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DEATH<br />

DEATH is but a change of state; the destruction of a fragile form which no longer furnishes life with<br />

the necessary conditions for its evolution. On the other side of the tomb, another phase of existence opens. The<br />

spirit in form etheric, imponderable, prepares for new incarnations. It finds in its mental state the fruits of the<br />

finished existence. Everywhere is life; all nature shows to us the perpetual renewing of everything. Nowhere is<br />

death, as we understand the word - nowhere is annihilation. The principle of life never dies. The universe<br />

overflows with life physical and psychic. Everywhere is the immense fortification of beings, the elaboration of<br />

souls preparing for their magnificent ascension through slow and obscure paths of matter.<br />

The life of man is like the sun of summer in Polar Regions; it descends slowly. It drops, it weakens,<br />

and seems to disappear for an instant on the horizon. In appearance that is the end, but quickly it rises to<br />

follow again its immense orbit in the skies.<br />

Death is only a moment’s eclipse in the revolution of our existence. But this instant suffices to reveal<br />

to us the grave and profound meaning of life. Death also has its nobility, its grandeur. We should not fear it,<br />

but rather seek to embellish it, and to prepare for it by research and the conquest of moral beauty - the beauty<br />

of the spirit, which moulds the body, and ornaments it with an august reflection at the hour of the supreme<br />

separation. The fashion in which we know how to die is in itself an indication of what will be our life in space.<br />

Something like a pure, cold light surrounds some deathbeds. Faces heretofore insignificant seem aureoled with<br />

rays from Beyond. An imposing silence surrounds those who have left earth. The living witnesses of death feel<br />

great and austere impressions disengage themselves from the banality of their habitual thoughts. Hate and all<br />

evil passions cannot exist before the spectacle of death. Before the body of an enemy animosity is vanquished,<br />

and all desire for vengeance dies. Before a casket, forgiveness seems easy and duty imperative.<br />

All death is a rebirth; it is the manifestation of a life which binds us to the Invisible. After a time of<br />

trouble we find ourselves on the other side of the tomb, in the fullness of our faculties and consciousness, near<br />

to the beloved beings who shared our earthly existence.<br />

The tomb held only vain dust; we must elevate our thoughts if we would find the trance of souls who<br />

were dear to us. Do not appeal to the stones of cemeteries for the secrets of life. Know that the bones and dust<br />

which lie there are nothing; the souls which animated them are gone. They will come again in more refined<br />

and subtle forms. From the bosom of the Invisible, where your prayers reach and move them, they follow you<br />

with their loving eyes; they smile, and they respond to your thoughts. Spiritual revelation will teach you how<br />

to communicate with them, and to unite yourself with them in the same love and in an ineffable hope. They are<br />

often at your side - these beloved beings you seek in the cemetery. They come and watch over you - they who<br />

were the companions of your joys and sorrows. Around you float a throng of beings who disappeared in death,<br />

a throng which calls to you, and tries to show the path for you to pursue.<br />

O death! O serene majesty! Thou whom we regard with terror, thou art for the thinker but an instant of<br />

repose - the transition between two acts of destiny, one ending - one beginning. When my poor soul -<br />

wandering for centuries through many worlds after strife, vicissitudes, and disappointments inconceivable,<br />

after extinguished illusions and delayed hope - at last goes to repose again in thy breast, with joy it will salute<br />

the dawn of etheric life. With intoxication it will lift itself from earth’s dust, and though fathomless spaces<br />

seek those cherished ones who await it yonder.<br />

To the greater part of men, death remains the profound mystery, the somber problem they dare not<br />

look in the face. For us, it is the blessed hour for releasing the imprisoned soul and giving it free passage to the<br />

eternal country. That country is the radiant immensity studded with suns and spheres. Compared with them,<br />

how poor and mean appears our little earth! The Infinite envelops us on all sides; there is no end to space or<br />

time for the soul freed from body limitations.<br />

As each existence has its period, and then vanishes to give place to another life, so each sphere in the<br />

universe must die to give place to other more perfect worlds. A day will come when all human life will be<br />

extinguished on the cold earth. The planet will roll on in melancholy silence; imposing ruins will stand where<br />

once stood Rome - Paris - Constatinople - cadavers of great capitols, the last vestiges of an extinguished race,<br />


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