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across time as a stone thrown into the air falls to earth; and only by conforming our actions to this law can we<br />

bring order, justice, and solidarity into the world, and ameliorate the condition of humanity.<br />

Certain schools of spiritualism combat the principle of successive lives, and teach that the evolution of<br />

the soul only continues after death. Others, while admitting reincarnation, believe it takes place only on higher<br />

spheres: the return to earth does not appear necessary to them.<br />

To those of these opinions we would say that reincarnation on earth has an aim - the perfecting of the<br />

human being. But being given the infinite variety of conditions in the earth existence, whatever its duration or<br />

its results, it is impossible to admit that all men could attain the same degree of perfection in one life. The<br />

obligation to return permits them to acquire the qualities requisite to penetrate the more advanced worlds. The<br />

present is only explained by the past; it required a series of rebirths on earth to reach the point to which man<br />

has actually arrived, and it cannot be admitted that this point of evolution is a definite one, for on our sphere<br />

all inhabitants are not in a state to be admitted into a more perfect society immediately after death; the<br />

imperfection of their natures, on the contrary, indicates the need of new work and new trials to perfect their<br />

education and permit them to climb one higher degree on the ladder of life. Everywhere nature proceeds with<br />

wisdom, method, and leisure. Civilization was not born until long after periods of barbarism; evolution,<br />

physical and mental, is regulated by the same moral laws. We could never be satisfied with one existence, and<br />

why seek on other spheres the elements of a new progress when we find them right about us? Has not our<br />

planet offered a vast field of development for the spirit from savagery to refined civilization?<br />

Contrasts and opposites are found under all their forms. The good and the bad, wisdom and ignorance<br />

are so many examples of education and so many causes of emulation. It is no more extraordinary to be reborn<br />

than to be born! The soul returns to the flesh to there submit to the laws of necessity. The needs and the<br />

strivings of material life are stimulants which oblige the soul to work, to augment its energy, and ripen its<br />

character. Such results could not be obtained in space by young spirits with untrained wills. For their<br />

advancement there must be the whip of necessity and numerous incarnations in which the soul learns<br />

concentration, self-reliance, and the strength indispensable to its immense journey in space.<br />

The aim of reincarnation is then in a way the revelation of the soul to itself, or rather its<br />

comprehension of the value of developing its forces by knowledge, conscience, and will. The inferior new soul<br />

can only become conscious of itself but by the condition of being separated from other souls in a material<br />

body. It so constitutes a distinct being whose individuality affirms itself, and its progression is accentuated in<br />

the measure that it triumphs over difficulties and obstacles which earth life multiplies in its path.<br />

Planetary existences put us en rapport with an order of things which constitutes the initial plan, the<br />

base of our infinite evolution. But this order of things and the series of lives attached to it, numerous as they<br />

might be, represents but one fraction of sidereal existence, an instant in the illimitable duration of our<br />

destinies.<br />

The passage of souls from earth to the other worlds is effected under the empire of certain laws. The<br />

peopled globes vary in their nature and density. The etheric envelopes of souls could not adapt themselves to<br />

the new centers save under special conditions of purity. It is impossible for inferior spirits in their erratic life to<br />

penetrate high worlds and describe their beauty to mediums. The same difficulty occurs, still greater even,<br />

when it comes to reincarnation in other worlds. The high spheres are inaccessible to the majority of earth<br />

spirits, still gross, and not sufficiently evolved to permit them to be dwellers in those far worlds. They would<br />

find themselves like the blind in the light, or the deaf at a concert. The attraction which chains their etheric<br />

bodies to this planet no less unites their thoughts to inferior things. We must first learn to break the bonds<br />

which rivet us to earth before we take our flight to more advanced worlds. To tear earth souls from their center<br />

before their special term in this center expired, to send them to superior spheres before they realise the<br />

necessity of progress, would lack logic and reason. Nature does not so proceed; her work unfolds majestically<br />

and harmoniously in all its phases. Beings directed by its laws in their ascension, do not quit their field of<br />

action until they have acquired the virtues and the powers necessary to give access to higher domains of<br />

universal life.<br />

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