Emerging biotechnologies: full report - Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Emerging biotechnologies: full report - Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Emerging biotechnologies: full report - Nuffield Council on Bioethics


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E m e r g i n g b i o t e c h n o l o g i e s<br />

slowing of innovati<strong>on</strong> in recent decades. Such a c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong> stands in sharp c<strong>on</strong>trast to the<br />

repeated asserti<strong>on</strong> that we are living in an age of unprecedented innovati<strong>on</strong>. 539<br />

7.45 We c<strong>on</strong>clude that a belief about what technologies will be of central importance, and which<br />

sectors will grow in the future, that is founded <strong>on</strong> self-reinforcing discourses that suppress<br />

ambiguity and uncertainty, may lead research agencies not <strong>on</strong>ly to fund the same areas but<br />

perhaps the wr<strong>on</strong>g areas too. That is, research (and ec<strong>on</strong>omic and other benefits associated<br />

with research) may be damaged by misplaced certainty about the future. It is therefore<br />

appropriate to ask, am<strong>on</strong>g other things, by what process research agencies in fact come up with<br />

research priorities, whether they are c<strong>on</strong>sistent with our understanding of uncertainty about the<br />

future, whether they embody an understanding of how such priorities have been arrived at in the<br />

past (and the success of such prioritisati<strong>on</strong>), and whether policies seek to achieve or reflect<br />

c<strong>on</strong>sensus, and potentially causing unnecessary, and unproductive duplicati<strong>on</strong> of research.<br />

C H A P T E R 7<br />

7.46 Noti<strong>on</strong>s of selectivity and exploitability have guided UK research policy for at least 20 years. 540<br />

Yet we appear to have little reflecti<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> whether that policy has been a success. To support<br />

and cultivate better public reas<strong>on</strong>ing there is a need for serious evaluati<strong>on</strong> and assessment<br />

of past research policies, both of Government as a whole and of particular public funding<br />

bodies, to understand in what c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, if any, selective approaches to support for<br />

biotechnology are plausible. The study of returns to UK public and charity research in<br />

treatment of mental illness and cardiovascular disease sp<strong>on</strong>sored by the MRC, Wellcome Trust<br />

and the Academy of Medical Sciences represents an effort of this kind. However, this study did<br />

not seek to c<strong>on</strong>clude which benefits could be traced directly back to particular UK medical<br />

research, but made assumpti<strong>on</strong>s about what proporti<strong>on</strong> of beneficial effects could be attributed<br />

(arbitrarily) to British research; it also assumed that sec<strong>on</strong>dary effects would be of the same<br />

scale as in the USA. 541<br />

7.47 The emergence of <str<strong>on</strong>g>biotechnologies</str<strong>on</strong>g> is subject to a variety of c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, which, according to their<br />

own degrees of freedom, adapt to and resp<strong>on</strong>d to each other in a much more complex and<br />

unpredictable way than linear models of research policy assume. Openness, the c<strong>on</strong>structi<strong>on</strong> of<br />

technological objectives as collective challenges, and coordinati<strong>on</strong> of research <strong>on</strong> the<br />

presumpti<strong>on</strong> of sharing benefits can help to address this, but <strong>on</strong>ly partially and often <strong>on</strong>ly in the<br />

c<strong>on</strong>text of nati<strong>on</strong>al policy discourse that accepts the assumpti<strong>on</strong>s we have sketched out here.<br />

Although the importance of understanding uncertainty in R&D decisi<strong>on</strong>s has l<strong>on</strong>g been<br />

acknowledged and argued for, it remains under-discussed in research policy. 542<br />

7.48 Selectivity and commitment to particular technologies are not, in themselves, undesirable, but<br />

they are not always necessary and may be undesirable when they crowd out alternative<br />

approaches in c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of substantial uncertainty. 543 Cauti<strong>on</strong> therefore recommends that<br />

policy makers should c<strong>on</strong>sider adopting an approach to social objectives that fosters<br />

diversity of research approaches, not just within the particular domains of individual<br />

funding bodies but across physical and life sciences, and the social sciences, combined<br />

with selective c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s of innovati<strong>on</strong> that involve social benefit rather than just market<br />

value. 544 Diversity in approaches to R&D is needed within nati<strong>on</strong>s and across nati<strong>on</strong>s. 545 Policy<br />

539 For example: Cowen T (2011) The great stagnati<strong>on</strong>: how America ate all the low-hanging fruit of modern history, got sick,<br />

and will (eventually) feel better (New York: Dutt<strong>on</strong> Adult).<br />

540 Edgert<strong>on</strong> D and Hughes K (1989) The poverty of science: a critical analysis of scientific and industrial policy under Mrs<br />

Thatcher Public Administrati<strong>on</strong> 67: 419-33.<br />

541 Health Ec<strong>on</strong>omics Research Group (Brunel University), Office of Health Ec<strong>on</strong>omics and RAND Europe (2008) Medical<br />

research: what’s it worth? Estimating the ec<strong>on</strong>omic benefits from medical research in the UK, available at:<br />

http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/stellent/groups/corporatesite/@sitestudioobjects/documents/web_document/wtx052110.pdf.<br />

542 A classic case is the work of Hitch and McKean for the US department of defence; see: Hitch CJ and McKean RN (1960)<br />

The ec<strong>on</strong>omics of defense in the nuclear age, available at:<br />

http://www.rand.org/c<strong>on</strong>tent/dam/rand/pubs/<str<strong>on</strong>g>report</str<strong>on</strong>g>s/2005/R346.pdf.<br />

543 See paragraph 2.33.<br />

544 See paragraph 6.33, with regard to halting innovati<strong>on</strong> trajectories. We discuss how noti<strong>on</strong>s of social selecti<strong>on</strong> may be<br />

introduced into commercial biotechnology innovati<strong>on</strong> in Chapter 9.<br />


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