Introduction to the DirectX 9 Shader Models - Nvidia

Introduction to the DirectX 9 Shader Models - Nvidia Introduction to the DirectX 9 Shader Models - Nvidia


Lighting Render Loop • Per-Light Pass L + 3 – Perform lighting • Diffuse Bump • Blinn or Phong • Colored Projection – Spotlight – Stained Glass Window – Blend • SrcColor * DestAlpha + DestColor * One

Lighting Render Loop • Per-Object Pass 1 – Optional Fog Pass – Fog Texture • Radial, Volume, etc. – Blend • SrcColor * One + InvSrcColor * DestColor

Lighting Render Loop<br />

• Per-Light Pass L + 3<br />

– Perform lighting<br />

• Diffuse Bump<br />

• Blinn or Phong<br />

• Colored Projection<br />

– Spotlight<br />

– Stained Glass Window<br />

– Blend<br />

• SrcColor * DestAlpha + DestColor * One

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