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In the proof of successive lives - the path of existence cleared - the route surely and firmly traced the<br />

soul clearly sees its destiny, which is the ascension toward the highest wisdom, toward the most effulgent<br />

light. Equity governs the world - our happiness is in our own hands. The universe cannot fail; its goal is<br />

beauty, its means justice and love. All chimerical fear, all terror of the Beyond, vanishes. In place of doubting<br />

the future, man tastes the joys of eternal certitudes, with confidence in tomorrow, while his strength is doubled<br />

and his efforts toward good are increased a hundred-fold.<br />

Yet one more question arises. By what secret springs is the action of justice exercised in the chain of<br />

our lives? Let us first say that the working of human justice offers us nothing comparable to the divine law of<br />

destiny. That is accomplished of itself, without exterior intervention for individuals and for societies.<br />

It is a law of equilibrium, and establishes order in the moral world, in the same manner that the law of<br />

gravitation and weight assures order and equilibrium, (and establishes order in the moral world, in the same<br />

manner that the law of gravitation and weight assures order and equilibrium) in the physical world. Its<br />

mechanism is at once simple and grand. All wrongdoing is paid for in sorrow. All that man does in accord with<br />

the law of good procures peace and elevation, and each violation provokes suffering. Suffering enters into the<br />

depths of the being and eliminates the germs of evil. It prolongs its action, and returns again and again, until<br />

all unworthy qualities develop into good and vibrate in unison with divine force. But in the pursuit of this great<br />

work, the compensations are reserved for the soul. Joys, affections, periods of repose and happiness, alternate<br />

in the chaplet of lives with existences of strife, ransom, and reparation. So all is arranged with an art and a<br />

science and a beauty infinite in the work of Providence. During his course, man in his weakness and ignorance<br />

often transgresses the law - hence his trials, his infirmities, and materials servitude. But as soon as he is<br />

enlightened, as soon as he learns to put his actions in harmony with universal laws, he is less and less exposed<br />

to adversity. Our acts and our thoughts translate themselves into vibratory movements, and their center of<br />

emission, by the frequent repetition of these acts and thoughts, is transformed little by little into a powerful<br />

generator of good and evil. The being thus clarifies itself by the nature of the energies of which it is the center.<br />

But while good forces destroy themselves by their own efforts as they return to their center and are<br />

transformed into unhappy consequences, the evil being is forced like all others to evolve, and the vibrations of<br />

his acts and thoughts return to him, oppressing him, and forcing on him, soon or late, the necessity of<br />

reforming himself. This phenomenon explains itself scientifically by the correlation of forces, the vibratory<br />

synchronism which leads always from effect to cause.<br />

This fact is demonstrated in times of epidemics and contagious maladies. It is always the persons<br />

whose vital condition harmonizes with the morbid causes in action who are affected, while those with strong<br />

wills and devoid of fear are generally immune. So it is in the mind order. Thoughts of hate and vengeance,<br />

desire to injure, coming from outside cannot act on us or influence us unless they encounter in us similar<br />

impulses which vibrate in unison with them. If these are not found, they return to the one projecting the evil<br />

thoughts, to strike him in his turn, whether in the present or the future, somewhere in the course of his destiny.<br />

* * *<br />

The law of repercussion of acts has then something mechanic and automatic in appearance.<br />

Nevertheless, when it becomes a question of great expiations, of sorrowful reparations, great spirits intervene<br />

to regulate and accelerate the march of souls in evolution. Their hour is exercised particularly at the hour of<br />

reincarnation, in order to guide souls in their choice and to determine the best and most favorable conditions<br />

for the healing of their moral maladies, and to aid them to ransom anterior faults. We must not think that every<br />

trial of humanity is the result of past sins. All those who suffer are not forced to it as an expiation of evil<br />

deeds. Many are simply spirits eager for progress who have chosen painful lives of labor for the moral benefit<br />

to be so obtained. It is, however, in general the undeveloped soul ignorant of the law of harmony which<br />

encounters the greatest suffering. Gradually he must re-establish the law of equilibrium, and must learn that he<br />

reaps exactly what he sows.<br />


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