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communications are superior to the medium’s capabilities, by analyzing the form and depth of the messages. It<br />

is necessary to request proofs of identity from the manifesting spirits, and not to relinquish the severest control<br />

- except in cases in which the teachings make an impression, because the superior nature and exceptional<br />

amplitude of the messages are well above the faculties of the transmitter.<br />

Once the authenticity of the communications is established, it is necessary to compare them among<br />

themselves and submit the scientific and philosophical principles they express to a severe examination; only<br />

the points where a near unanimity of viewpoint is established are accepted.<br />

In addition to frauds of a human origin, there are also the mystifications of an occult origin. All serious<br />

experimenters know there are two kinds of Spiritism. One that is practiced negligently, without method or<br />

thought elevation, which attracts to us the fools from space, the frivolous and mocking Spirits. These kinds of<br />

spirits are numerous in the terrestrial atmosphere. The other kind of Spiritism, which has a greater<br />

circumscription, is practiced with sobriety and a respectful sentiment. It places us in contact with the advanced<br />

Spirits, who are always eager to help and to enlighten those who call upon them with a heartfelt fervor.<br />

Religions have known and designated this kind of Spiritism as the communication of the saints.<br />

It is often asked how is it possible to distinguish from the vast number of communications, whose<br />

authors are invisible, those that originate from superior entities and should be retained. There is only one<br />

answer to this question. How do we distinguish good and bad books from authors deceased a long time ago?<br />

How should a noble and elevated language be distinguished from one that is dull and vulgar? Do we not have<br />

a standard, a rule to appraise the thoughts - whether they come from our world or the other? Mediumistic<br />

messages are judged primarily by their moralistic effects. Countless times, these messages have improved<br />

many wicked traits and purified many consciences. That is the safest criterion of all philosophical teaching.<br />

There are several ways to recognize and distinguish the good Spirits from the primitive souls, in our<br />

relationship with the Invisibles. The sensitive (medium) easily recognizes the nature of the fluids, which are<br />

subtle and agreeable with the good Spirits; these fluids are violent, glacial and difficult to withstand when<br />

dealing with the bad Spirits. One of our mediums always announced in advance the arrival of a “Blue Spirit,”<br />

whose presence was revealed by harmonious vibrations and brilliant radiation.<br />

Other Spirits are recognizable to certain mediums by their smell. In one case the smell is of a delicate<br />

and suave fragrance; 25 in another it is repugnant. A Spirit’s elevation is evaluated by the purity of its fluids,<br />

the beauty of its form, and by its language.<br />

With these kinds of investigations, the one thing that most intrigues, persuades and convinces us, are<br />

the conversations held with our relatives and friends that preceded us to the spiritual life. When incontestable<br />

proofs of identity give us the certainty of their presence; when the intimacy of the past, trust and friendship is<br />

again established among us, the revelations obtained under such conditions take on a most persuasive<br />

character.<br />

Upon these proofs of identity, the last hesitations of skepticism forcibly dissipate, giving way to the<br />

impulses of the heart.<br />

Is it possible, in reality, to resist the voices and the callings of those whom we shared our lives with?<br />

Can we ignore those who watched over our first steps with tender solicitude? Should we repel the voices and<br />

callings of friends from our infancies, adolescences and virility years? Can we disregard friends that one by<br />

one disappeared into death, leaving our path in life lonelier and more desolate upon their departure?<br />

Through trance communications they come back with attitudes, voice inflections, reminiscence<br />

evocation, and with thousands upon thousands of identity proofs - silly in their particularities for strangers, but<br />

so poignant for those interested! They give us instructions regarding problems from the Beyond, admonish and<br />

console us. The most phlegmatic men, the most erudite experimenters, such as Dr. Hyslop, could not resist the<br />

influences from beyond the grave. 26<br />

The above facts show us that, unlike what some people think, we do not just find in Spiritism the socalled<br />

frivolous and abusive practices. On the contrary, we find in Spiritism a noble and generous cause, which<br />

is the affection for our deceased ones, and the interest we have for their memories. Isn’t that one of the most<br />

respected aspects of human nature? Isn’t that one of the sentiments, one of the forces that elevates man above<br />

matter and establishes the difference between him and the beast?<br />

25 See Dr. Maxwell, general advocate, Les Phénomènes Psychiques, pg 164.<br />

26 See Dans l’Invisible, chap. XIX, Professor Hyslop’s (of Colombia University) conversations with his deceased father, brothers and uncles.<br />


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