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learned, forgotten, because they descend into the profound recesses of memory. To recall these things requires<br />

first of all an effort of will. Many spirits even in the life in space, because of dogmatic prejudice, neglect all<br />

research, and remain ignorant of the past which sleeps in them.<br />

With them, as with us, suggestion is necessary. We see the law of suggestion manifested everywhere<br />

under all forms. We submit to it every moment of the day. For instance, near us a song sounds, and a word, a<br />

name, an image strikes us, a whole chain of recollections, thanks to the association of ideas. Memories<br />

confused, almost forgotten, from the depths of consciousness, arise and unfold. Dr. Pitre Doyen, of the Faculty<br />

of Medicine at Bordeaux, in his book on Hypnotism, cites a case where he demonstrates that all the facts<br />

registered in us from infancy can be reborn. His subject, a young girl of seventeen, had forgotten the Gascon<br />

dialect, and from her fifth year spoke only French. Put into hypnotic sleep and given the suggestion of five<br />

years of age, she forgot her French and spoke the Gascon dialect. She related all the minute details of her<br />

infantile life, but she was unable to reply to any question asked in French. She forgot utterly her life from five<br />

to seventeen. Dr. Durat made similar experiments with identical results. Jeanne, his subject, related<br />

experiences at various periods of her life with precision, forgetting all other periods. The facts which these<br />

subjects related regarding their past lives were investigated and found to be true in every particular.<br />

Numberless cases of this nature are on record, proving how all things are registered in the depths of the mind.<br />

All studies of earthly man furnish us with proof that there exist distinct states of consciousness and personality.<br />

We have seen in the early part of this book the co-existence in us of a mental double, of which the two parts<br />

join and fuse at death. This is attested by experimental hypnotism and by all psychic evolution. The fact alone<br />

of this dual intellectuality considered in its bearings to reincarnation explains to us how part of the ME, with<br />

its immense cortège of impressions and old memories, can remain plunged in obscurity during actual life.<br />

Telepathy, clairvoyance, and foreseeing the future are powers belonging to this profound and hidden ME.<br />

Suggestion, which is an appeal to the will, releases them from their prison temporarily, and enables the soul to<br />

enter into possession of its riches for the time being. Frederick Myers in his Human Personality speaks of the<br />

‘subliminal faculty,’ which evokes the past. This fact, he says, is frequently encountered in artists of highly<br />

emotional temperaments.<br />

There are many instances on record of people who in the moment of sudden accident recall every<br />

incident of their past lives. Thomas Ribot mentions a number of these cases in his book Maladies of Memory.<br />

Admiral Beaufort, in the Journal of Medicine, relates how in two moments of time, having fallen into the sea,<br />

his transcendental consciousness recalled all his earth life with prodigious clearness. In these cases the<br />

subconscious unites with the normal consciousness and reconstructs the entire memory. For an instant the<br />

association of ideas and facts is reformed, the chain of memories united. The same result can be obtained by<br />

experimentation with a hypnotic subject. When there is a superior will in control to stimulate its efforts, the<br />

two wills combined acquire an intensity of vibration which put in motion the hidden layers of the<br />

subconscious.<br />

Another essential point should receive our attention: it is the fact established by all psychological<br />

science, that there exists a close correlation between the mental and physical man. Every physical action<br />

corresponds to a psychic act, and vice versa. All is registered at once in the subconscious memory in such a<br />

manner that one cannot be evoked without the other awakening also. This concordance applies to the least<br />

facts of our entire existence, and the present, and the far removed past.<br />

The understanding of all these phases of phenomena, scarcely intelligible to materialists, is made easy<br />

for those who know of the etheric envelope of the soul. It is in that and not in the physical organism in which<br />

are engraved all these impressions. The etheric body is the instrument which with precision and fidelity notes<br />

the least variations of the personality. All our thoughts and acts have there their reproductions; their<br />

movements, their vibratory states leave there their successive traces. Certain experimenters have compared this<br />

mode of registration to a living cinematograph, upon which is fixed successively our acquisitions and our<br />

memories. It un-rolls, either by the suggestion of another will, by autosuggestion, or by a sudden accident, as<br />

we have related. The influence of thought on the body is revealed to us by occurrences observable about us<br />

every moment. Fear paralyses the movements; astonishment, shame, and terror provoke pallor of color;<br />

anguish affects the heart action; grief causes tears to flow, and long continued produces lowering of vital<br />

forces. These are all proofs of the powerful action of the mind on the material envelope.<br />


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