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implacable logic of his destiny. If we recall nothing of our past, it is usually because we make no effort to<br />

awaken the sleeping memories. But the order of things exists all the same - the magnetic chain of destiny is<br />

never broken.<br />

The mature man does not recall the details of his first youth; but does that prove that he was never an<br />

infant? Does not the great artist who, in the evening of a day of labor, yields to fatigue and sleeps, retain in his<br />

slumber the plan and vision of his work, which he will take up and continue on awakening?<br />

It is so with our destiny. It, too, is a constant labor broken many times by seasons of sleep which are in<br />

reality activities under different forms, illumined by dreams of light and beauty. The life of man is a logical<br />

and harmonious dream, where scenes and decorations change with infinite variety, but never depart for one<br />

instant from the verity of aim and the harmony of the ensemble. It is only on our return to the world invisible<br />

that we comprehend the value of each scene, and the incomparable harmony of all, in its connection with<br />

universal unity. Follow then, with faith and confidence, the line traced by an infallible finger. Let us go to the<br />

end, as the rivers to the sea, fertilizing the earth and reflecting the heavens.<br />

Two more obstacles present themselves, viz.: ‘If the theory of reincarnation is true,’ says Jacques<br />

Brieu, ‘moral progress ought to have been made from the beginning of time, but it is quite otherwise. Man<br />

today are as selfish, cruel, and ferocious as they were two thousand years ago.’ This statement is excessive.<br />

Even if it were exact it proves nothing against reincarnation. As we know, the best men - those who after a<br />

series of existences have attained a certain degree of perfection - pursue their evolution in higher worlds, and<br />

return to earth, but exceptionally, in the position of masters and missionaries. But meanwhile, contingents of<br />

spirits from planes inferior add each day to the population of the globe. It is not astonishing, under these<br />

conditions, that the moral level is not greatly elevated.<br />

A second objection is, that the doctrine of reincarnation leads to inevitable abuses and misstatements,<br />

and the objector points to the claims of many theosophists and spiritualists that they have been great<br />

personages in the past, etc. But cannot this be said of other people - men who pretend to be descendants of<br />

noble families, for instance, without substantiating proof? Personally, I know a dozen people who affirm they<br />

were ‘Joan of Arc’. There is no limit to persons of this order. Yet possibly, among them, one finds a veritable<br />

fact. To distinguish them one must analyze their revelations vigorously. First find if their individuality presents<br />

striking traits like those of the personage mentioned, them demand of the psychic revealers proofs of identity<br />

touching their personalities and details and facts: such as would make verification impossible. These abuses of<br />

the doctrine of reincarnation do not reflect on the Law, but on the inferiority of certain minds. They are fruits<br />

of ignorance and faults of judgment, and will disappear in time, thanks to education.<br />

Again we encounter a difficulty. It is that which results from the apparent contradiction of spirits<br />

regarding reincarnation. In Anglo-Saxon countries this doctrine was not mentioned in messages of spirits for a<br />

long period of time, and other messages have denied its truth. We have replied to this objection partly in<br />

Chapter XXII. The negations on this subject emanate almost always from spirits not sufficiently advanced to<br />

know and to read in themselves the future which awaits them. We know that these souls submit to<br />

reincarnation without foreseeing it, and when the hour comes they are plunged in material life as in a sleep<br />

produced by anesthesia.<br />

The prejudices of race and religion which have been exercised for a considerable time upon these<br />

spirits in earth life persist still in the other life. While those who are in any degree awakened are easily freed<br />

from these prejudices by death; the less advanced remain long submerged. The Protestant education leaves no<br />

place in the orthodox mind for the idea of successive lives. According to its teachings, the soul at death is<br />

judged and fixed definitely in Paradise or Hell. With the Catholics there exists a middle place - Purgatory,<br />

where the soul may expiate and purify itself by definite means. This idea leads toward the rebirth conception.<br />

The Catholic makes over the old belief into a new creed, while the orthodox Protestant finds himself under the<br />

necessity to make a clean sweep and build up a doctrine absolutely different from those suggested by his<br />

religion. So here we have the hostilities against multiple lives in Anglo-Saxon countries, which persist even<br />

after death among a certain category of spirits. But a reaction is being produced little by little, and the faith in<br />

successive lives gains day by day - more in the Protestant domain, in the measure that the idea of Hell has<br />

become foreign to them. England and America have many adherents. The principal spiritualistic periodicals of<br />

these countries adopt the belief, or discuss it impartially. Mr. Funk, of the firm of Funk and Wagnalls,<br />

publishers of the Standard Dictionary, speaks, in The widow’s Mite, an important work published in 1905, of<br />


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