Real-Time Rendering of Dynamic Displacement Maps Tu The Hien ...

Real-Time Rendering of Dynamic Displacement Maps Tu The Hien ...

Real-Time Rendering of Dynamic Displacement Maps Tu The Hien ...


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<strong>Real</strong>-<strong>Time</strong> <strong>Rendering</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Dynamic</strong> <strong>Displacement</strong> <strong>Maps</strong><br />

<strong>Tu</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>Hien</strong> ∗ and Low Kok Lim †<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Computer Science<br />

School <strong>of</strong> Computing,<br />

National University <strong>of</strong> Singapore<br />

<strong>Displacement</strong> mapping is a well-known approach in computer graphics to add realistic visual<br />

details to simple 3D geometric models. Until recently, displacement mapping had been<br />

practical only for <strong>of</strong>fline rendering. However, with the advent <strong>of</strong> modern inexpensive and<br />

powerful graphics processors (GPU), it has become feasible to render displacement maps<br />

in real time. In this project, we reviewed latest development in displacement mapping<br />

algorithms as well as newest advancement in GPU programming. Based on the experiences<br />

gained on re-implemented some <strong>of</strong> these novel methods, advantages and disadvantages in<br />

terms <strong>of</strong> performance and quality <strong>of</strong> each methods are compared and presented. We also<br />

look into some interesting possible application <strong>of</strong> displacement mapping.<br />


1.1. <strong>The</strong> Problem<br />

In general, displacement mapping technique render the 3d surface detail given the image<br />

surface and its height map . <strong>The</strong>re’s a trade <strong>of</strong>f between quality and performance <strong>of</strong> each<br />

techniques we’re going to discuss in later chapter . Most <strong>of</strong> the technique use an <strong>of</strong>fline<br />

preprocessing step to have the distance map information before rendering the displacement<br />

surface. <strong>The</strong> largest barrier is the preprocessing time is too long, it’s very hard to dynamic<br />

update the texture map and render it beautifully in real time.<br />

1.2. Background<br />

In this section, we briefly discuss the history and background <strong>of</strong> the problem. A detail<br />

literature survey is presented in section 2<br />

Object representation is usually defined in 3 levels: macrostructure, mesostructure and<br />

microstructure. Macrostructure is the geometric model <strong>of</strong> the object. Mesostructure refers<br />

to small geometric detail but still visible to human’s eye. Microstructure is the micr<strong>of</strong>acet<br />

surface detail <strong>of</strong> the object which is indistinguishable to human’s eye. <strong>Displacement</strong> mapping<br />

is the technique that add mesostructure detail to macrostructure <strong>of</strong> object, creating an effect<br />

that the actual geometric position <strong>of</strong> points over the textured surface are displaced thus<br />

enhancing the visual effects <strong>of</strong> object representation. (Szirmay-Kalos & Umenh<strong>of</strong>fer, 2008)<br />

<strong>Displacement</strong> mapping is done by first taking a sample point on the surface and then<br />

displace it in the normal direction with the distance obtained from the height map. <strong>The</strong><br />

displacement can be done by shifting the position <strong>of</strong> the vertex ( per-verctex displacement<br />

mapping) or a points inside the surface (per-pixel displacement mapping). <strong>The</strong> new generations<br />

<strong>of</strong> graphics card allow programmers to program on the vertex shader and pixel shader<br />

<strong>of</strong> the GPU. In this report, we will review both implementation <strong>of</strong> vertex shader and pixel<br />

shader approach and analyse their disadvantages and advantages.<br />

∗Student<br />


1.2.1. Per-vertex displacement mapping<br />

<strong>Displacement</strong> mapping can be implemented on vertex shader by modifying the vertex to the<br />

normal direction <strong>of</strong> the mesh. For older graphic cards ( support up to shader model 3.0),<br />

it’s impossible to change the topology <strong>of</strong> the mesh ( add new vertex), thus only the original<br />

vertex is perturbed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vertex <strong>of</strong> is displaced in the normal direction by a distance h read from the height<br />

map. <strong>The</strong> formula is discussed as in the previous section.<br />

// get h by looking up the heightmap<br />

h = texture2D( displacementMap, glMultiTexCoord0.xy );<br />

// calculate the new vertex<br />

newVertexPos = vec4(glNormal * h * scale, 0.0) + glVertex;<br />

// return the new vertex position<br />

glPosition = glModelViewProjectionMatrix * newVertexPos;<br />

<strong>The</strong> advantages <strong>of</strong> per-vertex displacement mapping is that it actually changes the geometry<br />

thus can automatically resolve silhouette. However, it has some serious drawbacks.<br />

• Vertex shader has less processing power than pixel shader and has limited access to<br />

texture.<br />

• Vertex shader execute each vertex once whether it’s visible or not thus wasting GPU<br />

resources.<br />

1.2.2. Per-pixel displacement mapping<br />

<strong>The</strong> vertex shader transforms only the macrostructure geometry, then the height map is used<br />

to adjust the texture color. Since we do not change the geometry, the visibility problem<br />

needs to be solved in the fragment shader program by a raytracing algorithm. Started at the<br />

top <strong>of</strong> the height field, we casting rays into the height field to obtain the texture coordinates<br />

<strong>of</strong> the visible point.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vertex shader processes the macrostructure geometry, and pass to the fragment<br />

shader input with texture coordinates [u, v]. This processed point has (u, v,0) coordinates<br />

in tangent space. <strong>The</strong> fragment shader program find that point <strong>of</strong> the height field which is<br />

really seen by the ray connecting the pixel center and processed point (u, v,0). <strong>The</strong> direction<br />

<strong>of</strong> this ray is defined by tangent space view vector V ⃗ . <strong>The</strong> visible point is on the height field<br />

and thus has tangent space coordinates (u 0 , v 0 , h(u 0 , v 0 )) for some unknown (u 0 , v 0 ). This<br />

visible point is also on the ray <strong>of</strong> equation<br />

(u 0 , v 0 , h 0 ) = (u, v, 0) + V ⃗ (t)<br />

for some ray parameter t, thus we need to solve the following equation: (u 0 , v 0 , h(u 0 , v 0 )) =<br />

(u, v, 0) + V ⃗ (t) for unknown u 0 , v 0 , t parameters.<br />

Per-pixel displacement mapping approaches can be further categorized to safe and unsafe<br />

method depends on whether it finds the correct first intersection with the height field.<br />

Since unsafe methods are much faster than safe methods it makes sense to combine<br />

the two approaches. In combined methods first an unsafe iterative method aggressively<br />

leap through the empty space , then a safe method computes the accurate intersection .<br />

(Szirmay-Kalos & Umenh<strong>of</strong>fer, 2008)


In this section, we present some previous research results that is related to our work.<br />

2.1. Simulation <strong>of</strong> wrinkled surfaces<br />

Introduced by Blinn in 1978, this paper placed the very first stone for all subsequent displacement<br />

mapping techniques later on. It’s commonly known as bump mapping and can<br />

be seen as a simplified version <strong>of</strong> displacement mapping. Although computer generated<br />

images has get some degrees <strong>of</strong> realism, they are not so realistic. <strong>The</strong> surfaces still looks<br />

artificial because <strong>of</strong> its unrealistic smoothness. <strong>The</strong> paper presents a new method <strong>of</strong> using<br />

a texturing function to perform perturbation in the direction <strong>of</strong> the surface normal before<br />

using it in the intensity calculations. (Blinn, 1978)<br />

<strong>The</strong> key idea is by changing the normal <strong>of</strong> the surfaces, usually by looking up in the<br />

normal texture, it tricks the viewer that the surfaces geometry itself actually changes. <strong>The</strong><br />

result is much better than normal texture mapping. However, the technique is unable to<br />

simulate self-occlusion, self-shadowing and viewing parallax. Although it has many flaws<br />

and cannot compete with other realistic displacement map later, this paper had an enormous<br />

influence to all subsequent research in displacement mapping, how to add realistic visual<br />

detail to the surface without actually adding any geometry to the surface<br />

2.2. Detailed sharp representation with parallax mapping<br />

More than 20 years after the first paper <strong>of</strong> Blinn , a group <strong>of</strong> graphics researcher in Tokyo,<br />

Japan invented a technique which greatly improve the visual effects <strong>of</strong> bump mapping, called<br />

parallax mapping. <strong>The</strong> method allows adding more apparent depth as well as enhances the<br />

visual appearance for bump mapping. It takes into account not only the normal <strong>of</strong> the<br />

texture for shading but also displaces the texture coordinate based on the viewing angle<br />

and the height <strong>of</strong> the current texel. Given the original texture coordinate (u,v), the new<br />

texture coordinate is replaced by (u’,v’) which calculated from tangent space view vector<br />

and height value h(u,v) read from normal texture. We simplify the ray equation:<br />

And the solution:<br />

(u ′ , v ′ , h(u, v)) = (u, v, 0) + −→ V (t)<br />

(u ′ , v ′ ) = (u, v) + h(u, v)( V x<br />

V z<br />

, V y<br />

V z<br />

)<br />

(Tomomichi Kaneko & Tachi, 2001)<br />

<strong>The</strong> greater between the view angle and the displaced texture mapped surfaces, the<br />

more distortion occur. It creates the illusion <strong>of</strong> depth due to parallax effect when the view<br />

changes, thus create more realistic bump with almost the same speed as bump mapping.<br />

Although parallax mapping is a great improvement from bump mapping, it still inherits<br />

the same drawbacks from bump mapping such as unable to simulate self-occlusion, self<br />

shadowing. Especially, when the viewing angle is more grazing (Vz approaches 0), the <strong>of</strong>fset<br />

value becomes infinity and creates many random artifacts. Subsequent algorithm has been<br />

made to improve the algorithm such as parallax with <strong>of</strong>fset limiting, iterative parallax, steep<br />

parallax, relief parallax. (Szirmay-Kalos & Umenh<strong>of</strong>fer, 2008)

2.3. Relief Texture Mapping<br />

Relief texture mapping is an alternative approach <strong>of</strong> parallax mapping with much higher<br />

accuracy. <strong>The</strong> key idea is simple, a relief texture is an extended texture with orthogonal<br />

displacement texel. When the viewing direction changes, based on the viewing direction and<br />

height map value the texture is warped using a two simple 1D transform before mapped onto<br />

the surface to create the viewing parallax. <strong>The</strong> warping function can be simple described<br />

as :<br />

What coordinates ( ut, vt) should the source pixels (us , vs ) have so that a<br />

view <strong>of</strong> such a flat distorted image on the source image plane from the target<br />

COP would be identical to a 3-D image warp <strong>of</strong> the source image onto the target<br />

image plane? (Oliveira, 2000)<br />

2.4. Per-pixel displacement mapping with distance function<br />

Published by William Donnelly in the famous graphics series <strong>of</strong> Nvidia, GPU Gems 2 , the<br />

paper presented a new approach for adding geometry detail to surfaces yet still remaining its<br />

performance in real time. <strong>The</strong> key idea is he treats displacement mapping as a ray tracing<br />

problem. In conventional displacement mapping, given a piece <strong>of</strong> geometry, we find which<br />

pixel in the image it maps to. In this algorithm, the problem is inversed, given a pixel in the<br />

image; we find its corresponding geometry. Imagine the surface as an axis aligned box, we<br />

start at the top <strong>of</strong> the surface and calculate which coordinates the viewing ray intersects with<br />

the displaced surface. We define the distance map <strong>of</strong> the surface, which give the shortest<br />

distance from any points in the surface texture space to the surface and store it into a 3D<br />

texture. <strong>The</strong>n the intersection point is advanced in the viewing direction by a distance d<br />

by looking up in the distance map. Each step brings the point closer and finally converges<br />

to the real intersection point given enough advanced steps. <strong>The</strong> introduced algorithm has<br />

many advantages over other previous work:<br />

• Taking advantages <strong>of</strong> the processing power <strong>of</strong> pixel shader over vertex shader <strong>of</strong> new<br />

generation graphics cards. - Can resolve fine detailed surfaces without aliasing or<br />

leaving any gaps between the geometry but still keep the same number <strong>of</strong> tracing<br />

steps.<br />

• Can resolve self occlusion and self-shadowing easily. Through experiments, the algorithm<br />

performs very well on detail surfaces and still keep its performance rendering in<br />

real time. However, it still has some issues:<br />

• Although the algorithm guarantees to find the exact intersection point, the number<br />

<strong>of</strong> tracing steps in pixel shader is usually fixed for performance optimization. Given a<br />

high frequency surfaces, the algorithm may need to calculate more depths in the 3D<br />

texture map and take more tracing steps to converge, thus decreasing the performance<br />

heavily.<br />

• Calculating the distance map takes a lot <strong>of</strong> time and thus not desirable for dynamic<br />

real time rendering. Storing 3D textures is memory consuming, especially when the<br />

depth is increased.<br />

(William, 2005)

2.5. Cone step mapping: An iterative ray-height field intersection algorithm<br />

Inspired by sphere tracing displacement mapping algorithm, the paper introduced a new<br />

approach to ray-height field intersection problem with many improvements compare with<br />

sphere tracing approach. It also uses preprocessed data to advance the viewing ray to find<br />

the real intersection with the surface. For a given texel, we calculate its conservative cone<br />

bounding volume. <strong>The</strong> tip <strong>of</strong> the cone is on the surface and the side <strong>of</strong> the cone touches the<br />

surface (Jonathan, 2006). <strong>The</strong> key idea is similar the ”sphere leaping”, in this case, the point<br />

is advanced to the intersection <strong>of</strong> the viewing ray and the cone. Cone step mapping can<br />

be seen as an improvement version <strong>of</strong> ”sphere step” mapping as in per-pixel displacement<br />

mapping with distance mapping. It inherits it advantages as well as drawbacks.<br />

• Can resolve highly detail surfaces and self occlusion very well.<br />

• Can be rendered in real time with pre-processed data. <strong>The</strong> pre-processed data is stored<br />

in a 2D relief map textures, hence requires less memory than ”sphere step” mapping<br />

but takes longer time to compute.<br />

• Suffered from high frequency detailed surfaces. Using the fixed number <strong>of</strong> cone steps<br />

leads to inaccuracy, but calculating the exact intersection point affects the rendering<br />

time.<br />

2.6. Relaxed cone step mapping for relief mapping<br />

This paper is a continue work <strong>of</strong> Cone Step Mapping, introduced in the newest series <strong>of</strong><br />

Nvidia GPU Gems . Using conservative cone approach, the ray tends to stop before the<br />

actual intersection which may introduces to different kinds <strong>of</strong> artifact. <strong>The</strong> new algorithm<br />

combines both strength <strong>of</strong> cone step mapping and binary search using a ”relaxed cone”.<br />

Unlike the conservative cone, the relaxed cone allows the ray to pierce the surface at most<br />

once.(Policarbo & Oliveira, 2007)<br />

That produces much wider cone and faster convergence. <strong>The</strong> key idea is first using an<br />

aggressive space leaping approach with relaxed cone. Once the cone is inside the surface, we<br />

can safely apply the binary search to find the actual intersection point. <strong>The</strong> performance is<br />

increased noticeably, using the same number <strong>of</strong> cone steps, it’s usually provide better result<br />

than other algorithm using similar approach such as cone step mapping, parallax mapping.<br />

However, the preprocessing texture data takes much longer time than other algorithms.<br />

Although the relaxed cone step provide a very realistic image, preprocessing step make it<br />

almost impossible to dynamically update relief textures and render it in real time.<br />

2.7. Accurate per-pixel displacement mapping using a pyramid structure<br />

This paper presents a new per-pixel displacement mapping method called pyramidal displacement<br />

mapping that provides high accuracy as well as real-time performance. <strong>The</strong> idea<br />

arises from the observation that we can safely skip empty regions by moving a ray to the<br />

maximum height value. Similar to similar cone step mapping and sphere tracing, it also<br />

uses the preprocess texture to advance the viewing ray and find the intersection with the<br />

displaced surfaces. In this algorithm, the author uses mipmap pyramid structure to store<br />

the bounding height field information and the ray along the view direction advances hierarchically<br />

via this pyramid structure. A pyramidal displacement map is a quadtree image<br />

pyramid, each leaf at the lowest level <strong>of</strong> mipmap contains the height difference between the

maximum height surface and the current height at each texel (Oh, Ki, & Lee, 2006). <strong>The</strong><br />

highest level <strong>of</strong> the mipmap is the global minimum difference between the height <strong>of</strong> the<br />

surface and a given texel.<br />

In the experiments, the algorithm performs very fast and accurate. <strong>The</strong>re’s no comparison<br />

between relaxed cone mapping and pyramidal displacement mapping but the quality<br />

<strong>of</strong> the image and rendering time are more or less the same. <strong>The</strong> new method also performs<br />

very well in very spatially-varying height field textures which relief mapping and parallax<br />

occlusion mapping are unable to render correctly. However, the biggest achievement in this<br />

method is the preprocessing step. Other per-pixel displacement mapping, although can<br />

achieve a very good frame rate in rendering time, relies a lot on its preprocessing step which<br />

usually takes a lot <strong>of</strong> time to compute makes them very hard for dynamically displacement<br />

mapping rendering. It takes relaxed cone step mapping O(n 4 ) time, sphere tracing<br />

O(depth ∗ n 2 ) to preprocess data. Pyramidal mapping only requires a simple 3 for loops<br />

which is levelxNxN in total to compute preprocess the pyramidal map and the algorithm is<br />

possible to implement in both cpu and gpu. In the experiment, this step spends approximately<br />

1.8ms in CPU for a 256x256 texture. Another advantage <strong>of</strong> pyramidal displacement<br />

mapping is it doesn’t need a 3D texture to store the preprocessing data but can instead use<br />

a NxNx2 texture. Although the texture size is doubled compared to other methods, many<br />

other advantages is enough to compensate for this. <strong>The</strong> new technique makes displacement<br />

mapping now is possible to render dynamically in real time.(Oh et al., 2006)<br />


3.1. Per-pixel displacement mapping with distance map<br />

<strong>The</strong> algorithm is implemented with Visual C++ 2008 and GLSL. I followed the algorithm<br />

described in chapter 8 <strong>of</strong> GPU Gems 3.<br />

3.1.1. Preprocessing 3D texture map<br />

Computing a distance transform is a well-studied problem. In our implementation, we used<br />

Danielsson’s (Danielsson, 1980) algorithm that runs in O(k.n) time with n is the number <strong>of</strong><br />

pixels in the map and k is the depth level. <strong>The</strong> idea is to create a 3D map where each texel<br />

stores a 3D displacement vector to the nearest point on the surface. <strong>The</strong> algorithm then<br />

performs a small number <strong>of</strong> sequential sweeps over the 3D domain, updating each pixels<br />

displacement vector based on neighboring displacement vectors. Once the displacements<br />

have been calculated, the distance for each pixel is computed as the magnitude <strong>of</strong> the<br />

displacement.<br />

When the distance transform algorithm is finished, we have computed the distance from<br />

each pixel in the distance map to the closest point on the surface, measured in pixels. To<br />

make these distances lie in the range [0, 1], we divide each distance by the depth <strong>of</strong> the 3D<br />

texture in pixels.<br />

3.1.2. Vertex shader<br />

In vertex shader, we just simply transform light vector and eye vector to the tangent space.<br />

<strong>The</strong> binormal vector and tangent vector is calculated before hand before passing to vertex<br />

shader. <strong>The</strong> calculation <strong>of</strong> tangent space matrix has been discussed in the previous section.

3.1.3. Fragment shader<br />

In fragment shader, we started from the top <strong>of</strong> the height map. Using the distance from the<br />

distance map we recursively traced in a fixed number <strong>of</strong> steps until we reach the surface.<br />

3.2. Relaxed cone step mapping<br />

3.2.1. Preprocess relief texture map<br />

Using an O(n2) to calculate the relaxed cone maps <strong>of</strong>fline. <strong>The</strong> idea is, for each source texel<br />

ti, trace a ray through each destination texel tj, such that this ray starts at (ti.texCoord.s,<br />

ti.texCoord.t, 0.0) and points to (tj.texCoord.s, tj.texCoord.t, tj.depth). For each ray,<br />

compute the intersection with the height field and use this intersection point to compute<br />

the cone ratio cone r atio(i, j). <strong>The</strong> coneratio = w/h is illustrated in figure 3.1 . After<br />

process all the source texels, we obtain the relaxed cone map.<br />

3.2.2. Vertex shader<br />

Similar to per-pixel displacement mapping with distance map. We just simply transform<br />

view vector and light vector to tangent space.<br />

3.2.3. Fragment shader<br />

<strong>The</strong> key idea is first using an aggressive space leaping approach with relaxed cone. Once<br />

the cone is inside the surface, we can safely apply the binary search to find the actual<br />

intersection point.<br />

m = d × rayRatio<br />

We also have,<br />

m = g × coneRatio = ((currentT exelDepth − rayCurrentDepth) − d) × coneRatio<br />

Solve the 2 equations, we have:<br />

d =<br />

Finally, the intersection point is:<br />


(currentT exelDepth − rayCurrentDepth)coneRatio<br />

rayRatio + coneRatio<br />

I = rayCurrentP osition + d × rayDirection<br />

Given the limited time for the a 1-semester UROP project. We don’t have enough time to<br />

both understand and implement all <strong>of</strong> the displacement techniques. What more important<br />

is, through out this project, I’ve learned and fully understood the problems and various<br />

approaches to solve it. In addition to this, given having zero GPU programming background<br />

when I first started the project, after implemented 2 state-<strong>of</strong>-the-art algorithms in<br />

the famous series GPU Gems books, I’ve learned and be able to use either GLSL or CG<br />

programming languages as well as shader developing s<strong>of</strong>tware such as ATI’s Rendermonkey,<br />

Nvidia’s FXComposer. Since GPU’s programming is a very low-level programming it’s<br />

unable to print out and test the output as we normally do with high level programming<br />

language like Java or C++, it’s also important that I experienced and learned to use shader<br />

debugger and shader optimizer tool such as GDebugger, GLSL Devil Shader debugger and<br />

GPU’s Shader Analyzer.

4.1. Future work<br />

<strong>Real</strong>time displacement mapping is a very interesting area which attracted many graphics<br />

researchers all over the world. <strong>The</strong>re’re always new techniques or improvement over the<br />

existing algorithm published every year. Together with the recently achievements in graphics<br />

hardware, it’s become more and more feasible to render displacement mapping in realtime.<br />

Although this area is becoming crowded, there’s still rooms for improvement since nobody<br />

has been able to achieve an algorithm that can render displacement mapping fast and<br />

accuracy.<br />

<strong>Displacement</strong> mapping also open many possible interesting applications in image based<br />

rendering such as terrain rendering. For example, we could take a terrain image and terrain<br />

height in Google earth then using displacement mapping to render a 3D view <strong>of</strong> the<br />

earth. May be, in the future, given the graphics hardware is strong enough, and an efficient<br />

algorithm is achieved, we could have a totally 3D view <strong>of</strong> the earth terrain.<br />


[1] Blinn, J. F. (1978). Simulation <strong>of</strong> wrinkled surfaces. 12 (3), August, 1978, 286–292.<br />

[2] Danielsson, P.-E. (1980). Euclidean distance mapping. Computer Graphics and Image<br />

Processing, 14 , 1980, 227–248.<br />

[3] Jonathan, D. (2006). Cone step mapping: An iterative ray-heightfield intersection.<br />

algorithm.<br />

[4] Oh, K., Ki, H., & Lee, C.-H. (2006). Pyramidal displacement mapping: a gpu based<br />

artifacts-free ray tracing through an image pyramid. VRST ’06: Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ACM symposium on Virtual reality s<strong>of</strong>tware and technology (pp. 75–82), 2006.<br />

[5] Oliveira, M. M. (2000). Relief texture mapping. PhD thesis, University <strong>of</strong> North Carolina.<br />

[6] Policarbo, F., & Oliveira, M. M. (2007). Gpu gems, Vol. 3, Chap. 18, pp. 409–428.<br />

Addison Wesley.<br />

[7] Szirmay-Kalos, L., & Umenh<strong>of</strong>fer, T. (2008). <strong>Displacement</strong> mapping on the GPU -<br />

State <strong>of</strong> the Art. Computer Graphics Forum, 27 (1), 2008.<br />

[8] Tomomichi Kaneko, Toshiyuki Takahei, M. I. N. K. Y. Y. T. M., & Tachi, S. (2001).<br />

Detailed shape representation with parallax mapping. Proceedings <strong>of</strong> ICAT (pp. 205–<br />

208), 2001.<br />

[9] William, D. (2005). Gpu gems, Vol. 2, Chap. 8, pp. 123–136. Addison Wesley.

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