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Early in May, while in Dijon, France, the books of Léon Denis, the great spiritual philosopher, were<br />

brought to my attention by his friend and pupil, Miss Camille Chaise, a beautiful young refugee from Rheims.<br />

Profoundly impressed by the literary and religious importance of this volume, I asked Miss Chaise to inquire if<br />

I could obtain the rights of translation. This inquiry led to my coming to Tours, where Mr. Denis resides, and<br />

where I have pursued the delightful work. Feeling it to be a holy task, I resolved to begin it on a holy day, May<br />

21st, which was the second anniversary of the birth of my husband into spirit life. Beginning with three pages<br />

daily, I gradually increased the number, and was able to complete the task on September 21st. The translation<br />

was made of peculiar interest to me, through messages received from my husband, while in Dijon, by the aid<br />

of a cultured lady in private life, Madame Soyer, who had no personal acquaintance with Mr. Denis or Miss<br />

Chaise. The messages urged me to make the translation, assuring me that I would not only benefit the world,<br />

but that I would be personally benefited, as the book contained great truths of life and death which would aid<br />

in my development. On numerous occasions while in Tours, messages received from the astral world referred<br />

to the translation with interest and approval. In giving this work of Léon Denis to the English-speaking world,<br />

I feel I am bestowing an inestimable favor on every intelligent mind capable of feeling love, sorrow,<br />

aspiration, or yearning for a larger understanding of life.<br />

The work of translation of these beautiful thoughts has been an education to my mind, a solace to my<br />

heart, and an uplift to my soul. When I made this statement to the dear author, he replied: ‘But you, long a<br />

student of spiritual research, and of theosophical lore, surely knew all these things before?’ I replied, ‘Yes, I<br />

knew them. But I feel as if you had entered a store-room of my mind, where were packed priceless paintings<br />

and rare statues, and as if you had taken them one by one, and hung them in a clear light on memory’s walls,<br />

and placed the sculptured treasures on pedestals for the delight of my spiritual eyes; you have, in truth, set my<br />

intellectual house in order.’<br />

It is rarely that a mind of such an analytically scientific bent, as that of Léon Denis, is at the same time<br />

so poetical. This, together with the writer’s profoundly reverential nature, makes his work of threefold value.<br />

He appeals to those who pursue psychical research in a purely scientific manner; he appeals to those who value<br />

noble and moving literature; and he appeals to every soul that loves and believes in a God great enough to be<br />

the Supreme Creator of this magnificent universe.<br />

This book is the crowning work of Mr. Denis’s three score years and ten of life - the ripe fruit of more<br />

than half a century of continual study and research. It can be said of Mr. Denis (which cannot be said of all<br />

authors), that his personal life accords with his beautiful philosophy. From a troubled and painful youth, he has<br />

slowly climbed an ascending path of difficulties, overcome obstacles and surmounted sorrows, attained<br />

profound knowledge and a wide education, and put into daily practice the lofty principles he sets forth in this<br />

volume.<br />

May it bring to every reader the uplift it has brought to the translator.<br />



September 1918.<br />


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