to the current OPERS proposed<br />

recommendations, you will be “grandfathered” if you are<br />

eligible to retire and retire before the effective date of the<br />

legislation. Please note this legislation is still being debated<br />

in the General Assembly and is subject to change during that<br />

process. For more information, please visit www.opers.org.<br />

Fiscal Emergency<br />

Referendum<br />

Question: What are the requirements to be a<br />

petition circulator?<br />

Answer: You must be a US citizen and not<br />

be a convicted felon who is currently serving probation.<br />

Petition Circulators must receive training. Please see<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>Votes.org for more information.<br />

Question: Did people have to vote in the<br />

November 2010 elections to be eligible to sign the petition?<br />

Answer: No, you must simply be an Ohio registered<br />

voter. The importance of the November 2010 election is that<br />

it determined how many signatures were needed for the<br />

referendum.<br />

Question: If Kasich declares a fiscal emergency,<br />

will our contract be opened up before the November<br />

election?<br />

Answer: The bill cannot go into effect until 90 days<br />

after it is signed or July 1, 2011. When we are successful at<br />

getting the necessary signatures for the referendum, the bill<br />

will continue to be “stayed” (or placed on hold) until the<br />

people vote.<br />

Question: Can the governor implement the bill<br />

now if he declares a fiscal emergency?<br />

Answer: No, however there is a process under the<br />

State Employment Relations Board (SERB) case law that indicates<br />

management can mid-term bargain if certain standards<br />

are met.<br />

14 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

DOD programs help<br />

...those in need<br />

In the face of privatization<br />

and the creation<br />

of JobsOhio, most<br />

employees at the Ohio Dept.<br />

of Development continue<br />

their hard work serving Ohio<br />

taxpayers, consumer groups<br />

and businesses. In the Winter<br />

Public Employee Quarterly,<br />

we highlighted employees in<br />

the Community Development<br />

Division. This issue, we interviewed<br />

employees in the Office<br />

of Community Services.<br />

The Office of Community<br />

Services, or OCS, administers<br />

large federal block grants to<br />

those in need around Ohio.<br />

The Home Energy Assistance<br />

Program (HEAP) is one of<br />

those grants designed to help<br />

eligible, low-income citizens<br />

afford the high costs of heating<br />

their homes. Those eligible for<br />

assistance get a one-time HEAP<br />

benefit in the form of a credit to<br />

their utility company, depending<br />

on income level and size of<br />

the household.<br />

Joan Morr, a Customer<br />

Service Assistant in OCS works<br />

directly with HEAP. She reviews<br />

the HEAP applications to see if<br />

someone qualifies for assistance,<br />

and determines how much<br />

assistance they qualify for based<br />

on income and other factors. “I<br />

process applications. I’m like<br />

a quality control person” said<br />

Morr. “We help people who<br />

can’t catch up with their utilities<br />

payments, including retirees<br />

living on small Social Security<br />

checks.”<br />

OCS also administers grants<br />

to other programs, including<br />

the Winter Crisis Program. This<br />

program provides assistance<br />

when heat is disconnected or<br />

about to be disconnected or<br />

when families have less than<br />

a 10-day supply of fuel. The<br />

Home Weatherization Program<br />

focuses on making low-income<br />

households energy efficient by<br />

replacing old appliances, insulating<br />

properly and thus creating<br />

more affordable housing for<br />

those in need.<br />

Other grant programs administered<br />

by <strong>OCSEA</strong> members in<br />

DOD include the Community<br />

Services Block Grant, which<br />

helps those in poverty become<br />

self-sufficient, as well as the<br />

Electronic Partnership Program,<br />

which helps pay for electricity<br />

usage.<br />

The Percentage of Income<br />

Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus)<br />

makes monthly payments for<br />

utilities for affordable for lowincome<br />

households by adjusting<br />

it to fit their income level. This<br />

is where Vicki Foss, a Customer<br />

Service Assistant, works every<br />

day.<br />

Vicki works directly with<br />

applicants for PIPP Plus, and<br />

enjoys helping people in tough<br />

economic situations. “Some<br />

people I speak with are living<br />

in campers because they’ve lost<br />

their homes” she said. “Most of<br />

our folks I help are in the situation<br />

– do I pay rent? Or do I<br />

pay for my medication?” said<br />

Foss. She helps them apply for<br />

PIPP Plus so that they can afford<br />

to do both. “Some people have<br />

even burst into tears,” she said,<br />

“we help them pay their bills,<br />

get out of debt, and get back on<br />

their feet.”<br />

As a Customer Service Assistant,<br />

Vicki Foss enjoys helping those<br />

in low income households<br />

afford their home heating bills.<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 15

Businesses show support<br />

for Ohio workers<br />

Local businesses around Ohio are<br />

sporting a new decal in their windows,<br />

one that proudly proclaims<br />

“Public & Private Employees Served Here.” As<br />

the result of attacks on working Ohioans and<br />

the impact those attacks could have on local<br />

businesses, the Proud Ohio Workers program<br />

was launched by AFSCME to spotlight small<br />

and local businesses that support workers.<br />

(Above) Olde Canal Health Foods in<br />

Chillicothe shows support by placing the<br />

Proud Ohio Worker decal prominently in<br />

the shop’s window.<br />

LaDonna Secrist, owner of Squirrel’s Den in<br />

Mansfield, is concerned she may lose customers<br />

with the passage of SB 5. Public workers make<br />

up a significant percentage of her customers.<br />

The Proud Ohio Worker program shows how legislation<br />

harmful to workers, such as Senate Bill 5, trickles down and<br />

impacts entire communities.<br />

Recognizing the negative impact that SB 5 could have on<br />

their town, businesses like The Squirrel’s Den in Mansfield are<br />

displaying the decal to show their support for public workers.<br />

Squirrel’s Den owner LaDonna Secrist was one of the<br />

very first merchants to join the program. She is concerned<br />

about the impact public employee job loss could have on<br />

her business, a specialty chocolate, nut and popcorn shop.<br />

Twenty-five percent of the Squirrel’s Den’s regular customers<br />

are public employees, said Secrist. “I see the effects when<br />

people’s pay gets cut. They start buying less and not coming<br />

as much,” she said.<br />

Businesses throughout Ohio are being urged to show their<br />

support for all workers by visiting ProudOhioWorkers.com<br />

and joining the program. Worker-friendly businesses are highlighted<br />

on the new website and <strong>OCSEA</strong> members and their<br />

families are encouraged to patronize these businesses.<br />

(Above) All types of<br />

businesses have joined<br />

Proud Ohio Workers,<br />

such as Big Daddy Tattoos<br />

in Xenia.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Sec.-Treas. Kathy<br />

Stewart (right) talks with<br />

Columbus media outlets at<br />

one of the first media events<br />

highlighting the program.<br />

(Below) Realizing the impact that SB 5 will have when<br />

displaced workers can no longer afford their services,<br />

businesses such as Magnificent Cuts in Cincinnati eagerly<br />

join the program.<br />

(Left) Employees<br />

at Jaworski<br />

Meats of<br />

Middleburg<br />

Heights show<br />

their support of<br />

public workers<br />

by displaying<br />

their decal.<br />

16 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

2011 Conferences<br />

canceled; Union to<br />

put resources where<br />

they matter most<br />

As a result of the serious<br />

threats facing the union, <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

has announced it will cancel<br />

the <strong>OCSEA</strong> Women’s Action<br />

Conference scheduled for<br />

June and the <strong>OCSEA</strong> Veterans<br />

Conference scheduled for<br />

July. Also being postponed<br />

are the week-long Stewards<br />

Academy this summer and the<br />

Steward Conference planned for<br />

October.<br />

Get the latest information at<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>.org.<br />

Editors announce<br />

correction in Winter PEQ<br />

The editors of <strong>OCSEA</strong>’s<br />

magazine the Public Employee<br />

Quarterly wish to apologize to<br />

the <strong>OCSEA</strong> membership for a<br />

recent mistake made on page<br />

4 of the Winter edition of the<br />

union magazine.<br />

In the interest of creating a<br />

piece of art that demonstrates<br />

the many important services<br />

that <strong>OCSEA</strong> members provide<br />

that are in danger of being privatized,<br />

a photo of someone who<br />

was not an <strong>OCSEA</strong> member,<br />

and was, in fact, an actor, was<br />

mistakenly used. It is <strong>OCSEA</strong>’s<br />

policy to use member photos in<br />

all our publications, as much as<br />

possible, and the union is taking<br />

steps to assure that this does not<br />

happen again.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> AFSCME<br />


August 25-27th, 2011<br />

Greater Columbus Convention Center<br />

While <strong>OCSEA</strong> activists are focused on the Statehouse<br />

and the war on Ohio’s public employees, it’s important<br />

that they not lose sight of preparations for the upcoming<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Biennial Convention. In addition to electing<br />

statewide officers and making changes to the <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

Constitution, delegates will become activated around<br />

the referendum to repeal SB 5.<br />

Version 1 pt 1<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 17

B I E N N I A L<br />

Candidate Statements<br />

The <strong>OCSEA</strong> Constitution permits candidates<br />

running for statewide office to run a 200-word<br />

or less statement in the Public Employee<br />

Quarterly.<br />

Below are the candidates’ own statements<br />

seeking support for their candidacy<br />

for President, Vice-President and Secretary-<br />

Treasurer of <strong>OCSEA</strong>. The election will take<br />

place at the <strong>OCSEA</strong> Biennial Convention Aug.<br />

25-27 at the Greater Columbus Convention<br />

Center.<br />


Christopher Mabe<br />

In these times we are faced<br />

with, leadership is of the<br />

utmost importance. For this<br />

reason I, Christopher Mabe,<br />

announce my candidacy for<br />

the President of <strong>OCSEA</strong>. I<br />

have been a union member<br />

of <strong>OCSEA</strong> for over 20 years to<br />

date. I have held many leadership<br />

positions over the last<br />

twenty years, from a chapter<br />

and district secretary to a<br />

Vice President and President<br />

of District 3, to the President<br />

of Lorain Correctional, and,<br />

finally, the Vice President of<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>. I have learned many<br />

things over these many years<br />

in these leadership positions.<br />

The most important being<br />

both from my experience<br />

as a combat veteran of the<br />

Gulf War as well as union<br />

leadership roles I have held.<br />

Leaders must lead from the<br />

front. Good leaders train their<br />

replacements, and transparency,<br />

honesty and integrity are<br />

much more than words – they<br />

are actions. With this in mind,<br />

as well as the need for some<br />

new direction for <strong>OCSEA</strong>, I<br />

ask for your support in this<br />

endeavor. With the many battles<br />

we face in the near future,<br />

I am ready to fight and ready<br />

to lead. The time for change<br />

is now.<br />

In Solidarity,<br />

Christopher Mabe<br />

Eddie L. Parks<br />

Sisters and Brothers, I am<br />

honored to serve as <strong>OCSEA</strong>’s<br />

President and Vice-President<br />

for AFSCME International.<br />

During my first-term, we<br />

changed <strong>OCSEA</strong>’s focus to<br />

be more “member driven” by<br />

focusing on improving membership<br />

service, raising the<br />

quality of work life, enhancing<br />

employment security and<br />

developing leaders and activist.<br />

All improvements were<br />

designed to increase the value<br />

of being an <strong>OCSEA</strong> member.<br />

We delivered a Next Wave<br />

conference as well as our largest<br />

training initiative, <strong>OCSEA</strong>’s<br />

Leadership Academy. Both<br />

programs gained national recognition.<br />

Today we are confronting<br />

the gravest challenges<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> has faced. Governor<br />

Kasich signed into law Senate<br />

Bill 5 that severely restricts our<br />

rights to collective bargaining.<br />

We are in a fierce referendum<br />

battle to rescind this attack<br />

on our rights. This battle<br />

will define labor’s place in<br />

Ohio for years to come – and<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> is leading the charge. I<br />

am serving as Co-Chairperson<br />

of the Ohio labor coalition for<br />

the referendum fight. With<br />

a strong collective voice for<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>, AFSCME and the labor<br />

movement, I am confident<br />

we will win and repeal SB 5. I<br />

humbly ask for your support<br />

to continue to lead this fight<br />

for our livelihoods! I am asking<br />

you to re-elect me as your<br />

President.<br />

18 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011

C O N V E N T I O N<br />


Debra King Hutchinson<br />

I AM UNION with 26 years<br />

of hands-on experience. I am<br />

President of <strong>OCSEA</strong> DVI &<br />

President of ODJFS Chapter<br />

2599. I learned to crawl before<br />

I walked in the union, beginning<br />

with my days as Secretary<br />

of the OBES chapter & DVI.<br />

It continued as I became DVI<br />

Vice-President, an <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

State Board of Directors<br />

member, Central Ohio AFL-<br />

CIO Recording Secretary,<br />

Secretary-Treasurer of Central<br />

Ohio Area Labor Federation,<br />

Vice-President of CBTU,<br />

Columbus NAACP Executive<br />

Board member as well as a<br />

member of CLUW and APRI.<br />

Now, with union experience,<br />

I seek the office of<br />

Vice-President of <strong>OCSEA</strong>. Our<br />

president will need a strong<br />

supportive hand to turn to<br />

at anytime, and I believe<br />

I am the person who can<br />

fill those shoes. Right now,<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> has a few issues, but<br />

the unity of our brothers &<br />

sisters will make us victorious.<br />

Empowerment is the key to<br />

keeping trust in the union. By<br />

keeping our members empowered<br />

with effective communications,<br />

we will keep <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

strong as well as help to keep<br />

members filled with faith,<br />

power, and pride in <strong>OCSEA</strong> as<br />

we march forth into battle. I<br />

need your support.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Debra King Hutchinson<br />

Contact: deb1545@hotmail.<br />

com<br />

James LaRocca<br />

It is with great enthusiasm<br />

that I, James LaRocca, declare<br />

my candidacy for Vice-<br />

President of <strong>OCSEA</strong>. I have<br />

given this decision considerable<br />

thought and I am convinced<br />

that the leadership of<br />

the Union needs to change.<br />

While I have heard that a<br />

campaign at this time would<br />

be divisive, I think to stay the<br />

course we are on would be<br />

worse than changing course.<br />

Public sector employees<br />

are under an unprecedented<br />

attack. Our leaders need to<br />

get out into the communities.<br />

They can not lead this<br />

Union from behind a desk<br />

in Columbus. We need to<br />

forge relations with all public<br />

sector unions and engage and<br />

organize our membership for<br />

the fight of our lives.<br />

I believe that my experience<br />

– twenty seven years<br />

as a state employee, twenty<br />

five years as a union steward,<br />

twenty years as a chapter<br />

president and seventeen<br />

years as a state board member<br />

– uniquely qualifies me to<br />

hold the position of Vice-<br />

President of <strong>OCSEA</strong>. I humbly<br />

ask for your vote and support.<br />

Thank you.<br />


John Anthony<br />

I, John Anthony, do hereby<br />

declare my candidacy for<br />

Secretary–Treasurer of <strong>OCSEA</strong>.<br />

I have been employed by the<br />

State of Ohio, Department<br />

of Taxation, for 22 years.<br />

I am currently an <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

State Board of Directors<br />

Representative in District 6<br />

and the president of Taxation<br />

Chapter 2595.<br />

Our Union is in great need<br />

of leadership, consensus and<br />

communication among its<br />

membership. My desire is<br />

to improve the ability of all<br />

members to communicate and<br />

organize using today’s technologies<br />

to their fullest extent.<br />

By implementing real time<br />

web based updating of subordinate<br />

body representative<br />

information, our members can<br />

be assured and informed of<br />

their leaders and other important<br />

contacts.<br />

I wish to oversee the reinstatement<br />

of a central membership<br />

services so that every<br />

member can be fully informed<br />

and continually assisted when<br />

using Union resources.<br />

Modern multimedia is needed<br />

to bring members to meetings<br />

and provide for improved<br />

accountability of our Union.<br />

I also believe we should<br />

strive to bring the financial<br />

processes and requirements<br />

into the 21 st Century, thereby<br />

making it easier for our subordinate<br />

bodies to administer<br />

and comply with our<br />

Constitution. To achieve these<br />

endeavors I request your vote<br />

and support.<br />

Kathy Stewart<br />

It has been my privilege<br />

and honor to serve you as<br />

your Secretary-Treasurer since<br />

2003. As your chief financial<br />

officer, your Union dues have<br />

been safe and secure, and allocated<br />

according to the <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

Constitution. In addition, as<br />

your Secretary-Treasurer, my<br />

efforts have been focused<br />

on comprehensive financial<br />

training and education of<br />

all subordinate bodies –<br />

Chapters, District Councils<br />

and Assemblies. My goal was<br />

to extend good financial management<br />

to all local bodies,<br />

including <strong>OCSEA</strong> Central<br />

Office.<br />

My expertise is drawn<br />

from years of service to<br />

you, the members. My past<br />

experience as a steward also<br />

includes local chapter and<br />

district leadership, and service<br />

on the <strong>OCSEA</strong> State Board<br />

of Directors since 1987. As<br />

chair of the <strong>OCSEA</strong> Finance<br />

Committee, this Union has<br />

always passed every financial<br />

audit. In my position as<br />

Account Examiner 3 in DAS,<br />

management of hundreds of<br />

millions of dollars prepared<br />

me for this job!<br />

With the unprecedented<br />

challenges facing <strong>OCSEA</strong><br />

today, it is critical that we<br />

keep professional, experienced<br />

leadership at the helm<br />

of our Union. I am asking for<br />

your support during these<br />

challenging times to continue<br />

bringing the fight we need to<br />

defeat those who would take<br />

our just rights we fought so<br />

hard to gain.<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 19


Assemblies<br />

BWC Assembly<br />

Jun. 4 Meeting: 10 a.m.<br />

Nominations: 10:15-10:30 a.m.<br />

Election: 10:30-10:45 a.m.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>, 390 Worthington Rd.,<br />

Westerville - Rm. 195<br />

Taxation Assembly<br />

Sep. 10 E-Board: 10:30 a.m.<br />

Meeting: 11 a.m.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>, 390 Worthington Rd.,<br />

Westerville - Rm. 177<br />

Districts<br />

Elections: Pres., V.P., Sec., Treas.,<br />

4 E-Board<br />

District 2<br />

May 17 Nominations: 6-6:15 p.m.<br />

Election: 6:30-6:45 p.m.<br />

AFSCME Council 8, 1213 Tennessee Ave.,<br />

Cincinnati<br />

Elections: Pres., V.P., Sec., Treas.,<br />

5 E-Board<br />

District 3<br />

Jul. 7 Meeting: 7 p.m.<br />

IAM Local Lodge #1297, 930 Grove Ave.,<br />

Ashland<br />

District 5<br />

May 18 Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Jun. 29<br />

Jul. 27<br />

Aug. 31<br />

Theo's Restaurant, 632 Wheeling Ave.,<br />

Cambridge<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Theo's Restaurant, 632 Wheeling Ave.,<br />

Cambridge<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Theo's Restaurant, 632 Wheeling Ave.,<br />

Cambridge<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Theo's Restaurant, 632 Wheeling Ave.,<br />

Cambridge<br />

District 9<br />

May 18 Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Jul. 20<br />

Gatti's Pizza, 1658 Eleventh St.,<br />

Portsmouth<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Dakota's Roadhouse, 760 W Emmitt Ave.,<br />

Waverly<br />

Submitting A Meeting Notice<br />

Issue: Summer 2011<br />

Last Day to Submit Notice: July 18, 2011<br />

Earliest 15-day Meeting Date: Sept. 6, 2011<br />

Issue: Fall 2011<br />

Last Day to Submit Notice: Sept. 26, 2011<br />

Earliest 15-day Meeting Date: Nov. 15, 2011<br />

Meeting and election notices should be<br />

mailed to IT Secretary Sha Cone, <strong>OCSEA</strong> 390<br />

Worthington Rd., Suite A, Westerville, OH 43082,<br />

faxed to 614-865-4032. To schedule online, go to<br />

ocsea.org/meetingnotices<br />

Chapters<br />

1810 (see page 21 for Convention delegate election)<br />

May 24 Election: 4:15-6:30 p.m.<br />

Maple Hts. Library, Room #3,<br />

5225 Library Ln., Maple Hts.<br />

Elections: Pres., 1st V.P., 2nd V.P.,<br />

Sec., Treas., 4 E-Board, Assembly &<br />

District delegates<br />

2100 (see page 21 for Convention delegate election)<br />

Jul. 13 Nominations: 5:15-5:25 p.m.<br />

Election: 5:26-5:46 p.m.<br />

ODOT- Columbus Pike Conference Room,<br />

400 E. William St., Delaware<br />

Elections: Pres., V.P., Sec., Treas., 5<br />

E-Board, Assembly, 2 District plus 1<br />

alt. & Convention delegates<br />

2320<br />

Jun. 6<br />

Aug. 1<br />

Sep. 13<br />

2599<br />

Jul. 13<br />

Jul. 14<br />

4220 (see page 21 for Convention delegate election)<br />

Aug. 9<br />

Sep. 13<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Liberty Bell Restaurant, 102 North Board<br />

St., Bremen<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Liberty Bell Restaurant, 102 North Board<br />

St., Bremen<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Liberty Bell Restaurant, 102 North Board<br />

St., Bremen<br />

Executive Meeting: 5 p.m.<br />

A129 or A103, 4020 E. 5 th St., Columbus<br />

Meeting: 5:30 p.m.<br />

M146, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus<br />

Nominations: 4:30-5:30 p.m.<br />

MVDC PH&E, Rm. 213,<br />

1250 Vernonview Dr., Mt. Vernon<br />

Election: 6-7:30 a.m.<br />

Election: 1:30-4:30 p.m.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Union Office,<br />

1250 Vernonview Dr., Mt. Vernon<br />

Elections: Pres., 2 V.P., Sec., Treas., 5<br />

E-Board, Assembly & District<br />

delegates<br />

5040 (see page 21 for Convention delegate election)<br />

May 17<br />

May 31<br />

Nominations: 1:30-2 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 2 p.m.<br />

Iron Skillet Restaurant (Inside the Petro<br />

Truck Stop), Youngstown Rd., Salt Springs<br />

Election: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.<br />

YDC, CA Building in front of Switchboard<br />

Elections: Pres., V.P., Sec., Treas., 3<br />

E-Board, Assembly, District &<br />

Convention delegates<br />

CANDIDATE ELIGIBILITY: Per the subordinate<br />

body Constitution Article VI, Section 8: “Circumstances<br />

such as receipt of workers’ compensation<br />

benefits, disability benefits, assignment to project<br />

staff, etc. may affect your eligibility to run for<br />

office in this election. If you are considering<br />

running for any office, executive board, or a<br />

delegate position, please contact <strong>OCSEA</strong> central<br />

office prior to the nomination date.”<br />

5410<br />

Jun. 13<br />

Sep. 12<br />

6000<br />

May 25<br />

7010<br />

Jul. 21<br />

Meeting: 4:30 p.m.<br />

Korner Kafe, Intersection of SR 119<br />

and SR 716, Maria Stein<br />

Meeting: 4:30 p.m.<br />

Korner Kafe, Intersection of SR 119<br />

and SR 716, Maria Stein<br />

Meeting: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Nominations: 6:45-7 p.m.<br />

Election: 7-7:30 p.m.<br />

Golden Corral,<br />

1586 Northpointe Rd., Zanesville<br />

Elections: Pres., V.P., Sec., Treas., 3<br />

E-Board, Assembly & District<br />

E-Board: 6:30 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 8 p.m.<br />

USW 169 Union Hall,<br />

376 West Longview Ave., Mansfield<br />

7500 (see page 21 for Convention delegate election)<br />

May 24<br />

Jul. 26<br />

Aug. 23<br />

Sep. 27<br />

7760<br />

Jul. 6<br />

Aug. 3<br />

Sep. 7<br />

E-Board: 5:30 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 6 p.m.<br />

Sidney Inn (Formerly Quality Inn),<br />

400 Folkerth Ave., Sidney<br />

E-Board: 5:30 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 6 p.m.<br />

Sidney Inn (Formerly Quality Inn),<br />

400 Folkerth Ave., Sidney<br />

E-Board: 5:30 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 6 p.m.<br />

Sidney Inn (Formerly Quality Inn),<br />

400 Folkerth Ave., Sidney<br />

Meeting: 5:30 p.m.<br />

Nominations: 6:30-6:45 p.m.<br />

Election: 6:45-7 p.m.<br />

Sidney Inn (Formerly Quality Inn),<br />

400 Folkerth Ave., Sidney<br />

Elections: Pres., V.P., Sec., Treas., 3<br />

E-Board, 2 Assembly, 2 District &<br />

AFL-CIO delegates<br />

E-Board: 12 p.m.<br />

DERR Conference Room,<br />

2110 E. Aurora Rd., SR 82, Twinsburg<br />

E-Board: 12 p.m.<br />

DERR Conference Room,<br />

2110 E. Aurora Rd., SR 82, Twinsburg<br />

E-Board: 12 p.m.<br />

DERR Conference Room,<br />

2110 E. Aurora Rd., SR 82, Twinsburg<br />

* See page 21 for<br />

Convention Delegate<br />

Election notices.<br />

20 Public Employee Quarterly Spring 2011



The 2011 <strong>OCSEA</strong> Biennial Convention will be held Aug. 25-27 at the Greater<br />

Columbus Convention Center. Each chapter is entitled to send their President<br />

as a delegate-at-large. Additional delegates and alternates are to be elected by<br />

the body based on chapter membership. District Council and Assembly<br />

Presidents are also delegates-at-large to the convention, as are members of the<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Board of Directors.<br />

Pursuant to Article IX, Section 1(C) of the <strong>OCSEA</strong> Constitution, the final<br />

official delegate count for chapters will be determined on June 24. Chapters are<br />

required to hold elections to elect their delegates. Chapters must provide by<br />

mail a written election notice to all members 15 days prior to the event. For the<br />

chapters below, this magazine listing constitutes their 15-day meeting notice.<br />

To be a delegate or an alternate, you must have been an <strong>OCSEA</strong> member for at<br />

least two (2) continuous years.<br />

Chap. 1810<br />

Date May 31<br />

Time Nominations: 6-6:10 p.m.<br />

Election: 6:15-6:30 p.m.<br />

Location Maple Hts. Library,<br />

5225 Library Ln., Maple Hts.<br />

Chap. 2100<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

Chap. 2525<br />

Date May 18<br />

Time Nominations: noon-12:30 p.m.<br />

Location 30 W Spring St., Level 3 Training<br />

Room B, Columbus<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

July 13<br />

Nominations: 5:15-5:25 p.m.<br />

Election: 5:26-5:46 p.m.<br />

ODOT - Columbus Pike Conference<br />

Room, 400 E. William St.,<br />

Delaware<br />

Chap. 2503<br />

Date May 24<br />

Time Nominations: 11 a.m.-noon<br />

Election: 12:30-2 p.m.<br />

Location Room T3-5 3rd Floor, 1970 W.<br />

Broad St., Columbus<br />

Chap. 2505<br />

Date May 19<br />

Time Nominations: 3-4 p.m.<br />

Election: 4:30-5:30 p.m.<br />

Location Room T3-5 3rd Floor, 1970 W.<br />

Broad St., Columbus<br />

Chap. 2513<br />

Date June 15<br />

Time Nominations: 5:15-5:30 p.m.<br />

Election: 5:30-6 p.m.<br />

Location ODOT Central Office, 1980 W.<br />

Broad St., Columbus<br />

June 14<br />

Election: 7-9 a.m. &<br />

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. &<br />

3:30-5:30 p.m.<br />

30 W Spring St., Level 3 Training<br />

Room B, Columbus<br />

Chap. 2535<br />

Date May 18<br />

Time Nominations: 11:30 a.m.-noon<br />

Election: noon-12:45 p.m.<br />

Location William Green Bldg, Training Rm.<br />

D, 30 W. Spring St., Columbus<br />

Chap. 2538<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

Chap. 2570<br />

Date June 21<br />

Time Nominations: 5:45-6:15 p.m.<br />

Election: 6:30-7 p.m.<br />

Location DAS, 2080 Integrity Dr. N,<br />

Columbus<br />

Chap. 2595<br />

Date July 14<br />

Time Meeting: 6 p.m.<br />

Nominations: 6:30-7 p.m.<br />

Election: 7:15-7:45 p.m.<br />

Location <strong>OCSEA</strong>, Bowman Room, 390<br />

Worthington Rd., Westerville<br />

Chap. 3020<br />

Date May 24<br />

Time Nominations: 7:30-7:45 a.m. &<br />

1:30-1:45 p.m. &<br />

3-3:15 p.m.<br />

Location Dietary Building,<br />

66737 Old Twenty-One Rd.,<br />

Cambridge<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

May 18<br />

Nominations: 11:30 a.m.-noon<br />

Election: noon-12:30 p.m.<br />

RSC, 400 E Campus View Blvd.,<br />

Columbus<br />

Chap. 2565<br />

Date May 25<br />

Time Nominations: noon-1 p.m.<br />

Location Ohio Department of Education,<br />

Basement Lecture Hall, Columbus<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

June 22<br />

Election: noon-1 p.m.<br />

Ohio Department of Education,<br />

Basement Lecture Hall, Columbus<br />

June 21<br />

Election: 7:30-8 a.m. &<br />

1:30-2 p.m. &<br />

3-3:30 p.m.<br />

Dietary Building,<br />

66737 Old Twenty-One Rd.,<br />

Cambridge<br />

Chap. 4220<br />

Date May 24<br />

Time Nominations: 4:30-5:30 p.m.<br />

Location MVDC Room 213,<br />

1250 Vernonview Dr., Mt. Vernon<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

June 14<br />

Election: 6-7:30 a.m. &<br />

1:30-4:30 p.m.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> Union Office, 1250<br />

Vernonview Dr., Mt. Vernon<br />

Chap. 5040<br />

Date May 17<br />

Time Nominations: 1:30-2 p.m.<br />

Location Iron Skillet Restaurant,<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

Chap. 5100<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

Chap. 7500<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

Youngstown Rd., Salt Springs<br />

May 31<br />

Election: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.<br />

YDC, CA Building (in front of<br />

Switchboard)<br />

July 12<br />

E-board: 4 p.m.<br />

Nominations: 4:30-5:30 p.m.<br />

Election: 5:30-6 p.m.<br />

Marion ODOT, 1775 Marion<br />

Williamsport Rd., Marion<br />

June 28<br />

E-board: 5:30 p.m.<br />

Meeting: 6 p.m.<br />

Nominations: 6:30-6:40 p.m.<br />

Election: 6:40-6:50 p.m.<br />

Sidney Inn (Formerly Quality<br />

Inn), 400 Folkerth Ave., Sidney<br />

Chap. 7700<br />

Date June 8<br />

Time Nominations: 5:45-5:55 p.m.<br />

Election: 5:55-6:05 p.m.<br />

Location 690 W. Waterloo Rd., Akron,<br />

Chap. 7715<br />

Date July 20<br />

Time Nominations: 3:45-4 p.m.<br />

Location NBH-Northfield, Mckee Auditorium,<br />

1756 Sagamore Rd.,<br />

Northfield<br />

Date<br />

Time<br />

Location<br />

July 21<br />

Election: 7-8 a.m. &<br />

2:30-3:45 p.m.<br />

NBH-Northfield, Mckee Auditorium,<br />

1756 Sagamore Rd.,<br />

Northfield<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 21


Next Steps<br />

Activists prepare for the big fight<br />

Angry about the war on working<br />

people and ready to do something<br />

about it, a record 600<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> activists attended <strong>OCSEA</strong>’s Fight<br />

Back Now…Next Steps event on April 2 in<br />

downtown Columbus.<br />

Attendees got the latest news on the<br />

referendum campaign to repeal Senate<br />

Bill 5 and also learned about attacks on<br />

the middle class via budget cuts, pension<br />

“reform”<br />

and more.<br />

Activists viewed a timeline on referendum<br />

activities, were encouraged to sign up<br />

to be petition circulators and re-evaluated<br />

their chapter plans to mobilize membership in the upcoming fight.<br />

Guest speaker Sen. Nina Turner, a crowd-favorite, got attendees pumped<br />

up and showed her complete support for the citizen’s veto campaign to<br />

repeal SB 5. She also reminded activists of the power they have to vote out<br />

anti-worker politicians in elections to come, including those who voted in<br />

favor of SB 5.<br />

Attendees asked questions of a panel of <strong>OCSEA</strong> experts that were specific<br />

to the referendum, budget cuts and pension proposals. While the panel tried<br />

to answer as many questions as possible during the session, time did not allow<br />

every question submitted to be answered. As a result, <strong>OCSEA</strong> staff have compiled<br />

some of those unanswered questions and developed a Q&A, which can<br />

be found on page 14 of this publication.<br />

(Below) Members dance and cheer as they welcome speakers to the stage.<br />

(Above) Senator Nina Turner<br />

fires up the crowd with her<br />

energetic speech, ‘For Real,<br />

For Real.’<br />

(Left) <strong>OCSEA</strong> Pres. Eddie<br />

Parks addresses the Fight<br />

Back Now attendees<br />

alongside Sec.-Treas.<br />

Kathy Stewart and<br />

Vice Pres. Chris Mabe.<br />

(Above) Members, including Ross Correctional<br />

Chap. 7130’s Christina Minney, are enthusiastic<br />

about signing up for PEOPLE cards to help with the<br />

SB 5 repeal.<br />

(Below) More than 600 members learn about the referendum<br />

process and many volunteer to circulate petitions.<br />

22 Public Employee Quarterly<br />

Spring 2011

at CMCA<br />

Attendees at this year’s <strong>OCSEA</strong> Committee for Minority and Community<br />

Affairs conference “Kept It Real” by hitting on the hard issues facing public<br />

employees, the impact on minorities – and their toughest battle yet: SB 5.<br />

Special guest speakers included Sen. Nina Turner and Columbus Mayor Michael<br />

Coleman, who spoke about the legislative attacks that will impact not only minorities,<br />

but every working class person in Ohio.<br />

During the action-packed weekend, activists braved the cold and took to the<br />

Statehouse lawn with other union brothers and sisters in a rally against SB 5.<br />

(Above) Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman<br />

encourages activists in their battle against SB<br />

5 and other attacks on working people and<br />

minorities. CMCA Co-chair Louella Jeter (left)<br />

takes in his message.<br />

(Left) CMCA Chair Michelle<br />

Hunter opens the conference<br />

and talks about the need to get<br />

involved now more than ever.<br />

(Right) CMCA attendees take<br />

some time from the conference<br />

to join an activists rally against<br />

SB 5 at the Statehouse.<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>Votes.org<br />

Want to know what you can do<br />

to repeal SB 5?<br />

Confused about the referendum?<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong>Votes.org is once again your<br />

headquarters for all the news, events<br />

and resources you need including:<br />

• Flyers<br />

• Referendum events around the state<br />

• Petition circulator sign up and training dates<br />

• Email and text alert sign up<br />

• Videos<br />

• Phone banking opportunities<br />

and more<br />

Spring 2011 Public Employee Quarterly 23

LOCAL<br />

AFL-CIO<br />

Ohio Civil Service<br />

Employees Association<br />

390 Worthington Road, Ste. A<br />

Westerville, OH 43082-8331<br />


<strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>EMPLOYEE</strong> <strong>QUARTERLY</strong><br />

S P R I N G 2 0 1 1<br />

feature stories<br />

2 Repeal – Here we come!<br />

3<br />

SB 5 will have its day at voting booth<br />

17<br />

Referendum & Senate Bill 5<br />

4-5 What is a referendum and what’s in SB 5? 20<br />

departments<br />




6-7<br />

How Ohio communities lose with prison “fire sale”<br />

12-13<br />

10-11<br />

<strong>OCSEA</strong> members<br />

tell their story<br />

Hometown Heroes<br />

Activists take fight to communities<br />

16<br />

Businesses show support<br />

Proud Ohio Worker program highlights<br />

17- 21<br />

2011 BIENNIAL<br />

Convention News<br />

22-23<br />


and CMCA highlights

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