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Besides the touching exhortations of our deceased relatives, we should also acknowledge the powerful<br />

outpouring of the genius from the Spirit World. Pages upon pages were written feverishly, under semidarkness<br />

by mediums of our acquaintance, who were incapable of comprehending its value and beauty. These<br />

pages showed style of such a splendor whose beauty was only comparable to the wisdom of their ideas. In<br />

addition, remarkable speeches as we have many times heard in our study groups, were given through the<br />

organs of a medium of modest knowledge and character. Through such speeches superior Spirits have<br />

reasoned, speaking to us about the eternal enigma of the world and about the laws that govern the spiritual life.<br />

Those who had the honor of participating in these meetings knew of the penetrating influence they<br />

exerted on all of us. Despite the skeptic tendencies and the mocking spirit of the men of our generation, they<br />

could not resist the bouts of eloquence that marked these communications, as they were characterized by<br />

accents and even peculiar forms of language. The most cautious men would be forced to recognize in them the<br />

characteristic of, and the incontestable sign of a greater moral superiority - the mark of the truth. In the<br />

presence of these Spirits, who for a short time descended upon our obscure and undeveloped world to brighten<br />

it with a sparkle of their wisdom, the most acute criticism grows dimmer, hesitates and becomes silent.<br />

During eight years we received in the city of Tours these types of communications. They addressed all<br />

the great problems, all major moral and philosophical issues. These communications formed a manuscript of<br />

many volumes; the synopsis of that work, much too extensive and copious to be published in its integral form,<br />

I wanted to present herein. Jeronimo of Praga, my friend, my guide of the present and the past, the<br />

magnanimous Spirit who directed the first flights of my infantile intelligence in remote ages, is its author.<br />

How many other eminent Spirits working in similar fashion and in the intimacy of some groups have<br />

spread their teachings throughout the world! Almost always anonymously, they reveal themselves only<br />

through the excellence of their concepts.<br />

It was given to me the opportunity of lifting some of the veils that covered his true personality. I<br />

should however keep it a secret, as the finest of the spirits are distinguished precisely by their peculiarities of<br />

hiding behind borrowed names, desirous of remaining unidentified. The illustrious names that subscribe<br />

certain empty and shallow communications are no more than a hoax, in the majority of the cases.<br />

With the above details I wanted to demonstrate that this work is not exclusively mine. Instead, it is a<br />

reflex of a more elevated thought that I seek to interpret. It is in agreement, in all its essential points, with the<br />

views expressed by Allan Kardec’s instructors; points that they left obscure, however, begin to be discussed. I<br />

also considered the movement of thought and the human science - its discoveries - which I took care to<br />

indicate in this work. In certain cases, I added my personal impressions and comments, because in Spiritism,<br />

we can never say it enough times, there are no dogmas and each of its principles can, and should be discussed,<br />

judged, and submitted to the test of reason.<br />

I considered it a duty to make these teachings available so that my brothers and sisters of Earth could<br />

benefit from them. A work is worth its substance. Whatever they may think or say of the Spirits’ Revelation, I<br />

cannot admit that while the Universities teach metaphysical systems engineered by human thought, we allow<br />

ourselves to disregard and even reject the principles disclosed by the noble Intelligences of the space.<br />

Having appreciation for the human masters-of-reason, and wisdom does not excuse our neglecting to<br />

bestow upon the above-human masters-of-reason, the representatives of a higher and more critical wisdom, our<br />

due appreciation. The human spirit compressed by the flesh, deprived of the plenitude of its resources and<br />

perceptions cannot by itself reach the knowledge of the invisible Universe and its laws. The circle in which our<br />

lives and thoughts transpire is limited, in the same way that our viewpoint is restricted. The insufficiency of<br />

information renders impossible all our generalization.<br />

In order to penetrate the unknown and infinite dominium of the laws we need guides. It is with the<br />

collaboration of eminent thinkers of both worlds, of both humanities that we will reach the greatest truths - or<br />

at the least catch a glimpse of them. Then the noblest principles will be established. The masters of space,<br />

more efficiently than the masters of earth know best how to safely enlighten us concerning the problems of life<br />

and the mysteries of the soul, and to help us to acquire consciousness of our greatness and of our future.<br />

*<br />

Often when we are asked a question, a new objection is raised. Because of the infinite variety of<br />

communications and the freedom that each of us have to appreciate and verify them at will, many people ask<br />

what should be of the unity of the doctrine - that powerful unity that has been the strength, the greatness, and<br />

that has secured the duration of the sacerdotal religions.<br />


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