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The principle of evolution is not in matter - it is in will, whose action reaches to, and affects the<br />

invisible order of things, as it affects the order visible and material. The one is but the consequence of the<br />

other. The highest principle, the motor of existence, is the will. Divine will is the motive power of life<br />

universal.<br />

What is important above all is to know that we can realize all things in the psychic domain. No force<br />

remains sterile when it is exercised constantly with an aim conforming to right and justice. That is the case<br />

with the will: it can act equally sleepy or waking, for the valiant soul which has fixed its aim pursues it with<br />

tenacity in one as in the other phase of life, and so determines a powerful current with silently undermines<br />

obstacles.<br />

The will is preservative as well as creative. Will, confidence, optimist are sufficient in themselves<br />

often to turn away evil. While discouragement and fear disarm us and leave us without defense. The fact alone<br />

that we look trouble in the face and affront it diminishes its effects. The will, it is power! Its prowess is<br />

without limit.<br />

The man conscious of himself feels his forces grow with his efforts. He knows that all he desires that<br />

is right and good must be inevitably accomplished in the course of his existence when his thought accords with<br />

divine law. And in this is verified the celestial words, 'faith can move mountains. It is most consoling to say, 'I<br />

am a free intelligence. I made myself through the ages - I build slowly my individuality and my liberty, and<br />

now that I know the force and grandeur in myself, I lean upon them. I do not veil them for one moment<br />

without, and by them, with the aid of God and my brothers in space, I will lift myself above all difficulties - I<br />

will vanquish the evil in me - I will detach myself from all that chains me to gross things, that I may take my<br />

flight to happier worlds. I see clear the route which I am called to tread. It leads on and on, without end. But a<br />

sure guide conducts me along this infinite way. I have learned to know myself, and I believe in God, and in<br />

this immense road which opens before me I walk firmly and will to grow greater, and to elevate myself with<br />

the aid of my intelligence, the daughter of God, and to attract to myself all the moral riches, and to participate<br />

in all the marvels of the cosmos. My will calls to me - on - always on! Always more knowledge, more divine<br />

life: and by it I will obtain the fullness of existence and construct a better and more radiant personality. I have<br />

forever left behind me the inferior and ignorant being unconscious of his value and power. I assert the<br />

independence and dignity of my consciousness, and reach my hand to all brothers, saying, 'Awaken from your<br />

slumber - tear off the material veil which envelops you - learn to know yourself and the powers in you, and<br />

learn to utilize them. All the voices of nature and of space cry, 'awake and march on! Hasten and conquer your<br />

destiny!'<br />

To you who believe yourselves spent by suffering and disappointments, beings afflicted, hearts torn by<br />

bitter trials and wounded by the sword of adversity, I come and say: 'There is no soul incapable of rebirth, of<br />

new gloom. You have but to will, and there will awaken in you unknown forces. Believe in yourself - in your<br />

immortal destiny! Believe in God, the sun of the sun - immense source of light, of which you are a ray - a ray<br />

that can be illumined into a glorious flame. Every man can be good and happy if he wills it with energy and<br />

continuity. Divert your thoughts without cessation toward this truth, that you can become what you will to be,<br />

and will to be always better and greater.' It is the idea of eternal progress and the means of realizing it: it is the<br />

secret of mental force, from which flow magnetic and psychic forces, and when you have acquired this<br />

mastery of yourself, you will no longer suffer from the evils of life, but will have made of your ME inferior an<br />

individuality high, stable, and powerful.<br />


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