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The most common faculty is clairvoyance, that is to say, perception with closed eyes of what is<br />

passing afar, whether in time or space – in the past or future. It is the penetration of the spirit of the clairvoyant<br />

into etheric centers where are registered facts accomplished or elaborated, plans of things to be. Often the<br />

clairvoyant acts unconsciously, without preparation. In such a case it is the result of a natural evolution, but it<br />

can be produced, as spiritual vision can be. Colonel de Rochas in his Successive Lives tells what Mireille, his<br />

trance subject, said of the effect of magnetism upon her.<br />

‘When I am awake,’ she said, ‘my soul is chained to my body, and I am like a person who is shut in a<br />

tower, and sees the exterior world only through five windows, each with a different colored glass. When you<br />

magnetize me, you deliver me from my chains, and my soul, which aspires to elevate itself, mounts a stairway<br />

of the tower, a stairway without windows, and I see only you who are guiding me, until the moment when I<br />

arrive on the upper platform. There, my sight is extended in all directions, with a most acute sense which puts<br />

me en rapport with objects I could not see through the windows of the tower.’<br />

Clairaudience can be acquired: the hearing of interior voices, which makes it possible to communicate<br />

with spirits. Another manifestation of the inner senses is the reading of registered events, photographed in a<br />

certain manner on some antique or modern object. For instance, a fragment of armor, a corner of a<br />

sarcophagus, a stone from a ruin, evokes in the mind of the seer a succession of pictures attached to the time<br />

and place to which the object belonged. This is called psychometry.<br />

Many people have, without knowing it, the ability to communicate by the inner senses with their<br />

friends in space. Such are found among the very religious, the idealists who have keenly suffered, and by a<br />

long series of trials have become more subtly attuned to spiritual vibrations. Often human souls in distress<br />

have appealed to me, soliciting counsel and advice from the spirit worlds, which I could not procure for them.<br />

To all such I recommend the following method: Lean on yourself, in the solitude of the silence. Elevate your<br />

thoughts toward God. Call upon your spirit protector, the tutelary guide that Providence attaches to each of us<br />

on the voyage of life. Interrogate this guide regarding the things which preoccupy you: if they are worthy of<br />

his attention and free from all low or petty interests, then listen attentively in yourself. Listen and wait, and in<br />

a short time you will hear in the depths of your consciousness the faint echo of a distant voice, or rather you<br />

will feel the vibrations of a mysterious thought which will dissipate your doubts, drive away your anguish, and<br />

console and comfort your heart. This is indeed one form of mediumship, and not the least beautiful. All souls<br />

can obtain and participate in this communion with the living and the dead. It will one day be known and used<br />

by all humanity.<br />

We can indeed by this process correspond with the divine plan. In difficult circumstances of my life,<br />

when I hesitated before the task which had been confided to me to spread abroad the consoling truths of<br />

spiritualism, making an appeal to the Supreme Entity, I always heard sounding in me the earnest solemn voice<br />

which dictated my duty. Clear and distinct, yet this voice seemed to come from a far distance. Its tender<br />

accents touched me even to tears.<br />

* * *<br />

Intuition is often but one form employed by the inhabitants of the invisible worlds to transmit their<br />

instructions. Sometimes they are the revelations of the subconscious mind to the normal consciousness. In the<br />

first case, we should regard them as inspiration. Through mediumship the spirit impresses its ideas on the mind<br />

of the transmitter, who furnishes the language, according to the degree of his mental development. Each<br />

medium gives the imprint of his own personality to the inspiration received from above. The more intellectual<br />

and cultured the medium, the more faithfully are transmitted the high and pure communications. The wide<br />

sheet of water cannot flow through a narrow canal - so an inspiring spirit cannot succeed in transmitting<br />

through the organs of a medium conceptions for which no suitable channel is prepared. By a great mental<br />

effort, under the excitation of an exterior force, the medium might express conceptions above her normal<br />

knowledge, but in the language used would be found habitual phrases and favorite terms, elevated and<br />

amplified at the same time by the spiritual standard.<br />

We see then what difficulties and obstacles the human organism opposes to faithful transmission of<br />

spiritual conceptions, and how long training is necessary to render the mind adaptable to the uses of a<br />

disembodied intelligence. (Not only such use, but the same may be said of those who seek to delve within the<br />


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