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Thus will operate slowly the renovation of humanity, still so young, so ignorant of itself, but whose<br />

desire will carry it, little by little toward the comprehension of its tasks and its aims at the same time that its<br />

field of exploration and its perspective enlarge. With each step gained, seeing and desiring more, feeling the<br />

center within itself vivified and enlivened, it will see also the shadows disappearing – the somber enigmas of<br />

the world resolving – and the way brightened by powerful rays of light. With the shadows will vanish, little by<br />

little, narrow prejudices, vain terrors, and apparent contradictions of the universe. Harmony will reign and man<br />

will feel his heart and his thoughts enlarged. He will advance anew toward the end of his work, yet his work<br />

has no end – for each time humanity lifts itself toward a new ideal which it believes to be the supreme ideal, it<br />

has in truth attained only to the system corresponding to its own degree of evolution. But each time, also, from<br />

every effort made toward higher ideals will flow new forces and new pleasures, and it will find in the joy of<br />

life and progression, which is the law of being, a more intimate communion with the universe, and a more<br />

complete possession of goodness and beauty.<br />

O writers, artists, poets, you whose numbers increase daily, whose productions multiply like a rising<br />

tide, often beautiful in form, but weak at the foundation – superficial and material, what talents you expend on<br />

mediocre results! What vast efforts are wasted on evil passions, on inferior and unworthy interests! While vast<br />

and magnificent horizons surround you, while the marvelous book of the universe and the soul lies open before<br />

you, while genius invites you to noble tasks which will fertilize the advancement of humanity, you rest<br />

contented with puerile and sterile studies, with work which blunts the conscience, and wherein the spirit<br />

swoons and languishes in the exaggerated cult of impure instincts.<br />

Who among you will give the world the epic of the soul striving for the conquest of its destiny in the<br />

immense cycle of the ages – its sorrows and its joys, its descent into the abysses of life, its rising on wings of<br />

aspiration into the light – its immolations and holocausts which are ransoms for past acts – its redeeming<br />

missions and its growing participation in divinity? Which one of you will give to earth the powerful harmonies<br />

of the universe – the gigantic harp vibrating under the thought of God – the song of worlds, the eternal rhythm<br />

which rocks the cradle of the stars and the humanities! Or the slow elaborating, the powerful gestation of the<br />

conscience through inferior stages – the laborious construction of an individuality, a moral being? Who will<br />

tell of the conquests of life – life always growing greater, more serene, more illumined by rays from on high?<br />

The march from summit to summit, the pursuit of happiness – of power and pure love? Who will sing the work<br />

of man – immortal toiler, lifting through his doubts, anguish and tears, the sublime and harmonious edifice of<br />

his thinking consciousness and personality – always onward – always upward – always higher? Who will teach<br />

us these things? The inner voices, and the voices from Beyond! Learn to open and turn the leaves and read the<br />

book hidden in you – the book of being. It will tell you what you have been, and what you will be: it will teach<br />

you the greatest of mysteries – the creation of the self, by constant effort and sovereign action, which, in the<br />

silence of your thoughts, awakens your genius, and stirs you to paint beautiful pictures, sculpture ideal forms,<br />

compose harmonious symphonies, and write glorious poems. All is there in you – around you: all is speaking,<br />

all is vibrating – the visible and the invisible: all is chanting the glory of life, the intoxication of thought, of<br />

creation, of association with the work universal: splendor of seas and starry heavens, majesty of white<br />

mountain peaks, perfume of flowers, luster of rays, mysterious voices of the forests, melodies of earth and<br />

space, the voices of the Invisible which speak in the silence of the evening: the voice of conscience, that echo<br />

of the voice divine – all are teaching and revealing to him who knows how to listen, comprehend, think, and<br />

act. Then above all, the supreme vision, the vision without forms, the incarnated thought, the final harmony of<br />

the essence of the law which unites all things, from our inner souls to the farthest star in its resplendent unity.<br />

And the chain of life, winding into infinity – a ladder of spiritual power which carries to God the<br />

appeals of man by prayer, and brings to man the response of God by inspiration! And now one more question.<br />

Why, in the midst of the immense labor and abundant intellectual production which characterizes our epoch,<br />

do we find so few notable works and great conceptions? Because we have ceased to see divine things with the<br />

eyes of the soul, because we have ceased to believe and love! Let us then return to the celestial and eternal<br />

source; it is the only remedy for our anemic morality. Let us turn our thoughts to things solemn and profound.<br />

May science illuminate and complete by the intuitions of consciousness the higher faculties of the mind.<br />

Modern spiritualism will lend its aid.<br />


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