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In the preceding examination we have followed the spirit of man through the different phases of<br />

extrication. Ordinary sleep, somnambulism, transmission of thought, telepathy under all forms: we have seen<br />

its sensitiveness and its means of perception increase, in the measure that its ties to the body relaxed. We are<br />

going to see it now in the state of absolute liberty - that is to say, after death, manifesting itself at the same<br />

time physically and intellectually to its earthly friends. No chasm separates them in the different psychic states.<br />

Whether these phenomena take place during or after the material life, the cause is identical in its laws and in<br />

its effects.<br />

Let us eliminate the idea of the supernatural, which has long been looked upon with suspicion by<br />

science. The old adage, ‘Nature makes no breaks,’ verifies itself once more. Death is not a break; it is a<br />

separation and not a dissolution of the elements that compose the earth man. It is that passing from the world<br />

visible to the world invisible, whose limits are purely arbitrary, and due simply to the imperfection of<br />

ourselves. The life of each one of us in the Beyond is the natural and logical prolongation of actual life, the<br />

development of the invisible parts of our being. There are links in the psychic domain as in the physical. We<br />

have seen in the two orders of apparitions, whether living or deceased, that it is always the etheric form - this<br />

vehicle of the soul, the reproduction or the picture of the physical body - which becomes perceptible to the<br />

medium. Science, according to Curie, Lebau, and Becquerel, familiarizes itself day after day with the subtle<br />

and invisible states of matter, with its fluids, in a word, utilized by the spirits in their manifestations, and well<br />

understood by them.<br />

Thanks to recent discoveries, science has entered into contact with a world of elements, of forces, and<br />

of powers unsuspected, and the possibilities of forms of existence long unknown at last appear to him. The<br />

scientists who have studied spiritual phenomena - Sir W. Crookes, R. Wallace, R. Dale Owen, Sir Olive<br />

Lodge, Paul Gibier, Myers, Aksakof - have testified to numerous apparitions of the dead. The spirit of Katie<br />

King was materialized during three years in the home of Sr. William Crookes, member of the Royal Academy<br />

of London, and was photographed on 2nd March 1894 in the presence of a group of experimenters, as he<br />

relates in his book Researches. Myers speaks of 231 cases of apparitions of the deceased. Among them was<br />

one announcing an imminent death. A commercial traveler had a vision one morning of a sister dead nine<br />

years. When he related this to his family it met with incredulity and skepticism; but in describing the vision he<br />

mentioned a scratch on her face. This detail caused the mother to faint. After coming to consciousness, the<br />

mother related how she had inadvertently made this scratch on her daughter’s face as she lay in her coffin, and<br />

had covered it with powder, so that no person in the world knew of the occurrence. The fact that it had been<br />

seen bye the son impressed upon the mother the veracity of the vision, which she believed was a forerunner of<br />

her own death. In fact, she died some weeks later.<br />

In a report made before the ‘International Congress of Psychology’ in Paris, 1900, Dr. Paul Gibier,<br />

Director of the Pasteur Institute, spoke of the materialization of phantoms obtained by him in his laboratory in<br />

presence of regular assistants in his biological work and of several ladies of his family. These were given the<br />

special mission of watching the medium, Mme. Salmon; of disrobing her before the séance, in order to verify<br />

her garments, always black, while the phantoms appeared in white. The medium was also locked in a metallic<br />

cage, and Dr. Gibier kept the key; yet under these conditions, in a half-light, numerous forms of various<br />

heights appeared, from little children to those of tall stature. The formation was gradual, and took place before<br />

the eyes of all the assistants. Interrogated, they spoke, declaring themselves personalities who had lived on<br />

earth, whose mission it now was to demonstrate the existence of another life.<br />

In Paris, 23rd September 1900, Doctor Bayal, Ex-Governor of Dahomey, and Senator of Bouches-du-<br />

Rhône, described the apparitions he had witnessed at Arles. The phantom of Arcella, a young Roman girl<br />

whose tomb is at Arles, was materialized in the presence of many people, among whom were the poet Mistral,<br />

and a general of the division, a noted doctor, and others. Professor Milesi, of the University of Rome, testified<br />

in the Revue of Psychic Studies, 11th September 1904, to the materialization of his sister three years after her<br />

death. ‘She appeared with the exquisite smile which was habitual to her,’ he said. In an article in the Figaro,<br />

9th October 1905, Mr. Charles Richet, of the Academy of Medicine of Paris, Member of the Institute, wrote;<br />


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