REV. 4/2011 - Orange County Department of Education

REV. 4/2011 - Orange County Department of Education REV. 4/2011 - Orange County Department of Education


Dial 1 (714) 966 then # listed unless otherwise indicated Provider Payments .......................... Debbie Troehler - (714) 708-3860 Psychologists (ACCESS) ........................ Todd Martin - (714) 547-7931 Psychologists (OCDE) ............................................. - 4112 Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Reporting ..... Veena Chaudhri - 4280 Public Information/Publicity ............................... Nicole Savio - 4385 Public Law 94-142 (See I.D.E.A.) ...................... Dennis Roberson - 4130 Purchasing (Districts) .................................Pat McCaughey - 4085 Purchasing (OCDE) ...................................Pat McCaughey - 4085 -Q- Quality Investment in Education (QEIA) ....................Peggy Tunstall - 4397 -R- Racial & Ethnic Survey ...............................Kristiana Trucios - 4232 Racial & Ethnic Survey ..............................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234 Reading Interventions .................................. Tracey Gaglio - 4233 Reading/Language Arts Programs ........................ Tracey Gaglio - 4233 Joan Perez - 4046 Red Ribbon Week .......................................Elke Petras - 4458 Redevelopment ......................................Wendy Benkert - 4229 Redevelopment (OCDE) .............................. Renee Hendrick - 4061 Regional System for District & School Support (RSDSS) .......Peggy Tunstall - 4397 Research & Evaluation ........................... Stephanie Schneider - 4268 Response to Intervention (RtI) ............................Peggy Tunstall - 4397 Pam Tupy - 4372 Repayment Funds (TRANs) ...............................Anne Beem - 4242 Revenue Limits (School Districts) ..........................Darren Dang - 4176 Revenue Limits (School Districts) ....................... Chris Lombardo - 4248 Revenue Limits (School Districts) ......................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234 Revenue Limits (School Districts) ..........................Laurie Weiss - 4489 Risk Management (OCDE) .........................Arlene Ito - (714) 327-1044 RLA/ELD State Adopted Materials ........................ Tracey Gaglio - 4233 Regional Occupational Program (ROP). . . . . . . . Diana S. Schneider - (714) 541-5537 ROTC .........................................Rick Riegel - (714) 327-1074 -S- SACS (School Districts) .................................Jennie Barnes - 4330 SACS (School Districts) ............................... Chris Lombardo - 4248 SB472 EL ............................................ Karin Foster - 4384 SB472 ELA ............................................Joan Perez - 4046 SB472 Math ..........................................Joy Oseguera - 4326 SB1292 ...............................................Olivia Yahya - 4159 Safety Officer (OCDE) .............................Arlene Ito - (714) 327-1044 Safe & Drug Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC). Linda Kearns - (714) 327-1061 Sale of Surplus Real Property ...........................Andrea Sullivan - 4325 Sale of Surplus Property (OCDE) ........................Pat McCaughey - 4085 Satellite Communications ...............................Laura Watson - 4479 School Accounting .......................................Anne Beem - 4242 School Accounting Encumbrance & Expenditures .......... Chris Lombardo - 4248 School Assistance & Intervention Teams (SAIT) ..............Peggy Tunstall - 4397 School Attendance Review Board (SARB) ............Rick Riegel - (714) 327-1074 School Boards Assn.-Orange County & California ............ Ellin Chariton - 4312 School Business Officials ..............................Wendy Benkert - 4229 School District Boundaries ...............................Darren Dang - 4176 School District Boundaries ...........................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234 School District Organization ..............................Darren Dang - 4176 School District Organization ..........................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234 School Finance ......................................Wendy Benkert - 4229 School Law Enforcement Partnership ...........Arthur Cummins - (714) 327-1071 School Leadership Teams ...............................Peggy Tunstall - 4397 Dial 1 (714) 966 then # listed unless otherwise indicated School-wide Behavior Support ...........................Peggy Tunstall - 4397 School Readiness ..............................Jean Barbre - (714) 327-1077 School Revenue Apportionments ..........................Darren Dang - 4176 School Revenue Apportionments ....................... Chris Lombardo - 4248 School Revenue Apportionments ..........................Laurie Weiss - 4489 School to Career ..............................Alisa McCord - (714) 327-1063 Schools and Districts in Program Improvement. . . . . . . . . . . Darlene Messinger - 4396 Schools Excess Liability Fund (SELF) .................. Lynn April Hartline - 4010 School Wellness Policy ..................................Chris Corliss - 4355 Science & Engineering Fair ..............................Denise Antrim - 4381 Science Olympiad .....................................Denise Antrim - 4381 Science Programs, Curriculum/Frameworks-Elementary ....................4470 Science Programs, Curriculum/Frameworks-Secondary ........Denise Antrim - 4381 Scoliosis Screening ............................Pamela Kahn - (714) 327-1057 Second Language Programs ..............................Olivia Yahya - 4159 Secondary Reading ..................................... Tracy Gaglio - 4233 SELPA Infant Funding Reporting ........................ Chris Lombardo - 4248 SELPA Extraordinary Cost Pool (ECP) Claim Reporting ...... Chris Lombardo - 4248 Services for Early Education & Development (SEED). Cathy Wiestock - (714) 327-1078 Serafines de Orange County ................... Milvia Schinaia- (714) 708-5881 Services for Early Education (SEED) ............Cathy Wietstock - (714) 327-1078 Services for English Language Learners ................. Sheri McDonald - 4338 Services for Schools & Districts in Program Improvement (PI) ....Peggy Tunstall - 4397 Severance of Attendance .........................Rick Riegel - (714) 327-1074 Severely Disabled (OCDE) ........................... Dennis Roberson - 4130 Shafer Learning Center ...................... Janeen Antonelli - (714) 245-6680 Signature Authorization Forms (School Districts) ............Gloria Okereke - 4424 Smaller Learning Communities ....................Pam Goddard (714) 327-1073 SMART Playgrounds ....................................Chris Corliss - 4355 Software Evaluation & Preview ...........................Beverly Royer - 4363 Software Review ......................................Beverly Royer - 4363 Special Classes ................................... Dennis Roberson - 4130 Special Education .................................. Dennis Roberson - 4130 Special Education (Business Services) .................................- 4456 Special Education Curriculum ....................Analee Kredel - (714) 296-0193 Special Education (Early Childhood) ................Dillon Henry - (714) 708-4989 Special Education Fiscal Services ..................... Dennis Roberson - 4130 Special Education Funding (AB 602) ................... Dennis Roberson - 4130 Special Education (Legislation) ........................ Dennis Roberson - 4130 Special Education Pupil Count ........................ Dennis Roberson - 4130 Special Education (Transportation) .......................Pat McCaughey - 4085 Special Education (Transportation Contracts) ...............Pat McCaughey - 4085 Special Schools Programs (OCDE) ..................... Dennis Roberson - 4130 Speech, Language, Hearing Services (OCDE Special Education). -Nancy Melgares -4133 Spelling Competitions- 6th/7th/8th Grades . ................ Sharon Nelson - 4316 ST Math ..........................................Rhonda Cameron - 4463 Staff Newsletter (OCDE) ..................................Janice Trop - 4455 Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) (Accounting) .. Chris Lombardo - 4248 Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) (Accounting) ......Anne Beem - 4242 Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) Software .......Jennie Barnes - 4330 State School Building Program ..........................Andrea Sullivan - 4325 State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Reporting ....... Veena Chaudhri - 4280 State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Counseling ................... - 4251 Statewide System for School Support ......................Peggy Tunstall - 4397 Statewide Trainings on Asset Building & Youth Development ..................... Linda Kearns - (714) 327-1061 Stellar Technology High School Model Program ...............Randy Kolset - 4337 STEM ...............................................Denise Antrim - 4381 Alisa McCord - (714) 327-1063 STRS Retirement Counseling ....................................... - 4251 36 37

Dial 1 (714) 966 then # listed unless otherwise indicated<br />

Provider Payments .......................... Debbie Troehler - (714) 708-3860<br />

Psychologists (ACCESS) ........................ Todd Martin - (714) 547-7931<br />

Psychologists (OCDE) ............................................. - 4112<br />

Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) Reporting ..... Veena Chaudhri - 4280<br />

Public Information/Publicity ............................... Nicole Savio - 4385<br />

Public Law 94-142 (See I.D.E.A.) ...................... Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Purchasing (Districts) .................................Pat McCaughey - 4085<br />

Purchasing (OCDE) ...................................Pat McCaughey - 4085<br />

-Q-<br />

Quality Investment in <strong>Education</strong> (QEIA) ....................Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

-R-<br />

Racial & Ethnic Survey ...............................Kristiana Trucios - 4232<br />

Racial & Ethnic Survey ..............................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234<br />

Reading Interventions .................................. Tracey Gaglio - 4233<br />

Reading/Language Arts Programs ........................ Tracey Gaglio - 4233<br />

Joan Perez - 4046<br />

Red Ribbon Week .......................................Elke Petras - 4458<br />

Redevelopment ......................................Wendy Benkert - 4229<br />

Redevelopment (OCDE) .............................. Renee Hendrick - 4061<br />

Regional System for District & School Support (RSDSS) .......Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

Research & Evaluation ........................... Stephanie Schneider - 4268<br />

Response to Intervention (RtI) ............................Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

Pam Tupy - 4372<br />

Repayment Funds (TRANs) ...............................Anne Beem - 4242<br />

Revenue Limits (School Districts) ..........................Darren Dang - 4176<br />

Revenue Limits (School Districts) ....................... Chris Lombardo - 4248<br />

Revenue Limits (School Districts) ......................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234<br />

Revenue Limits (School Districts) ..........................Laurie Weiss - 4489<br />

Risk Management (OCDE) .........................Arlene Ito - (714) 327-1044<br />

RLA/ELD State Adopted Materials ........................ Tracey Gaglio - 4233<br />

Regional Occupational Program (ROP). . . . . . . . Diana S. Schneider - (714) 541-5537<br />

ROTC .........................................Rick Riegel - (714) 327-1074<br />

-S-<br />

SACS (School Districts) .................................Jennie Barnes - 4330<br />

SACS (School Districts) ............................... Chris Lombardo - 4248<br />

SB472 EL ............................................ Karin Foster - 4384<br />

SB472 ELA ............................................Joan Perez - 4046<br />

SB472 Math ..........................................Joy Oseguera - 4326<br />

SB1292 ...............................................Olivia Yahya - 4159<br />

Safety Officer (OCDE) .............................Arlene Ito - (714) 327-1044<br />

Safe & Drug Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC). Linda Kearns - (714) 327-1061<br />

Sale <strong>of</strong> Surplus Real Property ...........................Andrea Sullivan - 4325<br />

Sale <strong>of</strong> Surplus Property (OCDE) ........................Pat McCaughey - 4085<br />

Satellite Communications ...............................Laura Watson - 4479<br />

School Accounting .......................................Anne Beem - 4242<br />

School Accounting Encumbrance & Expenditures .......... Chris Lombardo - 4248<br />

School Assistance & Intervention Teams (SAIT) ..............Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

School Attendance Review Board (SARB) ............Rick Riegel - (714) 327-1074<br />

School Boards Assn.-<strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> & California ............ Ellin Chariton - 4312<br />

School Business Officials ..............................Wendy Benkert - 4229<br />

School District Boundaries ...............................Darren Dang - 4176<br />

School District Boundaries ...........................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234<br />

School District Organization ..............................Darren Dang - 4176<br />

School District Organization ..........................Rosalee Hormuth - 4234<br />

School Finance ......................................Wendy Benkert - 4229<br />

School Law Enforcement Partnership ...........Arthur Cummins - (714) 327-1071<br />

School Leadership Teams ...............................Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

Dial 1 (714) 966 then # listed unless otherwise indicated<br />

School-wide Behavior Support ...........................Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

School Readiness ..............................Jean Barbre - (714) 327-1077<br />

School Revenue Apportionments ..........................Darren Dang - 4176<br />

School Revenue Apportionments ....................... Chris Lombardo - 4248<br />

School Revenue Apportionments ..........................Laurie Weiss - 4489<br />

School to Career ..............................Alisa McCord - (714) 327-1063<br />

Schools and Districts in Program Improvement. . . . . . . . . . . Darlene Messinger - 4396<br />

Schools Excess Liability Fund (SELF) .................. Lynn April Hartline - 4010<br />

School Wellness Policy ..................................Chris Corliss - 4355<br />

Science & Engineering Fair ..............................Denise Antrim - 4381<br />

Science Olympiad .....................................Denise Antrim - 4381<br />

Science Programs, Curriculum/Frameworks-Elementary ....................4470<br />

Science Programs, Curriculum/Frameworks-Secondary ........Denise Antrim - 4381<br />

Scoliosis Screening ............................Pamela Kahn - (714) 327-1057<br />

Second Language Programs ..............................Olivia Yahya - 4159<br />

Secondary Reading ..................................... Tracy Gaglio - 4233<br />

SELPA Infant Funding Reporting ........................ Chris Lombardo - 4248<br />

SELPA Extraordinary Cost Pool (ECP) Claim Reporting ...... Chris Lombardo - 4248<br />

Services for Early <strong>Education</strong> & Development (SEED). Cathy Wiestock - (714) 327-1078<br />

Serafines de <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> ................... Milvia Schinaia- (714) 708-5881<br />

Services for Early <strong>Education</strong> (SEED) ............Cathy Wietstock - (714) 327-1078<br />

Services for English Language Learners ................. Sheri McDonald - 4338<br />

Services for Schools & Districts in Program Improvement (PI) ....Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

Severance <strong>of</strong> Attendance .........................Rick Riegel - (714) 327-1074<br />

Severely Disabled (OCDE) ........................... Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Shafer Learning Center ...................... Janeen Antonelli - (714) 245-6680<br />

Signature Authorization Forms (School Districts) ............Gloria Okereke - 4424<br />

Smaller Learning Communities ....................Pam Goddard (714) 327-1073<br />

SMART Playgrounds ....................................Chris Corliss - 4355<br />

S<strong>of</strong>tware Evaluation & Preview ...........................Beverly Royer - 4363<br />

S<strong>of</strong>tware Review ......................................Beverly Royer - 4363<br />

Special Classes ................................... Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> .................................. Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> (Business Services) .................................- 4456<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> Curriculum ....................Analee Kredel - (714) 296-0193<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> (Early Childhood) ................Dillon Henry - (714) 708-4989<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> Fiscal Services ..................... Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> Funding (AB 602) ................... Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> (Legislation) ........................ Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> Pupil Count ........................ Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> (Transportation) .......................Pat McCaughey - 4085<br />

Special <strong>Education</strong> (Transportation Contracts) ...............Pat McCaughey - 4085<br />

Special Schools Programs (OCDE) ..................... Dennis Roberson - 4130<br />

Speech, Language, Hearing Services (OCDE Special <strong>Education</strong>). -Nancy Melgares -4133<br />

Spelling Competitions- 6th/7th/8th Grades . ................ Sharon Nelson - 4316<br />

ST Math ..........................................Rhonda Cameron - 4463<br />

Staff Newsletter (OCDE) ..................................Janice Trop - 4455<br />

Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) (Accounting) .. Chris Lombardo - 4248<br />

Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) (Accounting) ......Anne Beem - 4242<br />

Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) S<strong>of</strong>tware .......Jennie Barnes - 4330<br />

State School Building Program ..........................Andrea Sullivan - 4325<br />

State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Reporting ....... Veena Chaudhri - 4280<br />

State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Counseling ................... - 4251<br />

Statewide System for School Support ......................Peggy Tunstall - 4397<br />

Statewide Trainings on Asset Building<br />

& Youth Development ..................... Linda Kearns - (714) 327-1061<br />

Stellar Technology High School Model Program ...............Randy Kolset - 4337<br />

STEM ...............................................Denise Antrim - 4381<br />

Alisa McCord - (714) 327-1063<br />

STRS Retirement Counseling ....................................... - 4251<br />

36 37

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