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O human minds! Do you imagine that thought must sternly follow the ruts by the wheels of centuries?<br />

Until now, all intellectual domains have been separated by walls and barriers - science on one side,<br />

religion on the other. Philosophy and metaphysics have been bristling with impenetrable thorns. In the domain<br />

of the soul, as in the domain of the universe, all is simple, vast, profound, but the system divined by man<br />

rendered it complicated, restricted, and divided. Religion has ripened in a somber cavern of dogmas and<br />

mysteries: science has been imprisoned in the lowest cellars of matter: that is neither true religion nor true<br />

science. We must lift ourselves above these arbitrary classifications to comprehend and reconcile the two with<br />

clear vision.<br />

Do we not today, in even the elementary study of science, which relates to worlds in space, feel a<br />

sentiment of enthusiasm and admiration, which is almost religious? Read the great works of astronomers and<br />

mathematicians of genius; they will say to you that the universe is a prodigy of wisdom, harmony, beauty, and<br />

that already in the penetration of superior laws is realized the service of science, art, religion, and the vision of<br />

God through His works. Lifted to this height, study becomes contemplation, and thought is changed to prayer.<br />

The serious study of spiritism accentuates and develops this feeling and gives the mind a clearer and more<br />

precise understanding. On the experimental side it is only a science, but the aim of this research is to plunge<br />

into invisible regions and to lift oneself to the eternal sciences, from whence flow all life and force. This unites<br />

man with the Divine Power, and his study becomes a doctrine, a religious philosophy. It is the most powerful<br />

tie, which can bind humanity together, and it is, too, the voice of spirits delivered from the flesh calling to<br />

spirits still imprisoned in the body, and between them establishing a veritable communion.<br />

We must not regard it, however, as a religion in the narrow acceptation of that word. The dogmas of<br />

established creeds and the new doctrine do not agree; it is open to all seekers; the spirit of free criticism and<br />

examination controls and presides at its investigations.<br />

Dogmas, creeds, priests, and clergymen are nevertheless necessary to the world now, and will be for<br />

some time to come. Many young and timid souls in their journey through earth are unable to find their way or<br />

understand their own needs without direction.<br />

The new spirituality, based on research and its proofs of life beyond the grave, addresses itself<br />

particularly to evolved souls who wish to find for themselves the solution of the grand problems, and to<br />

formulate their own creed. It offers to them a conception, an interpretation of truth and universal law, based on<br />

experience, upon reason, and upon the teachings of heavenly spirits. Add to that the revelations of duties and<br />

responsibilities, and you have a solid foundation for your instinct of justice. Then add to that the moral force,<br />

the satisfaction of the heart, the joy of finding again the loved being that you believed dead. To the proof of<br />

their survival is joined the certitude of joining them, and to live with them lives unencumbered, lives of<br />

ascending happiness and progress.<br />

So in this research, the most obscure problems become radiant with light. The Beyond opens, the<br />

divine side of things is revealed; by the force of its teachings, sooner or later, the human soul mounts, and<br />

from its high altitude it sees that all the different theories, contradictory and hostile in appearance, are but<br />

various aspects of one truth. The majestic laws of the universe, for the enlightened souls are united in one<br />

single law of intelligent conscientious force, the source of thought and action; and by that law all the worlds<br />

and all beings are bound in one powerful verity, associated in one harmony, led toward one goal. The day will<br />

come when all the little system of narrow thought will be melted into one vast synthesis, embracing all the<br />

kingdoms of the mind. Sciences, philosophies, religions, today divided, will be joined together on this great<br />

light of life, the splendid radiance of the spirit, in this reign of knowledge. In this magnificent accord, science<br />

will furnish precision and method in the order of facts: philosophy, the vigor of logic and deduction: poetry,<br />

the radiation of its light and the magic of its color. Religion will add the qualities of sentiment and elevated<br />

aestheticism. So will be realized the beauty and force in the verity of thought. So will the human soul set<br />

toward the highest summits while maintaining the relation of equilibrium necessary to regulate the rhythmic<br />

march of intellect and conscience in their ascension toward the conquest of the good and true.<br />

Physical research affirms and demonstrates the action of soul upon soul at all distances, without the<br />

aid of physical organs, and this order of fact is not made less positive by opposition and ridicule. The<br />

phenomena of telepathy and suggestion, of the transmission of thought observed and promoted everywhere<br />

today by millions, confirm these revelations. The experience of such eminent men as F. Colavida, and E.<br />


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